133 research outputs found

    Ultralow-Noise SiN Trampoline Resonators for Sensing and Optomechanics

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    In force sensing, optomechanics, and quantum motion experiments, it is typically advantageous to create lightweight, compliant mechanical elements with the lowest possible force noise. Here we report wafer-scale batch fabrication and characterization of high-aspect-ratio, nanogram-scale Si3_3N4_4 "trampolines" having quality factors above 4×1074 \times 10^7 and ringdown times exceeding five minutes (1 mHz linewidth). We measure a thermally limited force noise sensitivity of 16.2±\pm0.8 aN/Hz1/2^{1/2} at room temperature, with a spring constant (∌\sim1 N/m) 2-5 orders of magnitude larger than those of competing technologies. We also characterize the suitability of these devices for high-finesse cavity readout and optomechanics applications, finding no evidence of surface or bulk optical losses from the processed nitride in a cavity achieving finesse 40,000. These parameters provide access to a single-photon cooperativity C0∌8C_0 \sim 8 in the resolved-sideband limit, wherein a variety of outstanding optomechanics goals become feasible.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Transferts culturels et déclinaisons de la pédagogie européenne: le cas franco-romand au travers de l'itinéraire d'Alexandre Daguet (1816-1894)

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    Cette thĂšse vise Ă  rĂ©Ă©valuer la circulation des savoirs pĂ©dagogiques dans l’espace francosuisse. MĂ©thodologiquement, nous nous proposons d’insister sur les modalitĂ©s de passage de ces savoirs d’un contexte culturel Ă  l’autre, en Ă©tudiant les acteurs, les vecteurs, ainsi que les inĂ©vitables transformations sĂ©mantiques qui accompagnent nĂ©cessairement ces Ă©changes transnationaux. Cette recherche, articulĂ©e sous la forme d’une Gesellschaftsbiographie, prend pour guide le thĂ©oricien des idĂ©es Ă©ducatives, Alexandre Daguet (1816-1894). Il s’agit d’éclairer son rĂŽle de mĂ©diateur privilĂ©giĂ© dans le transfert de savoirs pĂ©dagogiques entre la Suisse romande et la France, en Ă©tudiant notamment son rĂŽle de passeur via la revue L’Éducateur. Bien qu’il ait dĂ©clinĂ© l’appel de Ferdinand Buisson Ă  Ă©difier avec lui une « oeuvre internationale d’éducation », il n’en a pas pour le moins jouĂ© un rĂŽle de « courtier » dans la diffusion de savoirs spĂ©cifiques, vĂ©hiculĂ©s notamment par les proscrits français rĂ©fugiĂ©s en Suisse romande dĂšs 1852. Cette thĂšse permet de souligner comment les savoirs pĂ©dagogiques europĂ©ens, Ă©laborĂ©s de maniĂšre collective, sont diversement dĂ©clinĂ©s selon des spĂ©cificitĂ©s locales. Dans ce sens, il s’agit de montrer qu’à mesure que les identitĂ©s se solidifient, les spĂ©cificitĂ©s nationales sont de plus en plus exaltĂ©es lors des Expositions universelles et les « exotismes » bientĂŽt dĂ©valorisĂ©s, voire mĂȘme dissimulĂ©s au profit d’un certain gĂ©nie national. Cette recherche souhaite donc contextualiser cette apparence trompeuse de SonderfĂ€lle, pour mettre davantage de relief dans la construction collective d’une pĂ©dagogie europĂ©enne mĂ©tissĂ©e. Mots clĂ©s : Alexandre Daguet, Suisse, transferts culturels, transformation sĂ©mantique, circulation des savoirs, histoire de la pĂ©dagogie, Ferdinand Buisson, TroisiĂšme RĂ©publiqueThis thesis seeks to reassess the way in which pedagogical knowledge circulated between France and Switzerland. In terms of method, we have chosen to focus on the way in which this knowledge passed from one cultural context to another by studying the related actors and vectors, as well as the inevitable semantic transformations which, of necessity, accompany transnational exchanges of this nature. The research takes the form of a Gesellschaftsbiographie, with a guide in the person of educational theorist Alexandre Daguet (1816-1894). It aims to shed light on his role as a key mediator in the transfer of pedagogical expertise between French-speaking Switzerland and France, with a special emphasis on the way he used the review L’Éducateur to take this knowledge across borders. Although Daguet turned down the proposal by Ferdinand Buisson to work with the latter to create an “international treatise on education”, he nevertheless acted as a ‘broker’ in the trade of specific knowledge, passed on in particular by the French political exiles that took refuge in French-speaking Switzerland from 1852 onwards. The thesis also highlights the way in which European pedagogical knowledge, developed collectively, was applied in a variety of ways depending on local particularities. The issue here is to show the way in which, as identities became more firmly established, distinctive national features were increasingly honoured at Universal Expositions, while the various forms of “exoticism” soon fell out of favour, sometimes even to the point of being concealed in favour of national genius. This research therefore seeks to contextualise the deceptive semblance of SonderfĂ€lle and provide a clearer picture of the collective emergence of a multifaceted European pedagogy. Key words : Alexandre Daguet, Switzerland, cultural transfer, semantic transformation, circulation of knowledge, history of pedagogy, Ferdinand Buisson, French Third Republi

