13 research outputs found

    Umpan Buatan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Pancing Layang-layang Di Selat Bangka, Sulawesi Utara (the Study of Artificial Bait on the Catch of Kite Fishing in Bangka Strait, North Sulawesi)

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    Needlefish (Tylosurus sp.) known locally as sako is one of the economically important fisheries resources in Bangka Strait of North Sulawesi. The success kite fishing is highly dependent on the availability of small natural bait which is caught only by lift net during the dark moon phase. Therefore, it should be attempted using artificial baits to address the issue of lack of natural bait at certain times. This study aimed to determine the effect of artificial baits toward catch of kite fishing and to identify the species of needle fish caught. This research was carried out in Bangka Strait by using experimental method. Two types of baits were used, namely natural bait (rainbow sardine/Dussumieria acuta), and artificial baits such as rubber fish that widely available in the bait shop. The catch data from four units of kite fishing were analyzed using t-test. The result showed that total catch during the study were 40 needlefish es consist of Tylosurus crocodiles (39) and Tylosurus acus melanotus (1). As many as 22 needlefishes caught with natural baits and 18 caught with artificial baits. The analysis showed that the used of natural baits were not significantly different from the artificial bait. During the study needlefish could be caught at wind speeds of 4- 7 knots and operated on 11.00–14.45 Mid Indonesian Time

    Musim penangkapan ikan julung-julung (Hemirhampus sp.) dengan soma giop di Desa Leleoto Kecamatan Tobelo Selatan Kabupaten Halmahera Utara, Maluku Utara

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    Ikan julung-julung (Hemirhamphus sp.) merupakan salah satu sumberdaya perikanan ekonomis penting yang dihasilkan dari perairan pantai Desa Leleoto Kecamatan Tobelo Maluku Utara. Sumberdaya ini tergolong ikan pelagis yang hidup di perairan pantai cenderung oseanis, dan hanya terlihat bergerombol di sekitar perairan karang ketika akan memijah. Alat tangkap yang umum digunakan oleh nelayan untuk menangkap ikan julung-julung adalah soma giop roa, sejenis pukat cincin ukuran kecil. Tetapi informasi ilmiah tentang musim penangkapan ikan julung-julung belum banyak tersedia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis musim penangkapan ikan julung-julung dan mengetahui kontribusi ekonomi tangkapan julung-julung bagi nelayan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif yang didasarkan pada studi kasus; teknik pengumpulan data dikerjakan dengan cara mengisi daftar pertanyaan, wawancara, pencatatan, pengamatan langsung dan partisipasi aktif. Musim penangkapan ikan julung-julung dianalisis dengan membandingkan hasil tangkapan per satuan upaya bulanan dengan rata-rata hasil tangkapan per satuan upaya total pada tahun tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa musim penangkapan ikan julung-julung di perairan pantai Desa Leleoto bervariasi setiap tahunnya, tetapi secara umum dapat dibagi ke dalam dua fase utama, yaitu fase pertama terjadi pada bulan Februari dan Maret; dan fase kedua terjadi sekitar bulan November. Kontribusi ekonomi hasil tangkapan julung-julung terhadap nelayan, terutama masanae belum cukup baik

    Kajian Perikanan Tangkap Ikan Julung-julung (Hyporhamphus Affinis) Di Perairan Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe

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    The objective of this research was to predict maximum sustainable yield of garfish resources in the waters of Sangihe Islands District; to analyze the fishing season of garfish; to map the location of coral reef expected to be a breeding ground of garfish; and to assess the biological, economic, social and environmental aspects of garfish in Sangihe Island district. Garfish maximum sustainable yield was calculated at about 70 tons/year with a maximum effort of 3,613.71 trips. Fishing season of garfish was very dependent on wind direction and speed throughout the year. The percentage of live coral cover at a depth of 5 meters was 56.16-70.17% and a depth of 3 meters was 44.33-83.75%. The ratio of male and female sexes was 35.92-64.07%. Based on length-weight analysis of the garfish growth was classified allometric with a length of 16.7-20.7 cm and weighs between 35-55 g. The financial analysis of garfish fisheries in this area showed that the of Benefit Investment ratio was 1.19 and the Benefit Cost ratio was about 0.94

