496 research outputs found

    Ecological Response to Global Change: Changes in C:N:P Stoichiometry in Environmental Adaptations of Plants

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    This review aims to discuss the state of the art of the stoichiometric ratio of foliar nutrients and their impact on adaptive mechanisms of plants to environmental change. Plant stoichiometry is an excellent way to study the multiple ratios across the nutrients in plants and their ecological interactions with the environment. It plays an important role in clarifying the responses of plants to various changes and their adaptation to different environments. However, anthropic activity can change the stoichiometric ratios of plants. In recent decades, anthropic activities have altered the cycle of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and carbon (C) in plants. This is due to excessive fertilizer application, increased global warming and increased atmospheric CO2 emissions, which can quickly limit the increase of production in plants, as they affect the process of acclimatization, which involves a series of changes in plant metabolism at different levels of organization (molecular, biochemical, anatomical and morphological). In this sense, in this new scenario of changes, new plant responses to stoichiometric changes and adaptive processes in the ecosystem have to be reviewed

    Four of Queens: Shuffling New Barbacenia from Brazil (Velloziaceae)

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    Four new species of Barbacenia Vand. (Velloziaceae) from Bahia and Minas Gerais, Brazil, are described. Barbacenia piranga Mello-Silva, B. serracabralea Mello-Silva, B. tuba Mello-Silva & N. L. Menezes, and B. vellozioides Mello-Silva combine characteristics ascribed to Aylthonia N. L. Menezes and Pleurostima Raf., which have been split from Barbacenia s.l. Barbacenia serracabralea shares leaf trichomes similar to those of Aylthonia, the anther insertion and stigmas of Pleurostima, and fruits similar to those of Barbacenia. Barbacenia piranga and B. tuba show tristichous phyllotaxis, serrulate leaf margins and basifixed anthers that would fit Pleurostima, but the long hypanthial tube, short apical, confluent stigmas lobes, and the loculicidal capsules of B. tuba correspond to those seen in Aylthonia. In B. vellozioides, the basifixed anthers and lateral stigma lobes would suggest placement in Pleurostima. Nevertheless, its capsule is not dehiscent by many intercostal openings, as in Pleurostima, but rather by apical pores. For these reasons, beyond obscuring the alleged distinctions among these three genera, these four are new entities. They are special also for their beauty and rarity.SĂŁo descritas quatro espĂ©cies novas de Barbacenia Vand. (Velloziaceae), da Bahia e de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Barbacenia piranga Mello-Silva, B. serracabralea Mello-Silva, B. tuba Mello-Silva & N. L. Menezes, and B. vellozioides Mello-Silva combinam caracterĂ­sticas atribuĂ­das aos gĂȘneros Aylthonia N. L. Menezes e Pleurostima Raf., desmembrados de Barbacenia s.l. Barbacenia serracabralea agrega tricomas foliares de Aylthonia, inserção das anteras e estigmas de Pleurostima e frutos de Barbacenia. Barbacenia piranga e B. tuba combinam filotaxia trĂ­stica, folhas serruladas e anteras basifixas, que seriam tĂ­picas de Pleurostima, com tubo do hipanto longo, estigmas curtos e confluentes no ĂĄpice, e cĂĄpsulas loculicidas de B. tuba, que seriam tĂ­picas de Aylthonia. As anteras basifixas e os estigmas laterais de B. vellozioides sugeririam sua classificação em Pleurostima. No entanto, suas cĂĄpsulas sĂŁo deiscentes por poros apicais e nĂŁo por aberturas intercostais tĂ­picas de Pleurostima. Por isto, alĂ©m de obscurecer as alegadas distinçÔes entre esses trĂȘs gĂȘneros, elas constituem novas espĂ©cies. SĂŁo distintas tambĂ©m por sua beleza e raridade.Thanks are due to the curators of the herbaria cited herein. Visits to herbaria have been supported by Fundação de Amparo Ă  Pesquisa do Estado de SĂŁo Paulo (FAPESP), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientĂ­fico e TecnolĂłgico (CNPq), Margaret Mee Amazon Trust, and the Andrew W. Mellon Kew Latin American Research Fellowships (KLARF) Programme. Thanks are given to Gisele Costa, Juliana Lovo, TĂĄssia Santos, and Viviane Jono for their assistance with anatomic slides and micrograph pictures. The line art illustrations are exquisitely done by RogĂ©rio Lupo. Renato de Mello-Silva is a CNPq research fellow

