19 research outputs found

    L'alsament d'una partida

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    Uso de localizadores para personas mayores

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    3rd International Conference on the Elderly and New Technologies. III Jornadas Internacionales de Mayores y Nuevas Tecnologías.Descriptive cross-sectional study which uses self-administered surveys to evaluate the data from three independent samples: professionals, relatives of users of the tracking device and relatives of users who do no use it. Methods: specific survey for 30 professionals. For 7 relatives of users who make use of the device: Quebec survey (QUEST 2.0), Zarit scale and caregiver strain index. For 7 relatives of users who do not make use of the device: Zarit Scale and caregiver strain index. Results: 20% of the professionals are aware of the existence of some kind of gps device, only 13.3% can specify the sort of gps. The benefits with the highest score in the Liker scale from 0 to 5 are the tranquillity of the family (4.60), followed by the need of information (4.46), and the item with the lowest score is the tranquillity of the user (3.79). Among those patients carrying a tracking device, 85.71% are men, whereas this percentage turns to a 71,43% among those who do not carry a tracking device. The burden degree of caregivers is an average of 77.86% in those who do not use a tracking device, whereas it goes down to 66.58% in those who do. Caregivers using the tracking device get a 57.1% of greater burden, and a 14.3% of minimum burden. Caregivers who do not use the tracking device get a 100% of greater burden. In the strain index test the results show that a 92.9% of caregivers reach high levels of burden, whereas for 7.1% there was no strain at all. 84.6% of caregivers are women. Conclusions: professionals do not know the tracking device, and the burden of caregivers decreases when they use it. The use of the tracking device should be discussed in an ethical debate by professionals of all areas and relatives of patients.Estudio descriptivo transversal que evalúa, mediante encuestas autoadministrada, los datos procedentes de tres muestras independientes: profesionales, familiares de usuarios que utilizan el dispositivo de localización y familiares de usuarios que no lo utilizan. Métodos: encuesta especifica para 30 profesionales. Para 7 familiares de usuarios que utilizan el dispositivo: encuesta Quebec (QUEST 2.0), escala Zarit y el índice de esfuerzo del cuidador. Para 7 familiares que no utilizan el dispositivo: la escala Zarit y el Índice de esfuerzo del cuidador. Resultados: el 20 % de los profesionales admite conocer algún dispositivo gps, tan solo un 13,3 % saben especificar el tipo de gps. Los beneficios mejor puntuados en la escala Liker 0 a 5 son tranquilidad de la familia (4,60), seguido de la necesidad de información (4,46), y el ítem menos valorado la tranquilidad del usuario (3,79). Los pacientes que llevan localizador, los hombres representan un 85,71 % y en los que no llevan localizador representan un 71,43 %. El grado de sobrecarga que tienen los cuidadores obtiene una media de 77,86 % para los que no utilizan el localizador, frente a un 66,58 % para los que sí utilizan el localizador. Los cuidadores que utilizan el dispositivo obtienen un 57,1 % de sobrecarga intensa, un 14,3% sobrecarga leve. Los cuidadores que no utilizan el localizador obtienen un 100 % de sobrecarga intensa. En los resultados del test de índice de esfuerzo, el 92,9 % de los cuidadores tienen puntuaciones elevadas de esfuerzo, frente al 7,1 % que no presentan esfuerzo. De los cuidadores, el 84,6 % son mujeres. Conclusiones: los profesionales no conocen el dispositivo y la sobrecarga en los cuidadores disminuye con el uso del localizador. Debería plantearse un debate ético entre los diferentes colectivos de profesionales y familiares sobre su uso

    Resilience and job satisfaction among out‐of‐hospital emergency medical service professionals: a cross‐sectional multi‐centric study

