6 research outputs found

    Introducing the user to the service creation world: concepts for user centric service creation, personalization and notification

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    The “Web 2.0” feature that most permeates the nowadays web is “user-centricity”. Now users are not only consumers of items (software, information, etc.), but also creators of those items. This paper intends to push this paradigm further, targeting mashups of telco and web services in a unique service environment where personalised services will be dynamically created and provisioned by end-users themselves, regardless of ambiance and location. The paper explains how user-centricity can be applied to the service creation world and in general to the overall service lifecycle process. It also describes the platform being implemented in the OPUCE project that captures this philosophy and will be submitted to end-user validation. Whilst focusing on intuitive editors for end-users to compose services, additional hints are provided about personalization and notification approaches to improve user centricity

    Linguaggio formale per la modellazione e la simulazione di diagrammi di interazione temporizzati

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    235-255 p.Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale -. P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Applicazione di TIDe all'analisi prestazionale di architetture di Fast Provisioning: il caso del servizio di Cordies Mobility standard DECT di Telecom= Italia

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    Vol. XXV, pag 423-446Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Aesthetic role of the surgically rebuilt inframammary fold for implant-based breast reconstruction after mastectomy

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    The inframammary fold (IMF) represents one of the most important anatomic landmarks in defining a woman's breast ptosis and inferior quadrant shape. Therefore it is important to preserve it, if this is oncologically safe, at the time of excisional surgery. If it is sacrificed, dislocated cranially or caudally, or there is a thick panniculus adiposus with a poor definition of the fold, it is necessary to recreate it. We present our experience in the reconstruction of the IMF in patients suffering from post-oncologic mastectomy, reconstructed with silicone implants. From January 2000 to May 2004 at the Plastic Surgery Department of the University of Turin, 74 reconstructions of the IMF were performed through Nava's technique, partially modified by us. We believe that IMF reconstruction, through fixation of cutis, subcutis and fascia superficialis to VI rib, along with capsulectomy of periprotesic pocket inferior quadrants, is a milestone for achieving, in selected cases, a good aesthetic result in terms of shape, ptosis and projection of inferior pole. The comparison between patients' opinions (obtained through questionnaires) and surgeon's, at 1 year after the reconstruction, shows that both are satisfied with the achieved outcome in terms of shape, projection, symmetry, ptosis and IMF definition. Another comparison was made between cases of fold preservation and cases of fold reconstruction, with a remarkable similarity of aesthetic satisfaction. The technique proposed here appears to be the current method of choice for IMF reconstruction in all cases where it is necessary to recreate or redefine it. © 2006 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons