301 research outputs found

    Phase Structure of Dynamical Triangulation Models in Three Dimensions

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    The dynamical triangulation model of three-dimensional quantum gravity is shown to have a line of transitions in an expanded phase diagram which includes a coupling mu to the order of the vertices. Monte Carlo renormalization group and finite size scaling techniques are used to locate and characterize this line. Our results indicate that for mu < mu1 ~ -1.0 the model is always in a crumpled phase independent of the value of the curvature coupling. For mu < 0 the results are in agreement with an approximate mean field treatment. We find evidence that this line corresponds to first order transitions extending to positive mu. However, the behavior appears to change for mu > mu2 ~ 2-4. The simplest scenario that is consistent with the data is the existence of a critical end point

    Three-Dimensional Quantum Gravity Coupled to Gauge Fields

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    We show how to simulate U(1) gauge fields coupled to three-dimensional quantum gravity and then examine the phase diagram of this system. Quenched mean field theory suggests that a transition separates confined and deconfined phases (for the gauge matter) in both the negative curvature phase and the positive curvature phase of the quantum gravity, but numerical simulations find no evidence for such transitions.Comment: 16 page

    Non-Perturbative Renormalization Group Flows in Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity

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    Recently a block spin renormalization group approach was proposed for the dynamical triangulation formulation of two-dimensional quantum gravity. We use this approach to examine non-perturbatively a particular class of higher derivative actions for pure gravity.Comment: 17 page

    Entropy and the Approach to the Thermodynamic Limit in Three-Dimensional Simplicial Gravity

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    We present numerical results supporting the existence of an exponential bound in the dynamical triangulation model of three-dimensional quantum gravity.Both the critical coupling and various other quantities show a slow power law approach to the infinite volume limit

    Three Dimensional Quantum Gravity Coupled to Ising Matter

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    We establish the phase diagram of three--dimensional quantum gravity coupled to Ising matter. We find that in the negative curvature phase of the quantum gravity there is no disordered phase for ferromagnetic Ising matter because the coordination number of the sites diverges. In the positive curvature phase of the quantum gravity there is evidence for two spin phases with a first order transition between them.Comment: 12 page

    Spectroscopy, Equation Of State And Monopole Percolation In Lattice QED With Two Flavors

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    Non-compact lattice QED with two flavors of light dynamical quarks is simulated on 16416^4 lattices, and the chiral condensate, monopole density and susceptibility and the meson masses are measured. Data from relatively high statistics runs at relatively small bare fermion masses of 0.005, 0.01, 0.02 and 0.03 (lattice units) are presented. Three independent methods of data analysis indicate that the critical point occurs at β=0.225(5)\beta =0.225(5) and that the monopole condensation and chiral symmetry breaking transitions are coincident. The monopole condensation data satisfies finite size scaling hypotheses with critical indices compatible with four dimensional percolation. The best chiral equation of state fit produces critical exponents (δ=2.31\delta=2.31, βmag=0.763\beta_{mag}=0.763) which deviate significantly from mean field expectations. Data for the ratio of the sigma to pion masses produces an estimate of the critical index δ\delta in good agreement with chiral condensate measurements. In the strong coupling phase the ratio of the meson masses are Mσ2/Mρ20.35M_\sigma^2/M_\rho^2\approx 0.35, MA12/Mρ21.4M_{A_1}^2/M_\rho^2\approx 1.4 and Mπ2/Mρ20.0M_\pi^2/M_\rho^2\approx 0.0, while on the weak coupling side of the transition Mπ2/Mρ21.0M_\pi^2/M_\rho^2\approx 1.0, MA12/Mρ21.0M_{A_1}^2/M_\rho^2\approx 1.0, indicating the restoration of chiral symmetry.\footnote{\,^{}}{August 1992}Comment: 21 pages, 24 figures (not included

    Numerical Study of c\u3e1 Matter Coupled to Quantum Gravity

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    We present the results of a numerical simulation aimed at understanding the nature of the `c = 1 barrier\u27 in two dimensional quantum gravity. We study multiple Ising models living on dynamical \phi^3 graphs and analyse the behaviour of moments of the graph loop distribution. We notice a universality at work as the average properties of typical graphs from the ensemble are determined only by the central charge. We further argue that the qualitative nature of these results can be understood from considering the effect of fluctuations about a mean field solution in the Ising sector

    Nonperturbative Renormalization-Group Flows In 2-Dimensional Quantum-Gravity

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    Recently a block spin renormalization group approach was proposed for the dynamical triangulation formulation of two-dimensional quantum gravity. We use this approach to examine non-perturbatively a particular class of higher derivative actions for pure gravity

    Numerical Study of c>1 Matter Coupled to Quantum Gravity

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    We present the results of a numerical simulation aimed at understanding the nature of the `c = 1 barrier' in two dimensional quantum gravity. We study multiple Ising models living on dynamical ϕ3\phi^3 graphs and analyse the behaviour of moments of the graph loop distribution. We notice a universality at work as the average properties of typical graphs from the ensemble are determined only by the central charge. We further argue that the qualitative nature of these results can be understood from considering the effect of fluctuations about a mean field solution in the Ising sector.Comment: 12 page

    Simplicial Gravity in Dimension Greater than Two

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    We consider two issues in the DT model of quantum gravity. First, it is shown that the triangulation space for D\u3e3 is dominated by triangulations containing a single singular (D-3)-simplex composed of vertices with divergent dual volumes. Second we study the ergodicity of current simulation algorithms. Results from runs conducted close to the phase transition of the four-dimensional theory are shown. We see no strong indications of ergodicity br eaking in the simulation and our data support recent claims that the transition is most probably first order. Furthermore, we show that the critical properties of the system are determined by the dynamics of remnant singular vertices