787 research outputs found

    Equidade na utilização dos serviços de saúde no Brasil: um estudo comparativo entre as regiões brasileiras no período 1998-2008

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    Brazil presents severe socioeconomic inequalities among regions and individuals. Several studies analyze the determinants of these inequalities and its effects on social welfare indicators, such as health. This paper measures the socioeconomic inequalities in healthcare utilization in Brazil and in Brazilian regions over the period 1998-2008, using the Brazilian household survey, Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD). Health concentration curves and indexes – CC and CI – were estimated. This methodology takes into account differences throughout the income distribution. The results show a consistent improvement during the period. These improvements were largest among individuals without health insurance, suggesting an improvement at Brazilian Health System (SUS) services. The estimation of CC and IC suggests a small magnitude of inequality in outpatient and hospital services. The dental service is the only one, among the healthcare utilization variables, with relevant magnitude of inequality favoring of the richest groups. The analysis of healthcare access suggests the presence of constrained demand more concentrated among the poorest groups, especially for the population without health insurance. This study moves forward in the health equity literature since it analyzes equity at SUS in the last ten years considering differences among socioeconomic groups and Brazilian regions.Healthcare inequalities. Brazilian Health System. Brazilian regions.

    Caracterização molecular de Cryptosporidium spp. de pacientes de área urbana do Brasil infectados por HIV

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    Cryptosporidium spp. são importantes causas de doenças entéricas em humanos, mas podem também ser encontrados em animais. O presente estudo descreve a frequência relativa de diversas espécies de Cryptosporidium em amostras de humanos da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, obtidas de janeiro a julho de 2007. Análises de sequências de produtos de nested PCR direcionadas ao genes codificadores da menor unidade ribosomal e da proteina de parede de oocistos revelaram 17 (63,0%) isolados de C. hominis, quatro (14,8%) C. parvum, cinco (18,5%) C. felis, e um (3,7%) C. canis. Estes resultados sugerem que, em ambientes urbanos no Brasil, o genótipo adaptado ao gato pode desempenhar potencial papel na transmissão zoonótica de criptosporidiose, enquanto a transmissão antroponótica da criptosporidiose causada pelo C. hominis parece predominar.Cryptosporidium spp. are important cause of enteric disease in humans, but may also infect animals. This study describes the relative frequency of several Cryptosporidium species found in human specimens from HIV infected patients in the São Paulo municipality obtained from January to July 2007. Sequence analysis of the products of nested-PCR based on small subunit rRNA and Cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein coding genes revealed 17 (63.0%) isolates of C. hominis, four (14.8%) C. parvum, five (18.5%) C. felis and one (3.7%) C. canis. These findings suggest that, in urban environments of Brazil, the cat adapted C. felis may play a potential role in the zoonotic transmission of cryptosporidiosis whereas the anthroponotic transmission of cryptosporidiosis caused by C. hominis seems to predominate

    Gathering patients and rheumatologists' perceptions to improve outcomes in idiopathic inflammatory myopathies

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    Objective: Therapeutic targets in Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies (IIM) are based on the opinions of physicians/specialists, which may not reflect the main concerns of patients. The authors, therefore, assessed the outcome concerns of patients with IIM and compared them with the concerns of rheumatologists in order to develop an IIM outcome standard set. Methods: Ninety-three IIM patients, 51 rheumatologists, and one physiotherapist were invited to participate. An open questionnaire was initially applied. The top 10 answers were selected and applied in a multiple-choice questionnaire, inquiring about the top 3 major concerns. Answers were compared, and the agreement rate was calculated. Concerns were gathered in an IIM outcome standard set with validated measures. Results: The top three outcome concerns raised by patients were medication side effects/muscle weakness/prevention functionality loss. The top three concerns among rheumatologists were to prevent loss of functionality/to ensure the quality of life/to achieve disease remission. Other's outcomes concerns only pointed out by patients were muscle pain/diffuse pain/skin lesions/fatigue. The agreement rate between both groups was 41%. Assessment of these parameters guided the development of an IIM standard set which included Myositis Disease Activity Assessment Visual Analogue Scale/Manual Muscle Testing/fatigue and pain Global Visual Analogue Scale/Health Assessment Questionnaire/level of physical activity. Conclusion: The authors propose a novel standard set to be pursued in IIM routine follow-up, which includes not only the main patients/rheumatologist outcome concerns but also additional important outcomes only indicated by patients. Future studies are necessary to confirm if this comprehensive approach will result in improved adherence and ultimately in better assistance

