1,016 research outputs found
Obtención y caracterización de almidón de plátano (Musa paradisiaca L.) acetilado a diferentes grados de sustitución
El almidon fue aislado de frutos inmaduros de plátano y fue modificado químicamente con anhídrido acético en la presencia de una base para mejorar las propiedades funcionales del almidón nativo. El almidón nativo primero reaccionó a 123ºC con 55,5 mL de anhídrido acético, con un tiempo de acetilación de 90 min. El máximo grado de sustitución bajo esas condiciones fue de 1,05. Fueron investigadas las propiedades térmicas del almidón modificado con el fin de determinar su potencial aplicación como polímero biodegradable para aplicaciones comerciales. Los gránulos de almidón fueron de forma oval y elongada con una longitud de 27,26 μm; la modificación mostró cambios grandes en el tamaño. Los cambios morfológicos fueron observados por lo menos en la región superficial de los gránulos. Un patrón de difracción de rayos X (RX) tipo C se presentó en el almidón nativo de plátano y algunos cambios fueron observados después de la acetilación
Mangifera indica L. extract tablets supplementation in patients with knee osteoarthritis pain. A controlled pilot study.
Context: Several experimental results and clinical reports using Mangifera indica L extract (MSBE) suggest its potential utility in osteoarthritis (OA) mixed pain. Aims: To examine the possible therapeutic effects and safety of supplementation on osteoarthritis (OA) pain. Methods: Fifty patients with painful knee OA who had undergone a year of conventional treatment that included paracetamol and non-pharmacological therapies were randomly allocated to the experimental group (n = 21), which received a daily dose of 900 mg of extract supplementation or preceding usual treatment and placebo in the same form (n = 17) for a period of 120 days. The primary measure outcome was the change in the average daily pain diary score (ADPS) using the Likert scale. Also, a multidimensional measure of pain, stiffness and functional disability on The Western Ontario and Mc Master Universities (WOMAC) index for knee OA and ultrasonographic chronic signs of synovitis such as effusion and synovial thickness were evaluated. Results: Change from baseline in ADPS of the MSBE supplemented group showed a significant reduction after two weeks that lasted for 120 days with respect to the placebo group. Significant improvements in pain and functional disability WOMAC sub-scores, number of joints with synovial thickness and effusion after MSBE supplementation vs. placebo were observed. Non-adverse effects were reported in the experimental group. Conclusions: These results suggest that MSBE supplementation has a beneficial effect on OA pain and disability
Effects of Ozone Oxidative Preconditioning on TNF-α Release and Antioxidant-Prooxidant Intracellular Balance in Mice During Endotoxic Shock
Ozone oxidative preconditioning is a prophylactic approach, which favors the antioxidant-prooxidant balance for preservation of cell redox state by the increase of antioxidant endogenous systems in both in vivo and in vitro experimental models. Our aim is to analyze the effect of ozone oxidative preconditioning on serum TNF-α levels and as a modulator of oxidative stress on hepatic tissue in endotoxic shock model (mice treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS)). Ozone/oxygen gaseous mixture which was administered intraperitoneally (0.2, 0.4, and 1.2 mg/kg) once daily for five days before LPS (0.1 mg/kg, intraperitoneal). TNF-α was measured by cytotoxicity on L-929 cells. Biochemical parameters such as thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), enzymatic activity of catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione-S transferase were measured in hepatic tissue. One hour after LPS injection there was a significant increase in TNF-α levels in mouse serum. Ozone/oxygen gaseous mixture reduced serum TNF-α levels in a dose-dependent manner. Statistically significant decreases in TNF-α levels after LPS injection were observed in mice pretreated with ozone intraperitoneal applications at 0.2 (78%), 0.4 (98%), and 1.2 (99%). Also a significant increase in TBARS content was observed in the hepatic tissue of LPS-treated mice, whereas enzymatic activity of glutathion-S transferase and glutathione peroxidase was decreased. However in ozone-treated animals a significant decrease in TBARS content was appreciated as well as an increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes. These results indicate that ozone oxidative preconditioning exerts inhibitory effects on TNF-α production and on the other hand it exerts influence on the antioxidant-prooxidant balance for preservation of cell redox state by the increase of endogenous antioxidant systems
Carcinoma de las trompas de Falopio. Presentación de caso
Se reporta una paciente con diagnóstico histopatológico de adenocarcinoma tubulo-popilar moderadamente diferenciado con áreas de necrosis de la Trompa de Falopio Izquierda, operada en el Hospital Docente Ginecobstetrico “Manuel Fajardo” de Güines, constituyendo el único caso conocido en nuestro Hospital. Se completa el tratamiento remitiendo a la paciente al Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiología
