8 research outputs found

    Las eRúbricas ante la evaluación de competencias trnasversales en Educación Superior

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    This work was carried out at the University of the Basque Country in two different research contexts—the School of Philosophy and Education Science and the Teachers College of Donostia—and two different degree programs: Primary Education and Social Education. The modular structure of the two degree programs and the fact that they are both committed to the development of the transversal competences of teamwork and oral communication has allowed instructors to collaborate on eRúbrica, a common architecture for learning tasks and assessment tools, and on the criteria included within the architecture. eRúbrica favors the construction of a virtual environment that is shared by instructors and students, where the objective is to track the development and assessment of the two transversal competences. This project highlights the usability of eRúbrica in tracking and assessing the development of transversal competences as well as the fact that the collaborative work carried out by instructors is a basic element that is key to its success.Este trabajo se ha desarrollado en la Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea y en dos contextos de investigación diferentes como son la Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación, y la Escuela de Magisterio de Donostia, así como para dos grados distintos: Educación Primaria y Educación Social. La estructura modular que articula estos grados y el compromiso por el desarrollo de dos de las competencias transversales que comparten (trabajo en equipo y comunicación oral), nos ha facilitado el trabajo colaborativo por parte de las docentes en la construcción de un diseño compartido de las tareas de aprendizaje e instrumentos de evaluación, eRúbrica, así como los criterios que en ella se recogen. La eRúbrica ha favorecido la construcción de un entorno virtual compartido por el profesorado y alumnado, donde se ha experimentado al objeto de llevar a cabo un seguimiento del desarrollo y evaluación de dichas competencias. El trabajo pone en valor, por una parte, la utilización de las eRúbricas en el seguimiento y evaluación de competencias transversales y, por otra, el trabajo colaborativo desplegado por las docentes como un elemento clave y de éxito en el mismo

    Using eRúbricas for assessing transversal competences in Higher Education

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    This work was carried out at the University of the Basque Country in two different research contexts—the School of Philosophy and Education Science and the Teachers College of Donostia—and two different degree programs: Primary Education and Social Education. The modular structure of the two degree programs and the fact that they are both committed to the development of the transversal competences of teamwork and oral communication has allowed instructors to collaborate on eRúbrica, a common architecture for learning tasks and assessment tools, and on the criteria included within the architecture. eRúbrica favors the construction of a virtual environment that is shared by instructors and students, where the objective is to track the development and assessment of the two transversal competences. This project highlights the usability of eRúbrica in tracking and assessing the development of transversal competences as well as the fact that the collaborative work carried out by instructors is a basic element that is key to its success

    Разказването като дидактически инструмент за изучаване на ценности чрез използване на социална роботика

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    Learning is an activity and a skill that, in best cases, is retained during all the duration of one’s life. However, when we refer to teaching it usually refers to the more traditional structure of lectures, which is not always suitable, particularly in the when learning values and other complex concepts. Fortunately, technology offers new opportunities and scenarios to play out in the classroom. This new aids, like social robots, give teachers the freedom to try new or previously not viable options like personalized storytelling which combines traditional narrative, technology and emotions. This form of teaching-learning process helps the students relate and can help them develop active listening, stimulate their creativity and encourage their motivation through the narration of the experiences of the protagonist of the story, as well as achieve a more relaxed and participatory atmosphere in the classroom while working on his linguistics and digital skills, developing his critical spirit, and learning to organize information.This work has been partially supported by the Project No KP-06-N42/4 of the Bulgarian Research Fund

    Hezkuntza Berrikuntza Proiektuak Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean. Proyectos de Innovación Educativa en la Universidad del País Vasco. Educational Innovation Projects at the University of the Basque Country

