11 research outputs found

    Neuronal Calcium and cAMP Cross-Talk Mediated by Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor and EF-Hand Calcium Sensor Interactions

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    Endocannabinoids are important players in neural development and function. They act via receptors, whose activation inhibits cAMP production. The aim of the paper was to look for calcium- and cAMP-signaling cross-talk mediated by cannabinoid CB1 receptors (CB1R) and to assess the relevance of EF-hand CaM-like calcium sensors in this regard. Using a heterologous expression system, we demonstrated that CB1R interacts with calneuron-1 and NCS1 but not with caldendrin. Furthermore, interaction motives were identified in both calcium binding proteins and the receptor, and we showed that the first two sensors competed for binding to the receptor in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Assays in neuronal primary cultures showed that, CB1R-NCS1 complexes predominate at basal Ca2+ levels, whereas in the presence of ionomycin, a calcium ionophore, CB1R-calneuron-1 complexes were more abundant. Signaling assays following forskolin-induced intracellular cAMP levels showed in mouse striatal neurons that binding of CB1R to NCS1 is required for CB1R-mediated signaling, while the binding of CB1R to calneuron-1 completely blocked Gi-mediated signaling in response to a selective receptor agonist, arachidonyl-2-chloroethylamide. Calcium levels and interaction with calcium sensors may even lead to apparent Gs coupling after CB1R agonist challenge

    Neuronal calcium and cAMP cross-talk mediated by cannabinoid CB1 receptor and EF-hand calcium sensor interactions.

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    Endocannabinoids are important players in neural development and function. They act via receptors, whose activation inhibits cAMP production. The aim of the paper was to look for calcium- and cAMP-signaling cross-talk mediated by cannabinoid CB1 receptors (CB1R) and to assess the relevance of EF-hand CaM-like calcium sensors in this regard. Using a heterologous expression system, we demonstrated that CB1R interacts with calneuron-1 and NCS1 but not with caldendrin. Furthermore, interaction motives were identified in both calcium binding proteins and the receptor, and we showed that the first two sensors competed for binding to the receptor in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Assays in neuronal primary cultures showed that, CB1R-NCS1 complexes predominate at basal Ca2+ levels, whereas in the presence of ionomycin, a calcium ionophore, CB1R-calneuron-1 complexes were more abundant. Signaling assays following forskolin-induced intracellular cAMP levels showed in mouse striatal neurons that binding of CB1R to NCS1 is required for CB1R-mediated signaling, while the binding of CB1R to calneuron-1 completely blocked Gi-mediated signaling in response to a selective receptor agonist, arachidonyl-2-chloroethylamide. Calcium levels and interaction with calcium sensors may even lead to apparent Gs coupling after CB1R agonist challenge

    Natural killer cells suppress cancer metastasis by eliminating circulating cancer cells

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    Despite significant advances in cancer treatment, the metastatic spread of malignant cells to distant organs remains a major cause of cancer-related deaths. Natural killer (NK) cells play a crucial role in controlling tumor metastasis; however, the dynamics of NK cell-mediated clearance of metastatic tumors are not entirely understood. Herein, we demonstrate the cooperative role of NK and T cells in the surveillance of melanoma metastasis. We found that NK cells effectively limited the pulmonary seeding of B16 melanoma cells, while T cells played a primary role in restricting metastatic foci growth in the lungs. Although the metastatic foci in the lungs at the endpoint were largely devoid of NK cells, they played a prominent role in promoting T cell recruitment into the metastatic foci. Our data suggested that the most productive interaction between NK cells and metastatic cancer cells occurred when cancer cells were in circulation. Modifying the route of administration so that intravenously injected melanoma cells bypass the first liver passage resulted in significantly more melanoma metastasis to the lung. This finding indicated the liver as a prominent site where NK cells cleared melanoma cells to regulate their seeding in the lungs. Consistent with this notion, the liver and the lungs of the tumor-bearing mice showed dominance of NK and T cell activation, respectively. Thus, NK cells and T cells control pulmonary metastasis of melanoma cells by distinct mechanisms where NK cells play a critical function in shaping T cell-mediated in situ control of lung-seeded cancer cells. A precise understanding of the cooperative role of NK and T cells in controlling tumor metastasis will enable the development of the next generation of cancer immunotherapies

    Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of 2-Hydroxy-4-phenylthiophene-3-carbonitrile as PD-L1 Antagonist and Its Comparison to Available Small Molecular PD-L1 Inhibitors