    Kajian Perikanan Tangkap Mene Maculata Di Teluk Buyat

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    Moonfish (Mene maculata) known locally as bete tamako or peda Cina, is one of the economically important fish resources resulting from Buyat Bay. Although it has relatively small size (estimated length 25-30 cm), but the fish has a good taste. The presence of moonfish is usually a sign of sailfish fishing season in the Buyat Bay. Common fishing gear used to catch moonfish is hand line , noru. However, scientific information about the status of moonfish fishery was not yet understood. Therefore, this study aims to determine the status of moonfish fishery and map out the fishing location. This research was conducted in the Buyat Bay, Ratatotok District, Southeast Minahasa Regency (March-September 2013); using a survey method with a descriptive approach. Catch data were analyzed by a surplus production model. These results informed that the maximum sustainable yields (MSYs) was 1707 fish/trip/year where the number of the suitable fishing trips was 470 trips

    Analysis of Production Factors That Affect the Productivity of Tuna Handliners Based in Bitung Oceanic Fishing Port

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    Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Analisis faktor produksi yang mempengaruhi produktivitas kapal tunahand lineyang berpangkalan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera BitungTuna hand lines have been used widely by fishermen in the waters of Sulawesi Sea and Moluccas Sea, to catch big pelagic species with small fishing boats (2-10 GT). Although the gear's design has evolved over centuries, there is still potential for improving its catching efficiency and selectivity. However, theproduction factors that affect the productivityare still not known. Theresearch aimed to study several production factors that affectthe productivity of tuna hand liner based in Bitung Oceanic Fisheries Port; andto determine the most influential production factors on productivity of tuna hand liner. This research was conducted from June to November 2017 in Bitung Oceanic Fishing Portthrough applyinga descriptive method based on case study; and the data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression production function. It was found that production factors that may affect the productivity of the tuna hand liner consist of boat size (GT), engine power (PK), amount of fuel (l), number of crew (person) and number of trips (days). The result of partial analysis shows that the most influential production factor to tuna hand liner productivity is the amount of fuel usage.Pancing ulur tuna telah digunakan secara luas oleh nelayan di perairan Laut Sulawesi dan laut Maluku, untuk menangkap ikan pelagis besar dengan kapal-kapal ukuran kecil (2 – 10 GT. Walaupun konstruksinya telah berkembang sejak lama, tetapi masih memiliki potensi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi penangkapan dan selektivitasnya. Namun belum diketahui factor-faktor produksi apa saja yang mempengaruhi produktivitasnya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mempelajari beberapa factor produksi yang mempengaruhi produktivitas kapal-kapal tuna hand line (THL) yang berpangkalan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung; dan menentukan factor produksi yang paling berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas kapal THL.Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni sampai November 2017 di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung; dikerjakan dengan metode deskriptif yang didasarkan pada study kasus; dan data dianalisis dengan menggunakan fungsi produksi regresi linier berganda.Faktor-faktor produksi yang dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas kapal THL terdiri dari ukuran kapal (GT), kekuatan mesin (PK), jumlah bahan bakar (l), jumlah anak buah kapal (orang) dan jumlah trip (hari). Hasil analisis parsial menunjukan bahwa faktor produksi yang paling berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas kapal THL adalah jumlah penggunaan bahan bakar minyak

    The Analysis of Capture Fisheries Performance in Lembeh Island, Bitung City, North Sulawesi