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    The Educational Innovation Projects (EIP) at the University of the Basque Country have a track record of more than 15 years. In order to understand aspects of this itinerary, the themes, priority lines of intervention and the language used are analysed, as well as the evolution of these aspects over the years. The case method has been used and documentary analysis as a data collection technique. The results show that a total of 510 projects have been carried out with 2,844 participations; 52.16% deal with the subject of active and autonomous learning, and the presence of Basque represents 8% of the projects. The conclusion is that the EIPs have been consolidated at the university as a research activity on teaching practice itself, dealing with subjects that today's society demands but the language for dealing with them is still Spanish.Los Proyectos de Innovación Educativa (PIE) en la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) cuentan con una trayectoria de más de 15 años. Para comprender aspectos de este recorrido se analizan los temas, las líneas prioritarias de intervención y el idioma utilizado, así como la evolución de estos aspectos a lo largo de los años. Se ha utilizado el método de caso, y el análisis documental como técnica de recogida de datos. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto que se han realizado un total de 510 proyectos con 2.844 participaciones; el 52,16% abordan el tema del aprendizaje activo y autónomo, y la presencia del euskera representa el 8% de los proyectos. Se concluye que los PIE se han consolidado en la universidad como actividad de investigación sobre la propia práctica docente, abordando temas que demanda la sociedad actual pero el idioma para abordarlos sigue siendo el castellano

    Значението на етиката в социално-обучителната роботика

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    Socio-educational robotics can be defined as investigating teaching-learning processes involving robots capable of bonding, learning and communicating. These robots are used as a didactic tool for their ability to interact with people, and they are designed to meet their objectives and benefit the human beings involved in the process. Therefore, it is essential to recognize the social and educational purpose of the intervention itself that will be carried out with them. However, the deontological code of the pedagogy profession does not include social robotics since it is a relatively new phenomenon in education. All the didactic interventions using robots must be designed to be compatible with the ideals of human dignity, rights, freedoms and cultural diversity

    Tutorial action and formative assessment during Final Degree Project

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    [EN] Final Degree Project (FDP) tutoring cannot be left to chance of what is happening on a day. This requires planning and content that makes it possible for each student to be aware of the process that is being followed and of the learning that is acquired. The aim of the article is double: on the one hand, to present the model of group tutoring that takes place in the Faculty of Education of Bilbao (UPV/EHU) since 2013/14, where the milestones and formative assessment instruments of the tutoring process are underlined. On the other hand, the aim is to analyze the opinion and valuations that students and teachers comment about the process and instruments. The results reveals: 1) FDP tutoring requires formative contexts in which knowledge and reflection is generated, or in other words; times, spaces, tasks and instruments that allow students individually and/or in group to build knowledge in a timely and registered manner along the time and, 2) the use of formative evaluation in this framework encourages reflection and the development of competences.[ES] La tutoría del Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) no puede dejarse al azar de lo que vaya aconteciendo en el día a día, sino que precisa de una planificación y un contenido que haga posible que cada estudiante sea consciente del proceso que está siguiendo y de los aprendizajes que va adquiriendo. El objetivo del artículo es, por una parte, presentar el modelo de tutoría grupal que se desarrolla en la Facultad de Educación de Bilbao (UPV/ EHU) desde 2013/14, en el que se hace hincapié en los hitos e instrumentos de evaluación formativa en el proceso de tutorización y, por otra parte, analizar la opinión y las valoraciones que el alumnado y profesorado vierten en relación al proceso e instrumentos. Los resultados nos desvelan que: 1) la tutoría del TFG requiere de contextos formativos en los que se genere conocimiento y reflexión, o dicho de otra manera; tiempos, espacios, tareas e instrumentos que permitan a los y las estudiantes de manera individual y/o grupal construir conocimiento de manera pautada y registrada en el tiempo y, 2) el uso de la evaluación formativa en este entramado, potencia la reflexión y el desarrollo de competencias.Rekalde Rodriguez, I.; Ruiz De Gauna Bahíllo, MP.; Bilbao Bilbao, B. (2018). Acción tutorial y evaluación formativa en los Trabajos de Fin de Grado. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 16(2):123-141. doi:10.4995/redu.2018.10185SWORD12314116

