17 research outputs found

    Organizing pneumonia - analysis of 18 own cases

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    Organizing pneumonia (OP) is a rarely diagnosed disease, however the incidence ratio was estimated as 6-7 /100 000. Disease can occur in cryptogenic form or as a secondary reaction to various noxious agents, drugs, and ionising radiation, as a concomitant disease to infections, lympho- and myeloproliferative disorders, and connective tissue diseases. Symptoms of OP are non-specific therefore lung biopsy and histological examination are necessary for diagnosis. Eighteen cases of OP, 15 women and 3 men, aged 40 to 76 years, are presented with analysis of clinicopathological characteristic and therapeutic problems. In all cases diagnosis was confirmedby open lung biopsy. In one case radiotherapy and in one transtuzumab treatment was the cause of OP. In further 3 women atybodies against Chlamydia pneumoniae and in one -against Mycoplasma pneumoniae were found in serum. Probably Hashimoto disease was the cause of one case. In 12 patients the OP was idiopathic. Majority of patients were treated by prednisone (0.5mg/kg). In one patient regression without any treatment was noticed and in other one - after cessation of transtuzumab. Five women were treated by clarithromycine. In 3 of them regression was observed but in other 2 corticotherapy was necessary. The observation period ranged from 1 month to 9 years, mean 34 months

    Colorectal neuroendocrine neoplasms — management guidelines (recommended by the Polish Network of Neuroendocrine Tumours)

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    Nowotwory/guzy neuroendokrynne (NEN/NET) jelita grubego są rozpoznawane coraz częściej, szczególnie guzy odbytnicy. To zjawisko jest najprawdopodobniej związane z powszechnym wykonywaniem kolonoskopii przesiewowych. Coraz więcej przemawia za tym, że NEN odbytnicy i okrężnicy to dwie odrębne choroby. Nowotwory neuroendokrynne odbytnicy są najczęściej zmianami niewielkich roz­miarów, cechują się niskim lub umiarkowanym stopniem złośliwości histologicznej, dobrym rokowaniem i większość z nich kwalifikuje się do leczenia endoskopowego. Natomiast NEN okrężnicy to często nowotwory agresywne, niskozróżnicowane, o złej lub niepewnej prognozie, wymagające operacji. Zasady postępowania z tymi chorymi stale się zmieniają. Opierając się na najnowszym piśmiennictwie oraz ustaleniach wypracowanych na spotkaniu roboczym Polskiej Sieci Guzów Neuroendokrynnych (grudzień 2016 r.) w pracy uzupełniono i uaktualniono dane i wytyczne postępowania dotyczące NEN jelita grubego, opublikowane w Endokrynologii Polskiej 2013; 64: 494–504.Neuroendocrine neoplasms/tumours (NENs/NETs) of the large intestine are detected increasingly often, especially rectal tumours, which is probably associated with the widespread use of screening colonoscopy. There is a growing body of evidence supporting the thesis that the NENs of the rectum and the NENs of the colon are two different diseases. Rectal NENs are usually small lesions, of low to moderate histological malignancy, associated with good prognosis, and most may be treated endoscopically. NENs of the colon, however, are often aggressive, poorly differentiated, associated with a poor or uncer­tain prognosis, and require surgical treatment. The management guidelines regarding these groups of patients are constantly changing. On the basis of the recent literature data and conclusions reached by the working meeting of the Polish Network of Neuroendocrine Tumours (December 2016), this study completes and updates the data and management guidelines regarding colorectal NENs published in Endokrynologia Polska 2013; 64: 358–368.

    Institutions of supervision and regulation of the banking market in Poland

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    Praca przedstawia instytucje nadzoru oraz regulacji rynku bankowego w Polsce, to znaczy Komisję Nadzoru Finansowego, Bankowy Fundusz Gwarancyjny oraz Narodowy Bank Polski. W każdym z rozdziałów opisuje każdą z nich, przedstawiając jej strukturę, organizację, cele oraz wpływ na rynek bankowy w Polsce.The aim of the thesis is to look at institutions of supervision and regulation of the banking market in Poland, which means Polish Financial Supervision Authority, Bank Fund Guarantee Fund and National Polish Bank. In each chapter there is a part about the structure, organization, goals and impact on the polish banking market

    Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in a patient with situs inversus totalis – a case report

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    We report a case of a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) in a morbidly obese patient with situs inversus totalis. Currentexperience with bariatric surgery in patients with situs inversus totalis shows that they can be operated on safely. Theopen approach in this case of a difficult anatomy may be beneficial and safer for the patient. The technique itselfrequires only minor modifications. The results of bariatric surgery in terms of weight loss are comparable to thegeneral population of morbidly obese patients after RYGB

