218 research outputs found

    La problématique du recueil : repÚres bibliographiques

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    DivisĂ©e selon les trois principaux genres du recueil - nouvelle, poĂ©sie et essai -, cette bibliographie commentĂ©e, sans prĂ©tendre Ă  l'exhaustivitĂ©, se veut un outil pour quiconque souhaite aborder la problĂ©matique du recueil ; elle retrace les travaux qui ont une portĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©rale et qui pourraient ainsi servir Ă  poursuivre la rĂ©flexion et l'Ă©tude des Ɠuvres empruntant la forme du recueil. De courtes introductions situent les tendances thĂ©oriques et analytiques gĂ©nĂ©ralement associĂ©es Ă  chaque genre.Dividing collections into three principal genre-types - the short story, poetry and the essay - this annotated bibliography is intended to serve as a tool for the systematic study of collections as such. Without making any pretence to exhaustiveness, the bibliography enumerates works having a broad scope which might serve as the basis of a critical reflection on the collection as genre. Short introductory notes situate the theoretical and analytical tendencies associated with each genre

    Texture evolution in Nd:YAG-laser welds of AZ31 magnesium alloy hot rolled sheets and its influence on mechanical properties

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    AZ31 hot rolled magnesium alloy presents a strong basal texture. Using laser beam welding (LBW) as a joining process induces high temperature gradients leading to major texture changes. EBSD was used to study the texture evolution, and tensile tests coupled with speckle interferometry were performed to understand its influence on mechanical properties. The random texture obtained in the LBW fusion zone is mainly responsible for the yield strength reduction.AEROMAG Project N°AST4-CT-2005-516152 European Unio

    Texture evolution in Nd:YAG-laser welds of AZ31 magnesium alloy hot rolled sheets and its influence on mechanical properties

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    International audienceAZ31 hot rolled magnesium alloy presents a strong basal texture. Using laser beam welding (LBW) as a joining process induces high temperature gradients leading to major texture changes. EBSD was used to study the texture evolution, and tensile tests coupled with speckle interferometry were performed to understand its influence on mechanical properties. The random texture obtained in the LBW fusion zone is mainly responsible for the yield strength reduction

    New Evidence on Variations of Human Body Burden of Methylmercury from Fish Consumption

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    Epidemiologic studies commonly use mercury (Hg) level in hair as a valid proxy to estimate human exposure to methylmercury (MeHg) through fish consumption. This study presents the results yielded by a complete data set on fish consumption habits, Hg levels in edible fish resources, and corresponding Hg accumulation in hair, gathered in three distinct communities of eastern Canada. For one of these communities, the average hair Hg concentration was 14 times less than the expected value based on calculated daily oral exposure and current knowledge of MeHg metabolism. This finding could be explained by differences in specific genetic characteristics and/or interactive effects of other dietary components

    Gene copy-number changes and chromosomal instability induced by aneuploidy confer resistance to chemotherapy

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    Mitotic errors lead to aneuploidy, a condition of karyotype imbalance, frequently found in cancer cells. Alterations in chromosome copy number induce a wide variety of cellular stresses, including genome instability. Here, we show that cancer cells might exploit aneuploidy-induced genome instability and the resulting gene copy-number changes to survive under conditions of selective pressure, such as chemotherapy. Resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs was dictated by the acquisition of recurrent karyotypes, indicating that gene dosage might play a role in driving chemoresistance. Thus, our study establishes a causal link between aneuploidy-driven changes in gene copy number and chemoresistance and might explain why some chemotherapies fail to succeed

    CALLISTO: towards reusability of a rocket stage: current status

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    JAXA, CNES and DLR have decided to cooperate to develop and fly a scaled reusable VTVL rocket stage called CALLISTO (Cooperative Action Leading to Launcher Innovation in Stage Toss - back Operations). This vehicle is paving the way for future reusable launch vehicles in Europe and in Japan. During phase B important progress in term of methods and operation philosophy specific to RLV have been made. Amongst other progresses, that will ease the development of future operational VTVL, in the domain of aerodynamic modelling, GNC landing leg deployment but also flight domain definitions are presented. These are concrete results which can at least partly be useful for other RLV projects

    Towards a Reusable First Stage Demonstrator: CALLISTO - Technical Progresses & Challenges

