98 research outputs found
theoretische und methodologische Grundlagen
Summary: The Transdisciplinary Integrative Vulnerability and Resilience
Assessment (TIV) developed by the Disaster Research Unit is a fundamental
methodology and method which has derived from various sociological approaches
and constantly been refined ever since. It serves as a counter model to
established vulnerability and resilience assessments, which either
descriptively / quantitatively determine vulnerabi lity and resilience top-
down or carry out a participative bottom -up assessment together with those
potentially affected. TIV combines both approaches and focusses on an
iterative process in which the results obtained are continuously discussed and
evaluated with experts, the general public, organizations, etc., in order to
ensure a common and milieu-sensitive assessment. This working paper first
defines "transdisciplinarity" and outlines the current state of research
followed by a presentation of selected vulnerability and resilience
assessments that form the basis for TIV, or where TIV goes beyond them. Then
TIV itself and its methodological, methodical and contentbased approaches are
Katastrophen und Katastrophenvorsorge in Jena aus Sicht der Bevölkerung
Das Working-Paper „Katastrophen und Katastrophenvorsorge in Jena aus Sicht der Bevölkerung“ stellt Ergebnisse einer Studie zur Wahrnehmung von Katastrophen und Katastrophenvorsorge in Jena vor, die im Rahmen des vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) finanzier-ten Projekts „INVOLVE – Verringerung sozialer Vulnerabilität durch freiwilliges Engagement“ durch-geführt wurde. Es werden qualitative Ergebnisse aus Expert*inneninterviews, Workshops und Gruppendiskussionen, v.a. aber die Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Bevölkerungsbefragung darge-stellt. Im Mittelpunkt der Forschung stand sowohl in der qualitativen wie quantitativen Befragung die Wahrnehmung und Einschätzung von Katastrophen, Katastrophenschutz sowie Vorsorgemaß-nahmen gegenüber den Szenarien Starkregen/Hochwasser, Hitzewellen sowie sozioökonomische Krise. Es zeigt sich, dass „Katastrophe“ von Katastrophenschutzexpert*innen anders definiert wird als von den Befragten, die potenziell von einer Katastrophe betroffen sein könnten. Zugleich wird deutlich, dass „klassische Naturkatastrophen“ als Gefahr im Bewusstsein und dem daraus resultie-renden Vorsorgeverhalten deutlich weniger präsent sind als sozioökonomische Aspekte, wie bspw. Angst vor gesellschaftlicher Spaltung oder Existenzsicherungsängsten. Derweil ist das Gefühl sozia-ler Kohäsion in der direkten Nachbarschaft sehr hoch, ebenso wie das Vertrauen in Organisationen des Katastrophenschutzes wie das Technische Hilfswerk (THW), Feuerwehren oder Hilfsorganisati-onen.The working paper "Disasters and Disaster Risk Reduction in Jena" provides an overview of a case study conducted within the framework of the INVOLVE project "INitiate VOLunteerism to counter VulnErability" funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Primarily the results of a quantitative survey of the population, but also qualitative results from expert inter-views, workshops and group discussions are presented. Central to the research in the qualitative and quantitative survey were the perception and assessment of disasters, disaster management as much as preventive measures for heavy rain/flood, heatwaves as well as socio-economic crisis. As it turns out, the definition of a disaster varies greatly between civil protection experts and those potentially affected. At the same time, it can be shown that “natural disasters” are much less per-ceived as a risk in the public awareness – and therefore less considered within precautionary be-havior – than socio-economic aspects such as the fear of social division or for a secure livelihood. Simultaneously, though, the feeling of social cohesion in the direct neighborhood is very strong, as is the trust in civil protection organizations like the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW), fire brigades or aid organizations
Research report of the quantitative survey
Im Sommer 2013 wurde die Verbandsgemeinde Elbe-Havel-Land in Sachsen-Anhalt
während des Elbehochwassers nach einem Deichbruch weiträumig überflutet:
Häuser, Straßen und Grundstücke wurden zerstört. Der Bericht beleuchtet die
Folgen des Hochwassers 2013 und ihre Bewältigung aus Sicht der Bewohner*innen,
basierend auf Ergebnissen einer quantitativen Bevölkerungsbefragung drei Jahre
nach dem Ereignis. Ausgehend von erlebten materiellen und immateriellen
Auswirkun-gen und dem Stand der Verarbeitung des Ereignisses, wird der Bedarf
an UnterstĂĽtzung aufgezeigt, fehlende Hilfeleistungen identifiziert und die
Bedeutung verschiedener Akteure im Verlauf der Katastrophe dargestellt. Dabei
zeigen sich insbesondere zeitliche Variationen der Hilfebedarfe und ein
anhaltender Bedarf an UnterstĂĽtzung sowie Nachwirkungen des Ereignisses bis
zum Zeitpunkt der Befragung.During the 2013 European floods, the municipalities of the Elbe-Havel-Land in
Saxony-Anhalt were flooded after the water masses of the Elbe River caused a
levee to break; houses, streets and plots of land were destroyed. This report,
based on the results of a quantitative survey carried out three years after
the event, shines light on the effects of the 2013 Flood, and how well,
according to the perception of residents, the disaster has been dealt with.
