9 research outputs found

    Endringer i samtaleemnene i løpet av psykoterapi: En metode for prosessanalyse med funn fra fire kasusstudier

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    This paper presents a method called Topic Change Process Analysis (TCPA). The authors developed this method as a means of analysing therapy transcripts which focus on topic changes related to the verbal client/therapist interaction. Analysis of four eclectic short-term therapies encompass the findings. Therapeutic interventions from different theoretical positions have been identified that include descriptions of interactions influencing topic changes. Finally, TCPA is discussed as a case study method used in therapeutic process research. Such discussion underlines that case study methods should be simple to use. Furthermore, collecting information from several cases to pick up the many variations in client behaviour, therapeutic style, interaction patterns, and adaptation of interventions to the individual client bears importance

    Topic-focused analysis in a case of integrative psychotherapy with a father fearing his own anger

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    Even though evidence-based knowledge is considered the foundation of clinical practice, many clinicians question the clinical relevance of published research. Clinicians increasingly define themselves as having an integrative stance, in contrast to the tendency for most research to be based on clearly defined psychotherapies. Qualitative single case studies make it possible to generate knowledge about what actually occurs in integrative therapy. Topic change process analysis (TCPA) is used in the analysis of brief integrative therapy conducted by a very experienced psychotherapist drawing on a complex variety of therapeutic approaches. The client was a man in his late thirties, worrying about his strong anger, particularly related to one of his children. Analysis of topic areas, topic shifts, response patterns within topics and changes in perspective made it possible to identify key processes and key patterns of the therapy which resulted in a very positive outcome for the client. Implications of these findings for practice, and future research, are discussed

    Topic-focused analysis of verbal interaction in a case of integrative therapy with a young woman presenting with symptoms of depression

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    It is increasingly recognised that single-case analysis makes a valuable contribution to the evidence base for psychotherapy, alongside other methodologies. Such analyses make it possible to investigate the unfolding process of change in therapy, and develop an understanding of change factors that contribute to outcome. One of the key challenges for the psychotherapy research community is to develop methods for descriptive single-case analysis that are simple to apply, and allow comparison across cases collected in different contexts. Topic Change Process Analysis represents a practice-relevant framework that is descriptive, flexible and widely applicable. The present paper presents an analysis of brief integrative/eclectic therapy received by a young woman struggling to come to terms with emotional instability and depressive episodes. Analysis of topic areas, topic shifts, response patterns within topics and changes in perspective makes it possible to identify key processes which resulted in a positive outcome for this client. The implications of these findings for practice, and future research, are discussed

    Comics, Culture, and Religion:Faith Imagined

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    Since the early twenty-first century, the study of comic books, manga, and graphic novels has taken off. This systematic collection of essays gives an impetus to this field of research from a sociological perspective and discusses comics’ relations with a large diversity of religions, including Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Japanese religions, and Zoroastrianism, but also the rituals, ethics, and worldviews that pop up in the comics milieu itself. It aims to further our understanding of comics as an important and transformative part of popular culture and of religion as a social phenomenon in all its variety. The volume departs from the notion that in liquid modernity, the boundaries between the institutional spheres have become fluid, the religious sphere included. It consists of four parts that answer the following questions: How do religions use and respond to comics? How do comics represent and criticize religion? When does the social role of comics resemble the social role of religion? And finally: what and how do comics teach about religion, culture, and society? Comics, religion, and society intersect in various ways. De Groot shows how comics are a way of doing, encountering, and making religion in liquid modernity. In contemporary societies, the articulation of the sacred is no longer governed by religions. Religion is both “in there,” and “out there,” mediatized also by cartoons, comics, and animated movies. Comics both serve the imaginative dimension of lived religion, contain religious imagery beyond the control of religious authorities, and contribute to the construction of imagined faith

    Analysis of Outcomes in Ischemic vs Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation A Report From the GARFIELD-AF Registry

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    IMPORTANCE Congestive heart failure (CHF) is commonly associated with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF), and their combination may affect treatment strategies and outcomes