103 research outputs found

    Corruption and innovation in the Albanian public procurement system

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    This paper examines the measures and means used to fight against corruption in public procurement in Albania. Because public procurement is one of the key areas where the public sector and the private sector interact financially and this interaction is based on public money, it is a prime candidate for corrupt activity, cronyism and favoritism as well as outright bribery. The question marks that this paper raises are: what are the means used in the war against corruption in the public procurement field in Albania? Did they had any real impact or they just reshaped the ways of doing corruption? The main finding of this paper is that introduction of e-procurement system was one of the most appropriate means to fight corruption in Albania, because this system fixed one of the biggest problems of the Albanian Public Procurement system; lack of transparency. The electronic system is transparent, since it provides the increasing of information passing through it, and the most important, it enhances the responsibility in relations between the contracting authorities and economic operators, enabling a more effective and efficient use of the tax payers’ money

    Photovoltaic activity in benzobisoxazole based conjugated polymers

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    The material and photovoltaic properties of a new class of conjugated polymers was investigated. These two new polymers; poly (3,4-didodecylthiopene vinylene)-2,6-diyl benzo [1,2-d; 5,4-d\u27] bisoxazole] (cis-DD-PTVBBO) and poly (3,4-didodecylthiopene vinylene)-2,6-diyl benzo [1,2-d; 4,5-d\u27] bisoxazole] (trans-DD-PTVBBO) were synthesized by Malika Jeffries-El group (Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University). Electron affinities were measured be 3.02eV for cis-DD-PTVBBO and 3.10eV for trans-DD-PTVBBO. The optical bandgaps are around 2eV for both polymers. The low band gap and high electron affinity of these polymers suggest that they would be suitable candidates for use in bulk heterojunction solar cells with Phyenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM). Solar cells using the cis-DD-PTVBBO and the trans-DD-PTVBBO as the electron donor were fabricated and device characteristics were measured. In addition, hole mobilities were measured and atomic force microscopy (AFM) characterization was performed to evaluate phase separation in the thin films of the active layers. Photovoltaic performance was lower than expected and is suspected to be due to poor solubility and large aggregates within the active layer thin film. In addition, it is suspected that poor performance may be due to internal charge transfer between the electron donating thiophene unit and electron accepting benzobisoxazole unit. Having these two units is good in the sense that it delocalizes the charge and reduces the band gap of conjugated polymers; however, it may also lead to reduced electron transfer to the PCBM phase, leading to poor performance of photovoltaic cells


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    ABSTRAK Kebutuhan sistem kendali yang efisien akan mampu meningkatkan kualitas dari hasil industri. Sistem kendali cerdas dapat diaplikasikan untuk mengatur kecepatan kedalam kontrol motor DC. Sistem cerdas yang banyak digunakan adalah menggunakan logika fuzzy. Namun dengan menggunakan pendekatan adaptif logika fuzzy dapat memberikan alternatif lain dalam sistem kendali cerdas. Pada penelitian ini membahas tentang sistem pengendalian kecepatan motor DC pada konveyor dengan menggunakan adaptif logika fuzzy. Dalam sistem ini menggunakan modulasi lebar pulsa atau PWM sebagai output keputusan dari sistem pengaturan kecepatan motor.Variabel input yang digunakan yaitu jumlah benda yang melewati konveyor dan kecepatan yang dibaca oleh sensor kecepatan, kemudian outputnya berupa besaran perintah PWM kepada motor DC untuk mencapai kecepatan sesuai dengan perancangan pada software Matlab. Hasil dari temuan pengujian pada penelitian ini adalah sistem kendali dengan menggunakan pendekatan adaptif logika fuzzy dapat bekerja untuk menstabilkan putaran motor yang menggerakkan konveyor pada keadaan pengaruh beban benda yang berbeda.; The need for an efficient control system will be able to improve the quality of industrial output. Intelligent control system can be applied to regulate speed into the DC motor control. A smart system that is widely used is using fuzzy logic. However, using an adaptive approach to fuzzy logic can provide other alternatives in intelligent control systems. In this study discusses the DC motor speed control system on conveyors using adaptive fuzzy logic. In this system uses pulse width modulation or PWM as the decision output of the motor speed regulation system. Input variables used are the number of objects passing through the conveyor and the speed read by the speed sensor, then the output is in the form of PWM commands to the DC motor to reach the speed in accordance with design of Matlab software. The results of the test findings in this study are the control system using an adaptive approach to fuzzy logic can work to stabilize the rotation of the motor that drives the conveyor under different load conditions


