34 research outputs found

    Роль метаболического синдрома на течение и исход нпвп-гастропатии

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    Metabolic syndrome is a significant global problem. Many of these patients have to take NSAIDs for a long time as a baseline treatment for associated diseases, the side effects of which on the gastric mucosa known to many specialists. The purpose of the study was to determine the role of metabolic syndrome in the course and outcome of NSAID-gastropathy. Selected 84 patients from 44 to 69 years, divided into 3 groups: 1 group - 31 people with NSAID-gastropathy and MS, 2 group - 24 people with NSAID-gastropathy and without MS, 3 group - 33 patients with MS, taking NSAIDs without NSAID gastropathy. Clinical and anamnestic data were determined, anthropometric parameters were assessed, the biochemical blood test was performed to determine the lipid spectrum, fasting capillary blood glucose level and esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) – before and 4 weeks after therapy with proton pump inhibitors (PPI) for all subjects.Data processing performed using the software package Excel, Annova and Statistica 10.The process of GM erosions healing in subjects with MS and NSAID-gastropathy takes a longer period. The dominant factors in the development of erosive lesions are the levels of HDL cholesterol, degree of hypertension and H. pylori infection. Duration of treatment is mainly influenced by LDL cholesterol levels, TG and TH levels, and the degree of AH. Conclusions. MS makes a negative contribution during NSAID gastropathy.El síndrome metabólico (EM) es un problema importante de salud pública comparable a una pandemia no transmisible. Su combinación frecuente con enfermedad coronaria (CHD) y osteoartritis dictamina la necesidad durante mucho tiempo de recetar medicamentos antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINE), que pueden estar acompañados por el desarrollo de daño ulcerativo erosivo en el tracto gastrointestinal. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar el papel de la EM en el curso y el resultado de la gastropatía por AINE. Material y métodos. En dinámica, se examinaron 84 pacientes con angina de pecho IIFK de 44 a 69 años, que recibieron preparaciones de ácido acetilsalicílico, divididos en 3 grupos: grupo 1 - 31 personas con gastropatía por AINE en combinación con EM; Grupo 2: 24 personas con AINE-gastropatía sin EM; Grupo 3: 33 pacientes con EM en combinación con gastritis crónica, que toman AINE sin el desarrollo de lesiones erosivas y ulcerosas del estómago. Los pacientes fueron examinados en dinámica durante un mes. Los pacientes del primer y segundo grupo con gastropatía por AINE y el tercer grupo con gastritis crónica recibieron inhibidores de la bomba de protones (IBP) en una dosis diaria de 20 mg durante un mes. En ausencia de epitelización de la erosión durante meses, el tratamiento con IBP se prolongó por otras 4 semanas. Resultados Los resultados de un examen endoscópico realizado un mes después mostraron que solo 10 de 31 personas mostraron curación completa de la erosión en el primer grupo, en el segundo grupo, de 24 en 24. Se pudo concluir que la presencia de hipertensión debe atribuirse a la manifestación de gastropatía por AINE, nivel bajo Infección por HDL y H. pylori.Введение. Метаболический синдром (МС) представляет собой существенную проблему дляздравоохранения, сопоставимую с неинфекционной пандемией. Частое его сочетание с ишемической болезнью сердца(ИБС) и остеоартрозом диктует необходимостьв течение длительного времени назначать нестероидные противовоспалительные препараты (НПВП), что может сопровождаться развитием эрозивно-язвенного повреждения желудочно-кишечного тракта.   Целью работы было определение ролиМС в течении и исходе НПВП-гастропатии. Материал и методы. Материалы и методы. В динамике обследовано 84 пациентасо стенокардией напряжения IIФК в возрасте от 44 до 69 лет, получающие препараты ацетилсалициловой кислоты.Больные были разделенные на 3 группы: 1-я группа – 31 человек с НПВП-гастропатиейв сочетании с МС; 2-я группа – 24 человека с НПВП-гастропатиейбез МС; 3 группа – 33 пациента с МС в сочетании с хроническим гастритом, принимающие НПВП без развития эрозивно-язвенных повреждений желудка. Больные обследованы в динамикена протяжении месяца.Пациенты 1-й и 2-й группы с НПВП-гастропатией и 3-й группы с хроническим гастритом получали ингибиторы протонной помпы (ИПП) в суточной дозе 20 мг в течение месяца.При отсутствии эпителизации эрозий в течение месяца лечение ИПП пролонгировали еще на 4 недели. Результаты. Результаты эндоскопического исследования, проведенные через месяц показали, что в 1-йгруппе только у 10 из 31 человекаотмечалось полное заживление эрозий;во 2-й- у 19 - из 24. Выводы.К способствующим манифестации НПВП-гастропатии следует относить наличие АГ, низкий уровень ЛПВП, и инфицированность H.pylori. &nbsp

