807 research outputs found

    Systematic characterization of thermodynamic and dynamical phase behavior in systems with short-ranged attraction

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    In this paper we demonstrate the feasibility and utility of an augmented version of the Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo method for computing the phase behavior of systems with strong, extremely short-ranged attractions. For generic potential shapes, this approach allows for the investigation of narrower attractive widths than those previously reported. Direct comparison to previous self-consistent Ornstein-Zernike approximation calculations are made. A preliminary investigation of out-of-equilibrium behavior is also performed. Our results suggest that the recent observations of stable cluster phases in systems without long-ranged repulsions are intimately related to gas-crystal and metastable gas-liquid phase separation.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Electrostatics of electron-hole interactions in van der Waals heterostructures

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    The role of dielectric screening of electron-hole interaction in van der Waals heterostructures is theoretically investigated. A comparison between models available in the literature for describing these interactions is made and the limitations of these approaches are discussed. A simple numerical solution of Poissons equation for a stack of dielectric slabs based on a transfer matrix method is developed, enabling the calculation of the electron-hole interaction potential at very low computational cost and with reasonable accuracy. Using different potential models, direct and indirect exciton binding energies in these systems are calculated within Wannier-Mott theory, and a comparison of theoretical results with recent experiments on excitons in two-dimensional materials is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Crossover behavior and multi-step relaxation in a schematic model of the cut-off glass transition

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    We study a schematic mode-coupling model in which the ideal glass transition is cut off by a decay of the quadratic coupling constant in the memory function. (Such a decay, on a time scale tau_I, has been suggested as the likely consequence of activated processes.) If this decay is complete, so that only a linear coupling remains at late times, then the alpha relaxation shows a temporal crossover from a relaxation typical of the unmodified schematic model to a final strongly slower-than-exponential relaxation. This crossover, which differs somewhat in form from previous schematic models of the cut-off glass transition, resembles light-scattering experiments on colloidal systems, and can exhibit a `slower-than-alpha' relaxation feature hinted at there. We also consider what happens when a similar but incomplete decay occurs, so that a significant level of quadratic coupling remains for t>>tau_I. In this case the correlator acquires a third, weaker relaxation mode at intermediate times. This empirically resembles the beta process seen in many molecular glass formers. It disappears when the initial as well as the final quadratic coupling lies on the liquid side of the glass transition, but remains present even when the final coupling is only just inside the liquid (so that the alpha relaxation time is finite, but too long to measure). Our results are suggestive of how, in a cut-off glass, the underlying `ideal' glass transition predicted by mode-coupling theory can remain detectable through qualitative features in dynamics.Comment: 14 pages revtex inc 10 figs; submitted to pr

    Quantum quench spectroscopy of a Luttinger liquid: Ultrarelativistic density wave dynamics due to fractionalization in an XXZ chain

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    We compute the dynamics of localized excitations produced by a quantum quench in the spin 1/2 XXZ chain. Using numerics combining the density matrix renormalization group and exact time evolution, as well as analytical arguments, we show that fractionalization due to interactions in the pre-quench state gives rise to "ultrarelativistic" density waves that travel at the maximum band velocity. The system is initially prepared in the ground state of the chain within the gapless XY phase, which admits a Luttinger liquid (LL) description at low energies and long wavelengths. The Hamiltonian is then suddenly quenched to a band insulator, after which the chain evolves unitarily. Through the gapped dispersion of the insulator spectrum, the post-quench dynamics serve as a "velocity microscope," revealing initial state particle correlations via space time density propagation. We show that the ultrarelativistic wave production is tied to the particular way in which fractionalization evades Pauli-blocking in the zero-temperature initial LL state.Comment: 32 pages, 27 figures; v2: references update

    Theory and simulations of quantum glass forming liquids

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    A comprehensive microscopic dynamical theory is presented for the description of quantum fluids as they transform into glasses. The theory is based on a quantum extension of mode-coupling theory. Novel effects are predicted, such as reentrant behavior of dynamical relaxation times. These predictions are supported by path integral ring polymer molecular dynamics simulations. The simulations provide detailed insight into the factors that govern slow dynamics in glassy quantum fluids. Connection to other recent work on both quantum glasses as well as quantum optimization problems is presented.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 1 Tabl

    Irreversible reorganization in a supercooled liquid originates from localised soft modes

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    The transition of a fluid to a rigid glass upon cooling is a common route of transformation from liquid to solid that embodies the most poorly understood features of both phases1,2,3. From the liquid perspective, the puzzle is to understand stress relaxation in the disordered state. From the perspective of solids, the challenge is to extend our description of structure and its mechanical consequences to materials without long range order. Using computer simulations, we show that the localized low frequency normal modes of a configuration in a supercooled liquid are causally correlated to the irreversible structural reorganization of the particles within that configuration. We also demonstrate that the spatial distribution of these soft local modes can persist in spite of significant particle reorganization. The consequence of these two results is that it is now feasible to construct a theory of relaxation length scales in glass-forming liquids without recourse to dynamics and to explicitly relate molecular properties to their collective relaxation.Comment: Published online: 20 July 2008 | doi:10.1038/nphys1025 Available from http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v4/n9/abs/nphys1025.htm

    Cumulant Expansions and the Spin-Boson Problem

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    The dynamics of the dissipative two-level system at zero temperature is studied using three different cumulant expansion techniques. The relative merits and drawbacks of each technique are discussed. It is found that a new technique, the non-crossing cumulant expansion, appears to embody the virtues of the more standard cumulant methods.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe

    The nature of slow dynamics in a minimal model of frustration-limited domains

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    We present simulation results for the dynamics of a schematic model based on the frustration-limited domain picture of glass-forming liquids. These results are compared with approximate theoretical predictions analogous to those commonly used for supercooled liquid dynamics. Although model relaxation times increase by several orders of magnitude in a non-Arrhenius manner as a microphase separation transition is approached, the slow relaxation is in many ways dissimilar to that of a liquid. In particular, structural relaxation is nearly exponential in time at each wave vector, indicating that the mode coupling effects dominating liquid relaxation are comparatively weak within this model. Relaxation properties of the model are instead well reproduced by the simplest dynamical extension of a static Hartree approximation. This approach is qualitatively accurate even for temperatures at which the mode coupling approximation predicts loss of ergodicity. These results suggest that the thermodynamically disordered phase of such a minimal model poorly caricatures the slow dynamics of a liquid near its glass transition
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