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    In search of a potent small molecular PD-L1 inhibitor, we designed and synthesized a compound based on a 2-hydroxy-4-phenylthiophene-3-carbonitrile moiety. Ligand's performance was tested in vitro and compared side-by-side with a known PD-L1 antagonist with a proven bioactivity BMS1166. Subsequently, we modified both compounds to allow 18F labeling that could be used for PET imaging. Radiolabeling, which is used in drug development and diagnosis, was applied to investigate the properties of those ligands and test them against tissue sections with diverse expression levels of PD-L1. We confirmed biological activity toward hPD-L1 for this inhibitor, comparable with BMS1166, while holding enhanced pharmacological properties. </p

    Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of 2-hydroxy-4-phenylthiophene-3-carbonitrile as PD-L1 antagonist and its comparison to available small molecular PD-L1 inhibitors

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    In search of a potent small molecular PD-L1 inhibitor, we designed and synthesized a compound based on a 2-hydroxy-4-phenylthiophene-3-carbonitrile moiety. Ligand’s performance was tested in vitro and compared side-by-side with a known PD-L1 antagonist with a proven bioactivity BMS1166. Subsequently, we modified both compounds to allow 18F labeling that could be used for PET imaging. Radiolabeling, which is used in drug development and diagnosis, was applied to investigate the properties of those ligands and test them against tissue sections with diverse expression levels of PD-L1. We confirmed biological activity toward hPD-L1 for this inhibitor, comparable with BMS1166, while holding enhanced pharmacological properties

    Guia de recursos per al personal de control oficial

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    Control oficial; Recursos humans; Gestió del coneixementControl oficial; Recursos humanos; Gestión del conocimientoOfficial control; Human resources; Knowledge managementAquesta guia dona resposta tant al personal que s’incorpora de nou a l’Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya, com als que ja estan treballant i necessiten un document de consulta on es recullen diferents aspectes com ara l'explicació de conceptes clau relacionats amb la seva tasca i relació de recursos informàtics (intranet..) i altres (programes, guies pràctiques...) que necessita per fer el control oficial; els relacionats amb la formació (formació específica, Comunitat de Pràctica...) i els aspectes relacionats amb recursos humans (jornada i horari, règim retributiu...).Esta guía da respuesta tanto al personal que se incorpora de nuevo a la Agencia de Salud Pública de Cataluña, como a los que ya están trabajando y necesitan un documento de consulta en el que se recojan diferentes aspectos como la explicación de conceptos clave relacionados con su labor y relación de recursos informáticos (intranet..) y otros (programas, guías prácticas...) que necesita para realizar el control oficial; los relacionados con la formación (formación específica, Comunidad de Práctica...) y los aspectos relacionados con recursos humanos (jornada y horario, régimen retributivo...).This guide responds both to personnel who are joining the Public Health Agency of Catalonia again, and to those who are already working and need a consultation document that includes different aspects such as the explanation of key concepts related to their work and list of computer resources (intranet...) and others (programs, practical guides...) that you need to carry out the official control; those related to training (specific training, Community of Practice...) and aspects related to human resources (day and schedule, remuneration regime...

    Neuronal Calcium and cAMP Cross-Talk Mediated by Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor and EF-Hand Calcium Sensor Interactions

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    Endocannabinoids are important players in neural development and function. They act via receptors, whose activation inhibits cAMP production. The aim of the paper was to look for calcium- and cAMP-signaling cross-talk mediated by cannabinoid CB1 receptors (CB1R) and to assess the relevance of EF-hand CaM-like calcium sensors in this regard. Using a heterologous expression system, we demonstrated that CB1R interacts with calneuron-1 and NCS1 but not with caldendrin. Furthermore, interaction motives were identified in both calcium binding proteins and the receptor, and we showed that the first two sensors competed for binding to the receptor in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Assays in neuronal primary cultures showed that, CB1R-NCS1 complexes predominate at basal Ca2+ levels, whereas in the presence of ionomycin, a calcium ionophore, CB1R-calneuron-1 complexes were more abundant. Signaling assays following forskolin-induced intracellular cAMP levels showed in mouse striatal neurons that binding of CB1R to NCS1 is required for CB1R-mediated signaling, while the binding of CB1R to calneuron-1 completely blocked Gi-mediated signaling in response to a selective receptor agonist, arachidonyl-2-chloroethylamide. Calcium levels and interaction with calcium sensors may even lead to apparent Gs coupling after CB1R agonist challenge

    Neuronal calcium and cAMP cross-talk mediated by cannabinoid CB1 receptor and EF-hand calcium sensor interactions.