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    ABSTRAK Reida Ayu Meisari, (2022): Implementasi Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Pada Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Sekernan Kecamatan Sekernan Ditinjau dari Ekonomi Syariah Latar belakang masalah dalam penelitian ini yakni membahas implementasi perkebunan kelapa sawit pada ekonomi masyarakat Desa Sekernan Kecamatan Sekernan ditinjau dari ekonomi syariah. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana implementasi perkebunan kelapa sawit pada ekonomi masyarakat Desa Sekernan Kecamatan Sekernan dan bagaimana implementasi perkebunan kelapa sawit pada ekonomi masyarakat Desa Sekernan Kecamatan Sekernan ditinjau dari ekonomi syariah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi perkebunan kelapa sawit pada ekonomi masyarakat Desa Sekernan Kecamatan Sekernan dan untuk mengetahui tinjauan ekonomi syariah terhadap implementasi perkebunan kelapa sawit pada ekonomi masyarakat Desa Sekernan Kecamatan Sekernan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yaitu dengan observasi, wawancara, angket, dan dokumentasi. Sampel penelitian ini adalah petani kelapa sawit di Desa Sekernan Kecamatan Sekernan yang berjumlah 50 orang. Pertimbangan penulis untuk menjadikan lokasi ini sebagai tempat penelitian, dikarenakan kelapa sawit semakin maju dan mendorong masyarakat untuk membangun perkebunan kelapa sawit serta mengelolanya agar menjadi lebih baik lagi untuk mendapatkan hasil yang meningkat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa perkebunan kelapa sawit merupakan mata pencaharian sebagian besar petani yang ada di Desa Sekernan Kecamatan Sekernan. Hasil dari perkebunan kelapa sawit memberi dampak positif dalam meningkatkan taraf ekonomi petani kelapa sawit di Desa Sekernan Kecamatan Sekernan. Perkebunan kelapa sawit memberikan dampak positif terhadap peningkatan pendapatan ekonomi masyarakat sebesar Rp.8.647.400,-/bulan dengan rata-rata luas areal perkebunan kelapa sawit 2,78 hektar dengan waktu panen sebanyak 2 kali dalam 1 bulan. Hasil dari perkebunan kelapa sawit juga memberikan dampak positif dalam memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga dan pendidikan. Tinjauan ekonomi syariah terhadap implementasi perkebunan kelapa sawit pada ekonomi masyarakat Desa Sekernan Kecamatan Sekernan adalah, dari hasil yang diperoleh oleh petani kelapa sawit dapat menyisihkan sebagian pendapatannya untuk menunaikan ibadah umroh dan haji, membantu pembangunan musholla di Desa Sekernan, dan mendirikan pesantren. Dalam pandangan ekonomi syariah kegiatan memproduktifkan dan memakmurkan lahan juga diartikan sebagai kegiatan muamalah, bekerja merupakan sebuah kewajiban bagi setiap muslim. Kata kunci : Implementasi, Kelapa Sawit, Pendapatan, Ekonomi Syaria

    Repercusión del embarazo precoz en la salud de las adolescentes atendidas en El Hospital Madre Niño San Bartolomé año 2016

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue establecer la relación existente entre el embarazo precoz y salud de las adolescentes atendidas en el Hospital San Bartolomé (HSB) año 2016; con la finalidad de contribuir a reducir los embarazos adolescentes. La presente investigación es de carácter descriptivo-correlacional, para lo cual se aplicó un cuestionario a una muestra probabilística de 239 adolescentes atendidas en HSB. Los resultados indican que el 62% en promedio, de las entrevistadas consideran como factores de riesgo del embarazo adolescente, el entorno familiar e individual la situación de pobreza y los aspectos psicológicos y culturales del mundo adolescente y familiar. Igualmente, en 64% en promedio reportan consecuencias biológicas, psicológicas y sociales en la salud adolescent

    Pengaruh Ekstensifikasi Pajak, Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak, Pemeriksaan Pajak, Penagihan Pajak dan Surat Paksa Pajak terhadap Penerimaan Pajak Penghasilan Orang Pribadi di Kpp Pratama Solok

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect caused by the variable tax extension, tax compliance, tax audits, tax collection and tax forced letter with personal income tax revenue.This study use of probability sampling, while is a technique pliers provide equal opportunity for each element (member) of the population to be elected as members of the sample. Data collection techniques in this study is a form of literature study and documentation. While the data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis were processed with SPSS version 17 for Windows. From the results of the testing that has been done, partial regression test (t test) showed that tax entension and tax audits doest not affect on the variable personal income income tax revenue with significant value of 0,147 and 0,146. While tax compliance, tax collection and tax forced letter effect on the variable personal income tax revenue with signifikant value of 0,012, 0,037 and 0,035. The magnitude of the effect caused by Adjusted R2by four variables together against the dependent variable 44.9%, while the remaining 55.1% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.Keywords : tax extension, tax compliance, tax audits, tax collection and tax forced lette

    Combining remote sensing and geophysical data to determine Roman structures at Buzovytsia-1 settlement in Ukraine

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    An archaeological map of Buzovitsya-1 Roman time site was obtained based on a combination of geophysical and remote sensing results. The KH-9 Hexagon image reveals Roman structures

    The microbiota of breast tissue and its association with breast cancer

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    In the United States, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. Along with genetics, the environmentcontributes to disease development, but what these exact environmental factors are remains unknown. We have previouslyshown that breast tissue is not sterile but contains a diverse population of bacteria. We thus believe that the host\u27s local microbiomecould be modulating the risk of breast cancer development. Using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing, we show that bacterialprofiles differ between normal adjacent tissue from women with breast cancer and tissue from healthy controls. Women withbreast cancer had higher relative abundances of Bacillus, Enterobacteriaceae and Staphylococcus. Escherichia coli (a member ofthe Enterobacteriaceae family) and Staphylococcus epidermidis, isolated from breast cancer patients, were shown to induce DNAdouble-stranded breaks in HeLa cells using the histone-2AX (H2AX) phosphorylation (γ-H2AX) assay. We also found that microbialprofiles are similar between normal adjacent tissue and tissue sampled directly from the tumor. This study raises importantquestions as to what role the breast microbiome plays in disease development or progression and how we can manipulatethis for possible therapeutics or prevention