239 research outputs found

    Einige bemerkenswerte Funde von Käfern in der Pfalz (Coleoptera)

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    Als Ergebnis einer COLEO-Exkursion werden sieben Neufunde für die Pfalz sowie andere bemerkenswerte Käferarten aufgeführt.As a result of an entomological excursion seven beetle species new for the region of Palatia (Germany) are listed and some other remarkable species, too

    Epuraea ocularis FAIRMAIRE, a new adventitious species in Germany (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae)

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    Am Kaiserstuhl bei Freiburg in Südwestdeutschland fand ich im Oktober 1999 die hauptsächlich asiatisch verbreitete Epuraea ocularis FAIRMAIRE; es ist die erste Meldung dieser Art aus Deutschland. Die ähnliche pantropische Art E. luteola ERICHSON breitet sich ebenfalls in Südeuropa aus und könnte auch nach Deutschland vordringen. Zur Identifizierung von E. ocularis und E. luteola wird die Bestimmungstabelle der mitteleuropäischen Epuraea-Arten (SPORNRAFT 1963) ergänzt.In October 1999 I found the asiatic species Epuraea ocularis FAIRMAIRE in southwest Germany at Kaiserstuhl, near Freiburg, which constitutes the first record for Germany. The similar pantropic species E. luteola ERICHSON is also spreading in southern Europe and might reach Germany too. Additions to the identification key of the central european Epuraea (SPORNRAFT 1963) are provided for these two species

    Faunistisch bemerkenswerte Käferfunde zwischen Schwarzwald und Rheinaue (Coleoptera)

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    Eine aus ganz Deutschland bisher noch nicht gemeldete Käferart, 15 Neufunde für Baden oder ganz Baden-Württemberg sowie über 150 weitere faunistisch bemerkenswerte Käferfunde des Autors aus den letzten Jahren werden aufgeführt.Author’s finding data of one beetle species new for Germany and of 15 species new for the region Baden or Baden-Württemberg are listed. Data of more than 150 other remarkable species found in Baden during last years are added

    Bemerkenswerte Käferfunde als Ergebnisse einer erfolgreichen Exkursionssaison

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    Im Sommer 2001 wurden käferkundliche Exkursionen in verschiedenen Regionen Mitteleuropas sowie des angrenzenden Südostens durchgeführt. Ausser zahlreichen Neu- und Wiederfunden für die jeweilige Region gelang mit Pseudolathra manueli (Staphylinidae, Paederinae) auch ein Neufund für Deutschland. Im östlichen Ungarn wurde mehrfach eine noch nicht beschriebene Staphyliniden-Art der Gattung Atheta (U.G.Parameotica) gefunden.During summer 2001 beetles were caught in several regions of central and southeastern Europe. Many first findings are recorded for different parts of Germany. One species was found in Germany for the first time at all: Pseudolathra manueli (Staphylinidae). A still unknown species belonging to the genus Atheta, subgen. Parameotica (Staphylinidae) was found in eastern Hungary

    Group Size and Social Ties in Microfinance Institutions

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    Microfinance programmes provide poor people with small loans given to jointly liable self-selected groups. Follow-up loans provide incentives to repay. In an experiment we investigate the influence of those features on strategic default. Each group member invests in an individual risky project, whose outcome is known only to the individual investor. Subjects decide, whether to contribute to group repayment or not. Only those with successful projects can contribute. The experiment ends if too few repay. We investigate group size and social ties effects. We observe high repayments rates, which are robust across treatment. Group lending outperforms individual lending. Self-selected groups show a high but less stable willingness to contribute.microcredits, group lending, public goods, laboratory experiments, development economics

    Untersuchungen zur Käferfauna der Umgebung von Skwierzyna im westlichen Polen (Wielkopolska)

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    In den Jahren 2003-2006 wurden im westlichen Polen im Bezirk Gorzow WLKP - hauptsächlich in der Umgebung von Skwierzyna - insgesamt über 1100 Käferarten nachgewiesen. Neben den üblichen Handfängen kam auch die Autokescher-Methode (= AK) zum Einsatz. In der ersten Tabelle werden die kompletten Funddaten von 190 aus Polen nur wenig oder noch nicht gemeldeten Arten mitgeteilt. Die Anhangtabelle enthält die übrigen Arten, aber ohne genaue Fundangaben. Diese sind jedoch bei Bedarf beim Erstautor abrufbar.In the northwest of Poland, region Gorzow WLKP, more than 1100 species of beetles were found during short visits 2003-2006. In addition to the normal sampling methods the car net (AK = „Autokescher“) was applied. In the first table the finding data of 190 species are given. From Poland they are recorded only a few times or they were unknown there before. A second table contains all the other species without finding data. If wanted these can be asked for at the adress of the first author

    Über die ausstülpbaren Hautblasen der Larven von Gastroidea viridula De Geer und ihre ökologische Bedeutung (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).

