13 research outputs found


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    Este relato de experiência tem como proposta descrever as experiências didático-pedagógicas enquanto residentes do Programa Residência Pedagógica da Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Campus Arraias/TO, tendo como objetivo o ensino e a aprendizagem, a vivência, a interpretação e contextualização das Artes Visuais e da Música como elementos aglutinadores na educação básica de escolas públicas campesinas. A implantação do RP no Curso de Licenciatura em Educação do Campo/ Campus Arraias, tem como finalidade consolidar competências e habilidades para a docência, na “Educação Musical e nas Artes Visuais”, tendo como foco contribuir para a formação integral dos discentes nas escolas campesinas, com base numa fundamentação interdisciplinar, que sejam capazes de investigar, pensar, compreender e recriar a realidade. Assim sendo, o Subprojeto do Curso de Licenciatura em Educação do Campo – Códigos e Linguagens Artes Visuais e Música, se apresenta como uma alternativa eficaz para a formação de professores e inserção do ensino de Artes Visuais e Música nas escolas do campo

    The letters, teaching and pedagogy of the environment: How to think harmoniously the human-animal-nature relationship

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    The present paper is part of a discursive study in the field of human sciences to rethink the devastating practice of bird depenage in the contemporary world. Our intention is to conduct a research focusing on the large area of Letters, to observe how some practices constitute weight for the regeneration of the environment. Therefore, in what we call the pedagogy of the environment, we propose to discuss what large electronic portals have evidenced about the human action of bird depenage, alerting to the consequences of excessive practice. This manuscript allows dialogue between the fields of knowledge of languages and nature sciences, from data devilgados by the PORTAL ANDA. We focus on critical looks to discuss the depenage of live birds for the human consumption of feathers. All work involves processes of animal suffering and human satisfaction, being possible to reflect, through ecocriticism, how to deal harmoniously with the environment

    The management and effectiveness of professionalization: An educational-based Epistemical study

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    This academic paper was developed with the aim of analyzing the management challenges for the effectiveness of professionalization. Managers of companies and educational units must contain all their demands in a unit in the administrative sector, so that there are no gaps or divisions in the separation of problems, such as lack of communication and difficulty in working as a team. Therefore, thinking about the actions of managers is immensely important for a good forwarding of professionalization. This is a bibliographical and documentary research, with a qualitative interpretive nature. With regard to the conditions for the effectiveness of the management process in the Brazilian business and educational fields, it became effective for us to carry out a bibliographic survey of existing studies on the subject since the turn of the 21st century. It is argued, therefore, that it is necessary to adopt a more professional and qualified management for the development and concreteness of the professional subject, as well as all those involved in the administrative system

    Primary care and vaccination: challenges and contributions for the Brazilian population

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    The present research delimited as objective to carry out an investigation on the challenges encountered by Primary Health Care and its Contributions with regard to vaccination for the control and immunization of the population. It is essential to consider contemporary narratives - national and international - that orbit around the central axis “Primary care and vaccination”, which consisted of: immunization; population management; quality of life; contributions; challenges and vaccine coverage, in a timeline from 2019 to 2022. As challenges, we deal with disinformation, or even fake news, which confuse the population, leading them to disbelieve in the vaccine potential. Finally, we analyze what have been the main contributions of primary care to improve the implementation of vaccine management. We resort to portals such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Ministry of Health of Brazil and articles from the Vitrual Health Library to strengthen that, in Primary Health Care, vaccination services offer important evaluation indicators, which have been demonstrating, as over time, the contribution of vaccination actions to the health sector, characterizing them as one of the most rewarding, in view of the impact on disease control

    O gerenciamento de estratégias de prevenção de lesão por pressão pelo enfermeiro: um conjunto entre a arte e a ciência do cuidado / The management of pressure injury prevention strategies by nurses: a set between the art and science of care

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    forma são planejados os cuidados preventivos para lesão por pressão em pacientes internados nas unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI). Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura nacional, em um recorte temporal de cinco anos. Foram selecionados 11 artigos com a combinação dos descritores: “Lesão por pressão, “Unidade de Terapia Intensiva”, “Cuidados de Enfermagem”. A busca pelos artigos foi realizada nas bases de dados BVS, Lilacs, PubMed e Ibecs. Resultados: após um processo de seis etapas de filtragem de buscas, foram selecionados 11 artigos para a construção da revisão integrativa, possibilitando os autores elucidar estudos que puderam contribuir para o ajuste dos vieses da prática profissional de enfermagem. Conclusão: Com esse estudo pôde-se concluir que mediante a revisão de literatura bibliografica, os desafios são amplos em prevenir a lesão por pressão no ambiente de terapia intensiva, visto que necessitamos de qualificação profissional, desenvolvimento de competências, gerenciamento do tempo, gerenciamento de recursos humanos, adesão ao planejamento da assistência. 

