1,742 research outputs found

    A Principal-Agent Model for Investigating Traceability Systems Incentives on Food Safety

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    This article investigates the effects of contingent payments and a traceability system's expected traceback rate of success on the food safety effort exerted by raw material suppliers. This sheds light on when contingent payments and the reliability of a traceability system are substitutes and complements to each other in terms of inducing raw material suppliers to exert higher food safety effort. In addition, the effect of higher penalties and costs of food safety crisis on the effort to be induced by buyers (principal) on suppliers (agents) is investigated under a symmetric information setting. Finally, the asymmetric information setting is formalized as a principal-agent model and left to be explored in a future work. Some numerical exercises are carried out to illustrate main findings. It has been found that more reliable traceability systems might induce higher food safety efforts by suppliers. However, this same effect could be accomplished either with higher payments whenever no food safety crisis occurs or with lower payments whenever a food safety crisis occur both assuming the traceability system works. Finally, it is shown that without a traceability system in place no incentive scheme could be implemented.Information Asymmetry, Identity Preservation, Food Traceability, Supply Chain Management., Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, D82, D86, C61,

    Economic Evidence of Willingness to Pay for the National Animal Identification System in the US

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    This article investigates the willingness to pay for the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) in the US. It is assumed that with the NAIS in place, consumers' risk perception about zoonosis, BSE or mad cow and residues in meat may be mitigated. Therefore, food safety indices for beef, pork and poultry summing the number of references to meat safety found in the top fifty English language news articles in circulation in the US have been constructed. These indices were incorporated in generalized almost ideal demand systems to estimate the effect of those food safety scares on the demand for meat in the US. It has been found that food safety impacts upon the final demand for meat in the US are small and do not show lagged effects. Using the preferred model, three scenarios have been constructed on the basis of hypothesized impacts of the NAIS on consumers' food safety concerns about meat. Finally, the differences in the predicted total revenue for beef, pork and poultry between scenarios are used as gross measures of the NAIS' economic value to the meat sector. The main conclusion is that if the defense of the NAIS is based on its effect on the demand side of the market for meats it is expected that the US Federal government will need to pay for a great part of the costs with the NAIS; otherwise the NAIS is likely to be economically unfeasible in the US.Animal Identification System, Food Safety, System of Demand Equations, Meat Industry, USA, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries, C22, Q11, Q13, Q18,


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    Esse artigo investiga os efeitos de notícias a respeito do mau da vaca louca ou BSE sobre o consumo das carnes bovina, suína e de aves nos EUA. Presume-se que o sistema nacional de identificação animal (NAIS) poderia em tese atenuar a percepção de risco dos consumidores sobre contrair o mau da vaca louca ao consumir carnes. Sistemas de equações de demanda são estimados incorporando-se, como proxy da percepção de risco do consumidor, três séries de índices de segurança do alimento separadamente construídos para as carnes bovina, suína e de aves considerando-se notícias veiculadas sobre BSE ou mau da vaca louca na imprensa escrita. Essas séries de índices são construídos somando-se o número de referências nos principais jornais norte americanos à problemas de food safety relacionados com cada uma das carnes. Utiliza-se o melhor modelo estimado, escolhido com base em testes de especificação, para se construir três cenários simulando-se respectivamente os casos em que o NAIS não está implementado, está implementado apenas para bovinos, e está implementado para suínos e bovinos. Utilizando-se as diferenças entre as receitas estimadas para cada cenário e para cada tipo de carne como uma medida do potencial ganho advindo da implementação do NAIS, conclui-se que o impacto do mau da vaca louca sobre o consumo de carnes nos EUA seria suficiente para cobrir os custos com a implementação do NAIS. Naturalmente, esse resultado fica condicionado a quanto dos ganhos com o NAIS seriam transmitidos aos pecuaristas que são aqueles que, em última instância, arcarão com os custos de implementação e manutenção do NAIS.----------------------------------------------This article investigates the willingness to pay for the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) in the US. We assume that with the NAIS in place, consumers’ concerns about Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow disease will be reduced and by inference consumers will be willing to pay for the NAIS. To estimate this level of willingness to pay a generalized almost ideal demand system including beef, pork and poultry is estimated, including indexes of perception of BSE based on news coverage of BSE in the U.S. We found that while news indexes of BSE were not individually significant, that they were jointly significant in test of preferred models. Using the preferred model, we constructed three scenarios on the basis of hypothesized impacts of the NAIS on consumers' food safety concerns about meat. Our conclusion is that the impact of BSE on consumer demand for meat was in itself sufficient to cover previously estimated costs of implementing the NAIS. However, it does so at the expense of pork and poultry which lose consumption relative to beef if the NAIS reduces consumers concerns as assumed. Other disease and pathogen potential would be expected to further enhance its value.Sistema nacional de identificação animal, segurança do alimento, sistema de equações de demanda, setor de carnes, EUA, Animal Identification System, Food Safety, System of Demand Equations, Meat Industry, USA, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Potenciais benefícios do sistema de rastreabilidade animal dos EUA para o setor de carnes americano

