84 research outputs found

    ANALISIS FAKTOR RISIKO KEMATIAN IBU (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Banyumas)

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    ABSTRACT Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is an indicator used to measure health developmen index, people’s prosperity or quality of life. Morbidity and mortality in women’s pregnancy and gavebirth was serious problem in developing country include Indonesia. MMR in Banyumas district was still high, in 2008 was 98,03 per 100.000 live births.The objective of this study was to indentify risk factors which influence with MMR.The type of this research was observational research with case-control design approach. There were 51 cases and 51 control sampling. As case group were maternal death in Banyumas district and control group was all mother live in pregnancy, gavebirth and postpartum and neigbour with case group. There are some significant risk factors that prove related with maternal death based on bivariat analysis: obstetrics complication, preexisting of disease, preexisting givebirth, mother ages, parity, interval time between childbirth, antenatal care, birth helper, mother’s education, mother’s work and family income. The result of multivariate analysis was complication obstetrics (OR= 31,9; 95% CI= 4,4 – 188,9; p= 0,000), preexiting of disease (OR= 25,4; 95% CI=3,2 – 176,1; p=0,001) and preexiting givebirth (OR=13,1; 95% CI=3,8 – 147,2  p=0,001). Mother who are in pregnancy should do antenal care if they get obstetric complication and the disease can be detected as soon as posible, therefore it can be overcomed by medical threatment and counseling if theirs complain. Key word : risk factors, maternal death  Kesmasindo, Volume 6, ( 1 ) Januari 2013, Hal. 1-1

    ANALISIS FAKTOR RISIKO KEMATIAN IBU (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Banyumas)

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    ABSTRACT Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is an indicator used to measure health developmen index, people’s prosperity or quality of life. Morbidity and mortality in women’s pregnancy and gavebirth was serious problem in developing country include Indonesia. MMR in Banyumas district was still high, in 2008 was 98,03 per 100.000 live births.The objective of this study was to indentify risk factors which influence with MMR.The type of this research was observational research with case-control design approach. There were 51 cases and 51 control sampling. As case group were maternal death in Banyumas district and control group was all mother live in pregnancy, gavebirth and postpartum and neigbour with case group. There are some significant risk factors that prove related with maternal death based on bivariat analysis: obstetrics complication, preexisting of disease, preexisting givebirth, mother ages, parity, interval time between childbirth, antenatal care, birth helper, mother’s education, mother’s work and family income. The result of multivariate analysis was complication obstetrics (OR= 31,9; 95% CI= 4,4 – 188,9; p= 0,000), preexiting of disease (OR= 25,4; 95% CI=3,2 – 176,1; p=0,001) and preexiting givebirth (OR=13,1; 95% CI=3,8 – 147,2  p=0,001). Mother who are in pregnancy should do antenal care if they get obstetric complication and the disease can be detected as soon as posible, therefore it can be overcomed by medical threatment and counseling if theirs complain. Key word : risk factors, maternal death  Kesmasindo, Volume 6, ( 1 ) Januari 2013, Hal. 1-1