    Formação de professores que ensinam matemática: um olhar para o processo formativo das práticas dos licenciandos

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    O texto estrutura-se a partir de um recorte dos resultados de uma pesquisa realizada, enfatizando dados na perspectiva de apresentar percepções de prática dos licenciandos do curso de licenciatura em Matemática e identificar as contribuições para a formação inicial decorrentes do conjunto de disciplinas de Instrumentalização para o Ensino de Matemática. Tem por objetivo contribuir para a reflexão sobre a formação inicial do professor que ensina matemática e a importância da prática como componente curricularnos cursos de licenciatura. A metodologia da pesquisa contemplou a análise documental e a realização de entrevistas com alunos candidatos a concluir o curso de licenciatura em matemática no ano de 2014. Na análise dos resultados, observamos que a visão dos alunos enquadra-se na perspectiva de instrumentalização técnica e aponta para os exercícios desenvolvidos nas disciplinas específicas, aulas nos laboratórios didáticos e visitas às escolas como únicos espaços legítimos de relação com a prática profissional


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    O artigo discute as questões sobre gênero social, sob a perspectiva da Análise do Discurso Crítica e de alguns aspectos da Linguística Cognitiva, os processos e as estruturas que caracterizam a violência. O corpus de análise é constituído por comentários presentes no blog “Violência contra a mulher”, criado por estudantes de Ciências Contábeis da Universidade de Brasília em 2011. Na análise, descrevemos os processos, os participantes e as circunstâncias dos enunciados que tratam da violência contra a mulher. Os resultados mostram que estão evidenciadas as questões de poder e ideologia sob o olhar do gênero social. Há ainda a valorização de um discurso machista que vê a mulher como posse, símbolo de prazer e alvo de agressão

    An unusual T-cell childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia harboring a yet unreported near-tetraploid karyotype

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Near-tetraploid (model #81-103) and near-triploid (model #67-81) karyotypes are found in around 1% of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Due to its rarity, these two cytogenetic subgroups are generally included in the hyperdiploid group (model # > 51). Therefore separate informations about these two subgroups are limited to a few reports. Some studies found that near-tetraploidy is relatively more frequent in higher median ages and it is associated to Frech-American-British Classification subtype L2. Although the mechanisms by which leukemic blast cells divide is still unclear, studies have suggested that hyperdiploidy, near-triploidy and near-tetraploidy do not seem to share the same mechanism.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Herewith, we present a new childhood T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia case of near-tetraploid karyotype with loss of two p53-gene copies, characterized in detail by cytogenetic and molecular studies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We suggest that p53 is a good target gene to be screened, once p53 is one of the main effectors of cell cycle checkpoints.</p

    Analysis of genetic susceptibility to mercury contamination evaluated through molecular biomarkers in at-risk amazon amerindian populations

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    We investigated Individual differences in susceptibility to methylmercury (MeHg) contamination and its relationship with polymorphisms of the detoxifying enzyme glutathione S-transferase (GST). In Brazil, some Amerindian tribes from the Amazon region have an increased level of mercury in their hair. Samples of hair and blood were taken from inhabitants of two villages in the Kayabi and Munduruku Amerindian communities to investigate mercury levels in association with genetic polymorphism of GSTs. Other molecular biological markers were also studied, such as hemoglobin, haptoglobin and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH). Higher levels of mercury contamination were found in the Kayabi villagers, who had a null genotype (GSTM1 0/0, also denominated GSTM1 null) frequency of 26%, than in the Munduruku villagers, for which the null genotype frequency was 0%. Individuals with the GSTM1 null phenotype had higher concentrations of mercury in their hair than individuals with GSTM1+/+ phenotypes (F = 21.51, p < 0.0001). No association with other markers studied was observed. This study suggests that GSTM1 may be involved in the biotransformation of mercury in humans

