41 research outputs found

    Core-clock genes regulate proliferation and invasion via a reciprocal interplay with MACC1 in colorectal cancer cells

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    The circadian clock coordinates the timing of several cellular processes including transcription, the cell cycle, and metabolism. Disruptions in the clock machinery trigger the abnormal regulation of cancer hallmarks, impair cellular homeostasis, and stimulate tumourigenesis. Here we investigated the role of a disrupted clock by knocking out or knocking down the core-clock (CC) genes ARNTL, PER2 or NR1D1 in cancer progression (e.g., cell proliferation and invasion) using colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines HCT116, SW480 and SW620, from different progression stages with distinct clock phenotypes, and identified mechanistic links from the clock to altered cancer-promoting cellular properties. We identified MACC1 (metastasis-associated in colon cancer 1), a known driver for metastasis and an EMT (epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition)-related gene, to be significantly differentially expressed in CC manipulated cells and analysed the effect of MACC1 manipulation (knockout or overexpression) in terms of circadian clock phenotype as well as cancer progression. Our data points to a bi-directional MACC1-circadian clock interplay in CRC, via CC genes. In particular, knocking out MACC1 reduced the period of oscillations, while its overexpression increased it. Interestingly, we found the MACC1 protein to be circadian expressed in HCT116 WT cells, which was disrupted after the knockout of CC genes, and identified a MACC1-NR1D1 protein-protein interaction. In addition, MACC1 manipulation and CC knockout altered cell invasion properties of HCT116 cells, pointing to a regulation of clock and cancer progression in CRC, possibly via the interaction of MACC1 with core-clock genes

    The Ink4a/Arf locus operates as a regulator of the circadian clock modulating RAS activity

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    The mammalian circadian clock and the cell cycle are two major biological oscillators whose coupling influences cell fate decisions. In the present study, we use a model-driven experimental approach to investigate the interplay between clock and cell cycle components and the dysregulatory effects of RAS on this coupled system. In particular, we focus on the Ink4a/Arf locus as one of the bridging clock-cell cycle elements. Upon perturbations by the rat sarcoma viral oncogene (RAS), differential effects on the circadian phenotype were observed in wild-type and Ink4a/Arf knock-out mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), which could be reproduced by our modelling simulations and correlated with opposing cell cycle fate decisions. Interestingly, the observed changes can be attributed to in silico phase shifts in the expression of core-clock elements. A genome-wide analysis revealed a set of differentially expressed genes that form an intricate network with the circadian system with enriched pathways involved in opposing cell cycle phenotypes. In addition, a machine learning approach complemented by cell cycle analysis classified the observed cell cycle fate decisions as dependent on Ink4a/Arf and the oncogene RAS and highlighted a putative fine-tuning role of Bmal1 as an elicitor of such processes, ultimately resulting in increased cell proliferation in the Ink4a/Arf knock-out scenario. This indicates that the dysregulation of the core-clock might work as an enhancer of RAS-mediated regulation of the cell cycle. Our combined in silico and in vitro approach highlights the important role of the circadian clock as an Ink4a/Arf-dependent modulator of oncogene-induced cell fate decisions, reinforcing its function as a tumour-suppressor and the close interplay between the clock and the cell cycle network

    Diurnal variations in the expression of core-clock genes correlate with resting muscle properties and predict fluctuations in exercise performance across the day