Based on personally experienced materi-al and immaterial impacts and on the
state of psychological recuperation, we highlight the need for further support
needed, identify what kinds of aid have been missing, and illustrate the
relative importance of different actors throughout the disaster. The results
indicate that the need for assis-tance varies especially with regard to time,
that after-effects continued to linger at the time of questioning, and that
accordingly there is a continued need for support
Student Pharmacist Service-Learning in Western Kenya: The Implementation of Electronic Prescription Entry
Purdue pharmacy students implemented a project incorporating electronic prescription entry in a rural HIV clinic pharmacy in Kitale, Kenya. Students evaluated the impact of electronic pharmacy inventory management as well as the effects on patient wait time for prescriptions. Primary outcomes included accuracy and efficiency of Kenyan pharmacy staff prescription entry. At the end of the project, students found a decrease in prescription errors as well as an increase in the speed of entry. The Kenyan pharmacy staff had few computer skills, yet after three months of using the system, the staff had improved overall patient care as well as efficiency within their workplace. This project demonstrated the impact of a student-led service project
Forschungsbericht zur quantitativen Datenerhebung
Im Sommer 2013 wurde die Verbandsgemeinde Elbe-Havel-Land in Sachsen-Anhalt
während des Elbehochwassers nach einem Deichbruch weiträumig überflutet:
Häuser, Straßen und Grundstücke wurden zerstört. Der Bericht beleuchtet die
Folgen des Hochwassers 2013 und ihre Bewältigung aus Sicht der Bewohner*innen,
basierend auf Ergebnissen einer quantitativen Bevölkerungsbefragung drei Jahre
nach dem Ereignis. Ausgehend von erlebten materiellen und immateriellen
Auswirkungen und dem Stand der Verarbeitung des Ereignisses, wird der Bedarf
an UnterstĂĽtzung aufgezeigt, fehlende Hilfeleistungen identifiziert und die
Bedeutung verschiedener Akteure im Verlauf der Katastrophe dargestellt. Dabei
zeigen sich insbesondere zeitliche Variationen der Hilfebedarfe und ein
anhaltender Bedarf an UnterstĂĽtzung sowie Nachwirkungen des Ereignisses bis
zum Zeitpunkt der Befragung
Ergebnisse einer quantitativen Bevölkerungsbefragung
Das Working-Paper „Katastrophen und Katastrophenvorsorge in Berlin-Neukölln aus Sicht der Bevölkerung“ stellt Ergebnisse einer Studie zur Wahrnehmung von Katastrophen und Katastrophen-vorsorge in Neukölln vor, die im Rahmen des vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) finanzierten Projekts „INVOLVE – Verringerung sozialer Vulnerabilität durch freiwilliges Engagement“ (2015-2018) durchgeführt wurde. Es werden die deskriptiven Ergebnisse einer quan-titativen Bevölkerungsbefragung dargestellt. Im Mittelpunkt der Erhebung stand die Wahrneh-mung und Einschätzung von Katastrophen, Katastrophenschutz sowie Vorsorgemaßnahmen ge-genüber den Szenarien Starkregen/Überschwemmungen, Hitzewellen sowie sozioökonomische Krise. Es zeigt sich, dass „klassische Naturkatastrophen“ als Gefahr im Bewusstsein und dem daraus resultierenden Vorsorgeverhalten deutlich weniger präsent sind als sozioökonomische Aspekte und individuelle Sorgen, wie bspw. Existenzsicherungsängste. Das Gefühl sozialer Einbettung in persönlichen Netzwerken und sozialer Kohäsion in der direkten Nachbarschaft und die damit ver-bundenen Ressourcen bei der Katastrophenbewältigung, ebenso wie das Vertrauen in Organisati-onen des Katastrophenschutzes wie das Technische Hilfswerk (THW) und Feuerwehren sind bei den Befragten sehr stark ausgeprägt. Das Vertrauen in die Kompetenzen von Behörden ist dagegen geringer
Training Through Naming: A Process of Psychotherapist Skill Development Utilizing Recursive Frame Analysis
Recursive frame analysis (RFA) is both an advanced qualitative research method and a therapeutic tool that is used to map psychotherapy discourse. RFA tracks the therapeutic conversation to show how the therapy talk moves from one act to another. This paper describes the implementation of a training process for family therapy students in a family therapy clinic and the student therapists’ experiences of learning through this process, called Naming the Session. We present the organic development of the training process, its roots in RFA, and the student therapists’ perceptions of how Naming the Session impacted them as trainees. We further present how Naming the Session was useful in the growth of supervisors-in-training who were also a part of this training process