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    Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Analisis keragaan perikanan tangkap Pulau Lembeh, Kota Bitung, Sulawesi UtaraAccording to the statistics of 2014 Bitung City, fisheries production value of the city increased. This needs to be analyzed in order to establish whether the development provides economic benefit to the society and whether the fishing activities are efficient. The objectives of the study were to study the capture fisheries performance and its impact on the responsible fisheries management in Lembeh (as part of the Bitung City); to know the efficiency level of the fishing activities carried out by fishermen of Lembeh; and to analyze the economic benefit of the capture fisheries to the fishermen. The data were analyzed using descriptive methods. Results found that dominant fishing gears used by Lembeh fishermen were handlines(multihooks-handline, octopus handline, squid handline, and tuna handline), nets (beach seineand gill net), mini purse seine, and fish aggregating device (such as light boat). Those fishing gears were distributed in all villages of Lembeh. Efficient fishing activities are those with efficiency value of 1. From 111 fishermen respondents in Lembeh, 29 of them did efficient fishing operations. The range of investment needed for each fishing gear varied among different types. Mean fishermen's exchange rate of Lembeh island was 1.29, meaning that there was positive impact of fishing activities on the fulfillment of family's daily needs.Menurut data statistik Kota Bitung dalam angka tahun 2014, nilai produksi perikanan Kota Bitung mengalami kenaikan. Kenaikan ini perlu di analisis apakah memberi manfaat secara ekonomi kepada masyarakat dan apakah penangkapannya sudah efisien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) menganalisis keragaan perikanan tangkap dan dampaknya pada pengelolaan perikanan yang bertanggung jawab di Pulau Lembeh (yang merupakan bagian dari Kota Bitung), 2) menetapkan tingkat efisiensi kegiatan perikanan tangkap yang telah dilakukan oleh nelayan di Pulau Lembeh, dan 3) menganalisa manfaat kegiatan perikanan tangkap secara ekonomi bagi para nelayan. Analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menujukkan, bahwa alat tangkap yang dominan dioperasikan oleh nelayan Pulau Lembeh adalah jenis handline(pancing noru, pancing, pancing gurita, pancing cumi, pancing tuna), soma (beach seinedan gillnet), mini purse seine(pajeko), dan pengumpul ikan (perahu lampu). Alat tangkap tersebut tersebar di seluruh kelurahan di Pulau Lembeh. Kegiatan penangkapan yang efisien adalah kegiatan penangkapan dengan nilai efisiensi 1. Dari 111 responden nelayan pulau Lembeh, 29 di antaranya melakukan operasi penangkapan yang efisien. Kebutuhan modal usaha masing-masing alat tangkap berbeda antara satu dan lainnya. Rata-rata Nilai Tukar Nelayan (NTN) di pulau tersebut adalah 1,29 di mana menunjukkan adanya dampak positif kegiatan penangkapan ikan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan sehari hari

    The Effect of Kite Fishing Baits on the Catch of Needlefish (Tylosurus SP.)

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    Title (Bahasa Indonesia): Pengaruh jenis umpan terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan cendro [Tylosurus sp.] dengan pancing layang-layang. Needlefish is one of the economically important fish resources from Bangka Strait North Minahasa regency. Common fishing gear used by fishermen is kite fishing. Although this gear is very simple and traditional, but its efficiency and selectivity of fishing have potential to meet the development of environmentally friendly and sustainable criteria. The success of kite fishing, relies on the availability of fish bait; therefore, the purpose of this research was to study the effect of kite fishing baits onneedlefish catch; and identify the types of fish caught. This research was done in Bangka Strait North of Minahasa, based on experimental method. Four kinds of bait were used as treatment, scad (Decapterus macarellus), sardine (Sardinella gibosa), anchovy (Stolephorus indicus) and artificial bait of plastic hose. Catch data were collected using 8 units of kite fishing; and data analysis was done based on randomized block design. The catch was 61 fish in total consisting of Tylosurus crocodiles (57 fish) andTylosurus acus melanotus (4 fish). ANOVA showed that the difference of kite fishing baits caused high significant effect in catch of needlefish. The LSD for the treatment declared that the use of sardine bait wassignificantly different from anchovy, scad and artificial baits. The use of anchovy baits was also significantly different from scad and artificial baits,but there was no significant difference between scad baits and artificial baits. Ikan cendro merupakan salah satu sumberdaya ekonomis penting dari perairan Selat Bangka Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Alat tangkap yang umum digunakan oleh nelayan adalah pancing layang-layang. Walapun alat ini sangat sederhana dan tradisional, tetapi masih memiliki potensi untuk meningkatkan efesiensi penangkapan dan selektivitas dalam memenuhi pengembangan kriteria ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan. Keberhasilan pancing layang-layang sangat bergantung pada ketersedian ikan umpan, oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh jenis umpan pada pancing layang-layang terhadap tangkapan ikan cendro dan mengidentifikasi jenis-jenis ikan yang tertangkap. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan Selat Bangka Minahasa Utara, didasarkan pada metoda eksperimental. Empat jenis umpan yang digunakan sebagai perlakuan, yaituikan layang(Decapterus macarellus), ikan sardin (Sardinella gibosa), ikan teri(Stolephorus indicus) dan umpan buatan selang plastik. Data tangkapan dikumpulkan mengunakan 8 (delapan) unit pancing layang-layang dan analisis data didasarkan pada rancangan acak kelompok. Tangkapan total sebanyak 61 ekor yang terdiri dari Tylosurus crocodiles (57 ekor)danTylosurus acus melanotus (4 ekor). Analisis sidik ragam menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan umpan pada pancing layang-layang memberikan pengaruh yang sangat nyata terhadap hasil tangkapan ikan cendro. Uji BNT untuk perlakuan menyatakan bahwa penggunaan umpan sardin berbeda sangat nyata dengan umpan teri, umpan layang dan umpan buatan. Penggunaan umpan teri juga berbeda dengan umpan layang dan umpan buatan tetapi tidak ada perbedaan antara umpan layang dan umpan buatan

