5,321 research outputs found

    The QSO evolution derived from the HBQS and other complete QSO surveys

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    An ESO Key programme dedicated to an Homogeneous Bright QSO Survey (HBQS) has been completed. 327 QSOs (Mb<-23, 0.3<z<2.2) have been selected over 555 deg^2 with 15<B<18.75. For B<16.4 the QSO surface density turns out to be a factor 2.2 higher than what measured by the PG survey, corresponding to a surface density of 0.013+/-.006 deg^{-2}. If the Edinburgh QSO Survey is included, an overdensity of a factor 2.5 is observed, corresponding to a density of 0.016+/-0.005 deg^{-2}. In order to derive the QSO optical luminosity function (LF) we used Monte Carlo simulations that take into account of the selection criteria, photometric errors and QSO spectral slope distribution. The LF can be represented with a Pure Luminosity Evolution (L(z)\propto(1+z)^k) of a two power law both for q_0=0.5 and q_0=0.1. For q_0=0.5 k=3.26, slower than the previous Boyle's (1992) estimations of k=3.45. A flatter slope beta=-3.72 of the bright part of the LF is also required. The observed overdensity of bright QSOs is concentrated at z<0.6. It results that in the range 0.3<z<0.6 the luminosity function is flatter than observed at higher redshifts. In this redshift range, for Mb<-25, 32 QSOs are observed instead of 19 expected from our best-fit PLE model. This feature requires a luminosity dependent luminosity evolution in order to satisfactorily represent the data in the whole 0.3<z<2.2 interval.Comment: Invited talk in "Wide Field Spectroscopy" (20-24 May 1996, Athens), eds. M. Kontizas et al. 6 pages and 3 eps figures, LaTex file, uses epfs.sty and crckapb.sty (included

    High-resolution O VI absorption line observations at 1.2 < z < 1.7 in the bright QSO HE 0515-4414

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    STIS Echelle observations at a resolution of 10 km/s and UVES/VLT spectroscopy at a resolution of 7 km/s of the luminous QSO HE 0515-4414 (z_em = 1.73, B = 15.0) reveal four intervening O VI absorption systems in the redshift range 1.2 < z_abs < 1.7 (1.38503, 1.41601, 1.60175, 1.67359). In addition two associated systems at z = 1.69707 and z = 1.73585 are present. For the first time high resolution observations allow to measure radial velocities of H I, C IV and O VI simultaneously in several absorption systems (1.385, 1.674, 1.697) with the result that significant velocity differences (up to 18 km/s) are observed between H I and O VI, while smaller differences (up to 5 km/s) are seen between C IV and O VI. We tentatively conclude that H I, O VI, and C IV are not formed in the same volumes and that therefore implications on ionization mechanisms are not possible from observed column density ratios O VI/H I or O VI/C IV. The number density of O VI absorbers with W_rest > 25 mA is dN/dz < 10, roughly a factor of 5 less than what has been found by Tripp at al. (2000) at low redshift. An estimate of the cosmological mass-density of the O VI-phase yields Omega_b(O VI) = 0.0003 h^{-1}_{75} for [O/H] = -1 and an assumed ionization fraction O VI/O = 0.2. This corresponds to an increase by roughly a factor of 15 between z = 1.5 (this work) and the value found by Tripp et al. (2000) at z = 0.21, if the same oxygen abundance [O/H] = -1 is assumed. Agreement with the simulations by Dave et al. (2001) can be obtained, if the oxygen abundance increases by a factor of 3 over the same redshift interval.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in A&

    A New Version of Reimers' law of Mass Loss Based on a Physical Approach

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    We present a new semi-empirical relation for the mass loss of cool stellar winds, which so far has frequently been described by "Reimers' law". Originally, this relation was based solely on dimensional scaling arguments without any physical interpretation. In our approach, the wind is assumed to result from the spill-over of the extended chromosphere, possibly associated with the action of waves, especially Alfven waves, which are used as guidance in the derivation of the new formula. We obtain a relation akin to the original Reimers law, but which includes two new factors. They reflect how the chromospheric height depends on gravity and how the mechanical energy flux depends, mainly, on effective temperature. The new relation is tested and sensitively calibrated by modelling the blue end of the Horizontal Branch of globular clusters. The most significant difference from mass loss rates predicted by the Reimers relation is an increase by up to a factor of 3 for luminous late-type (super-)giants, in good agreement with observations.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, accepted by ApJ Letter

    On the orbital period of the magnetic Cataclysmic Variable HS 0922+1333

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    Context: The object HS 0922+1333 was visited briefly in 2002 in a mini survey of low accretion rate polars (LARPs) in order to test if they undergo high luminosity states similar to ordinary polars. On the basis of that short observation the suspicion arose that the object might be an asynchronous polar (Tovmassian et al. 2004). The disparity between the presumed orbital and spin period appeared to be quite unusual. Aims: We performed follow-up observations of the object to resolve the problem. Methods: New simultaneous spectroscopic and photometric observations spanning several years allowed measurements of radial velocities of emission and absorption lines from the secondary star and brightness variations due to synchrotron emission from the primary. Results: New observations show that the object is actually synchronous and its orbital and spin period are equal to 4.04 hours. Conclusions: We identify the source of confusion of previous observations to be a high velocity component of emission line arousing from the stream of matter leaving L1 point.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Static Critical Behavior of the Spin-Freezing Transition in the Geometrically Frustrated Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet Y2Mo2O7

