9 research outputs found
Quality of life, resilience, empathy, daytime sleepiness and academic performance in internal medicine residents: qualitative and quantitative analysis
INTRODUĂĂO: Na residĂȘncia mĂ©dica, inĂșmeros fatores favorecem o desgaste emocional, colocando em risco atitudes relevantes, como empatia, resiliĂȘncia e percepção da qualidade de vida, o que pode comprometer o desempenho profissional. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto do treinamento em ClĂnica MĂ©dica na percepção da qualidade de vida, empatia, resiliĂȘncia e sonolĂȘncia diurna, e suas correlaçÔes com o desempenho mĂ©dico na avaliação de competĂȘncias clĂnicas pelo mĂ©todo OSCE. A influĂȘncia do gĂȘnero nesses construtos tambĂ©m foi investigada. METODOLOGIA: Estudo transversal com mĂ©dicos residentes do primeiro ano de ClĂnica MĂ©dica, com questionĂĄrios de autorrelato para avaliar a percepção de qualidade de vida especĂfica para residĂȘncia mĂ©dica (Veras-Q), dados sociodemogrĂĄficos, empatia (escala Jefferson), resiliĂȘncia (escala Wagnild& Young RS-14) e sonolĂȘncia diurna (escala de Epwoth). O desempenho acadĂȘmico foi avaliado pelo mĂ©todo OSCE no final do primeiro ano da residĂȘncia em ClĂnica MĂ©dica. AnĂĄlise de grupos focais com residentes do sexo feminino foi feita para compreender as diferenças entre os gĂȘneros nos construtos investigados. RESULTADOS: Cento e nove mĂ©dicos residentes participaram do estudo: 31 (28,4%) do sexo feminino e 78 (71,6%) masculinos. As residentes do sexo feminino apresentaram escores de qualidade de vida significativamente menores do que os residentes masculinos nos domĂnios de uso do tempo (30,3, feminino vs 41,1, masculino p < 0,001), psicolĂłgico (48,1, feminino vs 56,7, masculino p < 0,01) e saĂșde fĂsica (42,8, feminino vs 53,6, masculino p < 0,05). Os escores de sonolĂȘncia diurna foram significativamente maiores para as residentes do sexo feminino (13,0, feminino vs 9,0, masculino p < 0,001), com valores considerados patolĂłgicos (p < 0,001). Houve moderada correlação negativa entre sonolĂȘncia diurna e o domĂnio manejo do tempo da qualidade de vida (p < 0,01). Houve forte correlação positiva entre resiliĂȘncia e os domĂnios psicolĂłgico e saĂșde fĂsica da qualidade de vida (respectivamente, 0,48 e 0,50; p < 0,01). Os escores do desempenho acadĂȘmico pelo mĂ©todo OSCE nĂŁo diferiram entre os gĂȘneros e nĂŁo apresentaram correlação com os construtos investigados. A anĂĄlise dos grupos focais destacou dificuldade de manejo do tempo, insegurança, sensação de perda, autocobrança, dificuldade de estabelecer laços afetivos, dificuldade de concentração e de aquisição do conhecimento como fatores relacionados Ă pior percepção da qualidade de vida para as residentes do sexo feminino. CONCLUSĂO: Ao final do primeiro ano da residĂȘncia em ClĂnica MĂ©dica, os residentes apresentaram baixos escores na percepção da qualidade de vida e maior sonolĂȘncia diurna. Houve diferenças significativas entre os gĂȘneros na percepção da qualidade de vida e na sonolĂȘncia diurna, com escores menores de qualidade de vida e escores maiores de sonolĂȘncia diurna nas residentes do sexo feminino. NĂŁo foram identificadas correlaçÔes entre qualidade de vida, empatia, resiliĂȘncia, sonolĂȘncia diurna e o desempenho acadĂȘmico pelo mĂ©todo OSCE em residentes do primeiro ano de ClĂnica MĂ©dicaINTRODUCTION: During medical residency, many factors may lead to emotional distress, putting at risk relevant attitudes such as empathy, resilience and perception of quality of life, which can compromise professional performance. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of training in internal medicine on quality of life, empathy, resilience, daytime sleepiness and their correlation with academic performance using the OSCE method. The influence of gender in these constructs was also investigated. METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study with first-year internal medicine residents was performed to evaluate self-reported quality of life specific for medical residency (Veras-Q), socio demographic data, empathy (Jefferson scale), resilience (Brief Resilience Scale from Wagnild and Young) and daytime sleepiness (Epwoth scale). Academic performance was assessed by the OSCE method at the end of the first year of internal medicine residency. Differencesbetween genders were investigated using focus groups analysis with female residents. RESULTS: One hundred and nine resident physicians participated in the study: 31 (28.4%) were female and 78 (71.6%) were male. Female residents presented significantly lower scores than those of male residents for quality of life in the domains of time management (30.3, females vs 41.1, males p < 0.001), psychological (48.1 females vs 56, 7, males p < 0.01) and physical health (42.8, females vs 53.6, males p < 0.05). They also scored higher in daytime sleepiness (13.0, females vs 9.0, males p < 0.001) with pathological scores for daytime sleepiness. A moderate negative correlation between daytime sleepiness and time management