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    OBJECTIVES: In this study, we investigated daily fluctuations in molecular (gene expression) and physiological (biomechanical muscle properties) features in human peripheral cells and their correlation with exercise performance. METHODS: 21 healthy participants (13 men and 8 women) took part in three test series: for the molecular analysis, 15 participants provided hair, blood or saliva time-course sampling for the rhythmicity analysis of core-clock gene expression via RT-PCR. For the exercise tests, 16 participants conducted strength and endurance exercises at different times of the day (9h, 12h, 15h and 18h). Myotonometry was carried out using a digital palpation device (MyotonPRO), five muscles were measured in 11 participants. A computational analysis was performed to relate core-clock gene expression, resting muscle tone and exercise performance. RESULTS: Core-clock genes show daily fluctuations in expression in all biological samples tested for all participants. Exercise performance peaks in the late afternoon (15-18 hours for both men and women) and shows variations in performance, depending on the type of exercise (eg, strength vs endurance). Muscle tone varies across the day and higher muscle tone correlates with better performance. Molecular daily profiles correlate with daily variation in exercise performance. CONCLUSION: Training programmes can profit from these findings to increase efficiency and fine-tune timing of training sessions based on the individual molecular data. Our results can benefit both professional athletes, where a fraction of seconds may allow for a gold medal, and rehabilitation in clinical settings to increase therapy efficacy and reduce recovery times

    DNA Microarrays for Identifying Fishes

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    In many cases marine organisms and especially their diverse developmental stages are difficult to identify by morphological characters. DNA-based identification methods offer an analytically powerful addition or even an alternative. In this study, a DNA microarray has been developed to be able to investigate its potential as a tool for the identification of fish species from European seas based on mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequences. Eleven commercially important fish species were selected for a first prototype. Oligonucleotide probes were designed based on the 16S rDNA sequences obtained from 230 individuals of 27 fish species. In addition, more than 1200 sequences of 380 species served as sequence background against which the specificity of the probes was tested in silico. Single target hybridisations with Cy5-labelled, PCR-amplified 16S rDNA fragments from each of the 11 species on microarrays containing the complete set of probes confirmed their suitability. True-positive, fluorescence signals obtained were at least one order of magnitude stronger than false-positive cross-hybridisations. Single nontarget hybridisations resulted in cross-hybridisation signals at approximately 27% of the cases tested, but all of them were at least one order of magnitude lower than true-positive signals. This study demonstrates that the 16S rDNA gene is suitable for designing oligonucleotide probes, which can be used to differentiate 11 fish species. These data are a solid basis for the second step to create a “Fish Chip” for approximately 50 fish species relevant in marine environmental and fisheries research, as well as control of fisheries products

    Anopheles gambiae PGRPLC-Mediated Defense against Bacteria Modulates Infections with Malaria Parasites

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    Recognition of peptidoglycan (PGN) is paramount for insect antibacterial defenses. In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, the transmembrane PGN Recognition Protein LC (PGRP-LC) is a receptor of the Imd signaling pathway that is activated after infection with bacteria, mainly Gram-negative (Gram−). Here we demonstrate that bacterial infections of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae are sensed by the orthologous PGRPLC protein which then activates a signaling pathway that involves the Rel/NF-κB transcription factor REL2. PGRPLC signaling leads to transcriptional induction of antimicrobial peptides at early stages of hemolymph infections with the Gram-positive (Gram+) bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, but a different signaling pathway might be used in infections with the Gram− bacterium Escherichia coli. The size of mosquito symbiotic bacteria populations and their dramatic proliferation after a bloodmeal, as well as intestinal bacterial infections, are also controlled by PGRPLC signaling. We show that this defense response modulates mosquito infection intensities with malaria parasites, both the rodent model parasite, Plasmodium berghei, and field isolates of the human parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. We propose that the tripartite interaction between mosquito microbial communities, PGRPLC-mediated antibacterial defense and infections with Plasmodium can be exploited in future interventions aiming to control malaria transmission. Molecular analysis and structural modeling provided mechanistic insights for the function of PGRPLC. Alternative splicing of PGRPLC transcripts produces three main isoforms, of which PGRPLC3 appears to have a key role in the resistance to bacteria and modulation of Plasmodium infections. Structural modeling indicates that PGRPLC3 is capable of binding monomeric PGN muropeptides but unable to initiate dimerization with other isoforms. A dual role of this isoform is hypothesized: it sequesters monomeric PGN dampening weak signals and locks other PGRPLC isoforms in binary immunostimulatory complexes further enhancing strong signals