    Equality of the energy and group velocities of bulk acoustic waves in piezoelectric media

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    International audienceThe equality of the energy and group velocities of bulk acoustic waves in a lossless piezoelectric medium is demonstrated, with the energy velocity defined from the generalized energy density and the generalized Poynting vector

    Attention an-archaĂŻque : la tĂąche de traduire Ă  l’ùre sĂ©culiĂšre

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    [À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : ThĂšses et mĂ©moires - FAS - DĂ©partement de littĂ©rature comparĂ©e]L’époque actuelle se caractĂ©rise par un processus de sĂ©cularisation irrĂ©solu. Les inconsistances de notre modernitĂ© relĂšvent Ă  la fois d’une dissolution de l’hĂ©gĂ©monie de la religion en occident et d’une diversification de rĂ©gimes de valeurs, croyances et reprĂ©sentations ayant pour effet la persistance de diffĂ©rends idĂ©ologiques que le phĂ©nomĂšne de globalisation Ă  la fois accentue et rĂ©sorbe sans les abolir. Cette thĂšse examine la pertinence de la traduction pour interroger les fondements littĂ©raires des enjeux esthĂ©tiques et politiques de cette condition. En tant que procĂ©dĂ© poĂŻĂ©tique, modĂšle de subjectivitĂ© Ă©thique et figure de pensĂ©e, la traduction constitue un dispositif littĂ©raire intimement reliĂ© au problĂšme de la sĂ©cularisation. Chacune des Ă©tudes qui composent la thĂšse cherche Ă  approfondir, dans une perspective comparatiste, une intuition de base : le mode de dĂ©possession inhĂ©rent au fait littĂ©raire de traduire permet d’apprĂ©hender un certain ethos sĂ©culier dont le caractĂšre historique ne serait pas totalement coupĂ© d’un rapport Ă  la transcendance dans le contexte de l’économie culturelle globale. Le problĂšme de la traduction est abordĂ© Ă  partir de deux axes principaux : la distorsion de la tradition religieuse par la formation d’une religiositĂ© d’ordre littĂ©raire (un ethos sĂ©culier) et la distorsion d’un certain humanisme d’aprĂšs l’expĂ©rience catastrophique et la maniĂšre dont cet ethos permet d’y survivre. Cette thĂšse vise Ă  dĂ©gager de l’idĂ©e de traduction une capacitĂ© de rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rer un rapport Ă©thique Ă  autrui par la construction de liens inĂ©dits avec le passĂ© et l’avenir ; une attention Ă  la finitude humaine caractĂ©risĂ©e par une disposition critique et affective face Ă  ces artefacts humains que nous nommons littĂ©rature. Les Ă©crits de la poĂšte et traductrice Anne Carson jouent un rĂŽle dĂ©terminant dans le cadre de cette recherche puisqu’ils exemplifient une capacitĂ© singuliĂšre de faire usage de la tradition qui permet d’envisager, ultimement, une rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration de la question du sens de l’humain, c’est-Ă -dire, d’une pensĂ©e sensible Ă  l’inhumain entre nous.Our age is one fashioned by an unresolved and deeply problematic process of secularization. The waning of the hegemony of religion in the West and the reconfigurations of values, beliefs and representations in a global cultural economy calls for a certain mode of inquiry able to reflect changing social, political and aesthetic conditions of our discrepant contemporaneity. This thesis contends that translation embodies a relevant ethos for the humanities and a critical fulcrum to investigate an experience of incommensurability sustained in the tensions within secularization manifested through literary works and especially poetry. Secular imagination is bound to the problem and practice of translation that is framed here as a poĂŻetic process, a model of ethical subjectivity and a figure of thought. This is exposed through a constellation of cultural inscriptions that reflect a sense of sundered transcendence in the midst of a secular world, most notably through the construction of a dislocated relationship to time. These inscriptions are examined along two lines of investigation that bring into focus a radical form of secular thought cultivated through an ambiguous relationship to a spiritual experience of fidelity deprived of a fixed, metaphysical, grounding: first, the emergence of a translational ethos from the distortion of the sacred/poetical economy of texts; second, the distortion of humanism in light of the untimely experience of catastrophe and how this ethos may be a way of working through it. This thesis aims to show how the task of translation shapes a certain critical attitude embedded in one’s affective dispossession that upholds the task of a return to the human. It fashions a mode of attention to radical human finitude that, in the end, does nothing more than expose its inhumanity. Anne Carson’s poetics of translation is exemplary of such an attention, of a daring spiritual disposition that may be a way to understand how literature and comparative literary inquiry can learn to regenerate the unresolved sense of secularization

