41 research outputs found

    Supporting group mobility in mission-critical wireless networks for SIP-based applications

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    Diplomityössä tarkastellaan viiveherkkien SIP-sovellusten verkkoalueiden välistä ryhmäliikkuvuutta langattomissa, IEEE 802.11x -pohjaisissa IPv4/IPv6 verkkoympäristöissä. Nykyaikaisissa kriisinhallintatehtävissä reaaliaikaisen viestinnän merkitys on viime vuosina vahvasti korostunut. Tähän tarkoitukseen käytetyt viestintäjärjestelmät ovat olleet tavallisesti erittäin kalliita. Langattomien teknologioiden nopea kehitys on kuitenkin suunnannut mielenkiinnon edullisiin, kaupallisiin siviilipuolen valmisratkaisuihin. Pitkät yhteydensiirtoviiveet ovat tärkeä ongelma reaaliaikaliikenteen yhteydensiirron kannalta. VoIP-pohjaisen puheliikenteen on todettu kestävän enimmillään suuruusluokkaa 100 ms olevia viiveaikoja palvelunlaadun ratkaisevasti kärsimättä. Linkkitason yhteydensiirron ohella duplikaattiosoitteiden tarkistuksella DHCP-osoitteenhaun aikana ja SIP-yhteyden uudelleenmuodostuksella on saumattoman yhteydensiirron kannalta olennainen merkitys. Ryhmäliikkuvuus on saanut osakseen paljon huomiota ad hoc -verkkojen tutkimuksessa. Työssä tutkitaan mandollisesti saavutettavia hyötyjä, joita ryhmäliikkuvuusmalli pystyisi perinteiseen yhteydensiirtotapaan nähden tuomaan hierarkkisissa infrastruktuurisissa SIP-verkoissa. Sovellustason liikkuvuutta ja signaloinnin tehokkuutta tarkastellaan kaistankäytön ja tietoturvallisuuden näkökulmasta. Kokeellisessa osiossa pyritään mallintamaan ryhmäyhteydensiirtoja yksinkertaisessa, simuloidussa ympäristössä. Päätelmien tueksi yhteydensiirtojen suorituskykyä arvioidaan lisäksi numeerisella analyysilla.This thesis studies the provision of group mobility during inter-domain hand-offs for delay-sensitive SIP applications over wireless IPv4/IPv6 network environment, based on the IEEE 802.11x platform. In contemporary disaster relief operations, the role of real-time communications has been strongly escalating over the recent years. The communication systems used for these ends have been conventionally very expensive. The rapid evolution of wireless technologies has brought the focus of interest to the affordable Common-Off-the-Shelf civilian applications. Long latencies during hand-offs for real-time traffic are a very important problem. As the studies have pointed out, the VoIP-based voice traffic can withstand maximum approximate disruption times of 100 ms, without too high degradation in the quality of service. Along with the link-layer hand-off, the duplicate address detection procedure during DHCP address acquisition and the SIP connection re-establishment both have a major impact on the hand-off latency. The group mobility has gained high attention in the research of ad-hoc networks. The work studies the benefits that this scheme could possibly bring over the conventional hand-offs in hierarchical infrastructured SIP networks. Different approaches to application-level mobility and the signaling efficiency are examined from the viewpoint of bandwidth usage and network security. In the experimental part, group hand-offs are modeled in a simple, simulated environment. In addition, a numerical analysis is used to assess the hand-off performance to support the made conclusions

    Influence of magnetic saturation on induction motor model selection

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    Effects of magnetic saturation on various equivalent circuit models of an induction motor are studied. The parameters of 2.2-kW and 37-kW motors with closed rotor slots are analyzed using finite element computations. Both skewed and unskewed rotor slots are studied. The magnetizing inductance not only depends on the main flux, but is also dependent on the rotor current, especially if the rotor slots are skewed or closed. The stator leakage inductance is essentially constant, while the rotor leakage inductance depends significantly on the rotor current. The performance of vector-controlled drives can be improved by using a T or Γ-equivalent circuit model whose inductances also depend on the rotor current.Peer reviewe

    Small-Signal Modeling of Mutual Saturation in Induction Machines

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    A small-signal model is derived for saturated induction machines. Inductances are allowed to saturate as a function of their own current (or flux), and the mutual saturation effect originating mainly from skewed or closed rotor slots is also included in the model. The model fulfills the reciprocity conditions, and it can be applied to parameter identification and to the analysis and development of flux angle estimation methods. As application examples, the parameters of a 2.2-kW induction machine were identified using the data obtained from time-stepping finite-element analysis and locked-rotor measurements. The proposed model fits well to the data, and the fitted parameters are physically reasonable.Peer reviewe

    Small-signal model for saturated deep-bar induction machines

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    A small-signal model is presented for saturated deep-bar induction machines. Inductances are allowed to saturate as a function of their own current (or flux), and the mutual saturation effect originating mainly from closed or skewed rotor slots is also included in the model. The model fulfills the reciprocity conditions, and it can applied to parameter estimation and to the analysis and development of flux angle estimation methods. The model is applied to estimating the parameters of a 37-kW deep-bar cage-induction machine, using the data from time-stepping finite-element analysis (FEA). The proposed model fits very well to the FEA data in a wide frequency range.Peer reviewe

    Small-signal analysis of a saturated induction motor

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    Due to magnetic saturation, the small-signal admittance of an induction motor is dependent on the direction of the excitation signal. The angle-dependence of the admittance can be used in the estimation of the flux angle, and it should be taken into account when identifying motor parameters. In this paper, the small-signal admittance of a 2.2-kW induction motor is measured at different excitation frequencies and operating points. The measured admittances are compared to data obtained by means of finite element analysis (FEA). A small-signal model of the induction motor is fitted to the admittances to analyze the results. The admittances obtained from FEA and laboratory experiments correspond well to each other, particularly at low excitation frequencies.reviewe

    Inclusion of hysteresis and eddy current losses in dynamic induction machine models

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    This paper proposes a method for including both hysteresis losses and eddy current losses in the dynamic space vector model of induction machines. The losses caused by the rotation and magnitude changes of the flux vector are taken into account. The model can be applied, for example, to time-domain simulations and real-time applications such as drive control. Finite element analysis, simulations, and laboratory experiments of a 45-kW motor are used for the investigation. It is shown that the model can predict the iron losses in a wide frequency range. The accuracy is significantly improved as compared to earlier models.Peer reviewe

    Effective Passivation of Black Silicon Surfaces by Atomic Layer Deposition

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    The poor charge-carrier transport properties attributed to nanostructured surfaces have been so far more detrimental for final device operation than the gain obtained from the reduced reflectance. Here, we demonstrate results that simultaneously show a huge improvement in the light absorption and in the surface passivation by applying atomic layer coating on highly absorbing silicon nanostructures. The results advance the development of photovoltaic applications, including high-efficiency solar cells or any devices, that require high-sensitivity light response.Peer reviewe