    The Effect of Several Kinds of Baits and Moon Phases on the Catch of Mangrove Crab (Scylla Serrata) with Trap

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    Trap is one of the common fishing gears used by the fishermen to catch mangrove crabs. Using several kinds of bait could increase the fishing power of the traps. The objective of this research was to study experimentally the effect of several kinds of trap baits and moon phases toward the capture of mangrove crab. Catch data were collected using 12 units of traps,which operated in the estuary waters of Kalurae Village, Regency of Sangihe Islands. Four kinds of bait were used to trap: scads mackerel (Decapterus macarellus), little tuna (Euthynnus sp.), trevally(Caranx sp.) and chicken innards. Data were analyzed by randomized block design. Analysis of variance showed that different types of bait on the trap and moon phase caused highly significant effect on catch. Least significant differences test showed that using scads mackerel bait on the trap was not significantly different from little tuna bait, but differed significantly from trevally and chicken innards baits. Similarly, using little tuna bait was not significantly different from trevally bait, but differed significantly from chicken innards bait; and trevally bait was not different from chicken innards bait. Catching mangrove crabs with traps should use scads mackerel and little tuna baits, and be operated around the new moon phase© Bubu merupakan alat tangkap yang umum digunakan nelayan untuk menangkap kepiting bakau. Penggunaan beberapa jenis umpan, diduga dapat meningkatkan fishing power dari alat tangkap bubu. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh jenis umpan bubu dan Fase umur bulan di langit terhadap hasil tangkapan kepiting bakau; dikerjakan dengan metode eksperimental. Data tangkapan dikumpulkan dengan mengoperasikan 12 unit bubu, di perairan estuari Kampung Kalurae, Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe. Empat jenis umpan yang diperlakukan, yaitu ikan layang (Decapterus macarellus), tongkol (Euthynnus sp.), selar (Caranx sp.) dan jeroan ayam. Data dianalisis berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Kelompok. Analisis Sidik Ragam menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan jenis umpan pada bubu dan Fase umur bulan berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap hasil tangkapan. Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil menyatakan bahwa penggunaan jenis umpan layang pada bubu tidak berbeda nyata dengan umpan tongkol, tetapi berbeda sangat nyata dengan penggunaan umpan selar dan umpan jeroan. Demikian juga penggunaan umpan tongkol tidak berbeda nyata dengan umpan selar, tetapi berbeda sangat nyata dengan umpan jeroan; sedangkan penggunaan antara umpan selar dan jeroan tidak ada perbedaan yang nyata. Umpan ikan layang dan ikan tongkol serta Fase umur bulan I dan Fase IV memberikan hasil tangkapan kepiting bakau yang lebih baik

    Impact of Fishing Activities on the Fisheries Resources and Manado Bay Aquatic Environment