Default policies and parents’ consent for school-located HPV vaccination
While defaults may encourage some health behaviors, how defaults influence controversial behaviors is not well understood. We examined the effect of two default policies on parents’ consent to have their adolescent sons hypothetically receive HPV vaccine at school. A national sample of 404 parents of adolescent sons participated in an online 3×2 between-subjects factorial experiment. Factors varied the default consent policy (opt-in, opt-out, or neutral) and the number of vaccines sons would receive (HPV vaccine alone or along with two other recommended adolescent vaccines). Among parents wanting to get their sons HPV vaccine in the next year, consent was higher in the opt-in condition (compared to the opt-out condition) or if other recommended adolescent vaccines would be included. Default policies had no effect among parents undecided about HPV vaccination. Parents’ consent for school-located HPV vaccination may be higher when presented as an opt-in decision and other vaccines are included
HPV vaccine and adolescent males
In 2009, the United States approved quadrivalent HPV vaccine for males 9–26 years old, but data on vaccine uptake are lacking. We determined HPV vaccine uptake among adolescent males, as well as stage of adoption and vaccine acceptability to parents and their sons. A national sample of parents of adolescent males ages 11–17 years (n=547) and their sons (n=421) completed online surveys during August and September 2010. Analyses used multivariate linear regression. Few sons (2%) had received any doses of HPV vaccine, and most parents and sons were unaware the vaccine can be given to males. Parents with unvaccinated sons were moderately willing to get their sons free HPV vaccine (mean=3.37, SD=1.21, possible range 1–5). Parents were more willing to get their sons vaccinated if they perceived higher levels of HPV vaccine effectiveness (β=0.20) or if they anticipated higher regret about their sons not getting vaccinated and later developing an HPV infection (β=0.32). Vaccine acceptability was also modest among unvaccinated sons (mean=2.98, SD=1.13, possible range 1–5). Sons were more willing to get vaccinated if they perceived higher peer acceptance of HPV vaccine (β=0.39) or anticipated higher regret about not getting vaccinated and later developing an HPV infection (β=0.22). HPV vaccine uptake was nearly nonexistent a year after permissive national recommendations were first issued for males. Vaccine acceptability was moderate among both parents and sons. Efforts to increase vaccine uptake among adolescent males should consider the important role of peer acceptance and anticipated regret
Correlates of comfort with alternative settings for HPV vaccine delivery
Low uptake of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine calls for innovative approaches. Offering the vaccine in settings outside the traditional medical home, such as schools and pharmacies, could increase use. We sought to characterize the acceptability of HPV vaccine delivery in these alternative settings using a national (US) sample of parents of adolescent males ages 11–17 y (n = 506) and their sons (n = 391) who completed our online surveys in Fall 2010. We used multivariable regression to identify correlates of parents’ and sons’ comfort with (i.e., acceptability of) alternative settings. Half of parents (50%) and over one-third of sons (37%) reported that they were comfortable with schools or pharmacies as locations for the sons to receive HPV vaccine. Parents and sons were more comfortable with HPV vaccination in alternative settings if the sons had not recently visited their health care providers or had previously received vaccines at school, or if parents and sons were comfortable talking with each other about new vaccines. Parents who perceived greater barriers to HPV vaccination were more comfortable with alternative settings, as were sons who perceived that their peers were more accepting of HPV vaccine (all p < 0.05). Offering HPV vaccine in alternative settings may increase vaccination, especially among hard-to-reach adolescents. For example, our results suggest that offering the vaccine in alternative settings to boys who had not had recent health care visits could increase uptake by more than 10%. Study findings also highlight factors that should be addressed to maximize the potential success of HPV vaccination programs
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