6 research outputs found

    Open Science and the Science-Society Relationship

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    Nowadays, the prevailing trend in the science-society relationship is to engage with the broader public, which is beneficial for the public, scientific institutes, scientific findings, and the legitimacy of science as a whole. This article provides a broad review of the rapidly growing research on Open Science and identifies the gaps in the current knowledge for future research. The review focuses on the science-society relationship, such that knowledge from this field is summarised and systematised. Insight into the most salient topics, including science communication, public engagement with science, public cognition of science, and challenges and potential unintended consequences connected to interactions with the public are examined. The first section of the paper focuses on science communication which involves efforts and approaches to inform the public about science by the most effective means. The section on public engagement reviews how scientists and scientific institutions are increasingly involved in direct interactions with the public and different groups of stakeholders to make science more open. The section focusing on public cognition of science provides information about public knowledge, perception, and trust regarding science, which both determines and is formed by public engagement. Last, risks, ethical issues, and data issues connected to the implementation of Open Science principles are reviewed, as there are many unintended consequences of Open Science which are examined by this current research. In conclusion, research covering the science-society relationship is rapidly growing. However, it brings multiple challenges as well as opportunities which are captured and discussed in a variety of existing studies. This article provides a coherent overview of this field in order to bring more comprehensible knowledge to scientists, scientific institutions, and outreach professionals

    Intenzivní rodičovství a jeho souvislost s kvalitou strategické pomoci (scaffolding) matky při společné hře s dítětem předškolního věku

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    Cílem práce bylo prozkoumat vztahy mezi mírou organizovaných aktivit dětí v předškolním věku, přesvědčením matky o přirozeném vývoji a kvalitou strategické pomoci (scaffolding) během společné hry s dítětem. Výzkumu se zúčastnilo 34 dvojic matek se svými dětmi ve věku od 52 do 83 měsíců (z toho 14 matek s vysokoškolským vzděláním). Data byla získána pozorováním společné hry se stavebnicí a pomocí dotazníků zjišťujících postoj matky k vývoji dítěte a míru organizovaných aktivit dětí. Bylo zjištěno, že u vysokoškolsky vzdělaných matek a matek s vyšším přesvědčením o přirozeném vývoji se objevuje méně nekvalitního scaffoldingu oproti matkám bez vysokoškolského vzdělání a s nižším přesvědčením o přiroze-ném vývoji. Ačkoli do organizovaných aktivit mimo mateřskou školu zapisují své děti více matky s VŠ vzděláním, docházka do těchto aktivit v rámci mateřské školy se u dětí matek s různým vzděláním neliší. Přestože matky s vysokoškolským vzděláním mohou nadměrně strukturovat volný čas dítěti skrze organizované aktivity, nebyla zjištěna souvislost této tendence na poskytování autonomie ve hře, a tedy na kvalitu scaffoldingu. Práce přináší nový pohled na problematiku intenzivního rodičovství a nadměrné strukturace času.The purpose of this study was to find out and verify relationships between the amount of organized activities (OAs) of children in preschool age, mother’s trust in organismic development and maternal scaffolding quality during mother-child play. Thirty-four pairs of mothers and their children aged 52-83 months participated in this study. The data was collected through a questionnaire and by observation of the game. Results revealed that higher educated mothers and mothers with higher trust in organismic development showed less poor-quality scaffolding during play in comparison to mothers without higher education and to mothers with lower trust in organismic development. Although higher educated mothers can excessively structure their children’s leisure time through OAs, there did not appear any effect of this on the autonomy support during the play and therefore on the scaffolding quality. This study brings a new view to issues of intensive parenting and the excessive structuring of children’s time

    The motivation for citizens’ involvement in life sciences research is predicted by age and gender

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    Open Science is an umbrella term encompassing multiple concepts as open access to publications, open data, open education and citizen science that aim to make science more open and transparent. Citizen science, an important facet of Open Science, actively involves nonscientists in the research process, and can potentially be beneficial for multiple actors, such as scientists, citizens, policymakers and society in general. However, the reasons that motivate different segments of the public to participate in research are still understudied. Therefore, based on data gathered from a survey conducted in Czechia, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and the UK (N = 5,870), this study explores five types of incentives that can motivate individuals to become involved in life sciences research. The results demonstrate that men and younger individuals are more persuaded by extrinsic motives (external benefits or rewards), as compared with women and older people, who are driven by intrinsic motives (that originates from within an individual). This paper shows that specific strata of the population are differentially motivated to engage in research, thereby providing relevant knowledge for effectively designing public involvement activities that target various groups of the public in research projects

