332 research outputs found


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    O artigo tem como objetivo principal analisar a realidade de discriminação, desrespeito, negação e sistemática violação de direitos humanos por que passam as pessoas LGBTQIAP+, nas mais diversas relações sociais, os reflexos dessa realidade na empregabilidade dessas pessoas, a responsabilidade social e jurídica das empresas com a garantia de condições justas e favoráveis de trabalho a essa minoria e o papel fundamental do Ministério Público do Trabalho na promoção da igualdade de oportunidades e no combate à discriminação no trabalho em face das pessoas LGBTQIAP+

    Main clinical approaches to orthognathic surgery for class II open bite and genioplasty patients: a brief systematic review

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    Introduction: Orthognathic surgery (OS) is used to improve the patient's facial appearance and to correct maxillary and mandibular deformities resulting from malocclusions, disease, or trauma. In this context, genioplasty is a procedure to correct an aesthetic and functional deformity of the chin region, improving the contour. Moreover, anterior open bite (AOB) is the lack of vertical contact or negative overbite between the anterior teeth of the superior and inferior arches when the posterior teeth are in occlusion. Objective: The present study aimed to perform a brief systematic review with risk of bias analysis by funnel plot to highlight the main clinical approaches of orthognathic surgery in class II patients with open bites and also concerning genioplasty. Methods: The research was carried out from February 2022 to May 2022 and developed based on Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, Scielo, and Google Scholar. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results and Conclusion: A total of 115 articles were found. In total, 57 articles were fully evaluated and 34 were included and evaluated in this study. And of the total of 34 articles, only 11 articles were developed as the main clinical results. A total of 32 articles were excluded because they did not meet the GRADE classification, and 16 were excluded because they were at risk of bias. The symmetric funnel plot does not suggest a risk of bias between the small sample size studies. A retrospective observational study compared 57 patient charts on treatment outcomes for anterior occlusion and vertical skeletal stability after maxillary or mandibular surgery to correct Class II malocclusion with a mild to moderate open bite. After surgery, 87% of Le Fort I patients and 63% of patients with bilateral sagittal split osteotomy had a positive overbite, and at the 6-month follow-up, the percentages were 90% and 74%, respectively. Another study showed Class II patients had significantly greater amounts of lateral and lower translation than class III patients. Also, genioplasty represents one of the most common auxiliary procedures and may be associated with corrective surgery for dentofacial dysmorphisms. However, care must be taken with mental nerve injuries, asymmetries, and intraoperative bleeding are the main immediate complications


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    A bacia hidrográfica pode ser considerada uma unidade física-territorial muito importante e indispensável para o entendimento da dinâmica física-ambiental e socioambiental, como também sua análise, gestão e monitoramento se tornam igualmente relevantes para que seja bem aproveitados os recursos que dela podem ser utilizados pela sociedade. A bacia hidrográfica pode ser definida como uma área que drena água, sedimentos e materiais dissolvidos para uma saída comum, num determinado ponto de um canal fluvial. (TONELLO, 2005; FINKLER, 2013; MACHADO E TORRES, 2012)

    Physicochemical properties and filling capacity of an experimental iodoform-based paste in primary teeth

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    In this study, we evaluated the physicochemical properties (PCP; radiopacity, flow, pH, and solubility) and the quality of root canal filling provided by an experimental industrialized paste (EP), with the same active ingredients as those of the Guedes Pinto paste, compared with the Vitapex® paste. PCP were analyzed according to the ANSI/ADA laboratory testing methods for endodontic filling and sealing materials. To analyze filling capacity, 120 artificial primary teeth (60 maxillary incisors [MIs] and 60 mandibulary molars [MMs]) were endodontically treated. The teeth were divided into eight groups based on the dental group (MIs or MMs), filling material (Vitapex® or EP), and insertion method (syringe or lentulo). The Image J® software was used to analyze the initial an final digital radiographies of each tooth, measuring and comparing root canal and void areas. The percentage of filling failure areas was obtained. Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test of mean comparison. Regarding PCP, both pastes presented results according the ANSI/ADA standards. Flow capacity: Vitapex: 19.6 mm, EP: 25 mm (p 0.05). Regarding filling capacity analysis, EP demonstrated 12.5% of failure against 31.5% of Vitapex (p < 0.01). Compared to Vitapex, EP presented statistically significantly better results in flow, radiopacity, pH, and filling capacity. Molars presented more filling failures than incisors. The insertion method using a syringe and a thin tip was significantly better than that using Lentulo spiral carriers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Knowledge about tuberculosis in individuals deprived of liberty of a regional penitentiary in the Zona da Mata Mineira - Brazil

