2,991 research outputs found

    A view from inside iron-based superconductors

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    Muon spin spectroscopy is one of the most powerful tools to investigate the microscopic properties of superconductors. In this manuscript, an overview on some of the main achievements obtained by this technique in the iron-based superconductors (IBS) are presented. It is shown how the muons allow to probe the whole phase diagram of IBS, from the magnetic to the superconducting phase, and their sensitivity to unravel the modifications of the magnetic and the superconducting order parameters, as the phase diagram is spanned either by charge doping, by an external pressure or by introducing magnetic and non-magnetic impurities. Moreover, it is highlighted that the muons are unique probes for the study of the nanoscopic coexistence between magnetism and superconductivity taking place at the crossover between the two ground-states.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figure

    Enterprise Risk Management, Corporate Governance And Systemic Risk: Some Research Perspectives

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    The general goal of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) processes is to generate economic value through the coverage of firm business risk, on the one hand, and by exploiting the positive side of uncertainty conditions, on the other hand. The increasing attention attributed to ERM in the creation of economic value has led to even greater interactions between risk management mechanisms and the corporate governance system. In other words, in the last two decades, the relationships between corporate governance and ERM increased since the ERM processes have been considered more and more as critical drivers to combine strategic objectives with relative low volatility of company performance. The basic idea is that a good corporate governance system must deal about specific risks along with their interactions and, at the same time, the firm’s business risk as a whole. Moreover, an efficient and effective ERM system provides clear information about linkages between strategic opportunities and risk exposure and offers tools able to manage in an optimal way the negative side of business risk (or downside risk) as wellas its positive side (or upside risk). Accordingly, extant studies concerning the relationships between ERM and corporate governance have been focusing on a micro-level of analyses (i.e., the individual organization) and, specifically, on a firm’s benefits that stem from the adoption of proper ERM processes that are consistent with corporate governance goals and are able to sustain the increase of economic value while maintaining a bearable business risk over time. From our initial analyses, a gap in literature arises. We argue that the interdependence between ERM and corporate governance may be analyzed from a broader point of view as well (i.e., the firm and its task environment composed by its suppliers, customers, and partners). In particular, our research idea is to enlarge traditional studies about interrelations between corporate governance and ERM taking into account whether such interrelations could be a driver of risk transfer from the focal organization to other organizations that belong to its task environment. Moreover, this study aims to deepen the mechanisms by which the transfer of risk from a focal organization to its task environment may foster the emergence of systemic risk, i.e., a macro risk coming from domino and/or network effects. Therefore, our paper aims to find new research areas by combining micro and macro issues tied to corporate governance, ERM and systemic risk. The starting point of our work is the three following assumptions: 1) The compliance of a firm to ERM processes as well as to corporate governance rules implies the reduction as much as possible of firm business risk; 2) The reduction of the firm business risk leads to externalizing the firm business risk through risk-sharing mechanisms; 3) The risk-sharing may arise like a driver of systemic risk especially in those industries featured by strong network interrelations. Starting from the above assumptions, the paper goal is to open a new research area which combines four academic fields (ERM, corporate governance, corporate finance, and macro-finance). So far, our initial findings tell us that the following research questions arise: RQ1: What are the conditions under which the transfer of business risk towards organizations that belong to a firm task environment is likely to become a source of systemic risk in a specific industry? RQ2: How does the capital structure of a focal firm affect its propensity to transfer business risk not only to commercial but also to financial stakeholders included in firm task environment? RQ3: How does the transfer of business risk influence the capital cost of the focal firm as well as of the organizations that absorbed such risk

    Evidence for impurity-induced frustration in La2CuO4

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    Zero-field muon spin rotation and magnetization measurements were performed in La2Cu{1-x}MxO4, for 0<x< 0.12, where Cu2+ is replaced either by M=Zn2+ or by M=Mg2+ spinless impurity. It is shown that while the doping dependence of the sublattice magnetization (M(x)) is nearly the same for both compounds, the N\'eel temperature (T_N(x)) decreases unambiguously more rapidly in the Zn-doped compound. This difference, not taken into account within a simple dilution model, is associated with the frustration induced by the Zn2+ impurity onto the Cu2+ antiferromagnetic lattice. In fact, from T_N(x) and M(x) the spin stiffness is derived and found to be reduced by Zn doping more significantly than expected within a dilution model. The effect of the structural modifications induced by doping on the exchange coupling is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Critical chain length and superconductivity emergence in oxygen-equalized pairs of YBa2Cu3O6.30

