596 research outputs found

    PubDNA Finder in a Nutshell. Searching the Life Sciences Literature with Sequences of Nucleic Acids

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    Biomedical researchers and clinicians working with molecular technologies in routine clinical practice often need to review the available literature to gather information regarding specific sequences of nucleic acids. This includes, for instance, finding articles related to a concrete DNA sequence, or identifying empirically-validated primer/probe sequences to evaluate the presence of different micro-organisms. Unfortunately, these hard and time-consuming tasks often need to be manually performed by researchers themselves since no publicly available biomedical literature search engine, e.g. PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), etc., provides the required search functionalities. In this article, we describe PubDNA Finder, a web service that enables users to perform advanced searches on PubMed Central-indexed full text articles with sequences of nucleic acid

    Using Hierarchical Task Network Planning Techniques to Create Custom Web Search Services over Multiple Biomedical Databases

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    We present a novel method to create complex search services over public online biomedical databases using hierarchical task network planning techniques. In the proposed approach, user queries are regarded as planning tasks (goals), while basic query services provided by the databases correspond to planning operators (POs). Each individual source is then mapped to a set of POs that can be used to process primitive (simple) queries. Advanced search services can be created by defining decomposition methods (DMs). The latter can be regarded as “recipes” that describe how to decompose non-primitive (complex) queries into sets of simpler sub queries following a divide-and conquer strategy. Query processing proceeds by recursively decomposing non primitive queries into smaller queries; until primitive queries are reached that can be processed using planning operators. Custom web search services can be created from the generated planners to provide biomedical researchers with valuable tools to process frequent complex queries

    Desarrollo evolutivo, personalidad y nivel de adaptación de un grupo de menores obesos

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    Para determinar si existen aspectos específicos en el desarrollo evolutivo, los rasgos de personalidad y el nivel de adaptación personal, escolar y social de los niños obesos, se hizo un estudio comparativo de 90 menores (50 niños y 40 niñas) con una edad media de 10 años y una desviación típica 1,13, distribuidos en tres grupos: obesos (n=30), diabéticos (n=30) y sanos de peso normal (n=30). Se evaluaron mediante un Inventario Sociobiográfico, de elaboración propia, el Cuestionario de Personalidad para niños (CPQ) y el Test Autoevaluativo de Adaptación Infantil (TAMAI). Los datos han sido sometidos a una serie de análisis comparativos, en primer lugar para determinar si existe interacción estadísticamente significativa entre los factores sexo y grupo (ANOVA Factorial Simple) y, posteriormente entre los tres grupos (ANOVA de 1 Factor + prueba de Scheffé) mezclando niños y niñas en cada uno de los grupos. Se observa interacción estadísticamente significativa entre los factores sexo y grupo en las siguientes variables: CPQO (sereno/aprensivo), TP22, TP222, TP223 (tristeza y quejas somáticas), siendo las niñas obesas las que muestran las puntuaciones medias más elevadas. Los resultados obtenidos al comparar los tres grupos, mezclando niños y niñas son los siguientes: no se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas en ninguna de las variables que componen el Inventario Sociobiográfico. Con el CPQ, no se aprecian rasgos de personalidad específicos de los niños/as obesos/as. De igual modo, según el TAMAI, tampoco se observan aspectos específicos en la adaptación personal, social o escolar de los niños/ as obesos/as, aunque son los que tienden a presentar las puntuaciones medias más elevadas en los factores relacionados con la inadaptación personal (TP: obesos=11,63; dbts=10,06; spn=7,5) (p<0,01 entre obs y spn) y social (TS2: obesos=4,43; dbts=3,16; spn=2,1) (p<0,01 entre obs y spn). El rechazo social a la obesidad y su componente visible son factores que podrían determinar un mayor grado de insatisfacción personal e inadaptación social del niño obeso respecto al resto de los grupos.In order to evaluate specifics aspects of obese children (development grow, personality features and levels of personal, social and scholastic adaptation), this comparative study assess 90 children (50 boys and 40 girls), with a mean age of 10 years and a typical deviation of 1,13, separate on three groups: obese (n=30), diabetics (n=30) and healthy normal body weight (n=30). The Personality Questionnaire for Children (CPQ), Auto-evaluative Adaptation Infantile Test (TAMAI), and a Socio-biography Inventory (for studying development grow of the children), have been used for the assessment. Comparative analyses have been performed: ANOVA Simple Factorial was used to test for statistically significant interaction between sex and group and ANOVA 1 Factor and Scheffé post hoc, was used to evaluate for significant statistically differences between three groups. Statistically significant interaction between sex and group is observed on the following variables: CPQO (calm/apprehensive), TP22, TP222, TP223 (sadness and somatic symptoms) being the obese girls who show means scores highest. When three groups have been comparing, the results have been the next: no statistically significant differences on any variable from de Socio-biography Inventory have been observed. With the Personality Questionnaire for Children (CPQ) specifics personality features in the obese sample have not been observed. With the Auto-Evaluative Adaptation Infantile Test (TAMAI), specifics aspects in the personal, social and scholastic levels adaptation of obese children have not been observed neither, although they are who show means scores highest on the variables relations with personal dissatisfaction (TP: obese=11,63; diabetics=10,06; healthy normal body weight =7,5; p<0,01 between obese and healthy normal body weigh) and social dissatisfaction (TS2: obese=4,43; diabetics=3,16; healthy normal body weigh =2,1; p<0,01 between obese and healthy normal body weigh). Social stigma and visibility obesity could be determine a biger personal and social dissatisfaction of de obeses children