    Flora de GrĂŁo-Mogol, Minas Gerais: Velloziaceae

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    Ephedranthus dimerus (Annonaceae), a new species from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, with a key to the species of Ephedranthus

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    A new species of Ephedranthus from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest is described and illustrated, and a preliminary key to the species of Ephedranthus is presented. Ephedranthus dimerus is the only species of the genus from the Atlantic Forest region and the first species of the genus with dimerous flowers. It is similar to E. guianensis in having narrowly obovate to elliptic leaves with similar dimensions and a cuneate to acute base. Nevertheless, the two species can be distinguished from each other by the number of monocarps per fruit and by the length of the stipe

    Velloziaceae do Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    É apresentado o levantamento das Velloziaceae do Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca. O parque estĂĄ situado na Serra da Mantiqueira e abriga diversas formaçÔes vegetais, principalmente campos rupestres, onde sĂŁo encontradas as espĂ©cies de Velloziaceae. A famĂ­lia conta com cinco gĂȘneros e aproximadamente 250 espĂ©cies. No parque ocorrem dois gĂȘneros e quatro espĂ©cies: Barbacenia flava, Vellozia albiflora, V. crinita e V. intermedia. SĂŁo apresentadas chaves de identificação para os gĂȘneros e espĂ©cies, descriçÔes e ilustraçÔes

    Droseraceae do parque Estadual Do Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    The Droseraceae species inventory of the Ibitipoca State Park is presented. The Park is located in Mantiqueira Range, between 21Âș40'15" - 21Âș43'30"S and 43Âș52'35" - 43Âș54'15"W. Within the Park there are several types of vegetation, such as altitude savannas, montane forests and mostly campos rupestres. The Droseraceae, a cosmopolitan distributed family with three genera and about 150 species is represented in Brazil only by the genus Drosera with about 30 species. Four species occur in the Park: Drosera communis, D. montana, D. tomentosa var. glabrata and D. villosa. Key for the species, descriptions, illustrations and comments about distribution and taxonomy are presented.Este trabalho apresenta o levantamento das Droseraceae do Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca. O Parque estĂĄ situado na Cadeia da Mantiqueira, entre os paralelos 21Âș40'15" - 21Âș43'30"S e 43Âș52'35" - 43Âș54'15"W. Abriga diversas formaçÔes vegetais como cerrados de altitude, florestas montanas e principalmente campos rupestres. Droseraceae, uma famĂ­lia cosmopolita com trĂȘs gĂȘneros e cerca de 150 espĂ©cies, estĂĄ representada no Brasil pelo gĂȘnero Drosera com cerca de 30 espĂ©cies. No Parque ocorrem quatro espĂ©cies: Drosera communis, D. montana, D. tomentosa var. glabrata e D. villosa. SĂŁo apresentados chaves de identificação para as espĂ©cies, descriçÔes, ilustraçÔes e comentĂĄrios sobre distribuição e taxonomia

    Acanthaceae do Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    O estudo da famĂ­lia Acanthaceae Ă© parte do levantamento da flora do Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca, situado em Minas Gerais, nos municĂ­pios de Santa Rita de Ibitipoca e Lima Duarte, a 21°40’-21°44’S e 43°52’-43°55’W. A famĂ­lia estĂĄ representada na ĂĄrea por seis espĂ©cies, Mendoncia mollis, Ruellia geminiflora, Justicia monticola, J. beyrichii, J. dasyclados e J. sebastianopolitana. SĂŁo apresentadas chaves para gĂȘneros e espĂ©cies, alĂ©m de descriçÔes, ilustraçÔes, e comentĂĄrios sobre as espĂ©cies