    Design of Computer Experiments: a powerful tool for the numerical design of BAW filters

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    We apply Design of Computer Experiments methods to the simulation of piezoelectric stacks and the design of BAW resonators and filters. Through the example of DCS filters with two different technologies (Iridium and Molybdenum electrodes), we show that the definition and the exploitation of a metamodel can accurately replace acoustic simulations and allows therefore a much faster material stack desig

    Theoretical analysis of damping effects of guided elastic waves at solid/fluid interfaces

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    International audienceA theoretical description of ideal and viscous fluid media is proposed to address the problem of modeling damping effects of surface acoustic waves and more generally of any guided elastic waves at the interface between viscous fluids and solids. It is based on the Fahmy-Adler eigenvalue representation of the elastic propagation problem, adapted to provide Green's function of the considered media. It takes advantage of previous efforts developed to numerically stabilize Green's-function computation process. This function is used to compute a harmonic admittance according to the Blötekjaër approach. The influence of acoustic radiation and viscosity effects on different kinds of waves excited on various substrates is reported and discussed

    Comparative myoanatomy of Tardigrada:new insights from the heterotardigrades <i>Actinarctus doryphorus</i> (Tanarctidae) and <i>Echiniscoides sigismundi</i> (Echiniscoididae)

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    Abstract Background Tardigrada is a group of microscopic invertebrates distributed worldwide in permanent and temporal aquatic habitats. Famous for their extreme stress tolerance, tardigrades are also of interest due to their close relationship with Arthropoda and Cycloneuralia. Despite recent efforts in analyzing the musculature of a number of tardigrade species, data on the class Heterotardigrada remain scarce. Aiming to expand the current morphological framework, and to promote the use of muscular body plans in elucidating tardigrade phylogeny, the myoanatomy of two heterotardigrades, Actinarctus doryphorus and Echiniscoides sigismundi, was analyzed by cytochemistry, scanning electron and confocal laser scanning microscopy and 3D imaging. We discuss our findings with reference to other tardigrades and internal phylogenetic relationships of the phylum. Results We focus our analyses on the somatic musculature, which in tardigrades includes muscle groups spanning dorsal, ventral, and lateral body regions, with the legs being musculated by fibers belonging to all three groups. A pronounced reduction of the trunk musculature is seen in the dorsoventrally compressed A. doryphorus, a species that generally has fewer cuticle attachment sites as compared to E. sigismundi and members of the class Eutardigrada. Interestingly, F-actin positive signals were found in the head appendages of A. doryphorus. Our analyses further indicate that cross-striation is a feature common to the somatic muscles of heterotardigrades and that E. sigismundi—as previously proposed for other echiniscoidean heterotardigrades—has relatively thick somatic muscle fibers. Conclusions We provide new insights into the myoanatomical differences that characterize distinct evolutionary lineages within Tardigrada, highlighting characters that potentially can be informative in future phylogenetic analyses. We focus our current analyses on the ventral trunk musculature. Our observations suggest that seven paired ventromedian attachment sites anchoring a large number of muscles can be regarded as part of the ground pattern of Tardigrada and that fusion and reduction of cuticular attachment sites is a derived condition. Specifically, the pattern of these sites differs in particular details between tardigrade taxa. In the future, a deeper understanding of the tardigrade myoanatomical ground pattern will require more investigations in order to include all major tardigrade lineages

    Multiple Frequency Solidly Mounted BAW Filters

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    This paper reports the simultaneous fabrication of Receive and Transmit Bulk Acoustic Wave filters for the WCDMA standard on the same die. Both filters are based on Solidly Mounted Resonators using a common Bragg mirror, but with each having a specific piezoelectric film thickness. Electrical measurements reveal that the process steps required to provide the two different piezoelectric film thicknesses on the same die does not impact the electrical performances of resonators and filters and that this approach could thus be generalised to more than two filters

    High overtone Bulk Acoustic Resonators: application to resonators, filters and sensors

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    International audienceAcoustelectric devices have been used now for several decade to stabilize oscillators, to filter radio-frequency signals or to allow for physical and even chemical detection and measures.Among all the structures that have been developed in that purpose, one has been revealing particularly interesting for the development of high quality factor resonator on an extended range of frequency. It is based on the generation of high overtones in bulk acoustic wave resonant structure and therefore are currently called HBARs. These devices may be fabricated along various approaches but they always consist of a thin (or thinned) piezoelectric layer deposited or bonded onto a high quality single crystal material. The spectral response of this kind of device exhibit a periodic comb of peaks modulated by the transducer response, yielding resonances on a very large spectrum with various characteristics and properties. We present here the basic principles of such devices, their remarquable properties, the etchnologies required to manufacture them and the various applications they can be applied for. A focus is partcularly dedicated to oscillator stabilization and to wirelss sensor development