    Atenção ao Pré-natal de alto risco e o manejo por profissionais da Estratégia de Saúde da Família: Um relato de experiência profissional / Attention to high-risk prenatal care and management by professionals in the Family Health Strategy: A report of professional experience

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    Introdução: Segundo Ministério da Saúde (2012), em dados percentuais, o pré-natal de alto risco, abrange apenas 10% das gestações de riscos, isto faz com que possua um aumento significativo de intercorrências no curso da gestação e óbitos maternos e/ou fetais. O intuito da assistência pré-natal de alto risco e interferir no curso de uma gestação que possui maior chance de ter um resultado desfavorável, de maneira a diminuir o risco ao qual estão expostos a gestante e o feto, ou reduzir suas possíveis consequências adversas. Método: Foi realizado a construção de um relato de experiência, de natureza exploratória e de abordagem qualitativa. O relato de experiência busca descrever de forma relevante a dada experiência/vivência dos autores ou equipe de forma exitosa ou não, mas que possa trazer contribuição para a discussão, troca de ideias e proposições, objetivando trazer novos ideais e melhorias para o cuidado em saúde. Resultados: Segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde, estima-se que, em 2015, 303 mil mulheres morreram por causas relacionadas à gravidez; 2,7 milhões de bebês morreram durante os 28 primeiros dias de vida; e 2,6 milhões de bebês eram natimortos. Em dados percentuais, o pré-natal de alto risco, abrange apenas 10% das gestações de riscos, isto faz com que possua um aumento significativo de intercorrências no curso da gestação e óbitos maternos e/ou fetais. Conclusão: no percurso de construção do estudo, que houve alteração no quantitativo de consultas durante a atenção ao pré-natal na Atenção Básica. Anteriormente, sugerido pela OMS o mínimo de 6 consultas até o final da gestação e a partir do ano de 2016 passou-se a sugerir o mínimo de 8 consultas. Além disso, percebeu-se com clareza, através de outros estudos, que a dificuldade do manejo do pré-natal de alto risco e o uso da ferramenta de referência e contrarreferência, não era um déficit particular da unidade abordada no estudo, mas sim de muitas outras unidade

    BMC Nephrology

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    p. 1-10Background: Despite the evidence that phosphate binder (PB) is associated with improved outcomes many hemodialysis patients do not adhere to prescribed PB regimen. Therefore, barriers to PB adherence should be identified and eliminated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate PB adherence among hemodialysis patients and to explore potentially modifiable factors associated with low PB adherence. Methods: A cross-sectional study (502 patients) was performed in four dialysis units in Salvador, Brazil, using data from the second phase of the Prospective Study of the Prognosis of Chronic Hemodialysis Patients (PROHEMO). Patients were categorized as adherent or non-adherent to PB based on their responses to a semi-structured questionnaire. Results: Non-adherence to PB was observed for 65.7% of the patients. After adjustments for numerous covariates, cerebrovascular disease (odds ratio (OR), 3.30; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.03-10.61), higher PTH (OR per each 300 pg/mL, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.01-1.28), lack of comprehension of the appropriate time to use PB (OR, 7.09; 95% CI, 2.10-23.95) and stopping PB use after feeling better (OR, 4.54; 95% CI, 1.45-14.25) or feeling worse (OR, 11.04; 95% CI, 1.79- 68.03) were significantly associated with PB non-adherence. By contrast, the adjusted odds of PB non-adherence were lower for patients with more years on dialysis (OR by each 2 years, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.80-0.95), with serum phosphorus above 5.5 mg/dL (OR, 0.53; 95% CI 0.34-0.82), who referred that were encouraged by the dialysis staff to be independent (OR, 0.52; 95% CI 0.30-0.90), and reported that the nephrologist explained how PB should be used (OR, 0.20; 95% CI 0.05-0.73). Conclusion: The results of the present study are encouraging by showing evidence that improvement in the care provided by the dialysis staff and the attending nephrologist may play an important role in reducing the high prevalence of non-adherence to PB in maintenance hemodialysis patients. A new questionnaire is presented and may help to evaluate systematically the patients regarding PB adherence in hemodialysis setting

    Clinical value of anti-Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi IgG titers detected by flow cytometry to distinguish infected from vaccinated dogs.