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    Some frustrated pyrochlore antiferromagnets, such as Y2Mo2O7, show a spin-freezing transition and magnetic irreversibilities below a temperature Tf similar to what is observed nonlinear magnetization measurements on Y2Mo2O7 that provide strong evidence that there is an underlying thermodynamic phase transition at Tf, which is characterized by critical exponents \gamma \approx 2.8 and \beta \approx 0.8. These values are typical of those found in random spin glasses, despite the fact that the level of random disorder in Y2Mo2O7 is immeasurably small.Comment: Latex file, calls for 4 encapsulated postscript figures (included). Submitted to Phys. Rev. Letters

    Fluctuations of the intergalactic ionization field at redshift z ~ 2

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    (Abridged) Aims. To probe the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the ionizing background radiation at z ~ 2 and to specify the sources contributing to the intergalactic radiation field. Methods. The spectrum of a bright quasar HS1103+6416 (zem = 2.19) contains five successive metal-line absorption systems at zabs = 1.1923, 1.7193, 1.8873, 1.8916, and 1.9410. The systems are optically thin and reveal multiple lines of different metal ions with the ionization potentials lying in the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) range (1 Ryd to 0.2 keV). For each system, the EUV SED of the underlying ionization field is reconstructed by means of a special technique developed for solving the inverse problem in spectroscopy. For the zabs = 1.8916 system, the analysis also involves the HeI resonance lines of the Lyman series and the HeI 504 A continuum, which are seen for the first time in any cosmic object except the Sun. Results. From one system to another, the SED of the ionizing continuum changes significantly, indicating that the intergalactic ionization field at z ~ 2 fluctuates at the scale of at least Delta_z ~ 0.004. This is consistent with Delta_z ~ 0.01 estimated from HeII and HI Lyman-alpha forest measurements between the redshifts 2 and 3.Comment: 29 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A\&

    Star-forming regions of the Aquila rift cloud complex. I. NH3 tracers of dense molecular cores

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    (Abridged) Aims. In the present part of our survey we search for ammonia emitters in the Aquila rift complex which trace the densest regions of molecular clouds. Methods. From a CO survey carried out with the Delingha 14-m telescope we selected ~150 targets for observations in other molecular lines. Here we describe the mapping observations in the NH3(1,1) and (2,2) inversion lines of the first 49 sources performed with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope. Results. The NH3(1,1) and (2,2) emission lines are detected in 12 and 7 sources, respectively. Among the newly discovered NH3 sources, our sample includes the following well-known clouds: the starless core L694-2, the Serpens cloud Cluster B, the Serpens dark cloud L572, the filamentary dark cloud L673, the isolated protostellar source B335, and the complex star-forming region Serpens South. Angular sizes between 40" and 80" (~0.04-0.08 pc) are observed for compact starless cores but as large as 9' (~0.5 pc) for filamentary dark clouds. The measured kinetic temperatures of the clouds lie between 9K and 18K. From NH3 excitation temperatures of 3-8K we determine H2 densities with typical values of ~(0.4-4) 10^4 cm^-3. The masses of the mapped cores range between ~0.05 and ~0.5M_solar. The relative ammonia abundance, X= [NH3]/[H2], varies from 10^-7 to 5 10^-7 with the mean = (2.7+/-0.6) 10^-7 (estimated from spatially resolved cores assuming the filling factor eta = 1). In two clouds, we observe kinematically split NH3 profiles separated by ~1 km/s. The splitting is most likely due to bipolar molecular outflows for one of which we determine an acceleration of <~ 0.03 km/s/yr. A starless core with significant rotational energy is found to have a higher kinetic temperature than the other ones which is probably caused by magnetic energy dissipation.Comment: 28 pages, 22 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    A hydrodynamic study of the circumstellar envelope of alpha Scorpii

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    Context: Both the absolute mass-loss rates and the mechanisms that drive the mass loss of late-type supergiants are still not well known. Binaries such as alpha Sco provide the most detailed empirical information about the winds of these stars. Aims: The goal was to improve the binary technique for the determination of the mass-loss rate of alpha Sco A by including a realistic density distribution and velocity field from hydrodynamic and plasma simulations. Methods: We performed 3D hydrodynamic simulations of the circumstellar envelope of alpha Sco in combination with plasma simulations accounting for the heating, ionization, and excitation of the wind by the radiation of alpha Sco B. These simulations served as the basis for an examination of circumstellar absorption lines in the spectrum of alpha Sco B as well as of emission lines from the Antares nebula. Results: The present model of the extended envelope of alpha Sco reproduces some of the structures that were observed in the circumstellar absorption lines in the spectrum of alpha Sco B. Our theoretical density and velocity distributions of the outflow deviate considerably from a spherically expanding model, which was used in previous studies. This results in a higher mass-loss rate of (2 +/- 0.5) x 10^-6 M_sun/yr. The hot H II region around the secondary star induces an additional acceleration of the wind at large distances from the primary, which is seen in absorption lines of Ti II and Cr II at -30 km/s.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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