1,016 research outputs found


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    Os plantios de álamo realizados na região de São Mateus do Sul, PR, não tem o desenvolvimento esperado, pela ausência de informações a respeito de clones ideais, pragas, doenças e nutrição. Diante da carência de estudos sobre fertilização de povoamentos de álamo para as condições em que a espécie é plantada no Brasil e visando a melhorar a produtividade dos plantios de álamo na região de São Mateus do Sul, PR, foi instalado um experimento testando cinco doses de N e mais um formulado NPK em dois sítios diferentes. As avaliações mostraram um pequeno efeito da adubação sobre o crescimento em circunferência à altura do peito (CAP) e altura total (Ht). Também houve correlação positiva entre os parâmetros de crescimento com P, Ca e pH do solo, e os teores de P, Ca e B da folha, indicando a influência desses elementos sobre o crescimento das plantas, sugerindo a necessidade de adequação da fertilidade do solo, via corretivos da acidez e adubação, antes da implantação das mudas

    “I’m the greatest”: Pride, Impression Management, and Denial of Coercive Control And Physical Abuse by Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence

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    Coercive control and physical abuse are two prominent forms of intimate partner violence (IPV), often accompanied by with impression management to conceal such behavior. However, intrinsic motives for engaging in impression management by male IPV offenders are not well-known. The present study makes use of archival data from 85 heterosexual men in a batterer treatment program to gauge how pride, shame, and guilt may relate to impression management and reported IPV. Admission to shame and guilt appear to be correlated with and predictive of both forms of reported abuse, along with the absence of impression management. This implies that internalized shame and guilt motivate abusers to report IPV in their relationships. Secondary findings included a positive correlation between higher education and reported coercive control, and lower age or African-American ethnicity positively correlating with reported physical abuse. Implications of these findings are explored

    ‘My life's properly beginning’: young people with a terminally ill parent talk about the future

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    This paper explores how young people who are living with a parent who is dying talk about the future. Drawing on a qualitative, interview study, I argue that young people are able to move imaginatively beyond the death of a parent, and in doing so, to maintain a sense of biographical continuity. While thinking about the future, most were able to generate an alternative to the ‘harm story’ typically associated with parental loss. Furthermore, the facility to engage with parental absence in the present enabled young people to make sense of living with dying, and gave meaning to their imagined futures. These findings suggest that young people's narratives of the future may act as a symbolic resource to draw on, albeit one requiring adequate material and social resources to construct. The paper extends the notion of continuing bonds derived from post‐bereavement accounts to suggest that relational experiences of the dead begin prior to bereavement, and may facilitate everyday living in anticipation of significant loss. Enabling young people to imaginatively explore the future may support them in getting by when they are living in these difficult family circumstances


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    o estudo foi desenvolvido em 25 árvores de dedaleiro (Lafoensiapacari St. Hil.) plantadas na calçada de uma rua arborizada. A coleta de folhas se deu em 3 posições da copa: base, meio e topo, com exposição norte. Os elementos determinados na análise química foliar foram: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu e Zn. Os resultados indicaram para P, K, Ca, Mg e Zn que qualquer posição poderia ser tomada na coleta de folhas. E para N, Fe, Mn e Cu, a posição do meio foi a mais representativa. Concluiu-se, baseado nos aspectos práticos de coleta e fisiológicos da árvore, que a melhor posição é a do meio para a determinação de todos os nutrientes

    Stories of success: Cultural narratives and personal stories of elite and professional athletes

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    Using a narrative methodology to explore the stories Olympic and elite athletes tell about success, we identified three alternatives to the dominant conception of success as the achievement of performance outcomes. In these alternatives, success is storied as: (1) ‘I did the best that I could’ – a controllable and sustainable story of effort and application; (2) ‘It’s the closest thing you can get to flying’ – a story where success relates to embodied experience and discovery; (3) ‘People I made the journey with’ – which prioritises relationships and connection between people. We reflect on three key insights: (1) success is a multidimensional concept, broader than the singular conception encapsulated within the dominant performance narrative; (2) through various narrative strategies, experienced athletes resist cultural pressures towards a singular conception of success; (3) for long-term performance and well-being, it is necessary to work towards multiple forms of success over time and across contexts

    Influences on academics' approaches to development: voices from below

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    The purpose of this qualitative case study research was to explore faculty-based academics’ views on what influences their behaviours and attitudes towards their development. Informed by critical realist ontology, the data collection was carried out through narrative interviews with academics in two contrasting English Universities. Findings, or areas for reflection, have emerged about the constraints and enablements academics perceive in respect of their professional development. In particular, themes such as the significance of professional status; misaligned initiatives and priorities; the influence of supportive networks; and emergent personal, individual concerns have surfaced. The conclusion is drawn that the significance of agency raises the importance of responding to the ‘voices from below’

    Persistence of pharmaceutical compounds and other organic wastewater contaminants in a conventional drinking-water-treatment plant

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    In a study conducted by the US Geological Survey and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 24 water samples were collected at selected locations within a drinking-water-treatment (DWT) facility and from the two streams that serve the facility to evaluate the potential for wastewater-related organic contaminants to survive a conventional treatment process and persist in potable-water supplies. Stream-water samples as well as samples of raw, settled, filtered, and finished water were collected during low-flow conditions, when the discharge of effluent from upstream municipal sewage-treatment plants accounted for 37–67% of flow in stream 1 and 10–20% of flow in stream 2. Each sample was analyzed for 106 organic wastewater-related contaminants (OWCs) that represent a diverse group of extensively used chemicals.Forty OWCs were detected in one or more samples of stream water or raw-water supplies in the treatment plant; 34 were detected in more than 10% of these samples. Several of these compounds also were frequently detected in samples of finished water; these compounds include selected prescription and non-prescription drugs and their metabolites, fragrance compounds, flame retardants and plasticizers, cosmetic compounds, and a solvent. The detection of these compounds suggests that they resist removal through conventional water-treatment processes. Other compounds that also were frequently detected in samples of stream water and rawwater supplies were not detected in samples of finished water; these include selected prescription and non-prescription drugs and their metabolites, disinfectants, detergent metabolites, and plant and animal steroids. The non-detection of these compounds indicates that their concentrations are reduced to levels less than analytical detection limits or that they are transformed to degradates through conventional DWT processes. Concentrations of OWCs detected in finished water generally were low and did not exceed Federal drinking-water standards or lifetime health advisories, although such standards or advisories have not been established for most of these compounds. Also, at least 11 and as many as 17 OWCs were detected in samples of finished water. Drinking-water criteria currently are based on the toxicity of individual compounds and not combinations of compounds. Little is known about potential human-health effects associated with chronic exposure to trace levels of multiple OWCs through routes such as drinking water. The occurrence in drinking-water supplies of many of the OWCs analyzed for during this study is unregulated and most of these compounds have not been routinely monitored for in the Nation’s source- or potable-water supplies. This study provides the first documentation that many of these compounds can survive conventional water-treatment processes and occur in potable-water supplies. It thereby provides information that can be used in setting research and regulatory priorities and in designing future monitoring programs. The results of this study also indicate that improvements in water-treatment processes may benefit from consideration of the response of OWCs and other trace organic contaminants to specific physical and chemical treatments