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    This article investigates the potential gains to the U.S. meat sector with the implantation of the U.S. National Animal Identification System (NAIS). The focus is on the effect that the NAIS could have on consumers’ risk perception about eating meat. System of demand equations are estimated using time series of food safety indexes variables used as proxies for consumers’ reactions to news on meat safety issues. The series of food safety indexes are built on the basis of the number of food safety news reported in top U.S. newspapers. Using the preferred model estimates, three scenarios are constructed in order to account for the cases wherein the NAIS is not implemented, is implemented only for beef and is implemented for beef and pork. The differences in the estimated total revenues for each scenario are used as a gross measure of the NAIS benefit for each type of meat. The main conclusion is that the gains for the beef and pork sectors would be capable of covering the costs of the NAIS implementation. However, this result depends on how much of these potential gains will arrive at primary producers.Animal identification system, food safety, system of demand equations, meat industry, USA., Agribusiness, C22, Q11, Q13, Q18.,


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    Esse artigo avalia a viabilidade econômica da terminação de bovinos em confinamento para o ano de 2008. Dezessete cenários são simulados considerando-se diferentes ganhos de peso vivo diário para 220 animais, machos castrados, ½ Zebu  ½ Holandês, com peso inicial médio de 354 kg, confinados por 120 dias. Utiliza-se equações capazes de gerar os valores das exigências nutricionais dos animais para cada estratégia de ganho de peso. Os valores calculados das exigência nutricionais parametrizam um modelo de programação linear capaz de minimizar o custo da ração a ser fornecida. Assim, o custo da alimentação dos animais que é o único custo variável do confinamento, é calculado multiplicando-se o custo por kg da ração de custo mínimo pelo consumo voluntário de matéria seca, estimado segundo o NRC (1984). Os demais custos fixos e quase-fixos são também estimados. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o confinamento será uma atividade economicamente viável em 2008 e que a estratégia em que o ganho de peso diário é 1,05 kg geraria o maior lucro.---------------------------------------------This article evaluates the economic feasibility of finishing beef cattle in feedlot for the year 2008. Seventeen scenarios are simulated considering a 120 confinement period and different liveweight gains for 220 castrated bulls, ½ Zebu  ½ Holstein, with an initial liveweight of 354 kg. Equations are employed so to calculate nutritional requirements that will parameterize a linear programming problem set to find the minimum cost ration. Feeding costs are obtained by multiplying the minimum cost ration unitary cost by the total voluntary dry matter intake, estimated according to NRC (1984). The remaining fixed and quasi-fixed costs are also estimated. Results show that finishing beef cattle in feedlot is expected to be profitable for the year 2008 and that the strategy characterized by a daily liveweight gain of 1.05 kg is the best one among those simulated.custos de produção, programação linear, minimização do custo da ração, lucratividade, production costs, linear programming, ration cost minimization, profitability, Livestock Production/Industries,


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    Objective: To describe, based on the literature, the difficulties faced by the elderly in accepting the diagnosis and treating cancer. Method: This is a study of narrative literature review with a qualitative approach. The literary survey was carried out on the bases: Virtual Health Library, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Scientific Electronic Library Online and the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. Result and Discussion: The perceptions of the elderly regarding cancer is seen in a more positive way. Many believe that the chances of victory against the pathology depend on the time when the diagnosis is found, in which it may be related to a higher frequency of medical care in this age group. Conclusion: When assessing the acceptance of the elderly in relation to the diagnosis of cancer, we observed that the disease has important consequences on their lives, mainly psychological, directly affecting their daily lives. During treatment there may be conflicts of feelings such as sadness, anxiety and especially the fear of death.Objetivo: Descrever, com base na literatura, as dificuldades enfrentadas por idosos na aceitação do diagnóstico e no tratamento do câncer. Método: Trata-se de um estudo de revisão narrativa da literatura com abordagem qualitativa. O levantamento literário foi realizado nas bases: Biblioteca Virtual Em Saúde, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Scientific Eletronic Library Online e a Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações. Resultado e Discussão: As percepções dos idosos a respeito do câncer é enxergada de maneira mais positiva. Muitos acreditam que as chances de vitória contra a patologia dependem da época em que o diagnóstico é encontrado, na qual pode estar relacionado a uma frequência maior de atendimento médico nessa faixa etária. Conclusão: Ao avaliar a aceitação do idoso em relação ao diagnóstico de câncer, observamos que a doença produz importantes consequências na sua vida, principalmente, psicológicas, afetando diretamente o seu cotidiano. Durante o tratamento pode haver conflitos de sentimentos como tristeza, ansiedade e, sobretudo, o medo da morte


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    The effective surface heat transfer coefficients during air blast freezing of plastic polyethylene packages containing fruit pulp models conditioned inside multi layer boxes were evaluated under conditions encountered in commercial practice. The results were presented as dimensionless correlations based on hydraulic diameter of the rectangular ducts. The effects on the surface heat transfer coefficient of the air temperature, air velocity, transducer position inside the boxes and box position in the pillage on the surface were analyzed. The results show: the effect of air-cooling temperature on the surface heat transfer is negligible in the range encountered in blast freezing practice. The effective surface heat transfer coefficients predicted by the non-dimensional correlations based on hydraulic diameter was successfully used to represent the bed irregularities, mainly in arrays of 5 and 3 layers. The effective surface heat transfer coefficients varied according to the position between the top and the bottom of the boxes and was influenced by the number of layers in the arrays