87 research outputs found


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    The aim of the study was to determine the effect of immunostimulation of sows during the perinatal period (Biostymine, Lydium-KLP) on physiological-production parameters of the sows: haematological and biochemical blood indices, colostrum and milk composition and fatty acid profile, physical (pH) and cytological (somatic cells count - SCC) parameters as well as results of reproduction and rearing of piglets. None effect of the examined immunostimulators on the most of the studied traits and indices was found. There were the changes in pH, energy level and composition of milk. Additionally, the changes in fatty acid profile in milk fat were recorded; they consisted in significantly lower or higher participation of certain fatty acids in the samples, collected from the sows which received Biostymine, as compared to the group, receiving Lydium-KLP and/or groups which did not receive any additive


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    The aim of the study was to determine the effect of immunostimulation of sows during the perinatal period (Biostymine, Lydium-KLP) on physiological-production parameters of the sows: haematological and biochemical blood indices, colostrum and milk composition and fatty acid profile, physical (pH) and cytological (somatic cells count - SCC) parameters as well as results of reproduction and rearing of piglets. None effect of the examined immunostimulators on the most of the studied traits and indices was found. There were the changes in pH, energy level and composition of milk. Additionally, the changes in fatty acid profile in milk fat were recorded; they consisted in significantly lower or higher participation of certain fatty acids in the samples, collected from the sows which received Biostymine, as compared to the group, receiving Lydium-KLP and/or groups which did not receive any additive.Celem pracy było określenie wpływu immunostymulacji loch w okresie okołoporodowym (Biostymina, Lydium- KLP) na wskaźniki fizjologiczno-produkcyjne u loch: hematologiczne i biochemiczne krwi, skład siary i mleka oraz profil wybranych kwasów tłuszczowych, parametry fizyczne (pH) i cytologiczne (liczba komórek somatycznych - LKS), a także wyniki rozrodu i odchowu prosiąt. Nie stwierdzono wpływu badanych immunostymulatorów na większość badanych cech i wskaźników. Wystąpiły zmiany w pH, energetyczności i składzie mleka. Stwierdzono ponadto zmiany profilu kwasów tłuszczowych w tłuszczu mleka polegające na istotnie niższym lub wyższym udziale niektórych kwasów tłuszczowych w próbkach pobranych od loch, którym podano Biostyminę w porównaniu do grupy otrzymującej Lydium-KLP i/lub grupy bez dodatku


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    The aim of the study was to determine the effect of sows’ condition, being expressed as fat reserve – the mean from two measurements (P2 + P4)/2 on the 104th day of pregnancy (±2 – 3 days) on hematological indicators in blood of PLW x PL sows. Classification of sows into two groups was performed on the basis of lifetime evaluation of backfat thickness in 97 sows (primiparous: multiparous – 30%:70%); group I consisted of the sows with (P2 + P4)/2>20 mm and group II with (P2 + P4)/2≤20 mm. The condition of sows, as expressed by backfat thickness in three dates (late pregnancy, parturition, weaning) amounted to >3,5 for group I and ≤2.5 for group II on a 5-point scale. The examination of hematological indicators was performed on a representative group of 32 randomly chosen sows, 16 animals from each group. Blood for analyses was sampled from the sows on the 104th day of pregnancy and on the 21st day of lactation. Any significant differences between group I and II in respect of morphological indices, excluding significantly higher MCV in sows from group I vs. II on the 21st day of lactation (P≤0.05), were not found. In late pregnancy, significant differences were recorded for the content of ALB and TP (P≤0.05), BUN (P≤0.01), HDL (P≤0.001) and in final stage of lactation – HDL (P≤0.01) (higher in group I vs. II). The mean values of the studied blood indicators of the sows were found within the standards for the species, production group and stage of reproduction cycle, irrespectively of the condition of the females


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    The aim of the study was to compare the intestinal parasite fauna occurring in pigs kept in different rearing conditions (group A – extremely extensive, B – extensive and C – intensive). In the period between March and July 2010, 345 samples of faeces from piglets (125), weaners (60), fatteners (94) and sows (66) were collected and tested, using standard coproscopic methods. Six parasitic species, belonging to phylum Nematoda (Strongyloides ransomi, Ascaris suum, Oesophagostomum dentatum, Trichuris suum) and to phylum Apicomplexa (Isospora suis and Eimeria debliecki) were diagnosed. Eggs of Toxascaris leonina, a parasitic roundworm mostly affecting the members of the Canidae and Felidae families, not encountered in pigs until now, were found in the faeces of fatteners. The highest level of parasite invasion was recorded in pigs from group A and B; they were multi-species invasions. Parasitic species found in faeces not only bring economic losses, but they may also be dangerous for human health and life, which indicates the necessity to implement parasitological screening protocols, especially in the extensive rearing conditions