    Влияние различных видов вербального внушения на динамику решения задачи “9 свинок”

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    В работе описана проверка влияния различных гипнотических и негипнотических вербальных внушений на эффективность решения инсайтной задачи «9 свинок».Проведено двойноеслепое межгрупповое экспериментальное исследование. Проанализировано влияние факторов и их взаимодействий на ключевые характеристики процесса решения задачи. Значимого обнаружить не удалось

    Psychoanalysis without Interpretations

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    This paper is an invitation for professionals to discuss modifications of free associations technique and the position of therapist in analytic situation. Let me briefly formulate these ideas

    Taxometric evidence for a dimensional latent structure of hypnotic suggestibility

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    Data for the study: Reshetnikov, M. & Terhune, D. B. (submitted). Taxometric evidence for a dimensional latent structure of hypnotic suggestibilit

    Taxometric evidence for a dimensional latent structure of hypnotic suggestibility

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    Hypnotic suggestibility denotes a capacity to respond positively to direct verbal suggestions in an involuntary manner in the context of hypnosis. Elucidating the characteristics of this ability has bearing on responsiveness to suggestions in a variety of clinical and non-clinical contexts. A considerable amount of research has focused on a small subgroup of individuals who display strong responsiveness to hypnotic suggestions. However, it remains poorly understood whether these highly suggestible individuals constitute a discrete subgroup (taxon) that is characterized by a qualitatively distinct mode of responding from the remainder of the population or whether hypnotic suggestibility is better modelled as a dimensional ability. In this study, we applied taxometric analysis, a statistical method for distinguishing between dimensional and categorical models of a psychological ability, to behavioural and involuntariness subscale scores of the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale: Form A (HGSHS:A) in a sample of neurotypical individuals (N=584). Analyses of HGSHS:A behavioural and involuntariness subscale scores with different a priori taxon base rates yielded consistent evidence for a dimensional structure. These results suggest that hypnotic suggestibility, as measured by the HGSHS:A, is dimensional and have implications for current understanding of individual differences in responsiveness to direct verbal suggestions

    Taxometric evidence for a dimensional latent structure of hypnotic suggestibility

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    Hypnotic suggestibility denotes a capacity to respond to direct verbal suggestions in an involuntary manner. Most research on responsiveness to hypnotic suggestions has focused on highly suggestible individuals but it remains unclear whether these individuals constitute a discrete subgroup (taxon) characterized by a distinct mode of responding from the remainder of the population or whether hypnotic suggestibility is better modelled as a dimensional ability. In this study, we applied taxometric analysis, a method for distinguishing between dimensional and categorical models of a psychological ability, to behavioural and involuntariness subscale scores of the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale: Form A (HGSHS:A) in a nonclinical sample (N=584). Analyses of HGSHS:A subscale scores with different a priori taxon base rates yielded consistent evidence for a dimensional structure. These results suggest that hypnotic suggestibility is dimensional and have implications for current understanding of individual differences in responsiveness to direct verbal suggestions

    Thermodynamic assessment of chrome-spinel formation in laser-sintered coatings with Cr2O3 particles

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    Formation of a thin passive layer has been performed using short pulse laser dispersion of Cr2O3 particles in a C22 steel substrate. As a result, the coating’s corrosion resistance is substantially improved compared to unprocessed samples. Microstructure analysis by TEM, XPS, and XRD showed that laser processing leads to dissolution of Cr2O3 with formation of Cr and Fe oxides, chrome-spinel, and metallic Cr dispersed in alpha and gamma Fe. Thermodynamic assessment revealed that the formation of pure chromium is caused by reduction of Cr2O3 and oxidation of iron. This reaction is promoted by shifting of chemical equilibrium at elevated temperatures in the molten zone under short pulse laser processing.status: publishe