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    Objective: To evaluate knowledge related to TB and to investigate the predictive factors of the prisoners' knowledge status in a regional penitentiary in the Zona da Mata Mineira - Brazil. Methods: This is a cross-sectional and institutionally based study that was conducted with 729 individuals deprived of their liberty in a regional penitentiary. A questionnaire was applied and the detainees 'knowledge about tuberculosis was obtained from the participants' answers to questions about tuberculosis prevention, transmission and treatment. For data analysis, multiple logistic regression was used. Results: Approximately 40% of the detainees reported not having knowledge about transmission, prevention and treatment of tuberculosis and the lack of knowledge was associated with the following variables: lower education, lower income, closed regime, being the first prison, not having contact with TB outside and inside the prison, not showing symptoms of cough with secretion, weakness and chest pain and not having an HIV test. Conclusion: The lack of knowledge about tuberculosis was associated with education, income, prison terms, first prison, contact with TB outside and inside the prison, symptoms of tuberculosis and HIV testing. The recognition of these factors can contribute to the development of educational interventions aimed at controlling tuberculosis in this population.Objective: To evaluate knowledge related to TB and to investigate the predictive factors of the prisoners' knowledge status in a regional penitentiary in the Zona da Mata Mineira - Brazil. Methods: This is a cross-sectional and institutionally based study that was conducted with 729 individuals deprived of their liberty in a regional penitentiary. A questionnaire was applied and the detainees 'knowledge about tuberculosis was obtained from the participants' answers to questions about tuberculosis prevention, transmission and treatment. For data analysis, multiple logistic regression was used. Results: Approximately 40% of the detainees reported not having knowledge about transmission, prevention and treatment of tuberculosis and the lack of knowledge was associated with the following variables: lower education, lower income, closed regime, being the first prison, not having contact with TB outside and inside the prison, not showing symptoms of cough with secretion, weakness and chest pain and not having an HIV test. Conclusion: The lack of knowledge about tuberculosis was associated with education, income, prison terms, first prison, contact with TB outside and inside the prison, symptoms of tuberculosis and HIV testing. The recognition of these factors can contribute to the development of educational interventions aimed at controlling tuberculosis in this population

    Absenteeism-illness of education servers: profile of sick leaves in a federal institution

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    Investigated the factors associated to the number of days of sick leave of federal civil servants in an educational institution and the values of their occupational indices in the period from 2014 to 2017. Data sociodemographic, occupational and sick leaves were obtained through documentary analysis of medical records and administrative systems. For analysis, we used the absolute and relative frequency and multiple linear regression. Calculated rate of absenteeism-illness, frequency index, severity index and the average duration of leaves, stratified by gender and job role. The sample of 5,115 events in the population of 1,104 servers confirmed the positive relationship between age of the server, the level of schooling of the role and mental and behavioral disorders   with the largest number of days of leaves. The female gender, live in the city where works, servers those did not have information on the marital status, technical-administrative job role and the public service time proved to be associated with fewer days of leave. The results presented show the relevance of absenteeism-illness in the context of federal public education and indicate the needs of interference in this sector regarding the organization of work and the health-disease process of their servers


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    OBJECTIVE: Identify the contraceptive methods used among Brazilian adolescents. METHOD: The research is an integrative literature review, in which the following databases were used: LILACS, MEDLINE and SCIELO. The final sample consisted of 10 articles, after analyzing the inclusion and exclusion criteria. RESULTS: The most used contraceptive methods among adolescents were: male condom and hormonal contraceptives. CONCLUSION: The present study, when analyzing the use of contraceptive methods among adolescents, brought relevant data that deserve attention. This research revealed that most adolescents have information about some contraceptive methods, although most of them are not aware of the diversity of existing methods and use them inappropriately. This finding shows the vulnerability existing in the theme. After all, adolescents are more susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancy and its aggravations.&nbsp;OBJETIVO: Identificar los métodos anticonceptivos utilizados entre los adolescentes brasileños. MÉTODOS: La investigación es una revisión integradora de la literatura, en la que se utilizaron las siguientes bases de datos: LILACS, MEDLINE y SCIELO. La muestra final se realizó con 10 artículos, tras el análisis de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. RESULTADOS: Los métodos anticonceptivos más utilizados entre los adolescentes fueron: preservativo masculino y anticonceptivos hormonales. CONCLUSIÓN: El presente estudio, al analizar el uso de métodos anticonceptivos entre adolescentes, trajo datos relevantes que merecen atención. Esta investigación reveló que la mayoría de los adolescentes tienen información sobre algunos métodos anticonceptivos, aunque la mayoría no conoce la diversidad de los métodos existentes y los usa de manera inapropiada. Este hallazgo muestra la vulnerabilidad existente en el tema. Después de todo, los adolescentes se vuelven más susceptibles a las enfermedades de transmisión sexual y al embarazo no planificado y sus lesiones.OBJETIVO: Identificar os métodos contraceptivos usados entre os adolescentes brasileiros. MÉTODOS: A pesquisa é uma revisão integrativa da literatura, na qual foram utilizadas as seguintes bases de dados: LILACS, MEDLINE e SCIELO. A amostra final foi realizada com 10 artigos, após análise de critério de inclusão e exclusão. RESULTADOS: Os métodos de anticoncepção mais utilizados entre os adolescentes foram: preservativo masculino e anticoncepcionais hormonais. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo, ao analisar o uso de métodos de anticoncepção entre adolescentes, trouxe dados relevantes que merecem atenção. Esta pesquisa revelou que a maioria dos adolescentes possuem informações sobre alguns métodos de anticoncepção, apesar de grande parte não conhecer a diversidade de métodos existentes e usá-los de maneira inadequada. Este achado, mostra a vulnerabilidade existente na temática. Afinal, os adolescentes ficam mais suscetíveis a doenças sexualmente transmissíveis e a gravidez não planejada e seus agravos.&nbsp