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    Die ausstülpbaren Hautblasen der Larven von Gastroidea viridula werden beschrieben. Ähnliche Gebilde, wie sie ber verwandten Chrysomeliden und anderen Insekten vorkommen, werden in die Diskussion über die Bedeutung solcher Organe einbezogen. Das Hauptblasensekret der Gastroidea viridula-Larven schreckt die Imagines der gleichen Art, nicht aber räuberische Insekten ab. Durch den intraspezifisch wirksamen Vertreibungseffekt erfüllt es Regulationsfunktionen innerhalb der Population.The eversible glands of the larvae of Gastroidea viridula are described. Several potential functions of such glands, including similar one of other insects, are discussed. The secretion of the Gastroidea viridula-glands repulses the adults of this species but no enemies. Thus it appears to be mainly a tool of intraspecific regulation

    Design and On-Orbit Experience of Reaction Wheels for Small Satellites

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    The history of reaction wheel development at the Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) begins early in the 90s. Since then many of these reaction wheels performed on-orbit without a single failure as a part of six micro- and nanosatellite missions. The last one is the S band Network for co-operating Satellites (S-Net). S-Net is a cluster of four nanosats successfully launched in February 2018. Since then a number of communication experiments using intersatellite links have been performed by the S-Net satellites. This paper is focusing on the design and on the on orbit performance of the reaction wheels for S-Net nanosatellites. The design is based on COTS and differs considerably from the state-of-the-art one. The wheel is pressurized, allowing higher rotation speeds due to a better thermal performance as well as the use of commercial motors without any changes in ball bearings and their lubrication. Due to a better ball bearing friction the performance and, consequently, the failure tolerance have increased significantly. The wheels can run at higher speeds continuously allowing their use within momentum bias platforms. A novel suspension system helped to optimize the misalignment of the rotational axis compared to a simple spiral spring based suspension used for TUB wheels earlier. A further outstanding feature is the implementation of some additional control loops alongside with the standard current, speed and torque control. The use of built-in internal angular velocity sensors makes satellite velocity and satellite angle control modes possible. For some operational scenarios, especially for such with high agility requirements, it can be advantageous because these control loops can be closed with a higher frequency as if would be possible with a centralized external attitude controller. The system is characterized by a low steady-state power consumption of 220 mW at the zero motor speed and under 1.5 W at the maximum speed, has the dimensions of 65 x 65 x 55 mm3 and a weight of less than 320 g. Two wheel modifications for different satellite classes with slightly different rotor geometry exist. The angular momentum can be as high as 45 mNms. The modular design allows a scale-up without significant changes in mechanics and electronics. Finally, future work based on the described design is discussed

    The impact of the AO foundation on fracture care : an evaluation of 60 years AO foundation

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    Objectives Sixty years ago, the Association of Osteosynthesis (AO) was founded with the aim to improve fracture treatment and has since grown into one of the largest medical associations worldwide. Aim of this study was to evaluate AO's impact on science, education, patient care and the MedTech business. Design/methods Impact evaluations were conducted as appropriate for the individual domains: Impact on science was measured by analyzing citation frequencies of publications promoted by AO. Impact on education was evaluated by analyzing the evolution of number and location of AO courses. Impact on patient care was evaluated with a health economic model analyzing cost changes and years of life gained through the introduction of osteosynthesis in 17 high-income countries (HICs). Impact on MedTech business was evaluated by analyzing sales data of AO-associated products. Results Thirty-five AO papers and 2 major AO textbooks are cited at remarkable frequencies in high ranking journals with up to 2000 citations/year. The number of AO courses steadily increased with a total of 645'000 participants, 20‘000 teaching days and 2‘500 volunteer faculty members so far. The introduction of osteosynthesis saved at least 925 billion Swiss Francs [CHF] in the 17 HICs analyzed and had an impact on avoiding premature deaths comparable to the use of antihypertensive drugs. AO-associated products generated sales of 55 billion CHF. Conclusion AO's impact on science, education, patient care, and the MedTech business was significant because AO addressed hitherto unmet needs by combining activities that mutually enriched and reinforced each other

    Is resistance to ischaemia of motor axons in diabetic subjects due to membrane depolarization?

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    The reasons for the resistance to ischaemia of peripheral nerves in diabetics are not well understood. We have now explored whether axonal depolarization underlies this phenomenon, as has previously been proposed. Resistance to ischaemia was determined by the new method of “threshold tracking”. This method revealed an increase in excitability of the peroneal nerve at the popliteal fossa during ischaemia, and a decrease in excitability in the post-ischaemic period. The extent of these alterations in 28 type 1 diabetics without peripheral neuropathy showed a strong correlation with the mean blood glucose concentrations during the last 24 h before examination. To test whether the ischaemic resistance was related to membrane potential, we also measured axonal superexcitability in 11 selected diabetics, since it has been shown that post-spike changes in excitability depend on membrane potential. Changes in excitability of the peroneal nerve were measured in the period between 10 and 30 msec following a conditioning supramaximal compound action potential. Under resting conditions, no differences in the post-spike superexcitability were found between controls and diabetics, despite striking differences in their responses to a 10-min pressure cuff. These observations indicate that membrane depolarization is not involved in the resistance to ischaemia of motor axons in diabetic subjects