Estrategia didáctica para utilización de Nearpod como recurso didáctico en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de Biología del Bachillerato en Ciencias
This research was carried out in the “Pedro Antonio Vega” Educational Unit, where there were problems in learning the subject Biology, in addition to the notorious insufficiency of socio-educational skills in the students to develop the proposed teaching activities, due to the limitation of the teaching strategies that are used in the teaching-learning process. The objective of this study was to develop a teaching strategy for the use of Nearpod as a teaching resource in the teaching-learning process of the Biology subject that contributes to improving the level of development of socio-educational skills. The population was considered to be 22 high school science students and 4 teachers, from whom a sample of 8 third-year high school students was taken, from a non-probabilistic sampling, of an intentional nature at the discretion of the authors. Pre-test and post-test techniques were used aimed at the students and the questionnaire was used as an instrument. In the same way, an interview was applied to 4 high school teachers, as an instrument to guide questions. The results obtained generated a positive effect on Biology learning, since a significant difference was registered between the posttest results after the application of 3 class periods with the use of Nearpod. It is concluded that there is effectiveness of the Nearpod application as a teaching resource to improve the teaching-learning process of Biology and the development of socio-educational skills.Esta investigación se realizó en la Unidad Educativa “Pedro Antonio Vega”, donde se presentaron inconvenientes en el aprendizaje de la asignatura Biología, además de la notoria insuficiencia de habilidades socioeducativas en los estudiantes para desarrollar las actividades docentes propuestas, debido a la limitación de las estrategias didácticas que se emplean en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo del presente estudio fue elaborar una estrategia didáctica para la utilización de Nearpod, como recurso didáctico en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la asignatura Biología que contribuya a mejorar el nivel de desarrollo de las habilidades socioeducativas. Se consideró como población 22 estudiantes de bachillerato en ciencias y 4 docentes, de los cuales se tomó una muestra de 8 estudiantes de tercero de Bachillerato, a partir de un muestreo no probabilístico, de carácter intencional a criterio de los autores. Se emplearon las técnicas de pre-test y post-test dirigido a los estudiantes y como instrumento el cuestionario. De la misma forma se aplicó una entrevista dirigida a 4 docentes de bachillerato, como instrumento de guía de preguntas. Los resultados obtenidos, generó un efecto positivo en el aprendizaje Biología, dado que se registró una diferencia significativa entre los resultados del postest después de la aplicación de 3 periodos de clase con el uso de Nearpod. Se concluye que existe efectividad de la aplicación de Nearpod, como recurso didáctico para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de Biología y el desarrollo de las habilidades socioeducativas.
Marine seagrass extract of Thalassia testudinum suppresses colorectal tumor growth, motility and angiogenesis by autophagic stress and immunogenic cell death pathways
Marine plants have become an inexhaustible reservoir of new phytopharmaceuticals for cancer treatment. We demonstrate in vitro/in vivo antitumor efficacy of a standardized polyphenol extract from the marine angiosperm Thalassia testudinum (TTE) in colon tumor cell lines (RKO, SW480, and CT26) and a syngeneic allograft murine colorectal cancer model. MTT assays revealed a dose-dependent decrease of cell viability of RKO, CT26, and SW480 cells upon TTE treatment with IC50 values of, respectively, 175, 115, and 60 mu g/mL. Furthermore, TTE significantly prevented basal and bFGF-induced angiogenesis in the chicken chorioallantoic membrane angiogenesis assay. In addition, TTE suppressed bFGF-induced migration of endothelial cells in a wound closure assay. Finally, TTE treatment abrogated CT26 colorectal cancer growth and increased overall organism survival in a syngeneic murine allograft model. Corresponding transcriptome profiling and pathway analysis allowed for the identification of the mechanism of action for the antitumor effects of TTE. In line with our in vitro/in vivo results, TTE treatment triggers ATF4-P53-NF kappa B specific gene expression and autophagy stress pathways. This results in suppression of colon cancer cell growth, cell motility, and angiogenesis pathways in vitro and in addition promotes antitumor immunogenic cell death in vivo
Phytochemical study and antioxidant capacity of three fractions from the stem of Caesalpinia bahamensis Lam.