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    Manado Bay waters have long been known as a center of artisanal fisheries activities because of the availability of abundant fisheries resources. However, continuous increase in technoligcal development and fish resources demand make natural resources exploitation tend to destruct the aquatic habitat and fish resources itself. Therefore, this study was aimed to inventory the types of fishing gears operated in Manado Bay; evaluate the possible impact on fish resources and environment; and analyze the status of fishing fisheries sustainability. This study was based on survey methods, through direct observation of fishing process and observations on the catch composition. Fisheries sustainability status was analyzed using Rapfish program. Common fishing gears used by fishermen in Manado Bay were multi hooks vertical hand line (noru), bottom hand line, trolling line, bottom long line, surface gill net, bottom gill net and traps. Fishing gears that do not have an impact on fish resources and environment is noru fishing, trolling and surface gill net, while bottom long line, bottom gill net and trap could potentially have negative impact on fish resources and physical seabed habitat. ordination sustainability status analysis of fishing fisheries in Manado Bay for each dimension is still considered as sustainable enough. Perairan Teluk Manado telah lama dikenal sebagai pusat aktivitas perikanan rakyat karena ketersediaan sumber daya ikan masih melimpah. Tetapi perkembangan teknologi dan permintaan sumber daya ikan yang terus meningkat menyebabkan pengeksploitasian sumber daya alam cenderung merusak habitat perairan dan sumber daya ikan itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisir jenis-jenis alat tangkap yang dioperasikan di perairan Teluk Manado, mengevaluasi kemungkinan dampak alat tangkap terhadap sumber daya ikan dan lingkungan, dan menganalisis status keberlanjutan perikanan tangkap. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada metode survei, melalui pengamatan langsung terhadap proses penangkapan ikan dan mengamati keragaman komposisi hasil tangkapan. Status keberlanjutan perikanan dianalisis dengan program Rapfish. Alat tangkap yang umum digunakan oleh nelayan di perairan Teluk Manado terdiri dari yaitu pancing noru, pancing dasar, pancing tonda, rawai dasar, soma landra pajeko, soma landra rakit, jaring insang dasar dan bubu. Alat tangkap yang tidak memberikan dampak terhadap sumber daya ikan dan lingkungan adalah pancing noru, pancing tonda, soma landra pajeko dan soma landra rakit. Sedangkan alat tangkap yang berpotensi memberikan dampak pada sumber daya ikan dan kerusakan fisik habitat dasar perairan adalah pancing dasar, rawai dasar, jaring insang dasar dan bubu. Hasil ordinasi status keberlanjutan perikanan tangkap di Teluk Manado yang dianalisis pada masing-masing dimensi masih tergolong cukup berkelanjutan

    Governance of Dagho Fishing Port, Sangihe Islands Regency, Indonesia

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    Sangihe Islands Regency has a coastal fishing port located in the village of Dagho sub-district of Tamako. As the only the coastal fishery port in the regency it is expected to provide support in the development of regional economy. This research intended to study the status of management sustainability in Dagho coastal fishing port and analyze policy directions in sustainability management of the coastal fishing port Dagho. Research results showed that the status of sustainability management of the coastal fishing port Dagho belongs to the category of less sustainable fisheries. Towards a policy of management of coastal fishing port Dagho port management is attainment of sustainability according to economic and institutional functions. Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe memiliki Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (PPP) yang terletak di Kampung Dagho, Kecamatan Tamako. Sebagai satu-satunya PPP yang ada di kabupaten tersebut diharapkan akan memberikan dukungan dalam pengembangan perekonomian daerah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji status keberlanjutan dalam pengelolaan PPP dan menganalisis arah kebijakan multipihak dalam keberlanjutan penatakelolaan PPP Dagho. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan status keberlanjutan pengelolaan pelabuhan perikanan tersebut masuk dalam kategori kawasan pelabuhan perikanan “kurang berkelanjutan”. Sedangkan arah kebijakan pengelolaan PPP Dagho adalah terwujudnya pengelolaan pelabuhan yang berkelanjutan menurut skenario fungsi ekonomi dan kelembagaan