164,847 research outputs found

    Sotatercept safety and effects on hemoglobin, bone, and vascular calcification

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    Introduction: Patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) exhibit anemia, chronic kidney disease‒mineral bone disorder (CKD-MBD), and cardiovascular disease. The REN-001 and REN-002 phase II, multicenter, randomized studies examined safety, tolerability, and effects of sotatercept, an ActRIIA-IgG1 fusion protein trap, on hemoglobin concentration; REN-001 also explored effects on bone mineral density (BMD) and abdominal aortic vascular calcification. Methods: Forty-three patients were treated in REN-001 (dose range: sotatercept 0.3‒0.7 mg/kg or placebo subcutaneously [s.c.] for 200 days) and 50 in REN-002 (dose range: 0.1‒0.4 mg/kg i.v. and 0.13‒0.5 mg/kg s.c. for 99 days). Results: In REN-001, frequency of achieving target hemoglobin response (\u3e10 g/dl [6.21 mmol/l]) with sotatercept was dose-related and greater than placebo (0.3 mg/kg: 33.3%; 0.5 mg/kg: 62.5%; 0.7 mg/kg: 77.8%; 0.7 mg/kg [doses 1 and 2]/0.4 mg/kg [doses 3‒15]: 33.3%; placebo: 27.3%). REN-002 hemoglobin findings were similar (i.v.: 16.7%-57.1%; s.c.: 11.1%‒42.9%). Dose-related achievement of ≥2% increase in femoral neck cortical BMD was seen among only REN-001 patients receiving sotatercept (0.3‒0.7 mg/kg: 20.0%‒57.1%; placebo: 0.0%). Abdominal aortic vascular calcification was slowed in a dose-related manner, with a ≤15% increase in Agatston score achieved by more REN-001 sotatercept versus placebo patients (60%‒100% vs. 16.7%). The most common adverse events during treatment were hypertension, muscle spasm, headache, arteriovenous fistula site complication, and influenza observed in both treatment and placebo groups. Conclusion: In patients with ESKD, sotatercept exhibited a favorable safety profile and was associated with trends in dose-related slowing of vascular calcification. Less-consistent trends in improved hemoglobin concentration and BMD were observed

    The structure of ordinary: Hui vernacular settlements and architecture in China

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    Ponència presentada a: Session 8: Dimensiones psicosociales de la arquitectura y el urbanismo / Psycological dimensions of architecture and plannin

    Antoine d'Abbadie-ren bizitzaz (1810-1897)

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    Pasó su niñez en Dublín. Allí nació y creció y de allí era su madre, en tanto que su padre era natural de Urrüstoi. Pasó su juventud en Toulouse, París y Audaux y acudía de vez ez cuando a Urrüstoi. Fue un buen estudiante en derecho, ciencias y lenguas. Su estancia en Etiopía acompañado de su hermano menor Arnault en pos de todo tipo de saber duró una docena de años. Fundamentalmente vivió en Lapurdi. Afincado en Urrugne, hizo construir su castillo "Abbadia" en el término de Hendaya. Fue el organizador de las Fiestas Euskaras (Euskal Jaiak). Elegido miembro de la "Académie des Sciences", fue proclamado presidente de la misma. Contrajo matrimonio aunque murió sin hijos. También fue alcalde de Hendaya. Está enterrado en la capilla del castillo al igual que su esposa.Haurtzaroa Dublin-en. Han sortu zen, han hazi, hangoa zuen ama, Ürrüstoitarra berriz aita. Gaztaroa Frantziako Tolosan, Parisen, Adausen, noiztenka Urrüstoin. Ikasle trebea izan zen zuzenbidean, zientzian eta hizkuntzetan. Etiopian gaindi jakintza mota guzien ondotik, Arnault bere anaia gaztearekin, dozena bat urtez. Lapurtarra nagusiki bere bizitzaz. Urruñan plantaturik, eraiki zuen orain Hendaiakoan dagoen "Abbadia" jauregia. Euskal Jaiak antolatu zituen. "Académie des Sciences" delakoan izendaturik, horko lehendakari hautatuko dute. Ezkondu zen, baina haurrik gabe hil. Hendaiako auzapez izan zen artetik. Bere jauregiko kaperan ehortzirik dago, emaztea halaber.Enfance à Dublin. Il y est né, il y a été élevé, sa mère était de là-bas, tandis que son père était d'Arrast. Il vécut sa jeunesse à Toulouse, Paris, Audaux, avec des passages à Arrast. Il fit de brillantes études en droit, en sciences et en langues. Il parcourut l'Ethiopie pendant près de douze ans, avec son jeune frère Arnault, en explorant tous les secteurs de la connaissance. Il fut surtout labourdin par sa vie. Installé à Urrugne, il y construisit le château d'Abbadia, qui se trouve aujourd'hui sur le territoire d'Hendaye. Elu à l'Académie des Sciences, il en sera le président. Il se maria, mais mourut sans enfant. Il fut un moment maire d'Hendaye. Il est inhumé dans la chapelle de son château, ainsi que son épouse.He was born in Dublin, where he spent his childhood. His mother was also from Dublin, and his father was born in Ürrüstoi. He spent his youth in Toulouse, Paris and Audaux and he used to go to Ürrüstoi from time to time. He was anadvantaged law, science and languages student. His stay in Ethiopia, accompanied by his younger brother Arnault, in search for all types of knowledge, lasted a dozen years. He lived mainly in Lapurdi. He set up residence in Urrugne, where he had his castle "Abbadia" built within the municipality of Hendaye. He was the organiser of the Basque Festivities ("Euskal Jaiak"). He was elected member of the "Académie des Sciences", and was later proclaimed its President. He married, but he died without children. He was also elected mayor of Hendaye. He is buried in the chapel of the castle, together with his wife

