37 research outputs found

    Breastfeeding in Bolivia – information and attitudes

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    BACKGROUND: The main objective of the present study was to investigate the relationship between the attitudes of the mother and her family towards breastfeeding and the actual feeding pattern in a Bolivian population. A second objective was to study the relationship between breastfeeding information, specified according to source and timing, and feeding pattern. METHODS: Cross-sectional interviews with 420–502 Bolivian mothers with an infant less than or equal to 1 year of age. Duration of exclusive breastfeeding, use of prelacteal food and/or colostrum were the main outcome measures. RESULTS: The attitudes of the mother, her partner (the infant's father) and the infant's grandmother towards breastfeeding did not influence the infant feeding pattern. Women who had received breastfeeding information from health care personnel before birth or on the maternity ward breastfed exclusively for a longer duration (adjusted p = 0.0233) and avoided prelacteal food to a greater extent (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 0.42; 95% confidence interval for adjusted odds ratio (95% CI AOR) = 0.23–0.72). Information from a doctor before birth or on the maternity ward was associated with less use of prelacteal food (AOR = 0.53; 95% CI AOR = 0.31–0.93), an increased use of colostrum (AOR = 3.30; 95% CI AOR = 1.16–9.37), but was not linked to the duration of exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.1767). CONCLUSION: The current study indicates that breastfeeding information delivered by health care personnel in a non-trial setting may affect the infant feeding pattern including the use of prelacteal foods and colostrum. There was no evidence that the attitudes of the mother, or the infant's father or grandmother influenced actual feeding behavior. The lack of a "negative or neutral attitude" towards breastfeeding in the participants of the current study does, however, diminish the chances to link attitude to feeding behavior

    ADHD Parent–Pediatrician Letters to the School

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    The Many Ways of Marketing Artificial Baby Milk

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    Prevalência de TDAH em quatro escolas públicas brasileiras ADHD prevalence in four brazilian plublic schools

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH) em crianças de quatro escolas públicas brasileiras. MÉTODO: Estudo de prevalência. A população consistiu em todos os alunos de 1ª à 4ª séries do ensino fundamental com idades entre 6 e 12 anos de quatro escolas públicas (CIEPs). Na primeira etapa do estudo, os professores efetuaram triagem para TDAH utilizando os critérios diagnósticos do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais - IV Edição (DSM-IV). A triagem resultou em dois grupos de crianças: suspeitos e não suspeitos. Na segunda etapa, os pais das crianças suspeitas foram convidados a comparecerem à escola para entrevista com os pesquisadores e preenchimento dos critérios diagnósticos de TDAH, anamnese e exame físico pediátrico e neurológico. Ao final desta etapa, as crianças foram classificadas em "casos" de TDAH e crianças "indeterminadas" (crianças que preenchiam parcialmente os critérios diagnósticos). RESULTADOS: De uma população de 602 alunos, 461 fizeram parte do estudo. A prevalência de TDAH considerando o conjunto das 4 escolas foi 13%. A proporção masculino: feminino foi 2:1. O subtipo de TDAH mais freqüente foi o misto com 61,7% dos casos. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de TDAH nestes escolares brasileiros (13%) é mais elevada que a prevalência tradicionalmente mencionada (3-5%). O sexo masculino foi mais acometido que o feminino e o subtipo de TDAH mais prevalente foi o misto, ambos de acordo com estudos anteriores.<br>OBJECTIVE: To define the prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children from four Brazilian public elementary schools. METHOD: Study population consisted of all students from the first through fourth grades, age range 6-12 years, who attended four public elementary schools (CIEPs). This prevalence study comprised two steps. During the first step, school teachers screened their own pupils for ADHD using diagnostic criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders - Fourth Edition (DSM-IV). Screening resulted in two groups of children: suspects and non-suspects. In the second step, parents of suspect children were invited for an interview with the researchers, during which they filled ADHD symptoms questionnaire, and in addition a complete history, pediatric physical exam, and neurological exam were performed. At the end of this step, students were classified as "cases" or "undetermined", i.e., those who partially met ADHD diagnostic criteria. RESULTS: From a population of 602 students, 461 were recruited. Considering all four elementary schools, ADHD prevalence was 13%. Male to female ratio was 2:1. The most frequent ADHD subtype was the combined one, accounting for 61.7% of all cases. CONCLUSION: ADHD prevalence in a sample of school-aged children (13%) was higher than the rate that traditionally has been mentioned (3-5%). Boys were more frequently affected than girls and the most prevalent ADHD subtype was the combined subtype, and the latter two findings are concordant with previous studies