11 research outputs found

    Timing and X-ray pulse characterization at the Small Quantum Systems instrument of the European X-ray Free Electron Laser

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    This contribution presents the initial characterization of the pump-probe performance at the Small Quantum Systems (SQS) instrument of the European X-ray Free Electron Laser. It is demonstrated that time-resolved experiments can be performed by measuring the X-ray/optical cross-correlation exploiting the laser-assisted Auger decay in neon. Applying time-of-arrival corrections based on simultaneous spectral encoding measurements allow us to significantly improve the temporal resolution of this experiment. These results pave the way for ultrafast pump-probe investigations of gaseous media at the SQS instrument combining intense and tunable soft X-rays with versatile optical laser capabilities

    The 1-Megapixel pnCCD detector for the Small Quantum Systems Instrument at the European XFEL: system and operation aspects

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    The X-ray free-electron lasers that became available during the last decade, like the European XFEL (EuXFEL), place high demands on their instrumentation. Especially at low photon energies below 1 keV, detectors with high sensitivity, and consequently low noise and high quantum efficiency, are required to enable facility users to fully exploit the scientific potential of the photon source. A 1-Megapixel pnCCD detector with a 1024 × 1024 pixel format has been installed and commissioned for imaging applications at the Nano-Sized Quantum System (NQS) station of the Small Quantum System (SQS) instrument at EuXFEL. The instrument is currently operating in the energy range between 0.5 and 3 keV and the NQS station is designed for investigations of the interaction of intense FEL pulses with clusters, nano-particles and small bio-molecules, by combining photo-ion and photo-electron spectroscopy with coherent diffraction imaging techniques. The core of the imaging detector is a pn-type charge coupled device (pnCCD) with a pixel pitch of 75 µm × 75 µm. Depending on the experimental scenario, the pnCCD enables imaging of single photons thanks to its very low electronic noise of 3 e− and high quantum efficiency. Here an overview on the EuXFEL pnCCD detector and the results from the commissioning and first user operation at the SQS experiment in June 2019 are presented. The detailed descriptions of the detector design and capabilities, its implementation at EuXFEL both mechanically and from the controls side as well as important data correction steps aim to provide useful background for users planning and analyzing experiments at EuXFEL and may serve as a benchmark for comparing and planning future endstations at other FELs.ISSN:0909-0495ISSN:1600-577

    Harmonic radiation contribution and X-ray transmission at the Small Quantum Systems instrument of European XFEL

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    Transmission measurements of the soft X-ray beamline to the Small Quantum Systems (SQS) scientific instrument at the SASE3 undulator of European XFEL are presented. Measurements are reported for a wide range of photon energies (650 eV to 2400 eV), using X-ray gas monitors as well as a bolometric radiometer. The results are in good agreement with simulations for the beam transport and show a transmission of up to 80% over the whole photon energy range. The contribution of second- and third-harmonic radiation of the soft X-ray undulator is determined at selected photon energies by performing transmission measurements using a gas absorber to provide variable attenuation of the incoming photon flux. A comparison of the results with semi-analytic calculations for the generation of free-electron laser pulses in the SASE3 undulator reveals an influence of apertures along the beam transport on the exact harmonic content to be accounted for at the experiment. The second-harmonic content is measured to be in the range of 0.1% to 0.3%, while the third-harmonic contributed a few percent to the SASE3 emission. For experiments at the SQS instrument, these numbers can be reduced through specific selections of the mirror reflection angles

    Isotope effects in dynamics of water isotopologues induced by core ionization at an x-ray free-electron laser

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    Dynamical response of water exposed to x-rays is of utmost importance in a wealth of scienceareas. We exposed isolated water isotopologues to short x-ray pulses from a free-electron laserand detected momenta of all produced ions in coincidence. By combining experimental resultsand theoretical modelling, we identify significant structural dynamics with characteristicisotope effects in H2_2O2+^{2+} , D2_2O2+^{2+} , and HDO2+^{2+} , such as asymmetric bond elongation and bond-angle opening, leading to two-body or three-body fragmentation on a timescale of a fewfemtoseconds. A method to disentangle the sequences of events taking place upon theconsecutive absorption of two x-ray photons is described. Methodological access to thestructural properties and dynamics of dissociating water isotopologues exposed to x-rays opensthe way to a broader understanding of aqueous systems of biological interest

    High-resolution electron time-of-flight spectrometers for angle-resolved measurements at the SQS Instrument at the European XFEL

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    A set of electron time-of-flight spectrometers for high-resolution angle-resolved spectroscopy was developed for the Small Quantum Systems (SQS) instrument at the SASE3 soft X-ray branch of the European XFEL. The resolving power of this spectrometer design is demonstrated to exceed 10 000 (E/ΔE), using the well known Ne 1s−13p resonant Auger spectrum measured at a photon energy of 867.11 eV at a third-generation synchrotron radiation source. At the European XFEL, a width of ∼0.5 eV full width at half-maximum for a kinetic energy of 800 eV was demonstrated. It is expected that this linewidth can be reached over a broad range of kinetic energies. An array of these spectrometers, with different angular orientations, is tailored for the Atomic-like Quantum Systems endstation for high-resolution angle-resolved spectroscopy of gaseous samples

    The beam transport system for the Small Quantum Systems instrument at the European XFEL: optical layout and first commissioning results

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    The Small Quantum Systems instrument is one of the six operating instruments of the European XFEL, dedicated to the atomic, molecular and cluster physics communities. The instrument started its user operation at the end of 2018 after a commissioning phase. The design and characterization of the beam transport system are described here. The X-ray optical components of the beamline are detailed, and the beamline performances, transmission and focusing capabilities are reported. It is shown that the X-ray beam can be effectively focused as predicted by ray-tracing simulations. The impact of non-ideal X-ray source conditions on the focusing performances is discussed

    Double Core-Hole Generation in O_{2} Molecules Using an X-Ray Free-Electron Laser: Molecular-Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions.

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    We report on a multiparticle coincidence experiment performed at the European X-ray Free-Electron Laser at the Small Quantum Systems instrument using a COLTRIMS reaction microscope. By measuring two ions and two electrons in coincidence, we investigate double core-hole generation in O_{2} molecules in the gas phase. Single-site and two-site double core holes have been identified and their molecular-frame electron angular distributions have been obtained for a breakup of the oxygen molecule into two doubly charged ions. The measured distributions are compared to results of calculations performed within the frozen- and relaxed-core Hartree-Fock approximations

    Benjamin doubaliphotoelectron diffraction imaging of a molecular breakup using an x-ray free-electron laser

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    A central motivation for the development of x-ray free-electron lasers has been the prospect of time-resolved single-molecule imaging with atomic resolution. Here, we show that x-ray photoelectron diffraction—where a photoelectron emitted after x-ray absorption illuminates the molecular structure from within—can be used to image the increase of the internuclear distance during the x-ray-induced fragmentation of an O2 molecule. By measuring the molecular-frame photoelectron emission patterns for a two-photon sequential K-shell ionization in coincidence with the fragment ions, and by sorting the data as a function of the measured kinetic energy release, we can resolve the elongation of the molecular bond by approximately 1.2 a.u. within the duration of the x-ray pulse. The experiment paves the road toward time-resolved pump-probe photoelectron diffraction imaging at high-repetition-rate x-ray free-electron lasers