1,244 research outputs found

    Towards the integration of clinical hypnosis into an integrative relational developmental therapeutic approach: Learning from my clients

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    Aim: This study examined my former clients’ lived therapeutic experiences. Clinical hypnosis was used as an adjunct to therapy in the treatment of ego state dissociations in clients that had a history of trauma - and stressor - related disorders. Method: Ten former clients and I were interviewed and verbatim transcripts were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Findings: Five master themes emerged from analysis of the participants’ interviews and two master themes emerged of the therapist’s interview analysis. It was found that the therapy was experienced by the participants as beneficial. They identified a number of ways in which clinical hypnosis was used to progress therapy. The findings also showed concurrence and divergence of experiences between participants’ and therapist’s experiences of the participants’ experiencing. The most salient ones were an experiential discord regarding the level of the therapist’s emotional attunement during trance work, and on the locus of therapeutic change. Conclusion: The study offers a range of suggestions of the potential usage of clinical hypnosis as an adjunct to therapy. It also highlights the therapist’s need to develop ways of maintaining an ongoing acceptance to the clients’ views and experiences during therapy

    Deep learning networks with adaptive attention mechanisms for malaria detection in thick smear blood samples

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    This project aims to develop an end-to end deep network to detect malaria parasites from thick smear blood sample images with object detectors. This project uses different objects detectors such as Faster-RCNN, SSD, RetinaNet and YOLO. The model with the best results is YOLO, so adaptive attention mechanisms are implemented in this model, such as Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) and Convolution Block Attention Module (CBAM).Este proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar una red profunda de extremo a extremo para detectar parásitos de la malaria a partir de imágenes de muestras de sangre de frotis gruesos con detectores de objetos. Este proyecto utiliza diferentes detectores de objetos como Faster-RCNN, SSD, RetinaNet y YOLO. El modelo con mejores resultados es YOLO, por lo que en este modelo se implementan mecanismos de atención adaptativa, como Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) y Convolution Block Attention Module (CBAM).Aquest projecte pretén desenvolupar una xarxa profunda d'extrem a extrem per detectar paràsits de la malària a partir d'imatges de mostres de sang de frotis gruixut amb detectors d'objectes. Aquest projecte utilitza diferents detectors d'objectes com Faster-RCNN, SSD, RetinaNet i YOLO. El model amb millors resultats és YOLO, per la qual cosa s'implementen mecanismes d'atenció adaptativa en aquest model, com el Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) i el Convolution Block Attention Module (CBAM)

    Developing the next "wow" fitness product

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 79-80).The fitness industry has not seen a commercially successful revolution since the elliptical trainer in the mid 1990s. Newer products such as the Cybex Arc Trainer are vying to replicate this success, but are only slowly gaining acceptance. Most companies that have tried to succeed with unique products or heavy telemarketing, have failed in leaving any lasting or notable mark. In an attempt to do what others have failed in doing, the goal of this project was to develop the next revolutionary product in the industry. In the footsteps of the elliptical trainer and Bowflex, the aim is to design a brand new fitness product to create industry buzz and become a household name. The work done has gone through the usual design process, beginning with extensive research and continuing to problem selection, solution brainstorming, quantity conceptualization, quality narrowing, and concept development ...by Jorge F. Renjifo.S.B

    Dispersión de semillas por murciélagos a través de cuatro estados sucesionales de un paisaje subandino

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    The mutual relationships between bats and vegetation, in addition to the individual benefits, are significant contributors to the tropical forest regeneration through seed dispersal. As the bats eat the fruits of pioneer plants they provide secondary succession dispersing the ingested seeds into the forest as well as in the degraded areas. This study compared the structure and composition of the fruit bats and the seeds dispersed in different successional habitats (mature forest, secondary growth with seven years of regeneration, secondary growth with one year of regeneration and pasture) in the Forest Reserve Bremen-La Popa (Filandia-Quindío, Colombia). Mist nets were used to capture the bats and samples of their feces were also obtained. Abundance, richness and equity of the fruit bats and the seeds dispersed were higher in those habitats with older regeneration. The bats Artibeus lituratus and Sturnira lilium were more abundant in the pasture and in the early successional stages of one and seven years. The seeds most dispersed by bats were Cecropia telealba, Solanum undullata, Solanum aphydendron and Solanum acerifolium.La relación mutualista entre murciélago-vegetación, además de los beneficios individuales, contribuye de manera importante a la regeneración de los bosques tropicales a través de la dispersión de semillas. Los murciélagos al consumir los frutos de plantas pioneras facilitan la sucesión secundaria, dispersando las semillas que ingieren tanto en bosques como en áreas degradadas. En este estudio se comparó la estructura y composición del conjunto de murciélagos frugívoros y las semillas que dispersaron en hábitats con diferente estado sucesional (bosque maduro, crecimiento secundario con siete años de regeneración, crecimiento secundario con un año de regeneración y pastizal) en la Reserva Forestal Bremen-La Popa (Filandia, Quindío). Se utilizaron redes de niebla para la captura de los murciélagos y se obtuvo muestras de materia fecal. La abundancia, riqueza y equidad del conjunto de murciélagos frugívoros y de las semillas que dispersaron fue superior en los hábitats con mayor edad de regeneración. Artibeus lituratus y Sturnira lilium fueron los murciélagos más abundantes en pastizales y en los estados sucesionales tempranos de uno y siete años. Las semillas más dispersadas por los murciélagos fueron de Cecropia telealba, Solanum undullata, S. aphydendron y S. acerifolium