    Apocynaceae do Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    The Apocynaceae species inventory of the Ibitipoca State Park is presented. The Park is located in Mantiqueira Range, between 21Âș40'15" - 21Âș43'30" S and 43Âș52'35" -43Âș54'15" W. Within the Park there are several types of vegetation, such as altitude savannas, montane forests and mostly campos rupestres. The Apocynaceae, including Asclepiadoideae, has a cosmopolitan distribution, with about 415 genera and 4550 species, from which about 870 occur in Brazil, in a great range of habitats. Ten genera and 28 species occur in the Park.: Aspidosperma olivaceum, A. spruceanum, Blepharodon ampliflorum, Condylocarpon isthmicum, Ditassa acerosa, D. bicolor, D. conceptionis, D. cordata, D. laevis, D. linearis, D. mucronata, D. tomentosa, Forsteronia australis, F. velloziana, Jobinia lindbergii, Mandevilla atroviolacea, M. illustris, M. pohliana, M. sellowii, M. tenuifolia, Orthosia scoparia, Oxypetalum appendiculatum, O. insigne, O. lanatum, O. minarum, O. patulum, O. strictum, and Peplonia organensis. Keys for the genera and species, descriptions, illustrations, and comments about the distribution and phenology of the species are presented.Este trabalho apresenta o levantamento das Apocynaceae do Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca. O Parque estĂĄ situado na Cadeia da Mantiqueira, entre os paralelos 21Âș40'15" a 21Âș43'30" S e 43Âș52'35" a 43Âș54'15" W. Abriga diversas formaçÔes vegetais como cerrados de altitude, florestas montanas e principalmente campos rupestres. A famĂ­lia Apocynaceae, incluindo Asclepiadaceae, Ă© cosmopolita, com cerca de 415 gĂȘneros e 4550 espĂ©cies, das quais cerca de 870 ocorrem no Brasil, em diferentes hĂĄbitats. No Parque ocorrem 10 gĂȘneros e 28 espĂ©cies: Aspidosperma olivaceum, A. spruceanum, Blepharodon ampliflorum, Condylocarpon isthmicum, Ditassa acerosa, D. bicolor, D. conceptionis, D. cordata, D. laevis, D. linearis, D. mucronata, D. tomentosa, Forsteronia australis, F. velloziana, Jobinia lindbergii, Mandevilla atroviolacea, M. illustris, M. pohliana, M. sellowii, M. tenuifolia, Orthosia scoparia, Oxypetalum appendiculatum, O. insigne, O. lanatum, O. minarum, O. patulum, O. strictum e Peplonia organensis. SĂŁo apresentados chaves de identificação para os gĂȘneros e espĂ©cies, descriçÔes, ilustraçÔes e comentĂĄrios sobre distribuição e fenologia

    Annonaceae do Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais

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    The Annonaceae species from Ibitipoca State Park are presented. The park is located in Mantiqueira Range, between 21Âș40'15"to 21Âș43'30" and 43Âș52'35" to 43Âș54'15"W. Within the park, three types of vegetation are the most common: campo rupestre, Cerrado, and Atlantic Forest. Annonaceae is well represented in tropical forests an three genera and five species of the family occur in the park: Annona dolabripetala, A. emarginata, A. Sylvatica, Guatteria pohliana and Xylopia frutescens. Key for the species, descripitions of genera and species, and illustrations of diagnostic features are presented.As espĂ©cies de Annonaceae do Parque Estadual de Ibitipoca sĂŁo apresentadas. O parque estĂĄ inserido na Cadeia da Mantiqueira, entre 21Âș40'15" a 21Âș43'30"S e 43Âș52'35" a 43Âș54'15"W. No parque, trĂȘs tipos de vegetação sĂŁo as mais comuns: campo rupestre, Cerrado e Floresta AtlĂąntica. Annonaceae Ă© bem representada em florestas tropicais e, no parque, ocorrem trĂȘs gĂȘneros e cinco espĂ©cies da famĂ­lia, todas da Floresta AtlĂąntica: Annona dolabripetala, A. emarginata, A. sylvatica, Guatteria Pohliana e Xylopia frutescens. SĂŁo apresentadas chaves de identificação, descriçÔes dos gĂȘneros e espĂ©cies e ilustraçÔes dos caracteres diagnĂłsticos das espĂ©cies