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    Aim: We aim to describe the relationship between job satisfaction and compare levels of resilience among out-of-hospital emergency medical service professionals. Background: The study of the impact of the working environment on health professionals has raised great interest. Job-related variables and resilience can be a protective factor against stressful and demanding events at work. Methods: A cross-sectional survey comprising sociodemographic and job-related variables was conducted among 406 workers (doctors, nurses, psychologists, and ambulance technicians) from the out-of-hospital emergency medical system in Spain. Resilience was self-reported using the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale. Results: Nursing professionals were less resilient compared with ambulance technicians (score difference 1.709, p = .008). As age increased, resilience was lower (r = -.118). Professionals with higher resilience scores were more satisfied in their work (OR = 1.06, 95% CI: 1.02-1.11), and professionals with higher psychological strength, gained from working with other colleagues, also showed greater job satisfaction (OR = 5.47, 95% CI: 2.55-11.73). Conclusion: There was a positive association between resilience, job satisfaction and collaborative work. Professionals with greater psychological strength, gained from working with other colleagues, also showed higher levels of job satisfaction. Implications for nursing management: Managers can use these results to influence the work environment to enhance job satisfaction and hence improve the resilience of the out-of-hospital emergency health care professionals

    Assessment of Standardized Care Plans for People with Chronic Diseases in Primary Care Settings

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    Malalties cròniques; Plans estandarditzats de cures d'infermeria; Qualitat assistencialChronic diseases; Standardized nursing care plans; Quality of careEnfermedades crónicas; Planes estandarizados de cuidados de enfermería; Calidad asistencialBackground: Aging populations are driving a shift in emphasis toward enhancing chronic disease care, reflected in Catalonia’s regional plan which prioritizes standardized nursing care plans in primary care settings. To achieve this, the ARES-AP program was established with a focus on harmonizing standards and supporting routine nursing clinical decision-making. This study evaluates nurses’ perceptions of ARES-AP’s standardized care plans for chronic diseases. Methods: A mixed-methods approach based on an ad hoc questionnaire (n = 141) and a focus group (n = 14) was used. Quantitative data were statistically analysed, setting significance at p < 0.05. Qualitative data were explored via content analysis. Results: ARES-AP training was assessed positively. The resources for motivational interviewing and care plans for the most prevalent chronic diseases were rated very positively. This study identified key factors influencing program implementation, including facilitators such as structured information and nursing autonomy, barriers such as resistance to change, motivators such as managerial support, and suggested improvements such as technological improvements and time management strategies. Conclusions: This study identifies areas for improvement in implementing standardized nursing care plans, including additional time, motivation, enhanced IT infrastructure, and collaboration among primary care professionals. It enhances understanding of these plans in primary care, especially in managing chronic diseases in aging populations. Further research should assess the program’s long-term impact on chronic patients. This study was not registered.This research has received funding from the Conference of Deans in Nursing (CNDE, PINV_10CNDE22)

    Automatic polyp detection using microwave endoscopy for colorectal cancer prevention and early detection: phantom validation

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    A system to integrate microwave imaging with optical colonoscopy is presented. The overarching goal is to improve the prevention and early diagnosis of one of the main health and economic burdens of an increasingly aging population, i.e., colorectal cancer. For a colonoscopy, the gold standard for colorectal cancer diagnosis, 22% of polyps are not detected, and the risk of cancer after a negative colonoscopy can be up to 7.9%. To remedy this, a microwave imaging system able to generate an alarm when a polyp is detected is designed, manufactured and validated with a colon phantom composed of tissue-mimicking oil-gelatin materials reproducing the anatomy and dielectric properties of a human colon with a polyp. The acquisition was performed by a miniaturized ring-shaped switched array of 16 antennas attachable at the tip of a conventional colonoscope. This has been conceived to satisfy endoscopy size restrictions, patient safety and intercompatibility with current clinical practice. A Modified Monofocusing imaging method preceded by a previous frame average subtraction as a calibration technique shows a perfect detection of a 10-mm polyp (100% sensitivity and specificity) in the eight analyzed trajectories. The phantom results demonstrate the feasibility of the system in future preclinical trials.The work of Alejandra Garrido was supported by DIN2019-010857. The work of Roberto Sont, Ignasi Belda, and Marta Guardiola was supported in part by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant 960251 and in part by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). The work of Jordi Romeu was supported by PID2019-107885GB-C31/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Control of Therapeutic Levels of Anticoagulation and Associated Factors: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Teràpia anticoagulant; Vitamin K; Estudis de cohortsTerapia anticoagulante; Vitamin K; Estudios de cohortesAnticoagulant therapy; Vitamin K; Cohort StudiesMaintaining therapeutic levels of anticoagulation is essential to avoid health complications in people who take vitamin K antagonists. This study aimed to analyze the influence of people’s characteristics and the presence of changes in their lives in the control of therapeutic levels of anticoagulation. A longitudinal multicenter study with a 1-year follow-up of a cohort of 199 people receiving anticoagulant therapy was performed. The effect of biological, clinical, social, lifestyle, and changes in life on the international normalized ratio (INR) was analyzed. During the follow-up, 46.7% of participants presented good INR control. At baseline, a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (P = .00), the lack of comorbidities (P = .03), absence of depression (P = .04), and not following a pharmacological treatment with hypoglycemia drugs (P = .01) were associated with good INR control. During the follow-up, the variable of making changes to the usual diet was associated with poor INR control (P = .05). In the binary multiple regression model, factors associated with poor control were taking hypoglycemia drugs (P = .02) and the presence of depression (P = .04), and only the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation was associated with good control (P = .03). People with a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation had good INR control. Having comorbidities, suffering depression, taking hypoglycemia drugs, and making changes to the diet have a negative effect on INR control

