1,487 research outputs found

    A Study of Energy and Locality Effects using Space-filling Curves

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    The cost of energy is becoming an increasingly important driver for the operating cost of HPC systems, adding yet another facet to the challenge of producing efficient code. In this paper, we investigate the energy implications of trading computation for locality using Hilbert and Morton space-filling curves with dense matrix-matrix multiplication. The advantage of these curves is that they exhibit an inherent tiling effect without requiring specific architecture tuning. By accessing the matrices in the order determined by the space-filling curves, we can trade computation for locality. The index computation overhead of the Morton curve is found to be balanced against its locality and energy efficiency, while the overhead of the Hilbert curve outweighs its improvements on our test system.Comment: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW

    Images of Futures : Education Systems and Multiculturalism for Third World Development : Case: eSwatini, UWC and National Education curricula

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    This study is exploratory in nature, combining Futures Studies with Ethnographic interview and analysis, while using methods as an Action Research exercise with interviewees. The research question: What are some future images of third world development driven by multicultural education? Firstly, focused on national development of developing countries, from the pragmatic view that education is the main driver for development. I look closely at the United World College (UWC) Waterford Kamhlaba and the eSwatini education systems. Drawing a link between education and multi-culturalism constitutes the answer to a development themed sub-question: Does the national school system of eSwatini benefit from the influence of globalization on both education and business? The overarching issue being addressed in this study is that there are the yet unexplored avenues of development and innovation in education that include issues of equality, competitiveness, quality and delivery of education in a more globally connected learning and working environment. A total of eight interviews were carried out with interviewees in two general groups, Educators and Alumni. They are linked to Waterford Kamhlaba UWC, eSwatini or the discipline of education as experts. Each interview was about half an hour exploring the Futures Studies method of Causal Layered Analysis (CLA) as a form of Action Learning while discussing the ideas of the research questions. Analysis of interview material is a rigorous computer-aided textual analysis that extracts and distils ideas using the CLA method as a framework for image creation. Four imaginative yet logical im- ages of the future in eSwatini’s education systems and the Waterford Kamhlaba UWC are included in the results. These images are combined to assert the existence of a Desired Future which borrows elements of all the four images. The background research and images produced show that there are some key areas to consider changing education in eSwatini from an increase in infrastructure and investment to changes in the outlook of what it means to be a contemporary economy, including ecology and other cycles. Research findings also include suggestions of new directions within UWC as well as eSwatini education systems

    On the representation of regional characteristics by hydrographic measurements at central stations in four deep basins of the Baltic Sea

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    In this work the eddy resolving data sets of salinity, temperature, and oxygen content aquired in the framework of the German-Russian project MESODYN (MESOscale DYNamics) in the Arkona Basin, the Bornholm Basin, the Stolpe Furrow, and the Eastern Gotland Basin during summer and winter stratification situations are utilized to examine to which extent the observations at the central monitoring stations within these basins are representative for the spatial mean state of the corresponding region with respect to comparative monitoring purposes of the whole Baltic Sea. The investigation covers profiles of salinity, potential temperature, oxygen content, potential density, and squared buoyancy or Brunt-Väisälä frequency. Moreover, some parameters of the halocline, namely its depth, thickness, and upper and lower boundaries, and the first baroclinic Rossby radii are subject to the investigation. The profiles match best for the squared buoyancy or Brunt-Väisälä frequency. The profiles of salinity match best in the Eastern Gotland Basin and worst in the Arkona Basin both for summer and winter stratification situations. The overall agreement for the halocline parameters is good. The baroclinic Rossby radii match their spatial mean values well, if the depth range considered for their calculation is restricted to the mean depth in each region at the bottom side. In doing so they also match the spatial mean values of the first baroclinic Rossby radii calculated considering the whole depth range at each station. Overall, the regional characteristics of the investigated quantities and parameters are represented well by the hydrographic measurements at the central stations in the four regions in spite of some significant differences between the spatial mean states and the observations at the central stations. In particular, the observations at the central stations seem to be usefull for comparisons between these regions. However, the observed differences may affect regional investigations covering just a single region

    New generation of cell‐penetrating peptides: Functionality and potential clinical application

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    Cell‐penetrating peptides (CPPs) can transport various cargoes through membranes of live cells. Since the first generations of CPPs suffered from insufficient cell and tissue selectivity, stability against proteases, and escape from endosomes, a new generation of peptides, with optimized properties, was developed. These are either derived from natural sources or created through the combination of multivalent structures. The second method allows achieving high internalization efficiency, high cell and tissue selectivity, and release from endosomes via hybrid structures, combining sequences for endosomal release, homing sequences, and sequences for activation at the target tissue and for local delivery of cargoes. CPPs with innate tumor selectivity include azurin, crotamine, maurocalcine, lycosin‐I, buffalo cathelicidin, and peptide CB5005. Some of them can penetrate the membranes of live cells and influence intracellular signaling pathways, thereby exerting cytotoxic effects against tumor cells. To obtain multilayer penetration and stabilization against proteolytic degradation, as well as for better handling, CPPs are often conjugated to nanoparticles. A special problem for tumor treatment is the efficiency of drug transport through three‐dimensional cell cultures. Therefore, the capability of CPPs to deliver the drug even to the innermost tissues is of crucial importance. Notably, the ability of certain CPPs to penetrate barriers such as skin, the blood‐brain barrier (BBB), and cornea or conjunctiva of eyes enabled the replacement of dangerous and painful injections with soothing sprays, creams, and drops. However, it is difficult to rank the efficacy of CPPs because transport efficiency and tissue selectivity depend not only on the CPP itself but also on the target tissue or organ, as well as on the cargo and method of CPP‐cargo coupling. Therefore, the present review describes some examples of new‐generation CPPs and aims to provide advice on how to find or create the right CPP for a given task