    Most consumed foods in Brazil: National Dietary Survey 2008-2009

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    OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o consumo alimentar mais frequente da população brasileira. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados referentes ao primeiro dia de registro alimentar de 34.003 indivíduos com dez anos ou mais de idade que responderam ao Inquérito Nacional de Alimentação, composto por amostra probabilística da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares 2008-2009. O padrão de consumo foi analisado segundo sexo, grupo etário, região e faixa de renda familiar per capita. RESULTADOS: Os alimentos mais frequentemente referidos pela população brasileira foram arroz (84,0%), café (79,0%), feijão (72,8%), pão de sal (63,0%) e carne bovina (48,7%), destacando-se também o consumo de sucos e refrescos (39,8%), refrigerantes (23,0%) e menor presença de frutas (16,0%) e hortaliças (16,0%). Essa configuração apresenta pouca variação quando se consideram os estratos de sexo e faixa etária; contudo, observa-se que os adolescentes foram o único grupo etário que deixou de citar qualquer hortaliça e que incluiu doces, bebida láctea e biscoitos doces entre os itens mais consumidos. Alimentos marcadamente de consumo regional incluem a farinha de mandioca no Norte e Nordeste e o chá na região Sul. Houve discrepâncias no consumo alimentar entre os estratos de menor e maior renda: indivíduos no quarto de renda mais elevada referiram sanduíches, tomate e alface e aqueles no primeiro quarto de renda citaram os peixes e preparações à base de peixe e farinha de mandioca entre os alimentos mais referidos. CONCLUSÕES: Existe um padrão básico do consumo alimentar no Brasil que inclui entre os alimentos mais consumidos arroz, café, feijão, pão de sal e carne bovina, associado ao consumo regional de alguns poucos itens. Particularmente entre os adolescentes, alimentos ricos em gordura e açúcar são também de consumo frequente.OBJETIVO: Caracterizar el consumo alimentario más frecuente de la población brasileña. MÉTODOS: Se analizaron datos relacionados al primer día de registro alimentario de 34.003 individuos con diez años o más de edad que respondieron a la Pesquisa Nacional de Alimentación, compuesto por muestra probabilística de la Investigación de Presupuestos Familiares 2008-2009. El patrón de consumo fue analizado según sexo, grupo etario, región y rango de renta familiar per capita. RESULTADOS: Los alimentos más frecuentemente referidos por la población brasileña fueron arroz (84,0%), café (79,0%), granos (72,8%), pan de sal (63,0%) y carne bovina (48,7%), destacándose también el consumo de jugos y refrescos (39,8%), gaseosas (23,0%) y menor presencia de frutas (16,0%) y hortalizas (16,0%). Esa configuración presenta poca variación cuando se considera los estratos de sexo y grupo etario, sin embargo, se observa que los adolescentes constituyeron el único grupo etario que dejó de citar cualquier hortaliza y que incluyó dulces, bebida láctea y biscochos dulces entre los itens más consumidos. Alimentos de marcado consumo regional incluyen la harina de yuca en el Norte y Noreste y el té en la Región Sur. Hubo discrepancias en el consumo alimentario entre los estratos de menor y mayor renta: individuos en el cuarto de renta más elevada refirieron sándwiches, tomate y lechuga y aquellos en el primer cuarto de renta citaron los pescados y preparaciones a base de pescado y harina de yuca entre los alimentos más referidos. CONCLUSIONES: Existe un patrón básico de consumo alimenticio en Brasil que incluye entre los alimentos más consumidos arroz, café, granos, pan de sal y carne bovina, asociado al consumo regional de algunos pocos itens. Particularmente entre los adolescentes, alimentos ricos en grasa y azúcar son también de consumo frecuente.OBJECTIVE: To describe the most commonly consumed foods in Brazil. METHODS: This analysis is based on food intake data obtained on the first of two non-consecutive days' food records from 34,003 subjects aged 10 or over, resident in 13,569 households selected to participate in the National Dietary Survey 2008-2009 from the probabilistic sample defined for the Household Budget Survey 2008-2009. Consumption patterns were analyzed according to gender, age, regions and per capita family income. RESULTS: The most frequently recorded foods were rice (84.0%), coffee (79.0%), beans (72.8%), bread (63.0%), and red meat (48.7%). The intake of fruit juice (39.8%) and soft drinks (23.0%) is notable, as is the low intake of fruit (16.0%) and vegetables (16.0%). This scenario was similar across all age and sex groups; however, adolescents were the only age group which did not report any vegetables and included candies, sweetened dairy beverages and cookies among the most frequently recorded foods. Some foods are of markedly regional intake, such as manioc flour in the North and Northeast and tea in the South Region. Analysis according to income quartile revealed important differences between the highest and lowest income stratum. Subjects in the highest income quartile reported consuming sandwiches, tomatoes, and lettuce and those in the lowest income quartile cited manioc flour and fish and seafood among the most recorded foods. CONCLUSIONS: There is a basic food intake pattern in Brazil based on rice, beans, coffee, bread, and beef with small but consistent regional variation. The consumption of items rich in fat and sugar is also frequent, particularly among adolescents