    Program Kemitraan Masyarakat: Desa Baseh Desa Wisata yang Sehat

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    Desa Baseh Kecamatan Kedungbanteng Kabupaten Banyumas merupakan desa wisata baru yang sedang berbenah. Ada beberapa potensi pariwisata yang ada di Desa Baseh antara lain Curug Gomblang, Situs Baturagung dan situs makam Abah Kusuma. Permasalahan di bidang kesehatan yang ada di obyek wisata Desa Baseh antara lain kurang kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingnya obyek wisata yang bersih dan nyaman dan sarana prasarana kesehatan yang kurang. Sampah yang berserakan, keberadaan lalat dan bau kurang sedap menyebabkan kekurangnyamanan pengunjung obyek wisata.Tujuan kegiatan adalah untuk menjalin kemitraan antara universitas dengan pihak desa terkait dengan pelaksanaan desa wisata yang sehat. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah pendidikan dan pelatihan, pembentukan kader desa wisata, pendampingan dan membantu melengkapi sarana dan prasarana kesehatan di desa wisata. Kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi: (1) pendidikan kesehatan bagi kader dan tokoh masyarakat mengenai pentingnya kebersihan dan kenyamanan lokasi wisata, (2) pembentukan kader kesehatan desa wisata, (3) pelatihan hygiene sanitasi bagi penjamah makanan di lokasi wisata, 4) pengadaan sarana dan prasarana yaitu pembuatan bangunan MCK dan tempat sampah, serta (5) penyediaan spanduk dan poster tentang himbauan kebersihan. Hasil kegiatan yaitu meningkatnya pengetahuan dan kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingnya kebersihan dan kenyaman di lokasi wisata, meningkatnya pengetahuan penjamah makanan mengenai hygiene dan sanitasi dan terpenuhinya sarana dan prasarana kesehatan di lokasi wisata (bangunan MCK, tempat sampah dan spanduk/poster pesan kesehatan) dan terjalinnya kemitraan universitas dengan desa


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    ABSTRACT Most of Surveillance staffs were juggle for their jobs in Public Health Center (Puskesmas) on the area of Banyumas regency. However, it is the role of surveillance staffs in analyzing the data that will be used in Public Health Center or ministry of health. Regarding to the variety of education background to the Surveillance staffs in Banyumas, it effects to the different skill in analyzing the data in contagious diseases. Analyzing the data is very crucial area to be mastered by the surveillance staff since it will yield the information for taking the decision. The aim of this research was to improve the skill of surveillance staffs in analyzing and presenting the data in Public Health Center Distric Banyumas. The researcher conducted the training in a day at July 4th, 2013 in Biostatistics Laboratory, Public Health Department. 34 participants were joined in this training. Based on the training, there was an improvement 4.92% of knowledge and 136% skill in analyzing the data. Then it is suggested to the participant to implement the knowledge and skill that they obtained in the training, so it can yield accurate information and policy. Keywords: training, surveillance, staffs.   Kesmasindo, Volume 6, (3) Januari 2014, Hal. 223-23


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    ABSTRACTIndonesia is an endemic country to the Leptospirosis. It is known that Banyumas regency is attacked by leptospirosis for the first time since several years ago. These two years show that the incidents are increasing and it needs an action so it can be well treated and the extraordinary case will not happen. The research shows that Leptospirosis happens in the area closed to the rice field and river. Selandaka village was the highest number of incident in 2010-2013 (38.5%) Banyumas regency. Most of the villagers are farmers or labor for the farmer (90%). These jobs have more changes to suffer from Leptospirosis. Most of the sufferers are male (76.9%) and at the age of 22 years. It is caused by their habit not to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The research was aimed to improve the awareness of PPE to farmers. It was done through the counseling, training, companionship, and installation of information board. The counseling was done at 30 Mei 2014 and the training was at 4 June 2014. The research showed that the average knowledge before the counseling was 14.80 and improved to be 18.04 or 21.83%. The average score to the attitude before the treatment was 31.00 and improved to be 32.61 or 5.2%. The companionship found that the improvement of obedience level to PPE installation. In the 4 companionship, it showed that the obedience of the farmers was 100% to the use of boot shoes, 85% to the use of gloves and those farmers were sometimes used 15%. It was expected that the farmers who joined the activities could promote the information about leptospirosis as well as the prevention to other farmers.Keywords: Leptospirosis, Personal Protective Equipment, farmers Kesmasindo, Volume 7( 2) Januari 2015, Hal. 118-131 &nbsp