    Life on Cloud Nine: How Entertainment During Mass Quarantine in China Provides Potential Insight into the Future of Social Interactions

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    Journal #35 from Media Rise's Quarantined Across Borders Collection by Jingqiu Ren and Theresa Morris. Ren is from China. Quarantined in Texas. Morris is from United States. Quarantined in Texas.Media Rise Publications. Quarantined Across Borders Collection. Edited by Dr. Srividya "Srivi" Ramasubramanian.This opinion piece examines the new format of producing entertainment shows with zero physical contact in China as a result of mass quarantine due to COVID-19 and explores how it may transform our taken-for-granted social interactions

    An Attempt to Read Mencius’ Philosophy with Help of Cicero: Focusing on the Relationship of the Term 'ren' 仁 with the Building of Empire

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    Already in 17th century, Ph. Couplet (1623–1693) used Ciceronian terminology to interprete the texts of Confucian philosophy, including that of Mencius (372–289 BCE), an important philosopher especially in terms of understanding Chinese ethics and morals. This paper attempts to read Mencius’ political term “empire”  in the context of political philosophy. The paper observes Mencius’s political idea with help of that of Cicero. For this, it demostrates how and why Mencius introduces the ren as a principle of Kingship and the building of Empire. According to him, the ren is a core principle in operating the empire that was formulated with the tianxia (“all-under-heaven”). However, the ren is an ambivalent concept. On one side, the ren is a universal value that stands fundamentally against violence. On the other side, historically to see, the ren was an imperial ideology, because as a part of the “all-under-heaven” policy represented by Mencius was de facto nothing but a regional hegemon

    Incorporating Remote Electrical Neuromodulation (REN) Into Usual Care Reduces Acute Migraine Medication Use: An Open-Label Extension Study

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    © Copyright © 2020 Marmura, Lin, Harris, Ironi and Rosen. Background: A recent randomized controlled study showed that 66.7% (66/99) and 37.4% (37/99) of people undergoing remote electrical neuromodulation (REN), a novel non-pharmacological migraine treatment, achieve pain relief and pain freedom, respectively, at 2 h post-treatment. The participants who completed the 6-weeks double-blind phase of this study were offered to participate in an open-label extension (OLE) with an active REN device. Objective: This study investigated the clinical use of REN, focusing on its potential in reducing the use of acute migraine medications. Methods: The parent study for this open-label extension (OLE) was a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled study of acute treatment conducted on 296 participants enrolled at 12 sites in the USA and Israel. This study included a run-in phase, in which migraine attacks were treated with usual care, and an 8-weeks double-blind treatment phase. One hundred sixty participants continued in an 8-weeks OLE phase in which they could incorporate a REN device into their usual care. Medication use rate (percentage of participants who treated their attacks only with REN and avoided medications in all their attacks) and pain outcomes at 2 h post-treatment were compared between the OLE and the run-in phase in a within-subject design. Results: The analyses were performed on 117 participants with episodic migraine. During the OLE, 89.7% of the participants treated their attacks only with REN and avoided medications in all their attacks compared with 15.4% in the run-in phase (p \u3c 0.0001). The rates of pain relief and pain-free in at least 50% of the treatments at 2 h post-treatment were comparable (pain relief: 58.1% in the run-in phase and 57.3% in the OLE, p = 0.999; pain-free: 23.1% in the run-in vs. 30.8% in the OLE, p = 0.175). Conclusions: REN may reduce the use of acute migraine medications. Thus, incorporating REN into usual care may reduce the risk for medication overuse headache (MOH). Future studies should evaluate whether REN reduces the use of acute migraine medications in a population at risk for MOH