    Understanding and Improving the Cavity Absorptance for Space TSI Radiometers

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    Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) is the measure of the solar power per unit area, the electromagnetic radiation integrated over the whole electromagnetic spectrum at the top of the atmosphere, normalized to a distance from the Sun of 1 AU (astronomical unit). In order to measure TSI, solar radiometers are utilized. In this work a study of the degradation process that solar radiometers suffer is presented. Among all sources that may produce damage on the receivers, this work is focused on UV radiation. Experimental data was obtained and compared against instruments who suffered degradation during their operative lifetime in space. On the other hand, a next generation of receiver for solar radiometers was designed, studying changes on the coating (by application of the latest discoveries in ultra-black materials), the geometry of the detector (to improve the optical and mechanical properties of the new coatings), and the substitution of components of the instruments (by more recent technologies). The aim of this new generation of absolute radiometers is to obtain more accurate measurements avoiding degradation effects on their coatings. A prototype of this new receiver for solar radiometer was produced and optically characterized. The new coating provides a higher absorptance coefficient than the previous cavity design with glossy paints and no degradation due to UV radiation was found. The Physikalisch- Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos and World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC) has a record of more than 100 years measuring the sun and a long history of developing radiometers. In 2015, an international team of experts placed the PMOD as one of two world-wide leading institutions in the field of Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) metrology. PMOD/WRC provides very high-quality services to international and national organizations such as the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and space agencies, in particular the European Space Agency (ESA)

    La armada en el ejército romano

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    Sensores electroquímicos basados en nanomateriales de carbono

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    Caracterización de tres sensores basados en materiales de nanocarbono mediante el análisis de diferentes compuestos. El objetivo del proyecto ha sido analizar que sensor es el más sensible para detectar los compuestos electroactivos en soluciones. Se han utilizado tres tipos diferentes de sensores: Electrodo de carbono modificado con nanotubos de carbono (CNT), Electrodo de carbono modificado con Nanofibras de carbono grafitizadas (CNF) y Electrodo de carbono modificado con grafeno (GPH). El comportamiento de estos sensores se ha analizado estudiando inicialmente en soluciones de Cloruro de Potasio, Ferrocianuro de Potasio y Catecol. El sensor más sensible ha sido utilizado para la detección de Dopamina en solución acuosaDepartamento de Química Física y Química InorgánicaGrado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriale

    Detectors could spot plagiarism in research proposals

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    Having all been involved in proposal evaluation, we believe the studies indicate that a text matching analysis of research proposals could reduce plagiarism in subsequent publications. For instance, when European Commission evaluators have met in the past to evaluate research proposals, they received printed copies which had to be returned before the panel members left, and had no computer access during deliberations. A plagiarism detector using text-mining methods could be used instead of the current security measures. Such a system could, in principle, detect similarities to previous submissions and uncited sources using advanced document segmentation. Only official agencies have access to confidential proposals and the funds to experiment with automated plagiarism-detectors. It is important that they should investigate these approaches to reducing the possibility of scientific misconduct

    Bimodal volcanism of the Cerro Corona volcano in the Alta Sierra de Somún Curá (Río Negro province)

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    La Alta Sierra de Somún Curá es uno de los complejos volcánicos terciarios post-plateau en el ambiente de la meseta basáltica de Somún Curá, en la Patagonia extrandina. En ella se encuentra el cerro Corona, un volcán en escudo que corresponde al centro de mayor altura en la región. Está construido por rocas efusivas y piroclásticas subordinadas, fundamentalmente traquiandesíticas-basálticas, con variaciones traquíticas tanto en sus flancos como en su cráter. A pesar de la bimodalidad composicional con una importante discontinuidad entre el 54 y 58 % en peso de SiO2, el presente trabajo propone que las traquitas son el producto de la evolución por cristalización fraccionada de las traquiandesitas basálticas, con cierta influencia de recargas máficas a la cámara magmática de acuerdo a la presencia de texturas de desequilibrio en los fenocristales, principalmente de las rocas félsicas.The Cerro Corona is a shield volcano situated in the Alta Sierra de Somún Curá, one of the tertiary volcanic complex that constitute the Meseta de Somún Curá, in the Extrandean Patagonia. It is the highest center in the region and it is compound mainly of basaltic trachyandesites, with trachytic variations on its flanks and crater. Despite the compositional bimodality with an important compositional gap between 54% and 58% in weight in SiO2, this work suggests that trachytes are the product of the evolution of basaltic trachyandesites through fractional crystallization, with some influence of mafic recharge to the magmatic chamber, in agreement with the presence of disequilibrium textures in fenocrystals, essentially in felsic rocks.Fil: Maro, Guadalupe. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy; ArgentinaFil: Remesal, Marcela Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geociencias Básicas, Aplicadas y Ambientales de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Sextus lulius Possessor en la Bética

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