Context: Caesalpinia bahamensis Lam. is a medicinal plant used by the Cuban population to treat renal and hepatic diseases. However, this species lacks scientific studies that support its biological applications.
Aims: To evaluate the chemical composition and the antioxidant capacity of fractions obtained from the stem of Caesalpinia bahamensis Lam.
Methods: A continuous extraction of the stem was made by maceration using a battery of solvents of increasing polarity: chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol. All fractions were analyzed by TLC and phytochemical screening. The compounds of the chloroform fraction were identified by GC/MS, while the ethyl acetate and methanol fractions were characterized by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The antioxidant capacity was evaluated by the DPPH and FRAP assays.
Results: Ten compounds were identified by GC/MS of the chloroform fraction, associated with fatty acids, terpenoids and phytosterols. The major compounds of this fraction were octacosanol, monopalmitin and palmitic acid. The presence of flavonoids in the ethyl acetate and methanol fractions was demonstrated by phytochemical screening, TLC and UV spectroscopy. The three fractions showed antioxidant capacity in the DPPH assay, with the methanol fraction (IC50=11.1 µg/mL) being the most active. The ethyl acetate fraction (equivalent to 100.7 µmol ascorbic acid) and the methanol fraction (equivalent to 37.3 µmol ascorbic acid) showed antioxidant capacity in the FRAP assay at concentrations of 125 µg/mL and 1000 µg/mL, respectively.
Conclusions: The fractions evaluated showed antioxidant capacity in the DPPH and FRAP assays, possibly associated with the presence of phenols and flavonoids
Biomass Accumulation and Carbon Storage in Pinus maximinoi, Quercus robur, Quercus rugosa, and Pinus patula from Village- Forests of Chiapas, Mexico
The Frailesca region (Chiapas, Mexico) presents a lack of forest studies and its environmental contribution. This chapter displays a first case study with preliminary research information regarding the identification of main forest trees and rural villages with best potential for biomass production and carbon storage management. Twenty two plots of 500 m2 were selected in 11 villages of the region, in order to identify the main and dominant forest trees species and then to estimate the biomass production and carbon storage in pine (Pinus maximinoi), oak (Quercus robur), holm oak (Quercus rugosa) and Mexican weeping pine (Pinus patula) species. This study shows that the largest accumulation of both biomass and carbon occurred in the pine forests and the lowest in the oak forests. Pine trees showed carbon storage of 516.75 Mg ha−1, followed by holm oaks, with 297.21 Mg ha−1; the species with the lowest value was oak, with 75.02 Mg ha−1. The forests of the 24 de Febrero villages had the highest potential for carbon storage. Deep studies are being conducted in relation to the aboveground biomass, carbon contents in trees stem, branches and leaves, and the relation to biomass dynamics and carbon stocks and other ecological aspects of village-forests
Ruling Frameworks and Fire Use‐Conflicts in Tropical Forests of Chiapas, Mexico: A Discourse Analysis
The use of fire within tropical forests to settle agriculture and livestock systems has long been causing a bottle-neck for governmental and environmental development agencies, especially in natural forested areas with local population. An international strategy followed since many years ago is the decree of special territories with vast forests as natural protected areas (NPA). In Mexico, environmental laws can run contrary to customs and practices of natural resource-dependent communities which still use fire to farm their lands as unique livelihood activity. The chapter examines two conflicting frameworks of resource management (forest and soil) and governance in a forest village’s efforts to comply with federal policies against fires in a NPA of Chiapas, Mexico. Forest and soil management is a key locus in California village, where governance structures come into conflict with hierarchical State power. Participatory workshops and semi-structured interviews were primary research instruments for data collection and discovery of community front and backstage. Ethnography and discourse analysis were used as main tools for the analysis of information. While the State leads the conservation efforts and limits cultural activities and local actions through coercive laws, the land use and resource-dependent communities defend their access rights, and they also determine how to individual or collectively manage fires in daily activities. Finding collective solutions with horizontal-dialogue strategies represent an important issue and a pending task for the development and preservation agencies focused on forested areas. Backstage dialogue is a tool for village self-preservation when livelihood strategies are at odds with protectionist conservation efforts
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