    "Emazteen fabore"

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    N/AEtxepare-k idatzi dituen amodiozko olerkietan toki berezi bat dauka Emazteen fabore deritzanak, alde batetik bigarrena delakotz Amorosen gaztiguia-ren ondotik eta, bertze aldetik, zentsuratua izan delakotz Linguae Vasconum primitiae-ren bigarren agerraldian, Gustave Brunet eta Archu-k eginikakoan, 1847-an

    Shot boundary detection in MPEG videos using local and global indicators

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    Shot boundary detection (SBD) plays important roles in many video applications. In this letter, we describe a novel method on SBD operating directly in the compressed domain. First, several local indicators are extracted from MPEG macroblocks, and AdaBoost is employed for feature selection and fusion. The selected features are then used in classifying candidate cuts into five sub-spaces via pre-filtering and rule-based decision making. Following that, global indicators of frame similarity between boundary frames of cut candidates are examined using phase correlation of dc images. Gradual transitions like fade, dissolve, and combined shot cuts are also identified. Experimental results on the test data from TRECVID'07 have demonstrated the effectiveness and robustness of our proposed methodology. * INSPEC o Controlled Indexing decision making , image segmentation , knowledge based systems , video coding o Non Controlled Indexing AdaBoost , MPEG videos , feature selection , global indicator , local indicator , rule-based decision making , shot boundary detection , video segmentation * Author Keywords Decision making , TRECVID , shot boundary detection (SBD) , video segmentation , video signal processing References 1. J. Yuan , H. Wang , L. Xiao , W. Zheng , J. L. F. Lin and B. Zhang "A formal study of shot boundary detection", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 17, pp. 168 2007. Abstract |Full Text: PDF (2789KB) 2. C. Grana and R. Cucchiara "Linear transition detection as a unified shot detection approach", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 17, pp. 483 2007. Abstract |Full Text: PDF (505KB) 3. Q. Urhan , M. K. Gullu and S. Erturk "Modified phase-correlation based robust hard-cut detection with application to archive film", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 16, pp. 753 2006. Abstract |Full Text: PDF (3808KB) 4. C. Cotsaces , N. Nikolaidis and I. Pitas "Video shot detection and condensed representation: A review", Proc. IEEE Signal Mag., vol. 23, pp. 28 2006. 5. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), pp. [online] Available: http://www-nlpir.nist.gov/projects/trecvid/ 6. J. Bescos "Real-time shot change detection over online MPEG-2 video", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 14, pp. 475 2004. Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1056KB) 7. H. Lu and Y. P. Tan "An effective post-refinement method for shot boundary detection", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 15, pp. 1407 2005. Abstract |Full Text: PDF (3128KB) 8. G. Boccignone , A. Chianese , V. Moscato and A. Picariello "Foveated shot detection for video segmentation", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 15, pp. 365 2005. Abstract |Full Text: PDF (2152KB) 9. Z. Cernekova , I. Pitas and C. Nikou "Information theory-based shot cut/fade detection and video summarization", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 16, pp. 82 2006. Abstract |Full Text: PDF (1184KB) 10. L.-Y. Duan , M. Xu , Q. Tian , C.-S. Xu and J. S. Jin "A unified framework for semantic shot classification in sports video", IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 7, pp. 1066 2005. Abstract |Full Text: PDF (2872KB) 11. H. Fang , J. M. Jiang and Y. Feng "A fuzzy logic approach for detection of video shot boundaries", Pattern Recogn., vol. 39, pp. 2092 2006. [CrossRef] 12. R. A. Joyce and B. Liu "Temporal segmentation of video using frame and histogram space", IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 8, pp. 130 2006. Abstract |Full Text: PDF (864KB) 13. A. Hanjalic "Shot boundary detection: Unraveled and resolved", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 12, pp. 90 2002. Abstract |Full Text: PDF (289KB) 14. S.-C. Pei and Y.-Z. Chou "Efficient MPEG compressed video analysis using macroblock type information", IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 1, pp. 321 1999. Abstract |Full Text: PDF (612KB) 15. C.-L. Huang and B.-Y. Liao "A robust scene-change detection method for video segmentation", IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol., vol. 11, pp. 1281 2001. Abstract |Full Text: PDF (241KB) 16. Y. Freund and R. E. Schapire "A decision-theoretic generalization of online learning and an application to boosting", J. Comput. Syst. Sci., vol. 55, pp. 119 1997. [CrossRef] On this page * Abstract * Index Terms * References Brought to you by STRATHCLYDE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY * Your institute subscribes to: * IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library , IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL) * What can I access? Terms of Us