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    The oxygen-order dependent emergence of superconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6+x is studied, for the first time in a comparative way, on pair samples having the same oxygen content and thermal history, but different Cu(1)Ox chain arrangements deriving from their intercalated and deintercalated nature. Structural and electronic non-equivalence of pairs samples is detected in the critical region and found to be related, on microscopic scale, to a different average chain length, which, on being experimentally determined by nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), sheds new light on the concept of critical chain length for hole doping efficiency.Comment: 7 RevTex pages, 2 Postscript figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Soft x-rays absorption and high-resolution powder x-ray diffraction study of superconducting CaxLa(1-x)Ba(1.75-x)La(0.25+x)Cu3Oy system

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    We have studied the electronic structure of unoccupied states measured by O K-edge and Cu L-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), combined with crystal structure studied by high resolution powder x-ray diffraction (HRPXRD), of charge-compensated layered superconducting CaxLa(1-x)Ba(1.75-x)La(0.25+x)Cu3Oy (0<x<0.4, 6.4<y<7.3) cuprate. A detailed analysis shows that, apart from hole doping, chemical pressure on the electronically active CuO2 plane due to the lattice mismatch with the spacer layers greatly influences the superconducting properties of this system. The results suggest chemical pressure to be the most plausible parameter to control the maximum critical temperatures (Tcmax) in different cuprate families at optimum hole density.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solid

    Modification of magnetic and transport properties of manganite layers in Au/La_0.67Sr_0.33MnO_3/SrTiO_3 interfaces

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    The effect of gold capping on magnetic and transport properties of optimally doped manganite thin films is studied. An extraordinary suppression of conductivity and magnetic properties occurs in epitaxial (001) La_0.67Sr_0.33MnO_3 (LSMO) films grown on SrTiO_3 upon deposition of 2 nm of Au: in the case of ultrathin films of LSMO (4 nm thick) the resistivity increases by four orders of magnitude while the Curie temperature decreases by 180 K. Zero-field 55Mn nuclear magnetic resonance reveals a significant reduction of ferromagnetic double-exchange mechanism in manganite films upon the gold capping. We find evidence for the formation of a 1.9-nm thick magnetic "dead-layer" at the Au/LSMO interface, associated with the creation of interfacial non double-exchange insulating phases.Comment: 4 figure

    Physiological responses of garden cress (L. sativum) to different types of microplastics

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    In this study, for the first time, acute and chronic toxicity caused by four different kinds of microplastics: polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), polyvinylchloride (PVC), and a commercial mixture (PE + PVC) on Lepidium sativum were evaluated. Parameters considered were: i) biometric parameters (e.g. percentage inhibition of seed germination, plant height, leaf number and fresh biomass productions); and ii) oxidative stress (e.g. levels of hydrogen peroxide, glutathione, and ascorbic acid). On plants exposed to chronic stress chlorophylls, carotenoids, aminolaevulinic acid, and proline productions were, also, evaluated. PVC resulted the most toxic than other plastic materials tested. This study represents the first paper highlighting microplastics are able to produce oxidative burst in tested plants and could represent an important starting point for future researches on biochemical effects of microplastic in terrestrial environments such as agroecosystems

    The poisoning effect of Mn in LaFe(1-x)Mn(x)AsO(0.89)F(0.11): unveiling a quantum critical point in the phase diagram of iron-based superconductors

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    A superconducting-to-magnetic transition is reported for LaFe1x_{1-x}Mnx_xAsO0.89_{0.89}F0.11_{0.11} where a per thousand amount of Mn impurities is dispersed. By employing local spectroscopic techniques like muon spin rotation (muSR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) on compounds with Mn contents ranging from x=0.025% to x=0.75%, we find that the electronic properties are extremely sensitive to the Mn impurities. In fact, a small amount of Mn as low as 0.2% suppresses superconductivity completely. Static magnetism, involving the FeAs planes, is observed to arise for x > 0.1% and becomes further enhanced upon increasing Mn substitution. Also a progressive increase of low energy spin fluctuations, leading to an enhancement of the NQR spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T1, is observed upon Mn substitution. The analysis of 1/T1 for the sample closest to the the crossover between superconductivity and magnetism (x = 0.2%) points towards the presence of an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point around that doping level.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Crossover between magnetism and superconductivity in low H-doped LaFeAsO

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    By a systematic study of the hydrogen-doped LaFeAsO system by means of dc resistivity, dc magnetometry, and muon-spin spectroscopy we addressed the question of universality of the phase diagram of rare-earth-1111 pnictides. In many respects, the behaviour of LaFeAsO_(1-x)H_(x) resembles that of its widely studied F-doped counterpart, with H^- realizing a similar (or better) electron-doping in the LaO planes. In a x = 0.01 sample we found a long-range SDW order with T_n = 119 K, while at x = 0.05 the SDW establishes only at 38 K and, below T_c = 10 K, it coexists at a nanoscopic scale with bulk superconductivity. Unlike the abrupt M-SC transition found in the parent La-1111 compound, the presence a crossover region makes the H-doped system qualitatively similar to other Sm-, Ce-, or Nd-1111 families.Comment: to appear in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte