12 research outputs found

    Comparison of Portable to Laboratory-based Near Infrared Spectroscopy Sensors for Assessing Muscle Health During Exercise

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    Role of subsea permafrost and gas hydrate in postglacial Arctic methane releases

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    The papers of this thesis are not available in Munin.<br>Paper I: 'Offshore permafrost decay and massive seabed methane escape in water depths > 20 m at the South Kara Sea shelf.' Alexey Portnov, Andrew J. Smith, JĂŒrgen Mienert, Georgy Cherkashov, Pavel Rekant, Peter Semenov, Pavel Serov, Boris Vanshtein. Available in <a href=http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/grl.50735> Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 40, 1–6</a><br>Paper II: 'Modeling the evolution of climate-sensitive Arctic subsea permafrost in regions of extensive gas expulsion at the West Yamal shelf.' Alexey Portnov, Jurgen Mienert, Pavel Serov. Available in <a href=http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2014JG002685> Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, vol. 119, issue 11, 2014</a> <br>Paper III: 'Methane release from pingo-like features across the South Kara Sea shelf, an area of thawing offshore permafrost'. Pavel Serov, Alexey Portnov, Jurgen Mienert, Peter Semenov, Polina Ilatovskaya. (Manuscript). Published version available in <a href=http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2015JF003467> Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, vol. 120, issue 8, 2015</a> <br>Paper IV: 'Ice-sheet driven methane storage and release in the Arctic.' Alexey Portnov, Sunil Vadakkepulyambatta, Jurgen Mienert, Alun Hubbard. (Manuscript)Greenhouse gas methane is contained as gas hydrate, an icy structure, under the seabed in enormous amounts of Arctic regions. West Svalbard continental margin, which we investigated here, is one of these regions. Also, in the Russian Kara Sea the subsea permafrost is acting as a cap for the gas to be released in the future. But continuous expulsions of methane have been already observed in both places. This study shows how the subsea permafrost in the Kara Sea, and gas hydrate systems offshore West Svalbard, have evolved from the last ice age to the present day. The conclusions are based on integrated field geophysical and gas-geochemical studies as well as modeling of permafrost, gas hydrate reservoirs and Barents Sea ice sheet dynamics. It shows that continuous permafrost of the Kara Sea is more fragile than previously thought. It is likely to be limited to the shallow water depths of 20 meters on this Arctic shelf region, allowing expulsions of methane from an area of 7500 sq km. Offshore Svalbard almost 2000 active and inactive gas expulsion sites are associated with melting of gas hydrate and thawing of shallow permafrost from past to present. Our research approach shows that natural climate drivers such as methane release can change and that they are connected to the ice sheet retreat since the last ice age. These processes triggered widespread seafloor gas discharge, observed in Arctic shelf and upper continental margins to this day

    Offshore permafrost decay and massive seabed methane escape in water depths >20 m at the South Kara Sea shelf

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    Since the Last Glacial Maximum (~19 ka), coastal inundation from sea-level rise has been thawing thick subsea permafrost across the Arctic. Although subsea permafrost has been mapped on several Arctic continental shelves, permafrost distribution in the South Kara Sea and the extent to which it is acting as an impermeable seal to seabed methane escape remains poorly understood. Here we use >1300 km of high-resolution seismic data to map hydroacoustic anomalies, interpreted to record seabed gas release, on the West Yamal shelf. Gas flares are widespread over an area of at least 7500 km2 in water depths >20 m. We propose that continuous subsea permafrost extends to water depths of ~20 m offshore and creates a seal through which gas cannot migrate. This Arctic shelf region where seafloor gas release is widespread suggests that permafrost has degraded more significantly than previously thought

    Evaporated Sn‐doped In 2

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