domain of quality of life (p < 0.01) was observed. There was a strong positive correlation among resilience, psychological and physical health domains of quality of life (respectively 0.48 and 0.50, p < 0.01). Academic performance scores by the OSCE method did not differ between genders and did not correlate with empathy, resilience and daytime sleepiness scores. The focus group assessment revealed difficulty in concentration and knowledge acquisition, insecurity, feeling of loss, greater critical perception, self-doubt and difficulty in creating affective bonds to support the training period as the main factors involved in the lower perception of quality of life among the women. CONCLUSION: Female residents had lower scores of quality of life and higher scores on daytime sleepiness. No significant differences between genders were detected for academic performance scores and no relationship among quality of life, empathy, resilience, daytime sleepiness and academic performance by the OSCE method was observed in first-year internal medicine residents. Measures to improve quality of life among female residents during this critical period of medical training might include investing in mentoring to help them better manage their time and encouraging activities that facilitate relationship developmen
Quality of life, resilience, empathy, daytime sleepiness and academic performance in internal medicine residents: qualitative and quantitative analysis
INTRODUĂĂO: Na residĂȘncia mĂ©dica, inĂșmeros fatores favorecem o desgaste emocional, colocando em risco atitudes relevantes, como empatia, resiliĂȘncia e percepção da qualidade de vida, o que pode comprometer o desempenho profissional. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto do treinamento em ClĂnica MĂ©dica na percepção da qualidade de vida, empatia, resiliĂȘncia e sonolĂȘncia diurna, e suas correlaçÔes com o desempenho mĂ©dico na avaliação de competĂȘncias clĂnicas pelo mĂ©todo OSCE. A influĂȘncia do gĂȘnero nesses construtos tambĂ©m foi investigada. METODOLOGIA: Estudo transversal com mĂ©dicos residentes do primeiro ano de ClĂnica MĂ©dica, com questionĂĄrios de autorrelato para avaliar a percepção de qualidade de vida especĂfica para residĂȘncia mĂ©dica (Veras-Q), dados sociodemogrĂĄficos, empatia (escala Jefferson), resiliĂȘncia (escala Wagnild& Young RS-14) e sonolĂȘncia diurna (escala de Epwoth). O desempenho acadĂȘmico foi avaliado pelo mĂ©todo OSCE no final do primeiro ano da residĂȘncia em ClĂnica MĂ©dica. AnĂĄlise de grupos focais com residentes do sexo feminino foi feita para compreender as diferenças entre os gĂȘneros nos construtos investigados. RESULTADOS: Cento e nove mĂ©dicos residentes participaram do estudo: 31 (28,4%) do sexo feminino e 78 (71,6%) masculinos. As residentes do sexo feminino apresentaram escores de qualidade de vida significativamente menores do que os residentes masculinos nos domĂnios de uso do tempo (30,3, feminino vs 41,1, masculino p < 0,001), psicolĂłgico (48,1, feminino vs 56,7, masculino p < 0,01) e saĂșde fĂsica (42,8, feminino vs 53,6, masculino p < 0,05). Os escores de sonolĂȘncia diurna foram significativamente maiores para as residentes do sexo feminino (13,0, feminino vs 9,0, masculino p < 0,001), com valores considerados patolĂłgicos (p < 0,001). Houve moderada correlação negativa entre sonolĂȘncia diurna e o domĂnio manejo do tempo da qualidade de vida (p < 0,01). Houve forte correlação positiva entre resiliĂȘncia e os domĂnios psicolĂłgico e saĂșde fĂsica da qualidade de vida (respectivamente, 0,48 e 0,50; p < 0,01). Os escores do desempenho acadĂȘmico pelo mĂ©todo OSCE nĂŁo diferiram entre os gĂȘneros e nĂŁo apresentaram correlação com os construtos investigados. A anĂĄlise dos grupos focais destacou dificuldade de manejo do tempo, insegurança, sensação de perda, autocobrança, dificuldade de estabelecer laços afetivos, dificuldade de concentração e de aquisição do conhecimento como fatores relacionados Ă pior percepção da qualidade de vida para as residentes do sexo feminino. CONCLUSĂO: Ao final do primeiro ano da residĂȘncia em ClĂnica MĂ©dica, os residentes apresentaram baixos escores na percepção da qualidade de vida e maior sonolĂȘncia diurna. Houve diferenças significativas entre os gĂȘneros na percepção da qualidade de vida e na sonolĂȘncia diurna, com escores menores de qualidade de vida e escores maiores de sonolĂȘncia diurna nas residentes do sexo feminino. NĂŁo foram identificadas correlaçÔes entre qualidade de vida, empatia, resiliĂȘncia, sonolĂȘncia diurna e o desempenho acadĂȘmico pelo mĂ©todo OSCE em residentes do primeiro ano de ClĂnica MĂ©dicaINTRODUCTION: During medical residency, many factors may lead to emotional distress, putting at risk relevant attitudes such as empathy, resilience and perception of quality of life, which can compromise professional performance. