58 research outputs found

    Personlige skæbner: Epoken for bevidsthedernes kolonialisering

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    Jens Viggo Nielsen har oversat et centralt kapitel om ligevægten mellem jeg og vi fra den italienske filosof Remo Bodeis seneste værk, Personlige skæbner, og giver samtidig en grundig indføring i Bodeis værk og i det italienske åndsliv i sidste halvdel af det 20. århundrede

    ¿Hacia humanos de criadero?

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    Remo Bodei nos propone una reflexión sobre el impacto y consecuencias de las biotecnologías sobre la estructura de los individuos y las sociedades en el futuro inmediato. Se presentan algunos datos específicos de las biotecnologías junto con una serie de consideraciones filosóficas que parten de textos clásicos hasta llegar al debate contemporáneo (en especial a las tesis de Sloterdijk sobre el “parque humano” y de Fukuyama sobre Our Posthuman Future, Consequences of Biotechnological Revolution, “El fin del hombre”). Los fármacos psicotrópicos y la acción de las biotecnologías no sólo están cambiando la denominada “Naturaleza humana”, sino también las relaciones sociales, familiares e incluso la política, que se convierte en zoopolítica, intentando crear humanos de criadero, fácilmente manipulables, cuyo comportamiento puede ser influido por fármacos psicotró-picos, como el prozac y otros, o por amenazas bio-terroritas que se convierten en una forma de control social.Remo Bodei proposes a reflection about the impact and consequences of biotechnologies on the individuals and societies’ structure in the immediate future. He presents some specific information about biotechnologies together with a series of philosophical considerations that start from classical texts and reach the contemporary debate (especially, Sloterdijk’s thesis about the Human Park, and Fukuyama’s thesis about Our Posthuman Future, Consequences of Biotechnological Revolution). Psychotropic drugs and the action of biotechnologies not only change the so-called “Human Nature”, but also social and family relations, and even politics, which becomes zoopolitics, and try to create breeding ground humans, easily manipulated, whose behaviour can be influenced by psychotropic drugs, such as prozac and others, or by bio-terrorist threats which become a way of social control

    The Broken Mirror: Dissolution of the Subject and Multiple Personality

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    Hegel, il fondamento e il postmoderno

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    Per i testi pubblicati nella sezione Note non è richiesto l'abstract

    Viure online. Repercussions polítiques de la connexió virtual

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    En el número 56 de la revista L'Espill trobaràs un dossier monogràfic sobre "Nació i narració", amb contribucions de Joan Ramon Resina, Simona Škrabec, Jernej Habjan, Ferran Garcia-Oliver, Àlex Martín Escribà i Jaume Subirana. A més, articles d'Herman Daly, Remo Bodei, Maria Xosé Agra, Blanca Llum Vidal, Gustau Muñoz, Josep J. Conill, Antoni Defez, Victoria Saenz i Sebastià Alzamora, així com documents de Ievgueni Zamiatin i un full de dietari de Francesc Parcerisas

    Un malgoverno dell’altro mondo. Corruzione, avidità e violenza alle origini dell’America latina

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    The article begins by reconstructing the original behavior of the conquistadores of the New World, in which the immense greed of riches was combined with ruthless violence against the Amerindians, and this was accompanied by a moral disengagement, or rather by the skill to perform acts of extreme cruelty without feeling any guilt. In this acute ethical corruption syndrome, the author identifies the roots of bad government established by the Spanish in the New World and then continued in various forms in the political history of Latin America, almost as if it were an original sin beyond repair and capable of generating a sort of destiny which it seems impossible to escape. The continuous revolutions and/or abrupt regime changes that have characterized the affairs of almost all Latin American states have often had among their motivations (real or presumed) that, solemnly announced, of wanting to abolish the corruption of previous governments; but the intention to clean up, to «drain the swamp of corruption», has frequently led to authoritarian or dictatorial changes, and in most cases has not avoided relapse into the same type of vice. The greed and ruthlessness of the conquistadores led not only to the despoliation of the territories and the extermination of millions of people, but to the establishment of fact or the right to slavery, first of the natives, then also of the blacks. The article reconstructs the alternating phases of tension and compromise between the conquering soldiers and the settlers on the one hand, and the Crown and the Church on the other, on how to treat the Indians. The repeatedly ratified laws in defense of the natives were mostly disregarded and, in any case, failed to constrain a generalized regime of oppression. What is more important to note is was born then, by way of some thinkers like Francisco de Vitoria: the grandiose project of educating whole peoples into civilization, with the underlying corollary of dominating them to instruct them, but also with the intention of including them in the large family of humanity. It must be emphasized that this was not just a simple ideological masking to hide the horrors of oppression. A great philosophical, theological and political confrontation opened up in sixteenth century Spain which became, on the one hand, the field for sowing and cultivating the modern idea of human rights. On the other hand, however, it also became the setting of the dispute —its protagonists being Sepúlveda and Las Casas— on the natural serfdom of the Indians and the legitimacy of leading a «just war» against them. The peak of political and human corruption was reached when violence and oppression were called justice

    El lugar de las pasiones en la sociedad contemporánea

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    Extracto de una conversación entre Remo Bodei y Anna Toglioto del libro "L'época delle passioni inattese". Entrevista a Remo Bodei”, por Anna Togliotto

    Pensar el futuro. Incertidumbre y complejidad

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