    Feng Shui In Business : The Case Of The Beijing Olympic Games 2008

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    This case study, "Feng Shui in Business : the case of the Beijing Olympic Games 2008" has been derived from 'Trinity of Luck', 'Tien, Ti, Ren' , that is Heaven, Earth and Man. Dalam kes ini saya telah membuat kajian mengenai "Feng Shui dalam Pemiagaan : Kajian mengenai kes acara sukan Olimpik 2008 di-Beijing" dania berlandaskan kepada 'Tuah dan Nasib' (Trinity of Luck), 'Tien, Ti, Ren' , iaitu Syurga, Bumi dan Inshan

    Türkiye'de reküren iskemik inme üzerine etkili risk faktörleri

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    Objectives: The aim of the study is to determine the risk factors for recurrent ischemic stroke. Patients and Methods: We compared the risk factors in 186 recurrent ischemic stroke patients (94 males, 92 females; mean age 66.85±11.21 years; range 20-95 years) with 300 first-ever stroke patients (control group) among 1150 ischemic stroke patients who had been treated in Neurology Department of Trakya University Medical Faculty over a period of three years. Results: The recurrence rate was 16.1%. Within the recurrent patients, 89.7% had hypertension, 32.3% had atrial fibrillation, 24.4% had diabetes mellitus, 15.6% had transient ischemic attack, and 57.5% had several types of heart diseases. The most frequent recurrence etiology was embolic according to TOAST criteria (35.5%). Transient ischemic attack (OR= 2.98; 95% CI 1.54-5.76), hypertension (OR= 1.96; 95% CI 1.11-2.64) and atrial fibrillation (OR= 1.74; 95% CI 1.44-2.66) were found as the independent risk factors. The mean of the modified Rankin scores of the study group at their last charge were significantly higher than that of the control group. Conclusion: Our findings emphasize the importance of the consistent anticoagulation therapy for patients with atrial fibrillation and close blood pressure control in patients with hypertension.Amaç: Bu çalışmada reküren iskemik inmede risk faktörleri belirlendi. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Üç yıllık dönemde Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Nöroloji Kliniği’ne başvuran toplam 1150 hasta içinden reküren inme geçiren 186 hasta (94 erkek, 92 kadın; ort. yaş 66.85±11.21; dağılım 20-95) ilk iskemik inmesini geçiren 300 hasta ile risk faktörleri açısından karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Reküren inme oranı %16.1 idi. Reküren inme grubunda hastaların %89.7’sinde hipertansiyon, %32.3’ünde atrial fibrilasyon, %24.4’ünde diabetes mellitus, %15.6’sında geçici iskemik atak ve %57.5’inde değişik kalp hastalıklarının olduğu gözlendi. Reküren inmenin en sık görülen etyolojik nedeni TOAST sınıflamasına göre kardiyoembolizmdi (%35.5). Geçici iskemik atak (OR= 2.98; %95 CI 1.54-5.76), hipertansiyon (OR= 1.96; %95 CI 1.11-2.64) ve atrial fibrilasyon (OR= 1.74; %95 CI 1.44-2.66) reküren inme için bağımsız risk faktörü olarak bulundu. Hasta grubu ile kontrol grubu modifiye Rankin skoru için karşılaştırıldığında hasta grubunda bu skorun daha kötü olduğu izlendi. Sonuç: Bizim bulgularımız hipertansif hastalarda kan basıncı kontrolünün, atriyal fibrilasyonlu hastalarda ise etkin antikoagülasyonun reküren inmeyi önlemede önemli olduğunu göstermiştir