123 research outputs found
Expression of Genes Involved in Drosophila Wing Morphogenesis and Vein Patterning Are Altered by Spaceflight
Imaginal wing discs of Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) defined during embryogenesis ultimately result in mature wings of stereotyped (specific) venation patterning. Major regulators of wing disc development are the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF), Notch, Hedgehog (Hh), Wingless (Wg), and Dpp signaling pathways. Highly stereotyped vascular patterning is also characteristic of tissues in other organisms flown in space such as the mouse retina and leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetic and other adaptations of vascular patterning to space environmental factors have not yet been systematically quantified, despite widespread recognition of their critical importance for terrestrial and microgravity applications. Here we report changes in gene expression with space flight related to Drosophila wing morphogenesis and vein patterning. In addition, genetically modified phenotypes of increasingly abnormal ectopic wing venation in the Drosophila wing1 were analyzed by NASA's VESsel GENeration Analysis (VESGEN) software2. Our goal is to further develop insightful vascular mappings associated with bioinformatic dimensions of genetic or other molecular phenotypes for correlation with genetic and other molecular profiling relevant to NASA's GeneLab and other Space Biology exploration initiatives
Self-glucose monitoring and glycaemic control at a tertiary care university hospital, Karachi, Pakistan
OBJECTIVE: To explore the association between Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose (SMBG) levels and improved glycemic control (HbA1c level) among type 2 diabetic patients, receiving oral hypoglycaemic agents and insulin, and to ascertain the factors influencing SMBG.
METHOD: Using Comparative cross sectional study design five hundred Type 2 diabetes patients through convenient sampling between 30-70 years were interviewed through a structured questionnaire in year 2006 and 2007 at AKUH Ambulatory setting. These 500 subjects were divided as 250 in case (doing SMBG) and 250 in control (not doing SMBG) groups.
RESULTS: We identified that HbA1c value was maintained at good and fair levels in case (56%) as compared to controls (p=0.002). There was a high association of SMBG with education level, as graduate and above were monitoring SMBG at high level as evident by (p=0.005). Furthermore, there was a high association of SMBG with duration of diabetes as subjects having diabetics more than 5 years were monitoring their blood glucose level at frequent intervals (p=0.001). In case, 96.8% subjects had knowledge about the target of fasting and random blood glucose in comparison to 91.6% subjects in controls. The frequency of blood sugar checking varied among all subjects in case group such as 55% checked their blood sugar occasionally, 26% monitored daily, and 13% twice a day and 3% checked their blood sugar before and after each meal.
Conclusion: Self-monitoring of blood glucose levels was associated with clinically and statistically better glycaemic control regardless of diabetes type or therapy. Therefore, healthcare personnel must increase awareness on the importance of SMBG and strongly promote this practice among diabetic patients
Prevalence, diagnosis and treatment of depression and anxiety in patients in cardiac rehabilitation
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenOBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of depression and anxiety among patients in cardiac rehabilitation at Reykjalundur Rehabilitation Center and to study the impact of a 4-5 weeks inpatient cardiac rehabilitation program on these symptoms. Secondly we wished to compare the concordance of our clinical diagnosis with the results of a standardized psychometric scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale, HAD. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Of 224 patients in one year, 200 (89.3%) were included in the study, 151 men and 49 women. The patients were first evaluated by a doctor and a nurse separately at the arrival and a clinical evaluation was made jointly. Shortly after arrival and before departure a HAD questionnaire was to be answered. All new psychiatric treatment was recorded. RESULTS: Prevalence of depression as measured by HAD was reduced from 9.5% to 3.1% and anxiety from 11.6% to 2.5%. The sensitivity of clinical diagnosis of depression as compared to the results of HAD was 73.7% and specificity 87.3%. For anxiety the sensitivity was 86.4% and specificity was 79.2%. The predictive value of a positive clinical diagnosis of depressions was 37.8% and anxiety 33.9%, but predictive value of a negative clinical diagnosis was 96.9% and anxiety 97.9% respectively. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of depression and anxiety is similar or somewhat lower than in other studies on patients with cardiac diseases. The agreement of clinical diagnosis and HAD questionnaire was acceptable and the questionnaire will not be used routinely. A comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation program seems to reduce substancially symptoms of depression and anxiety among patients in cardiac rehabilitation at Reykjalundur.Tilgangur: Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að kanna algengi þunglyndis og kvíða hjá þeim sem komu til hjartaendurhæfingar á Reykjalundi og samsvörun klínískrar greiningar og niðurstöðu viðurkennds þunglyndis- og kvíðakvarða, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD). Einnig að meta áhrif hjartaendurhæfingar á Reykjalundi á einkenni þunglyndis og kvíða. Efniviður og aðferð: Allir sem innrituðust í hjartaendurhæfingu á Reykjalundi frá 1. apríl 2005 til 31. mars 2006 voru beðnir að taka þátt. Læknir og hjúkrunarfræðingur mátu hvort í sínu lagi við innritun sjúklings hvort viðkomandi væri þunglyndur eða kvíðinn og skráðu síðan sameiginlegt klínískt mat. Í fyrstu viku endurhæfingartímans var HAD spurningalistinn lagður fyrir og aftur við brottför. Skráð var öll ný geðmeðferð á dvalartímanum. Niðurstöður: Af 224 sjúklingum sem komu á árinu tóku 200 (89,3%) þátt í rannsókninni, 151 karl og 49 konur. Samkvæmt HAD var algengi þunglyndis 9,5% við komu en 3,1% við brottför og algengi kvíða var 11,6% við komu en aðeins 2,5% við brottför. Næmi klínískrar greiningar þunglyndis borið saman við niðurstöður HAD reyndist 73,7% en sértækni 87,3%. Næmi greiningar kvíða reyndist 86,4% en sértækni 79,2%. Forspárgildi jákvæðar klínískrar greiningar þunglyndis var 37,8% og kvíða 33,9% en forspárgildi neikvæðar klínískrar greiningar þunglyndis 96,9% og kvíða 97,9%. Ályktun: Algengi þunglyndis og kvíða er svipað eða nokkru lægra en í öðrum rannsóknum meðal hjartasjúklinga. Næmi og sértækni klínískra greininga miðað við HAD kvarða er ásættanlegt og ekki virðist því ástæða til að taka upp reglubundna skimun. Hjartaendurhæfing með þjálfun og fjölbreyttum stuðningi ásamt sérhæfðri geðmeðferð, dregur verulega úr einkennum þunglyndis og kvíða
Patient empowerment: the LIFE approach
In spite of the great strides that have been made in the treatment of diabetes, many patients do not achieve optimal outcomes. In an effort to address the gap between the promise and the reality of diabetes care, empowerment has been recognised as an effective patient-centred approach to diabetes care and education. A great deal of effort has been spent training healthcare professionals and developing patient education strategies within this framework. However, less effort has been spent helping patients to learn the lessons and acquire the skills needed to collaborate in the design of a workable diabetes care plan. This article outlines four fundamental lessons that need to be addressed as part of patient education and provides a simple approach called the LIFE plan to help patients truly take charge of their diabetes. Copyright © 2008 FENDPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/60963/1/114_ftp.pd
Dataspill i historieundervisning
Masteroppgave for lektorutdanning i samfunnsfag - Nord universitet 202
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