    Wechslerova zkrácená paměťová škála - recenze metody

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    Česká adaptace Wechslerovy zkrácené paměťové škály (dále WMS-IIIa) je zkrácenou verzí třetí revize Wechslerovy paměťové škály (dále WMS-III). Zaměřuje se na orientační měření aktuálního fungování deklarativní epizodické paměti, konkrétně na paměť sluchovou a zrakovou z hlediska bezprostředního a oddáleného vybavení (Wechsler, 2011). Je určena pro populaci ve věku 20–89 let. Dle autorů je metoda využitelná především v klinické praxi, a to pro screeningovou diagnostiku narušení paměti či jako součást komplexního psychologického nebo neuropsychologického vyšetření.Českou adaptaci této rozšířené paměťové škály lze těžko ohodnotit, a to primárně z důvodu nedostatku informací. Zejména chybějící informace o shodě posuzovatelů se mohou ukázat jako problematické, a to kvůli změnám v překladu oproti původní anglické verzi. Doporučovaly bychom proto její další testování a vývoj. Je možné tuto metodu použít expertním uživatelem za pečlivě kontrolovaných podmínek nebo ve velmi omezených aplikačních oblastech za předpokladu, že uživatel testu bude obezřetný v interpretaci výsledků

    Exploring Musical Activities And Their Relationship To Emotional Well-being In Elderly People Across Europe: A Study Protocol

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    Music is a powerful, pleasurable stimulus that can induce positive feelings and can therefore be used for emotional self-regulation. Musical activities such as listening to music, playing an instrument, singing or dancing are also an important source for social contact, promoting interaction and the sense of belonging with others. Recent evidence has suggested that after retirement, other functions of music, such as self-conceptual processing related to autobiographical memories, become more salient. However, few studies have addressed the meaningfulness of music in the elderly. This study aims to investigate elderly people's habits and preferences related to music, study the role music plays in their everyday life, and explore the relationship between musical activities and emotional well-being across different countries of Europe. A survey will be administered to elderly people over the age of 65 from five different European countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czechia, Germany, Ireland, and UK) and to a control group. Participants in both groups will be asked about basic sociodemographic information, habits and preferences in their participation in musical activities and emotional well-being. Overall, the aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the role of music in the elderly from a psychological perspective. This advanced knowledge could help to develop therapeutic applications, such as musical recreational programs for healthy older people or elderly in residential care, which are better able to meet their emotional and social needs

    Exploring Musical Activities and Their Relationship to Emotional Well-Being in Elderly People across Europe: A Study Protocol

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    Music is a powerful, pleasurable stimulus that can induce positive feelings and can therefore be used for emotional self-regulation. Musical activities such as listening to music, playing an instrument, singing or dancing are also an important source for social contact, promoting interaction and the sense of belonging with others. Recent evidence has suggested that after retirement, other functions of music, such as self-conceptual processing related to autobiographical memories, become more salient. However, few studies have addressed the meaningfulness of music in the elderly. This study aims to investigate elderly people’s habits and preferences related to music, study the role music plays in their everyday life, and explore the relationship between musical activities and emotional well-being across different countries of Europe. A survey will be administered to elderly people over the age of 65 from five different European countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czechia, Germany, Ireland, and UK) and to a control group. Participants in both groups will be asked about basic sociodemographic information, habits and preferences in their participation in musical activities and emotional well-being. Overall, the aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the role of music in the elderly from a psychological perspective. This advanced knowledge could help to develop therapeutic applications, such as musical recreational programs for healthy older people or elderly in residential care, which are better able to meet their emotional and social needs.© 2017 Grau-Sánchez, Foley, Hlavová, Muukkonen, Ojinaga-Alfageme, Radukic, Spindler and Hundeva