41 research outputs found

    A note on the security of Higher-Order Threshold Implementations

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    At ASIACRYPT 2014, Bilgin et al. describe higher-order threshold implementations: a masking countermeasure claiming resistance against higher-order differential power analysis attacks. In this note, we point out that higher-order threshold implementations do not necessarily provide higher-order security. We give as counterexamples two concrete higher-order threshold implementations that exhibit a second order flaw

    A first-order chosen-plaintext DPA attack on the third round of DES

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    DPA attacks usually exhibit a divide-and-conquer property: the adversary needs to enumerate only a small space of the key (a key sub-space) when performing the DPA attack. This is achieved trivially in the outer rounds of a cryptographic implementation since intermediates depend on only few key bits. In the inner rounds, however, intermediates depend on too many key bits to make DPA practical or even to pose an advantage over cryptanalysis. For this reason, DPA countermeasures may be deployed only to outer rounds if performance or efficiency are critical. This paper shows a DPA attack exploiting leakage from the third round of a Feistel cipher, such as DES. We require the ability of fixing inputs, but we do not place any special restriction on the leakage model. The complexity of the attack is that of two to three DPA attacks on the first round of DES plus some minimal differential cryptanalysis

    FastCPA: Efficient Correlation Power Analysis Computation with a Large Number of Traces

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    International audienceCryptographic algorithm implementations need to be secured against side-channel attacks. Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) is an efficient technique for recovering secret key bytes of a cryptographic algorithm implementation by analyzing the power traces of its execution. Although CPA usually does not require a lot of traces to recover secret key bytes, it is no longer true in a noisy environment , for which the required number of traces can be very high. Computation time can then become a major concern for performing this attack and assessing the robustness of an implementation against it. This article introduces FastCPA, which is a correlation computation targeting the same goal as regular CPA, but based on power consumption vectors indexed by plaintext values. The main advantage of FastCPA is its fast execution time compared to the regular CPA computation, especially when the number of traces is high: for 100,000 traces, the speedup factor varies from 70 to almost 200 depending on the number of samples. An analysis of FastCPA accuracy is made, based on the number of correct key bytes found with an increasing noise. This analysis shows that FastCPA performs similarly as the regular CPA for a high number of traces. The minimum required number of traces to get the correct key guess is also computed for 100,000 noisy traces and shows that FastCPA obtains similar results to those of regular CPA. Finally, although FastCPA is more sensitive to plaintext values than the regular CPA, it is shown that this aspect can be neglected for a high number of traces

    Higher-Order Threshold Implementation of the AES S-Box

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    In this paper we present a threshold implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard’s S-box which is secure against first- and second-order power analysis attacks. This security guarantee holds even in the presence of glitches, and includes resistance against bivariate attacks. The design requires an area of 7849 Gate Equivalents and 126 bits of randomness per S-box execution. The implementation is tested on an FPGA platform and its security claim is supported by practical leakage detection tests

    Constant-time discrete Gaussian sampling

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    © 2018 IEEE. Sampling from a discrete Gaussian distribution is an indispensable part of lattice-based cryptography. Several recent works have shown that the timing leakage from a non-constant-time implementation of the discrete Gaussian sampling algorithm could be exploited to recover the secret. In this paper, we propose a constant-time implementation of the Knuth-Yao random walk algorithm for performing constant-time discrete Gaussian sampling. Since the random walk is dictated by a set of input random bits, we can express the generated sample as a function of the input random bits. Hence, our constant-time implementation expresses the unique mapping of the input random-bits to the output sample-bits as a Boolean expression of the random-bits. We use bit-slicing to generate multiple samples in batches and thus increase the throughput of our constant-time sampling manifold. Our experiments on an Intel i7-Broadwell processor show that our method can be as much as 2.4 times faster than the constant-time implementation of cumulative distribution table based sampling and consumes exponentially less memory than the Knuth-Yao algorithm with shuffling for a similar level of security

    DPA, Bitslicing and Masking at 1 GHz

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    We present DPA attacks on an ARM Cortex-A8 processor running at 1 GHz. This high-end processor is typically found in portable devices such as phones and tablets. In our case, the processor sits in a single board computer and runs a full-fledged Linux operating system. The targeted AES implementation is bitsliced and runs in constant time and constant flow. We show that, despite the complex hardware and software, high clock frequencies and practical measurement issues, the implementation can be broken with DPA starting from a few thousand measurements of the electromagnetic emanation of a decoupling capacitor near the processor. To harden the bitsliced implementation against DPA attacks, we mask it using principles of hardware gate-level masking. We evaluate the security of our masked implementation against first-order and second-order attacks. Our experiments show that successful attacks require roughly two orders of magnitude more measurements

    Consolidating masking schemes

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    In this paper we investigate relations between several masking schemes. We show that the Ishai--Sahai--Wagner private circuits construction is closely related to Threshold Implementations and the Trichina gate. The implications of this observation are manifold. We point out a higher-order weakness in higher-order Threshold Implementations, suggest a mitigation and provide new sharings that use a lower number of input shares

    Masking ring-LWE

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    Thermal transport in epitaxial Si1-xGe x alloy nanowires with varying composition and morphology

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    We report on structural, compositional, and thermal characterization of self-assembled in-plane epitaxial SiGe alloy nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy on Si (001) substrates. The thermal properties were studied by means of scanning thermal microscopy (SThM), while the microstructural characteristics, the spatial distribution of the elemental composition of the alloy nanowires and the sample surface were investigated by transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis. We provide new insights regarding the morphology of the in-plane nanostructures, their size-dependent gradient chemical composition, and the formation of a 5 nm thick wetting layer on the Si substrate surface. In addition, we directly probe heat transfer between a heated scanning probe sensor and SiGe alloy nanowires of different morphological characteristics and we quantify their thermal resistance variations. We correlate the variations of the thermal signal to the dependence of the heat spreading with the cross-sectional geometry of the nanowires using finite element method simulations. With this method we determine the thermal conductivity of the nanowires with values in the range of 2-3 W m K. These results provide valuable information in growth processes and show the great capability of the SThM technique in ambient environment for nanoscale thermal studies, otherwise not possible using conventional techniques