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    In order to investigate the capabilities of a reusable launch system, JAXA, CNES and DLR have jointly initiated the project CALLISTO ("Cooperative Action Leading to Launcher Innovation for Stage Toss-back Operations"). The goal of this cooperation is to launch, recover and reuse a first stage demonstrator to increase the maturity of technologies necessary for future operational reusable launch vehicles (RLV) and to build up know-how on such vehicles under operational and developmental aspects. As the project has now turned into the detailed design phase, significant technical progresses have been made in definition, analysis and testing of systems and subsystems. The CALLISTO vehicle itself constitutes a subscale vertical take-off vertical landing (VTVL) stage with an overall length of 13.5 m and a take-off mass of less than 4 tons, which is propelled by a throttleable LOX/LH2 engine. It is capable to perform up to 10 consecutive flights during the planned flight campaign in French Guiana. Globally, the development effort on this system is equally shared between the three project partners. This paper presents the recent achievements in development of the key technologies for the reusable launch vehicle. While the design of critical subsystems has reached PDR level, detailed analyses and first breadboard tests have been performed successfully. These results are presented and discussed within the perimeter of the CALLISTO development roadmap. Possible technical challenges are indicated and their resolution methods are examined. Finally, the upcoming development steps are described which are foreseen to move forward to the qualification and maiden flight campaign

    Tears evoke the intention to offer social support: A systematic investigation of the interpersonal effects of emotional crying across 41 countries

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    Tearful crying is a ubiquitous and likely uniquely human phenomenon. Scholars have argued that emotional tears serve an attachment function: Tears are thought to act as a social glue by evoking social support intentions. Initial experimental studies supported this proposition across several methodologies, but these were conducted almost exclusively on participants from North America and Europe, resulting in limited generalizability. This project examined the tears-social support intentions effect and possible mediating and moderating variables in a fully pre-registered study across 7007 participants (24,886 ratings) and 41 countries spanning all populated continents. Participants were presented with four pictures out of 100 possible targets with or without digitally-added tears. We confirmed the main prediction that seeing a tearful individual elicits the intention to support, d = 0.49 [0.43, 0.55]. Our data suggest that this effect could be mediated by perceiving the crying target as warmer and more helpless, feeling more connected, as well as feeling more empathic concern for the crier, but not by an increase in personal distress of the observer. The effect was moderated by the situational valence, identifying the target as part of one's group, and trait empathic concern. A neutral situation, high trait empathic concern, and low identification increased the effect. We observed high heterogeneity across countries that was, via split-half validation, best explained by country-level GDP per capita and subjective well-being with stronger effects for higher-scoring countries. These findings suggest that tears can function as social glue, providing one possible explanation why emotional crying persists into adulthood.</p

    Dermacentor reticulatus: a vector on the rise

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    Dermacentor reticulatus is a hard tick species with extraordinary biological features. It has a high reproduction rate, a rapid developmental cycle, and is also able to overcome years of unfavourable conditions. Dermacentor reticulatus can survive under water for several months and is cold-hardy even compared to other tick species. It has a wide host range: over 60 different wild and domesticated hosts are known for the three active developmental stages. Its high adaptiveness gives an edge to this tick species as shown by new data on the emergence and establishment of D. reticulatus populations throughout Europe. The tick has been the research focus of a growing number of scientists, physicians and veterinarians. Within the Web of Science database, more than a fifth of the over 700 items published on this species between 1897 and 2015 appeared in the last three years (2013–2015). Here we attempt to synthesize current knowledge on the systematics, ecology, geographical distribution and recent spread of the species and to highlight the great spectrum of possible veterinary and public health threats it poses. Canine babesiosis caused by Babesia canis is a severe leading canine vector-borne disease in many endemic areas. Although less frequently than Ixodes ricinus, D. reticulatus adults bite humans and transmit several Rickettsia spp., Omsk haemorrhagic fever virus or Tick-borne encephalitis virus. We have not solely collected and reviewed the latest and fundamental scientific papers available in primary databases but also widened our scope to books, theses, conference papers and specialists colleagues’ experience where needed. Besides the dominant literature available in English, we also tried to access scientific literature in German, Russian and eastern European languages as well. We hope to inspire future research projects that are necessary to understand the basic life-cycle and ecology of this vector in order to understand and prevent disease threats. We conclude that although great strides have been made in our knowledge of the eco-epidemiology of this species, several gaps still need to be filled with basic research, targeting possible reservoir and vector roles and the key factors resulting in the observed geographical spread of D. reticulatus. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13071-016-1599-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users