    A Novel Approach for Dynamic (4d) Multi-View Stereo System Camera Network Design

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    Image network design is a critical factor in image-based 3D shape reconstruction and data processing (especially in the application of combined SfM/MVS methods). This paper aims to present a new approach to designing and planning multi-view imaging networks for dynamic 3D scene reconstruction without preliminary information about object geometry or location. The only constraints are the size of defined measurement volume, the required resolution, and the accuracy of geometric reconstruction. The proposed automatic camera network design method is based on the Monte Carlo algorithm and a set of prediction functions (considering accuracy, density, and completeness of shape reconstruction). This is used to determine the camera positions and orientations and makes it possible to achieve the required completeness of shape, accuracy, and resolution of the final 3D reconstruction. To assess the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method, tests were carried out on synthetic and real data. For a set of 20 virtual images of rendered spheres, completeness of shape reconstruction was up by 92.3% while maintaining accuracy and resolution at the user-specified level. In the case of the real data, the differences between predictions and evaluations for average density were in the range between 33.8% to 45.0%

    Hepatic Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma and Adult Liver Transplantation: Proposal for a Prognostic Score Based on the Analysis of the ELTR-ELITA Registry

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    Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (HEHE) is a rare vascular tumor which has an intermediate aggressive behavior. Although the value of liver transplantation (LT) is well established, its place in the management of HEHE is still unclear. The aim of this study is to confirm, based on a very large patient cohort, the value of LT in the management of HEHE and to identify risk factors for post-LT recurrence.status: publishe

    Selective growth inhibition of tumor cells by a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor, NVP-LAQ824.

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    We have synthesized a histone deacetylase inhibitor, NVP-LAQ824, a cinnamic hydroxamic acid, that inhibited in vitro enzymatic activities and transcriptionally activated the p21 promoter in reporter gene assays. NVP-LAQ824 selectively inhibited growth of cancer cell lines at submicromolar levels after 48-72 h of exposure, whereas higher concentrations and longer exposure times were required to retard the growth of normal dermal human fibroblasts. Flow cytometry studies revealed that both tumor and normal cells arrested in the G(2)-M phase of the cell cycle after compound treatment. However, an increased sub-G(1) population at 48 h (reminiscent of apoptotic cells) was observed only in the cancer cell line. Annexin V staining data supported our hypothesis that NVP-LAQ824 induced apoptosis in tumor and transformed cells but not in normal cells. Western blotting experiments showed an increased histone H3 and H4 acetylation level in NVP-LAQ824-treated cancer cells, suggesting that the likely in vivo target of NVP-LAQ824 was histone deacetylase(s). Finally, NVP-LAQ824 exhibited antitumor effects in a xenograft animal model. Together, our data indicated that the activity of NVP-LAQ824 was consistent with its intended mechanism of action. This novel histone deacetylase inhibitor is currently in clinical trials as an anticancer agent

    Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma and adult liver transplantation: Proposal for a prognostic score based on the analysis of the eltr-elita registry

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    Background. Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (HEHE) is a rare vascular tumor which has an intermediate aggressive behavior. Although the value of liver transplantation (LT) is well established, its place in themanagement of HEHE is still unclear. The aim of this study is to confirm, based on a very large patient cohort, the value of LT in the management of HEHE and to identify risk factors for post-LT recurrence. Methods. The outcome of 149 transplant recipients with HEHE recorded in the European Liver Transplant Registry during the period November 1984 to May 2014 was analyzed. Median post-LT follow-up was 7.6 years (interquartile range, 2.8-14.4). Results. Cox regression analysis showed that macrovascular invasion (hazard ratio [HR], 4.8; P < 0.001), pre-LT waiting time of 120 days or less (HR, 2.6; P = 0.01) and hilar lymph node invasion (HR = 2.2; P = 0.03), but not pre-LT extrahepatic disease, were significant risk factors for recurrence. These findings, which were also confirmed in a propensity score analysis, allowed the development of a HEHE-LTscore enabling stratification of patients in relation to their risk of tumor recurrence. Patients with a score of 2 or less had a much better 5-year disease-free survival compared to those having a score of 6 or higher (93.9% vs 38.5%; P < 0.001). Conclusions. The analysis of this (largest in the world) HEHE adult liver recipient cohort clearly confirms the value of LT in the treatment of this rare disorder and also permits identification of patients at risk of posttransplant recurrence. Posttransplant follow-up should take the HEHE-LT score into account. Extrahepatic disease localization is reconfirmed not to be a contraindication for LT