    Porównanie zmian otłuszczenia loch w ciąży wysokiej i przy odsadzeniu miotu oraz określenie ich związku z wynikami rozrodu i odchowu prosiąt

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    Sixty crossbred sows were investigated for the effect of the level of fat reserves in high pregnancy and pre-weaning changes in lipid reserves on reproductive performance of sows and rearing of piglets. At 104 days of pregnancy and at weaning, sows were analysed for body weight, P2 and P4 backfat thickness and M. Longissimus dorsi (MLD) thickness at P4M (Piglog 105). Sows were grouped according to mean backfat thickness (P2 + P4)/2 at 104 days of pregnancy into primiparous (P2 + P4)/2>18 mm (group I), primiparous (P2 + P4)/2≤18 mm (group II), multiparous (P2 + P4)/2>20 mm (group I) and multiparous (P2 + P4)/2≤20 mm (group II). The body weight of sows from group I was higher than sows from group II at 104 days of pregnancy (P ≤ 0.05) and at weaning (P ≤ 0.01). As assumed in the experiment, fatness in high pregnant sows (points P2 and P4) was significantly higher in group I than in group II (P ≤ 0.01), and the differences between the groups persisted when piglets were weaned (P ≤ 0.01). At weaning, sows from group II had a significantly greater P4M thickness compared to sows from group I. The differences in backfat thickness in late-pregnant sows in groups I and II and in the loss of fat reserves during a 21-day lactation had no effect on reproduction results and rearing of piglets. Sows lost body weight to a small extent and fat reserves to a moderate degree; the changes were greater in primiparous than multiparous sows, regardless of the group (I or II).U 60 loch mieszańców określono wpływ poziomu rezerw tłuszczu w ciąży wysokiej i zmian zasobów lipidów do odsadzenia miotu, na wyniki rozrodu i odchowu prosiąt. W 104. dniu ciąży i przy odsadzeniu określono u loch masę ciała, grubość słoniny w punktach P2 i P4 oraz grubość M. longissimus dorsi (MLD) (pkt. P4M) (Piglog 105). Lochy podzielono na grupy w zależności od średniej grubości słoniny (P2 + P4)/2 w 104. dniu ciąży; pierwiastki (P2 + P4)/2>18 mm (grupa I), pierwiastki (P2 + P4)/2≤18 mm (grupa II), wieloródki (P2 + P4)/2>20 mm (grupa I) oraz wieloródki (P2 + P4)/2≤20 mm (grupa II). Masa ciała loch z grupy I vs. II była większa w 104. dniu ciąży (P ≤ 0,05) i przy odsadzeniu (P ≤ 0,01). Otłuszczenie wysoko prośnych loch (pkt. P2 i P4) było zgodnie z założeniami eksperymentu istotnie większe w grupie I vs. II (P ≤ 0,01); zróżnicowanie otłuszczenia między grupami utrzymało się przy odsadzeniu prosiąt (P ≤ 0,01). Przy odsadzeniu stwierdzono u loch z grupy II vs. I istotnie większy wskaźnik P4M. Zróżnicowanie grubości słoniny u wysoko prośnych loch w grupach I i II i strat rezerw tłuszczu w 21. dniowej laktacji, nie miało wpływu na wyniki rozrodu i odchowu prosiąt. Lochy traciły w niewielkim zakresie masę ciała i na umiarkowanym poziomie zasoby tłuszczu; zmiany były większe u pierwiastek vs. wieloródek, niezależnie od przynależności do grup eksperymentalnych (I lub II)

    User needs for a standardized CO2 emission assessment methodology for Intelligent Transport Systems

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    The Amitran FP7 project will define a reference methodology to assess the impact of intelligent transport systems on CO2 emissions. The methodology is intended to be used as a reference by future projects and covers both passenger and freight transport. The project will lead to a validated methodology, described in a handbook and complemented by an online checklist. The current paper focuses on the user needs assessment. To ensure the usefulness of the future methodology for potential users, the user needs are identified with the use of interviews, a survey and a workshop. This analysis unveils the demand for a standardised procedure for the assessment of impacts on traveler behaviour and CO2 emissions related to the deployment of ICT in transport. Stakeholders from all fields related to ITS development, deployment, and use from all over Europe are included in the analysis