    Intervenções didácticas com robôs para estudantes sobre o espectro do autismo. Uma revisão sistemática

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    This article describes the quantitative results of a study whose objective is to identify trends and opportunities for innovation in the field of socio-educational robotics to work with students with autism spectrum disorders. For the systematic review, those experiences and interventions where the protagonist is the student body have been considered. The focus is on their needs, not on the robot. Interventions that have been carried out where robots have been used as a teaching tool, whose design is aimed at the specific learning needs of this group. In order to find out if these interventions are integrative or segregating, both the characteristics of an excellent didactic practice aimed at this specific group and the inclusive point of view have been taken into account when making the analysis. For this, a systematic literature review has been carried out using a rigorously defined search strategy. This search has been carried out in the following databases; Web of Science, Eric and Dialnet, since they are the most used and relevant in ​​education. In the results obtained, it is possible to identify the advances in didactic models based on the use of robotics as an educational tool. Pedagogical activities carried out in recent years, and didactic resources; evaluation criteria, strategies and instruments, as well as application experiences in real school contexts.Este artículo describe los resultados cuantitativos de un estudio cuyo objetivo es identificar las tendencias y oportunidades de innovación en el campo de la robótica socioeducativa para trabajar con alumnado con trastornos en el espectro del autismo. Para la revisión sistemática se han tenido en cuenta aquellas experiencias e intervenciones donde el protagonista es el alumnado, y el foco está en sus necesidades, no en el robot. Intervenciones que han sido llevadas a cabo donde los robots han sido utilizados como herramienta didáctica, cuyo diseño sea dirigido a las necesidades específicas de aprendizaje que presenta este colectivo. Con el fin de averiguar si estas intervenciones son integradoras o segregadoras, y se han teniendo en cuenta tanto las características de una buena práctica didáctica dirigida a este colectivo concreto como el punto de vista inclusivo a la hora de hacer el análisis. Para ello se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de la literatura, mediante una estrategia de búsqueda rigurosamente definida. Esta búsqueda se ha realizado en las siguientes bases de datos; Web of Science, Eric y Dialnet, ya que son las más utilizadas y relevantes en el área de la educación. En Los resultados obtenidos permiten identificar los avances en cuanto a modelos didácticos basados en el uso de la robótica como herramienta educativa, actividades pedagógicas realizadas en los últimos aós, y recursos didácticos; criterios, estrategias e instrumentos de evaluación tanto como experiencias de aplicación en contextos escolares reales.Este artigo descreve os resultados quantitativos de um estudo destinado a identificar tendências e oportunidades de inovação no campo da robótica sócio-educativa para trabalhar com estudantes com perturbações do espectro do autismo. Para a revisão sistemática, tivemos em conta as experiências e intervenções em que o protagonista é o estudante, e o foco é nas suas necessidades, não no robô. Intervenções que têm sido realizadas onde os robôs têm sido utilizados como ferramenta didáctica, cuja concepção é dirigida às necessidades específicas de aprendizagem deste grupo. A fim de descobrir se estas intervenções são inclusivas ou segregadoras, tanto as características de uma boa prática pedagógica dirigida a este grupo específico como o ponto de vista inclusivo foram tidos em conta na realização da análise. Para tal, foi efectuada uma revisão sistemática da literatura, utilizando uma estratégia de pesquisa rigorosamente definida. Esta pesquisa foi realizada nas seguintes bases de dados: Web of Science, Eric e Dialnet, uma vez que estas são as mais utilizadas e relevantes no campo da educação. Os resultados obtidos permitem-nos identificar os avanços em termos de modelos didácticos baseados na utilização da robótica como instrumento educativo, actividades pedagógicas realizadas nos últimos anos, e recursos didácticos; critérios, estratégias e instrumentos de avaliação, bem como experiências de aplicação em contextos escolares reais