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of training in internal medicine on quality of life, empathy, resilience, daytime sleepiness and their correlation with academic performance using the OSCE method. The influence of gender in these constructs was also investigated. METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study with first-year internal medicine residents was performed to evaluate self-reported quality of life specific for medical residency (Veras-Q), socio demographic data, empathy (Jefferson scale), resilience (Brief Resilience Scale from Wagnild and Young) and daytime sleepiness (Epwoth scale). Academic performance was assessed by the OSCE method at the end of the first year of internal medicine residency. Differencesbetween genders were investigated using focus groups analysis with female residents. RESULTS: One hundred and nine resident physicians participated in the study: 31 (28.4%) were female and 78 (71.6%) were male. Female residents presented significantly lower scores than those of male residents for quality of life in the domains of time management (30.3, females vs 41.1, males p < 0.001), psychological (48.1 females vs 56, 7, males p < 0.01) and physical health (42.8, females vs 53.6, males p < 0.05). They also scored higher in daytime sleepiness (13.0, females vs 9.0, males p < 0.001) with pathological scores for daytime sleepiness. A moderate negative correlation between daytime sleepiness and time management domain of quality of life (p < 0.01) was observed. There was a strong positive correlation among resilience, psychological and physical health domains of quality of life (respectively 0.48 and 0.50, p < 0.01). Academic performance scores by the OSCE method did not differ between genders and did not correlate with empathy, resilience and daytime sleepiness scores. The focus group assessment revealed difficulty in concentration and knowledge acquisition, insecurity, feeling of loss, greater critical perception, self-doubt and difficulty in creating affective bonds to support the training period as the main factors involved in the lower perception of quality of life among the women. CONCLUSION: Female residents had lower scores of quality of life and higher scores on daytime sleepiness. No significant differences between genders were detected for academic performance scores and no relationship among quality of life, empathy, resilience, daytime sleepiness and academic performance by the OSCE method was observed in first-year internal medicine residents. Measures to improve quality of life among female residents during this critical period of medical training might include investing in mentoring to help them better manage their time and encouraging activities that facilitate relationship developmen
Gender differences in the perception of quality of life during internal medicine training: a qualitative and quantitative analysis
Abstract Background The higher level of participation by women in medicine may impact this professionâs evolution due to gender differences perceived during medical school, after graduation and during residency. Gender differences regarding quality of life are associated with higher states of anxiety and depression among female physicians. We aimed to assess gender differences in the perception of quality of life with quantitative methods and to understand further, from the female residentsÂŽ point of view, the reasons that may influence the perception of quality of life using qualitative method. Resilience, empathy and daytime sleepiness were also scored. Methods We performed a cross-sectional study with first-year internal medicine residents to evaluate self-reported quality of life factors specific to medical residents (VERAS-Q), including empathy (Jefferson Scale of Empathy), resilience (Wagnild and Young Brief Resilience Scale) and daytime sleepiness (Epworth Scale). We explored, from the female residentsÂŽ view which factors may influence the perception of quality of life using a focus group method. Results In our study, one hundred and nine residents completed the survey: 31 (28.4%) were female and 78 (71.6%) were male. Female residents exhibited significantly lower scores than those of male residents for quality of life in the domains of time management (30.3, females vs 41.1, males; pâ<â0.001), psychology (48.1, females vs 56.7, males; pâ<â0.01) and physical health (42.8, females vs 53.6, males; pâ<â0.05). Female residents also scored higher for daytime sleepiness (13.0, females vs 9.0, males; pâ<â0.001), with pathological scores for daytime sleepiness. No significant gender differences were found in the resilience or empathy scores. The focus group assessment revealed difficulty in concentration and knowledge acquisition, insecurity, feelings of loss, greater critical perception, self-doubt and difficulty in creating effective bonds to support the training period as the main factors involved in the lower perception of quality of life among the women. Conclusions In conclusion, female residents had lower scores for quality of life and higher scores for daytime sleepiness. Measures to improve quality of life among female residents during this critical period of medical training might include investing in mentoring to help them better manage their time and encouraging activities that facilitate relationship development