    Significance of xylem water conductance for the compatibility of maté phenotypes (Ilex paraguarensis) for grafting

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    In this study the compatibility for grafting of root stocks and buds of three recognized leaf phenotypes of Ilex paraguarensis St. (mate) Hil. from south Brazil was investigated. Special regard was given to the anatomical structure and the sap flow in the secondary xylem of the grafted plants. Significant differences of the wood structure expressed in terms of vessel portion, vessel member length, and intervessel perforations were found in low compatible phenotypes, while highly compatible phenotypes had a very similar wood structure. In grafts of highly compatible phenotypes six months after grafting the water conducting system of root stocks and buds was strongly linked to each other, while in grafts of low compatible phenotypes the formation of connecting vessel elements was rare. In the first month after grafting the xylem sap flow in the buds of all grafts was significantly higher compared to their root stocks, while in the second month in grafts of highly compatible phenotypes, the water transport in the root stocks and in the buds was balanced. In contrast, in grafts of low compatible phenotypes even in the second month the water transport in the root stocks was lower compared to the buds causing the dieback of a high portion of these plants.

    Sulfato de amônio como fonte de nitrogênio na adubação de mudas de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.).

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    O efeito de diferentes fontes de nitrogênio nas características químicas do solo rizosférico, bem como seus reflexos na produção de biomassa e na taxa de fotossíntese líquida (Fl) foram estudados em mudas de erva-mate. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação. Mudas, com seis meses após o repique, foram transplantadas para recipientes contendo um LATOSSOLO VERMELHO, distrófico típico. Quatro tratamentos foram testados: T1 = controle, sem N adicional; T2 = 100 mg de N/kg solo na forma de uréia; T3 = 100 mg de N/kg solo na forma de Ca(NO3); e T4 = 100 mg de N/kg solo na forma de (NH4)2SO4. Após 25 dias foram observadas as características de plantas e do solo. Foram avaliados parâmetros morfológicos e efetuada a medição de Fl. Para as análises químicas, o solo foi coletado em duas frações: não rizosférica e rizosférica, e a biomassa foi dividida em raízes, caule, folhas velhas e folhas novas. Houve uma tendência de acidificação da fração rizosférica na fonte amoniacal e de elevação do pH com a fonte nítrica. Mudas que receberam sulfato de amônio apresentaram aumento no número de folhas, na área foliar e na altura em relação à testemunha, e Fl significativamente superior a todos os demais tratamentos. O amônio mostrou-se melhor fonte de nitrogênio para crescimento e produção de mudas de erva-mate.Seção: Manejo e Extensão. Feira do Agronegócio da Erva-mate, 1., 2003, Chapecó. Integrar para promover o agronegócio da erva-mate

    Distribuição de raízes e acúmulo de macronutrientes e AL+++ em espécies florestais plantadas em latossolo amarelo da Amazônia Brasileira.

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    A formação e distribuição de raízes bem como o conteúdo de macronutrientes e AI foram estudadas em Ceiba pentandra e ViroIa surinamensis. As raízes foram separadas em raízes finas « 2 mm); casca e madeira das raízes grossas (> 2 mm) e casca e madeira da raiz pivotante. C. pentandra produziu 11,82 kg de biomassa seca de raízes, enquanto V. s'urinamensis 2,53 kg. Em C. pentandra estas distribuíram-se na seguinte ordem decrescente: madeira da raiz pivotante (6,66 kg); casca da raiz pivotante (2,98 kg); madeira da raiz grossa (1,49 kg); casca da raiz grossa (0,63 kg) e raiz fina (0,06 kq). enquanto em V. surinamensis a distribuição foi: madeira da raiz grossa (1,00 kg); madeira da raiz pivotante (0,82 kg); casca da raiz grossa (0,29 kg); raiz fina (0,25 kg) e casca da raiz pivotante (0,17 kg). Quanto aos elementos minerais, em C. pentandra os maiores acúmulos foram para: N nas raízes finas; K na casca e madeira das raízes grossas; Ca na casca e K na madeira da raiz pivotante. Em V. surinamensis estes foram promovidos por K nas raízes finas; AI na casca e K na madeira das raízes grossas; AI na casca e N na madeira da raiz pivotante.bitstream/item/119093/1/digitalizar0021.pd