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    Leishmune® vaccination covers a broader number of endemic areas of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) and therefore the development of new serological devices able to discriminate CVL from Leishmune® vaccinees becomes an urgent need considering the post-vaccine seroconversion detected throughout conventional methodologies. Herein, we have described the establishment of a flow cytometry based methodology to detect anti-fixedL. ( L. ) chagasipromastigotes antibodies (FC-AFPA-IgG, FC-AFPA-IgG1 and FC-AFPA-IgG2) in sera samples from Leishmania ( Leishmania ) chagasiinfected dogs and Leishmune® vaccinees. The results of FC-AFPA were reported along the sera titration curve (1:128–1:524,288), as percentage-of-positive-fluorescent-parasite (PPFP). The use of PPFP = 20% as a cut-off edge to segregate negative and positive results at sera dilution 1:2048 revealed outstanding performance indexes that elect FC-AFPA-IgG and IgG2 (both detected by polyclonal FITC-labeled second step reagent) applicable to the serological diagnosis of CVL, with 100% of specificity for both IgG and IgG2 and 97 and 93% of sensitivity, respectively. Moreover, FC-AFPA-IgG, applied at sera dilution 1:2048, also appeared as a useful tool to discriminate L. chagasiinfected dogs from Leishmune® vaccinees, with 76% of specificity. Outstanding likelihood indexes further support the performance of FC-AFPA-IgG for exclusion diagnosis of CVL in Leishmune® vaccinees. Analysis of FC-AFPA-IgG at sera dilution 1:8192 revealed the most outstanding indexes, demonstrating that besides the ability of PPFP 20% to exclude the diagnosis of CVL, a PPFP values higher 80%, mostly observed for infected dogs (INF) have a minimal change to come from a non-infected animal (NI) or Leishmune®

    Clinical value of anti-Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi IgG titers detected by flow cytometry to distinguish infected from vaccinated dogs.

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    Leishmune® vaccination covers a broader number of endemic areas of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL) and therefore the development of new serological devices able to discriminate CVL from Leishmune® vaccinees becomes an urgent need considering the post-vaccine seroconversion detected throughout conventional methodologies. Herein, we have described the establishment of a flow cytometry based methodology to detect anti-fixedL. ( L. ) chagasipromastigotes antibodies (FC-AFPA-IgG, FC-AFPA-IgG1 and FC-AFPA-IgG2) in sera samples from Leishmania ( Leishmania ) chagasiinfected dogs and Leishmune® vaccinees. The results of FC-AFPA were reported along the sera titration curve (1:128–1:524,288), as percentage-of-positive-fluorescent-parasite (PPFP). The use of PPFP = 20% as a cut-off edge to segregate negative and positive results at sera dilution 1:2048 revealed outstanding performance indexes that elect FC-AFPA-IgG and IgG2 (both detected by polyclonal FITC-labeled second step reagent) applicable to the serological diagnosis of CVL, with 100% of specificity for both IgG and IgG2 and 97 and 93% of sensitivity, respectively. Moreover, FC-AFPA-IgG, applied at sera dilution 1:2048, also appeared as a useful tool to discriminate L. chagasiinfected dogs from Leishmune® vaccinees, with 76% of specificity. Outstanding likelihood indexes further support the performance of FC-AFPA-IgG for exclusion diagnosis of CVL in Leishmune® vaccinees. Analysis of FC-AFPA-IgG at sera dilution 1:8192 revealed the most outstanding indexes, demonstrating that besides the ability of PPFP 20% to exclude the diagnosis of CVL, a PPFP values higher 80%, mostly observed for infected dogs (INF) have a minimal change to come from a non-infected animal (NI) or Leishmune®