    Adjuvant therapy sparing in rectal cancer achieving complete response after chemoradiation

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    AIM: To evaluate the long-term results of conventional chemoradiotherapy and laparoscopic mesorectal excision in rectal adenocarcinoma patients without adjuvant therapy. METHODS: Patients with biopsy-proven adenocarcinoma of the rectum staged cT3-T4 by endoscopic ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging received neoadjuvant continuous infusion of 5-fluorouracil for five weeks and concomitant radiotherapy. Laparoscopic surgery was planned after 5-8 wk. Patients diagnosed with ypT0N0 stage cancer were not treated with adjuvant therapy according to the protocol. Patients with ypT1-2N0 or ypT3-4 or N+ were offered 5-fluorouracil-based adjuvant treatment on an individual basis. An external cohort was used as a reference for the findings. RESULTS: One hundred and seventy six patients were treated with induction chemoradiotherapy and 170 underwent total mesorectal excision. Cancer staging of ypT0N0 was achieved in 26/170 (15.3%) patients. After a median follow-up of 58.3 mo, patients with ypT0N0 had five-year disease-free and overall survival rates of 96% (95%CI: 77-99) and 100%, respectively. We provide evidence about the natural history of patients with localized rectal cancer achieving a complete response after preoperative chemoradiation. The inherent good prognosis of these patients will have implications for clinical trial design and care of patients. CONCLUSION: Withholding adjuvant chemotherapy after complete response following standard neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and laparoscopic mesorectal excision might be safe within an experienced multidisciplinary team

    XXII Setmana Internacional de Cinema Fomatiu. L’Educació Lliure i el Cinema Formatiu

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    XXII Setmana Internacional de Cinema Fomatiu: L’Educació Lliure i el Cinema Formatiu. 21 al 25 de novembre de 2016. Sala d'actes. Palau de les heures. Campus Mundet, Universitat de Barcelona.Fa 22 anys vàrem iniciar, arrel de la celebració del centenari del naixement del cinema, una activitat que encara avui mantenim: la SETMANA DE CINEMA FORMATIU. Una activitat per a aprofundir en una estratègia didàctica a partir del model ORA, dissenyat per un col·lectiu de professorat pertanyent al grup GIAD, concretament Saturnino de la Torre, Maria de Borja, Núria Rajadell i Maria Dolors Millan. Després d‟haver superat ja dues dècades seguim oferint aquest punt de trobada entre professorat i estudiants de diferents ensenyaments, amb la finalitat de debatre i reflexionar al voltant d‟una temàtica concreta, i, depenent de la temàtica seleccionada, i eixamplant la col·laboració amb altres institucions i professionals que treballen de manera específica amb la temàtica seleccionada. El Seminari de Cinema Formatiu, depenent del GIAD (Grup d‟Investigació i Assessorament Didàctic) de la Facultat d‟Educació de la Universitat de Barcelona, promou aquesta activitat però és un seminari de treball i de recerca obert a totes aquelles persones que estiguin interessades en el cinema, i puntualment a aquelles persones que estan interessades per la temàtica específica que es tracta al llarg de la Setmana. Alguns estudiants s‟han implicat i han passat a formar part del Seminari que l‟organitza. Aquest és l‟èxit i la raó d‟aquesta activitat, la implicació i la participació, el diàleg i l‟expressió de totes les persones que participen. Aquest any, arrel de l‟interessant debat que existeix en la nostra societat sobre la importància, necessitat i eficiència de l‟actual Sistema Educatiu, i amb la incorporació d‟entitats que es troben més enllà de l‟Administració i que han creat col·lectius per a aprofundir i visibilitzar la innovació educativa a les aules,hem considerat que podria ser interessant conèixer experiències més aviat trencadores del sistema escolar en què ens trobem immersos. Considerem interessant conèixer i reflexionar al voltant de propostes innovadores en el marc de l‟educació i la formació en un escenari complex, obert i global, com és en el que ens trobem immersos en aquests moments. Aquesta setmana comptem amb la col·laboració d‟un equip de professionals de diferents universitats i de diferents escoles catalanes que ens aportaran el seu coneixement des d‟un escenari privilegiat del nostre petit país com és Catalunya. Comptem, a més, amb una sèrie de pel·lícules que es visionaran i debatran en algunes de les classes, i amb una conferenciant que ha estat investigant en el marc de l‟educació lliure a Itàlia i a Catalunya, la Dra. Aurora Bosna