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    Endocannabinoids are important players in neural development and function. They act via receptors, whose activation inhibits cAMP production. The aim of the paper was to look for calcium- and cAMP-signaling cross-talk mediated by cannabinoid CB1 receptors (CB1R) and to assess the relevance of EF-hand CaM-like calcium sensors in this regard. Using a heterologous expression system, we demonstrated that CB1R interacts with calneuron-1 and NCS1 but not with caldendrin. Furthermore, interaction motives were identified in both calcium binding proteins and the receptor, and we showed that the first two sensors competed for binding to the receptor in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Assays in neuronal primary cultures showed that, CB1R-NCS1 complexes predominate at basal Ca2+ levels, whereas in the presence of ionomycin, a calcium ionophore, CB1R-calneuron-1 complexes were more abundant. Signaling assays following forskolin-induced intracellular cAMP levels showed in mouse striatal neurons that binding of CB1R to NCS1 is required for CB1R-mediated signaling, while the binding of CB1R to calneuron-1 completely blocked Gi-mediated signaling in response to a selective receptor agonist, arachidonyl-2-chloroethylamide. Calcium levels and interaction with calcium sensors may even lead to apparent Gs coupling after CB1R agonist challenge

    Image_2_Neuronal Calcium and cAMP Cross-Talk Mediated by Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor and EF-Hand Calcium Sensor Interactions.TIF

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    <p>Endocannabinoids are important players in neural development and function. They act via receptors, whose activation inhibits cAMP production. The aim of the paper was to look for calcium- and cAMP-signaling cross-talk mediated by cannabinoid CB<sub>1</sub> receptors (CB<sub>1</sub>R) and to assess the relevance of EF-hand CaM-like calcium sensors in this regard. Using a heterologous expression system, we demonstrated that CB<sub>1</sub>R interacts with calneuron-1 and NCS1 but not with caldendrin. Furthermore, interaction motives were identified in both calcium binding proteins and the receptor, and we showed that the first two sensors competed for binding to the receptor in a Ca<sup>2+</sup>-dependent manner. Assays in neuronal primary cultures showed that, CB<sub>1</sub>R-NCS1 complexes predominate at basal Ca<sup>2+</sup> levels, whereas in the presence of ionomycin, a calcium ionophore, CB<sub>1</sub>R-calneuron-1 complexes were more abundant. Signaling assays following forskolin-induced intracellular cAMP levels showed in mouse striatal neurons that binding of CB<sub>1</sub>R to NCS1 is required for CB<sub>1</sub>R-mediated signaling, while the binding of CB<sub>1</sub>R to calneuron-1 completely blocked G<sub>i</sub>-mediated signaling in response to a selective receptor agonist, arachidonyl-2-chloroethylamide. Calcium levels and interaction with calcium sensors may even lead to apparent Gs coupling after CB<sub>1</sub>R agonist challenge.</p

    Image_3_Neuronal Calcium and cAMP Cross-Talk Mediated by Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor and EF-Hand Calcium Sensor Interactions.TIFF

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    <p>Endocannabinoids are important players in neural development and function. They act via receptors, whose activation inhibits cAMP production. The aim of the paper was to look for calcium- and cAMP-signaling cross-talk mediated by cannabinoid CB<sub>1</sub> receptors (CB<sub>1</sub>R) and to assess the relevance of EF-hand CaM-like calcium sensors in this regard. Using a heterologous expression system, we demonstrated that CB<sub>1</sub>R interacts with calneuron-1 and NCS1 but not with caldendrin. Furthermore, interaction motives were identified in both calcium binding proteins and the receptor, and we showed that the first two sensors competed for binding to the receptor in a Ca<sup>2+</sup>-dependent manner. Assays in neuronal primary cultures showed that, CB<sub>1</sub>R-NCS1 complexes predominate at basal Ca<sup>2+</sup> levels, whereas in the presence of ionomycin, a calcium ionophore, CB<sub>1</sub>R-calneuron-1 complexes were more abundant. Signaling assays following forskolin-induced intracellular cAMP levels showed in mouse striatal neurons that binding of CB<sub>1</sub>R to NCS1 is required for CB<sub>1</sub>R-mediated signaling, while the binding of CB<sub>1</sub>R to calneuron-1 completely blocked G<sub>i</sub>-mediated signaling in response to a selective receptor agonist, arachidonyl-2-chloroethylamide. Calcium levels and interaction with calcium sensors may even lead to apparent Gs coupling after CB<sub>1</sub>R agonist challenge.</p