Oxidative stress and inflammatory mediators contribute to endothelial dysfunction in high-fat diet-induced obesity in mice
Objective We investigated the effects of high-fat diet-induced obesity on vascular proinflammatory factors and oxidative stress on endothelium-dependent relaxation of the aorta. Methods Female Swiss mice were submitted to a high-fat diet for 16 weeks. At the end of the experimental period, we evaluated blood pressure, relaxation in response to acetylcholine in aortic rings in the absence and the presence of the superoxide anion scavenger, superoxide dismutase (SOD, 150 U/ml), and the nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B inhibitor, sodium salicylate (5 mmol/l). Aortic protein expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase, Cu/Zn-SOD, NF-kappa B, I kappa B-alpha, and proinflammatory cytokines were also evaluated. Results Obese mice presented higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure than control mice (P<0.05). The relaxation of aortas to acetylcholine, but not to sodium nitroprusside, was significantly decreased in obese mice and was corrected by both SOD and sodium salicylate (P<0.05). The protein expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase and Cu/Zn-SOD was significantly decreased in aorta from obese mice (P<0.05). Total p65 NF-kappa B subunit protein expression was not affected by obesity, but the protein expression of NF-kappa B inhibitor I kappa B-alpha was lower in aorta from obese mice (P<0.05). There were no significant differences in the interleukin (IL)-1 beta and IL-6 protein expression between groups. In contrast, the expression of TNF-alpha was significantly increased in aortas from obese mice. Conclusion Our resultssuggest that the reducedantioxidant defense and the local NF-kappa B pathway play an important role in the impairment of endothelium-dependent relaxation in aorta from obese mice. J Hypertens 28: 2111-2119 (C) 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Fundação de Amparo Ă Pesquisa do Estado de SĂŁo Paulo (FAPESP)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq), BrazilConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientĂfico e TecnolĂłgico (CNPq
Is there an association among spirituality, resilience and empathy in medical students?
Abstract Background Spirituality has religious and nonreligious dimensions and is often linked to well-being, positive emotions, connection and meaning in life. Both empathy and resilience are important in medical training and future professional practice since they are considered core skills related to professionalism and patient care. Our study aimed to understand the relationships among spirituality, resilience, and empathy in medical students. We also aimed to determine whether there are differences by gender and between medical students in different years of a medical program. Methods Medical students (nâ=â1370) of the first to fourth years of a six-year medical program, from six medical schools, completed questionnaires to assess empathy (Jefferson Empathy Scale and Davis Multidimensional Interpersonal Reactivity Scale) and resilience (Wagnild & Young Scale) and to rate their spirituality. Results Medical students with high spirituality showed higher scores for both resilience and empathy (pâ<â0.001). In addition, we observed higher levels of both spirituality and empathy, but not resilience, in female medical students than in male medical students. In contrast, we did not detect significant differences in spirituality, empathy, or resilience between students in different years of medical school. Conclusion Medical students with high levels of spirituality have also higher scores for both empathy and resilience. Spirituality, empathy and resilience have similar values for students in different years of a medical program
The aim is to identify the evidence available in the literature on nursing care for patients undergoing PC in the context of digital health. The methodology proposed is an Integrative Literature Review, based on the following steps: defining the review question, determining the search strategy, critical evaluation of the research results, summarizing the research results, data extraction and reduction, analysis, conclusions and implications. The guiding question adopted the PICo strategy, being: (P) population - âpatients undergoing palliative careâ, (I) interest â ânursing careâ, (Co) context - âdigital healthâ, generating: âWhat evidence is available in the literature about nursing care for patients undergoing PC in the context of digital health?â. The sources of information will be studies indexed in the databases: National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health (PUBMED), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Latin American Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), EMBASE and Web of Science (WOS)