    Skin picking treatment with the Rothbaum cognitive behavioral therapy protocol : a randomized clinical trial

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    Introduction: Although behavioral therapies can effectively treat skin picking disorder (SPD), there is no standardized treatment for improving SPD and its comorbidities and there is no group intervention option. This trial aimed to adapt the Rothbaum trichotillomania protocol to SPD (Study 1) and test its efficacy for treating SPD and comorbidities in individual and group formats (Study 2). Methods: The adapted protocol was applied to 16 SPD patients, who were allocated to group or individual treatment (Study 1). Afterwards, 54 patients were randomly allocated to treatment in an individual (n=27) or group format (n=27) (Study 2). In both studies, assessments of SPD severity, anxiety, depression, clinical status and skin lesion severity were performed at baseline and the endpoint. Results: The adapted protocol was feasible in both treatment modalities (Study 1) and led to high SPD remission rates (individual 63%; group 52%), with no significant difference between intervention types (p = 0.4) (Study 2). SPD, anxiety, and depression symptoms and objective patient lesion measures improved after treatment. There was large effect size for SPD symptom improvement in both treatment types (Cohen’s d: group = 0.88; individual = 1.15) (Study 2). Conclusion: The adapted Rothbaum protocol was effective for SPD remission, comorbidities, and skin lesions, both in individual and group formats

    ELSA-Brasil: a 4-year incidence of hearing loss in adults with and without hypertension

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    OBJECTIVE To compare the incidence of hearing loss among adults stratified by the occurrence of hypertension, and to investigate the association between hypertension and hearing loss. METHODS Longitudinal observational study, part of the Estudo Longitudinal da Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil, Longitudinal Study on Adult’s Health). Data from the first and second waves were analyzed, including information from audiological assessment and general health of the subjects. As outcome, we considered the presence of hearing loss (hearing thresholds above 25 dBHL at frequencies from 500 Hz to 8 kHz) and, as exposure variable, hypertension (report of medical diagnosis of hypertension; and/or use of drugs to treat hypertension; and/or pressure systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg; or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg). As covariables for adjustment were considered: sex, age, education, race / ethnicity, income, smoking, diabetes, and occupational exposure to noise. Poisson regression analysis was conducted, estimating the crude and adjusted relative risks, with 95% confidence intervals, in order to assess the factors associated with hearing loss. RESULTS In crude analyses, the incidence of hearing loss was higher for subjects with hypertension (9.7% versus 5.4%). The crude relative risks for hearing loss was almost double (1.93; 95%CI: 1.10–3.39) for subjects with hypertension in the right ear. In the adjusted analyses, the relative risks was not significant for the hypertension variable (1.42; 95%CI: 0.75–2.67). Being 60 years or older (RR: 5.41; 95%CI: 2.79–10.50) showed a statistically significant association with hearing loss, indicating that older adults have higher relative risks for hearing loss. CONCLUSION In the adjusted analyses controlled for multiple risk factors there was no association between hypertension and hearing loss. The dichotomous variable age (being 60 years or older), on the other hand, has shown a significant association with hearing loss