    Continuïtat assistencial infermera. Una millora en la qualitat i seguretat de les cures infermeres

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    La continuïtat assistencial és el grau de coherència i unió de les experiències en l’atenció que percep el pacient en el temps. L’objectiu era identificar el grau de satisfacció de les infermeres dels diferents àmbits assistencials amb la continuïtat assistencial infermera (CAI). Metodologia: Estudi descriptiu transversal amb administració de qüestionaris anònims i autoadministrats. Anàlisis descriptiu i bivariant amb proves no paramètriques. Resultats: 437 infermeres. La satisfacció amb la CAI era de 2,3 punts. La satisfacció amb l’informe de 2,2, més elevada als centres rurals (p<0,05). Falta temps per fer els informes (Ẋ=1,99) i la majoria arriben mitjançant la infermera d’enllaç(43,9%). La via de comunicació preferida era el telèfon(72,5%). Conclusions: Les infermeres estan satisfetes amb la CAI, consideren l’informe i els nous rols infermers bons instrument. La via de comunicació preferida és la telefònica, considerant la informatitzada més segura. S’identifica la baixa formació i la falta de temps com a barreres.The healthcare continuity is the degree of coherence and union of the experiences in the care received by the patients throughout time. The aim of this paper was to identify the degree of satisfaction the nurses from different care areas. Methodology: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Anonymous and self-administered questionnaires. Bivariate descriptive analysis with nonparametric tests. Results:437 nurses. The nursing satisfaction with the continuity between the different care areas was 2.3. The satisfaction with the nursing discharge report (NDR) was 2.2. The nurses agreed with the lack of time for the NDR(Ẋ=1.99), most come through the link nurse(43.9%). Telephone is the prefered communication chanel(72.5%). Conclusions: The nurses are satisfied with nursing care continuity and consider the report and the new roles nurses good instrument. Their preferred communication channel is the telephone but they consider that the computerized is the safest. Identified low education and lack of time as barriers

    The Influence of Doing Shift Work on the Lifestyle Habits of Primary Care Nurses

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    Nurses’ lifestyle habits play a key role in promoting healthy lifestyles; although, they may not always be entirely healthy and can be influenced by working conditions. This paper aims to analyze the influence of doing shift work on nurses’ lifestyle habits. Participants (n = 219) were recruited from 27 primary health care centres in Spain. Data were collected on socio-demographic characteristics, working conditions and lifestyle behaviour, assessed by use of an adhoc questionnaire including validated measures. Descriptive analysis and logistic regression models were performed. A total of 95% of the nurses reported having an adequate diet; 45.2% did not engage in any type of physical activity; and 85.8% did not smoke, especially women. A total of 60.3% did shift work, especially the younger ones (80.8%; p p < 0.001). The dietary habits of the nurses were adequate. Low tobacco consumption and low adherence to physical activity were observed, especially among women. Shift work harmed eating habits and obesity rates, but was a protective factor in terms of adherence to physical exercise