244 research outputs found

    Die bessere Sprache: Text- und Kommunikationsgestaltung

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    Mit zunehmender Komplexität der modernen Informationsgesellschaften gewinnt Kommunikation einen immer größeren Stellenwert. Durch die Vernetzung der Gesellschaft und ihrer Institutionen vermehren sich in vielen Kontexten auch Sprach- und Kommunikationsprobleme verschiedenster Art, und zugleich erhöhen sich die Erwartungen an eine effiziente Verständigung zwischen den beteiligten Kommunikationspartnern. Entsprechend steigt der Bedarf an Kenntnissen darüber, wie Texte und mündliche Kommunikationen je nach Zielsetzung optimal gestaltet werden können. In der Bielefelder Linguistik wurde ein umfangreiches Repertoire an Theorien und Methoden entwickelt, die man zur gezielten Text- und Kommunikationsoptimierung anwenden kann. Dabei bietet es sich an, die einzelnen Methoden systematisch miteinander zu verknüpfen und daraus einen integrierten Verfahrensansatz zu entwickeln. Theoretischer Ausgangspunkt dieses Verfahrensansatzes ist die empirisch fundierte Erkenntnis, dass sich kommunikatives Handeln im Standardfall regelhaft und in spezifischen Mustern vollzieht. Je nach Kommunikationsziel müssen von den beteiligten Personen bestimmte Aufgaben sowohl auf der kognitiven als auch auf der kommunikativen Ebene durchgeführt werden. Insofern lässt sich die Durchführung einer kommunikativen Aufgabe nur dann wissenschaftlich optimieren, wenn man die zugehörigen möglichen Lösungsverfahren auf beiden Ebenen kennt und ihre jeweilige Wirksamkeit ab-schätzen kann

    Performance Measures for Social CRM: A Literature Review

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    Social CRM deals with the integration of Web 2.0 and Social Media into Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Social CRM is a business strategy supported by technology platforms to provide mutually beneficial value for companies and their target groups. In practice, one factor impeding Social CRM implementation is the lack of performance measures, which assess Social CRM activities and monitor their success. Little research has been conducted investigating performance measures in order to develop a Social CRM performance measurement model. To address this gap, this article presents the qualitative part of a two-stage multi-method approach. It comprises a systematic and rigorous literature review as well as a sorting procedure. In this effort, 16 Social CRM performance measures and four categories of a performance measurement system are identified. The sorting procedure validates the corresponding classification and ensures a high degree of external validity. In a subsequent study, formative survey instruments are developed from the respective findings and are tested by applying a confirmatory factor analysis

    Development of a method for in situ measurement of denitrification in aquifers using 15N tracer tests and membrane inlet mass spectrometry

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    We present a new approach for in situ-measurement of denitrification using a combination of 15N-tracer push-pull experiments with in situ analysis of 15N-labled N2 and N2O using membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS). In the 15N-tracer experiment we present here we supplemented Aquifer material of two depths with 15N labeled nitrate. The results of our laboratory 15N-tracer test showed a linear increase of denitrification products (15(N2O+N2)) over time. At the end of our experiment we measured up to 1500 and 3700 µg/L 15(N2O+N2) in the water samples from the supplemented aquifer material. The online measurement with MIMS enabled us to see during the experiment if and when the production of the labeled denitrification products started. We took also parallel samples for isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) analysis to check our MIMS measurements. The measured 15(N2O+N2) values for IRMS matches the MIMS measurements very well. With the MIMS-method there is no need for sample preparation and so we were able to run the MIMS part of the 15N-tracer test automatically. Later-on this approach will be used in the field

    Measuring Social CRM Performance: A Preliminary Measurement Model

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    Social Customer Relationship Management (Social CRM) deals with the integration of Web 2.0 and Social Media into CRM. Social CRM is a business strategy supported by technology platforms in order to provide mutually beneficial value for both companies and customers. Gartner has identified Social CRM as one of the top innovation-triggered themes in 2013 [1]. In this context, a constraining factor regarding the implementation of Social CRM and the achievement of its objectives is the lack of an appropriate performance measurement model. Little research has been conducted on the relevant performance factors and Social CRM performance measurement models. To address this gap, the article presents the qualitative part of a two-stage multi-method approach. It comprises findings from a literature review, 15 semi-structured interviews and a consolidation procedure. A preliminary Social CRM performance measurement model is developed containing four performance dimensions, 25 classified Social CRM performance factors and corresponding performance measures

    Production and characterization of standard particles for rL-SNMS

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    In this work, uranium-and plutonium-baring particles were produced by fast iron co-precipitation for the purpose of creating homogeneous multi-element standards. A set of single isolated particles showing no inhomogeneities in the element distribution were selected. These particles were used to determine the maximal achievable suppression ratios for uranium in Resonant Laser Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry (rL-SNMS) measurements of plutonium. It was shown for the first time directly that suppression-ratios in the order of three magnitudes are achievable with a resonant two-step excitation scheme for non-destructive measurements

    Effect of carbon nanofibre orientation on fatigue properties of carbon fibre-reinforced polymers

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    Nano-reinforcements in carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) have proven to enhance the mechanical properties considering quasi-static, as well as fatigue load and, are a promising option with regard to CFRP performance optimisation. While general knowledge about the nanofiller content and its influence in CFRP is well documented, the use of alignment techniques for a specific orientation of the nano-reinforcements is still insufficiently studied. In this work, the influence of oriented carbon nanofibres (CNF) on the mechanical properties of bidirectional CFRP is investigated. CFRP was produced CNF-reinforced with and without orientation using a hot press, where an electric field was applied during curing. The laminates were characterised with respect to dispersion quality, pore volume, quasi-static properties (tensile and bending tests) and dynamic properties (fatigue tests). Electrical resistance measurement was applied together with digital image correlation and in situ computed tomography to generate knowledge about the fatigue-related damage evolution and evaluate the sensors for viable use of condition monitoring. Results show that the orientation of CNF has a significant impact on both quasi-static and fatigue properties, increasing the strength while reducing and slowing down the introduced damage. Orientation of nanofillers thus shows large optimization potential of mechanical properties of CFRP components

    Ion implantation of 226Ra for a primary 222Rn emanation standard

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    Laser resonance ionization at the RISIKO 30 kV mass separator has been used to produce isotopically and isobarically pure and well quantified 222Rn emanation standards. Based upon laser-spectroscopic preparation studies, ion implantation into aluminum and tungsten targets has been carried out, providing overall implantation efficiencies of 40% up to 60%. The absolute implanted activity of 226Ra was determined by the technique of defined solid-angle α-particle spectrometry, where excellent energy resolution was observed. The 222Rn emanation coefficient of the produced targets was studied using α-particle and γ-ray spectrometry, and yielded results between 0.23 and 0.34, with relative uncertainty on the order of 1%. No dependence exceeding a 1% change of the emanation on humidity could be identified in the range of 15 %rH to 75 %rH, whereas there were hints of a slight correlation between the emanation and temperature. Additionally, and as expected, the emanation coefficient was found to be dependent on the target material as well as the implanted dose. © 202