    Disecciones de mosquitos del género anopheles en la intendencia del meta

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    EI esclarecimiento de los vectores de malaria reviste especial importancia para la salubridad nacional. En la presente comunicación se dan a conocer los resultados de 1048 disecciones de mosquitos del genero Anopheles (889 glándulas y 894 estómagos) hechas por nosotros en el Laboratorio de Villavicencio, Instituto "Carlos Finlay", durante los meses de septiembre, octubre, noviembre y diciembre de 1946

    Exploration, processing and visualization of physiological signals from the ICU

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 119-120).This report studies physiological signals measured from patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The signals explored include heart rate, arterial blood pressure, pulmonary artery pressure, and central venous pressure measurements. Following an introduction to these signals, several methods are proposed for visualizing the data using time and frequency domain techniques. By way of a patient case study we motivate a novel method for data clustering based on the singular value decomposition and present some potential applications based on this method for use within the ICU setting.by Carlos A. Renjifo.M.Eng

    Tracking extinction risk trends and patterns in a mega-diverse country: A Red List Index for birds in Colombia.

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    Monitoring trends in the extinction risk of species is important for tracking conservation effectiveness. The Red List index (RLI) reflects changes in aggregate extinction risk for sets of species over time (a value of zero means that all species are extinct, a value of one means that all species are categorized as Least Concern). We calculated the first national RLI for birds in Colombia for the period 2002-2016, and disaggregated indices by ecosystems, regions, and species groups. Overall, the status of birds in Colombia has moderately deteriorated during 2002-2016, declining by 0.0000714% per year (the global RLI for birds declined by 0.0297% per year). High Andean forest, paramo, and freshwater are the ecosystems in worst condition. The two regions with the greatest avian diversity contrasted: the Andes has the lowest RLI, and the Amazon the highest. Among species groups, gamebirds, parrots, large frugivores, and forest raptors are the most threatened. Habitat loss from expansion of illicit crops and population declines from hunting were the most important threats. Agricultural expansion, invasive alien animal species, illegal logging and illegal mining are significant threats for some species. Tracking species' extinction risk is important in a country with the highest bird species richness in the world, dynamic spatial patterns of habitat loss, and high levels of endemism. Recent developments provide reasons for both hope and despair. In 2016, a peace agreement ended 50 years of armed conflict. New opportunities for biodiversity conservation, local development based on bird-watching tourism, and advancement in scientific knowledge of birds now occur alongside dramatic increases in deforestation. These new conservation opportunities and challenges provide strong motivation to take advantage of the fact that the overall risk of extinction of birds in Colombia is still relatively low and stable. Effective action is urgently needed while there still is the opportunity to prevent extinctions and safeguard species, particularly those in higher risk categories

    Juan Manuel Renjifo Rey

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    Muestra de algunas de las fotografías de la colección del biólogo e investigador Juan Manuel Renjifo. En 2019, el Banco de la República adquirió las cerca de 85.200 piezas que conforman esta colección fotográfica, la más grande en biodiversidad colombiana de la Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango. Estas imágenes, tomadas en selvas húmedas, bosques secos, humedales y bosques nublados de montaña del país, recogen la historia de aproximadamente 43 años de investigación y expediciones científicas realizadas por Renjifo, considerado como uno de los fotógrafos naturalistas más destacados en Colombia.  Actualmente se puede consultar parte de la Colección fotográfica Juan Manuel Renjifo en la Biblioteca Virtual del Banco de la República