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    ABSTRACTIndonesia is an endemic country to the Leptospirosis. It is known that Banyumas regency is attacked by leptospirosis for the first time since several years ago. These two years show that the incidents are increasing and it needs an action so it can be well treated and the extraordinary case will not happen. The research shows that Leptospirosis happens in the area closed to the rice field and river. Selandaka village was the highest number of incident in 2010-2013 (38.5%) Banyumas regency. Most of the villagers are farmers or labor for the farmer (90%). These jobs have more changes to suffer from Leptospirosis. Most of the sufferers are male (76.9%) and at the age of 22 years. It is caused by their habit not to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The research was aimed to improve the awareness of PPE to farmers. It was done through the counseling, training, companionship, and installation of information board. The counseling was done at 30 Mei 2014 and the training was at 4 June 2014. The research showed that the average knowledge before the counseling was 14.80 and improved to be 18.04 or 21.83%. The average score to the attitude before the treatment was 31.00 and improved to be 32.61 or 5.2%. The companionship found that the improvement of obedience level to PPE installation. In the 4 companionship, it showed that the obedience of the farmers was 100% to the use of boot shoes, 85% to the use of gloves and those farmers were sometimes used 15%. It was expected that the farmers who joined the activities could promote the information about leptospirosis as well as the prevention to other farmers.Keywords: Leptospirosis, Personal Protective Equipment, farmers Kesmasindo, Volume 7( 2) Januari 2015, Hal. 118-131 &nbsp


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    ABSTRACT Most of Surveillance staffs were juggle for their jobs in Public Health Center (Puskesmas) on the area of Banyumas regency. However, it is the role of surveillance staffs in analyzing the data that will be used in Public Health Center or ministry of health. Regarding to the variety of education background to the Surveillance staffs in Banyumas, it effects to the different skill in analyzing the data in contagious diseases. Analyzing the data is very crucial area to be mastered by the surveillance staff since it will yield the information for taking the decision. The aim of this research was to improve the skill of surveillance staffs in analyzing and presenting the data in Public Health Center Distric Banyumas. The researcher conducted the training in a day at July 4th, 2013 in Biostatistics Laboratory, Public Health Department. 34 participants were joined in this training. Based on the training, there was an improvement 4.92% of knowledge and 136% skill in analyzing the data. Then it is suggested to the participant to implement the knowledge and skill that they obtained in the training, so it can yield accurate information and policy. Keywords: training, surveillance, staffs.   Kesmasindo, Volume 6, (3) Januari 2014, Hal. 223-23

    Analisis Kondisi Lingkungan pada Kejadian Leptospirosis di Kabupaten Banyumas dengan Pendekatan Spasial

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    Abstract. Leptospirosis is still becoming a public health problem in Indonesia. Banyumas was oneof the highest cases in Central Java by 2019 so it could be potentially endemic. GIS (GeographicInformation System) is used to determine spatial patt erns related to the environment. This researchaimed to know the distribution and spatial grouping of leptospirosis in Banyumas 2019. The type ofthis research is an observational study with a cross-sectional spatial analysis design to observe thespreading and grouping patt ern. The subjects of this study were 140 leptospirosis cases in Banyumas2019. House coordinate was collected by using GPS (Global Positioning System). The data collectionis done for a month. Data Analyzes was performed through ArcGIS 10.2, and SaTScan 9.7. Thedistribution of leptospirosis in Banyumas was spread over 14 districts, 45% cases in Cilongok, 25,71%cases were >56 years old, 62,1% cases were male, 40% cases were farmers. The results of the spatialanalysis showed 77.14% cases in residential land use areas, 70% cases with moderate populationdensity (5.00-1.249 people/km²), 62.85% cases in 0-199 altitude, 63.57% cases with low rainfall 500meters, and signifi cant grouping patt ern with p-value = 0.009 primary which is located in Cilongokand Ajibarang. Leptospirosis spread over in residential land use areas, moderate population density,low altitude, low rainfall, no history of fl ooding, a radius of river 500 meters, and occurs clusteringin Cilongok and Ajibarang. The location intervention of leptospirosis prevention and control can beprioritized in these areas
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