82 research outputs found

    Angular-Based Radiometric Slope Correction for Sentinel-1 on Google Earth Engine

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    This article provides an angular-based radiometric slope correction routine for Sentinel-1 SAR imagery on the Google Earth Engine platform. Two established physical reference models are implemented. The first model is optimised for vegetation applications by assuming volume scattering on the ground. The second model is optimised for surface scattering, and therefore targeted at urban environments or analysis of soil characteristics. The framework of both models is extended to simultaneously generate masks of invalid data in active layover and shadow affected areas. A case study, using openly available and reproducible code, exemplarily demonstrates the improvement of the backscatter signal in a mountainous area of the Austrian Alps. Furthermore, suggestions for specific use cases are discussed and drawbacks of the method with respect to pixel-area based methods are highlighted. The radiometrically corrected radar backscatter products are overcoming current limitations and are compliant with recent CEOS specifications for SAR backscatter over land. This improves a wide range of potential usage scenarios of the Google Earth Engine platform in mapping various land surface parameters with Sentinel-1 on a large scale and in a rapid manner. The provision of an openly accessible Earth Engine module allows users a smooth integration of the routine into their own workflows

    deSpeckNet: Generalizing Deep Learning Based SAR Image Despeckling

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    Deep learning (DL) has proven to be a suitable approach for despeckling synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. So far, most DL models are trained to reduce speckle that follows a particular distribution, either using simulated noise or a specific set of real SAR images, limiting the applicability of these methods for real SAR images with unknown noise statistics. In this paper, we present a DL method, deSpeckNet1, that estimates the speckle noise distribution and the despeckled image simultaneously. Since it does not depend on a specific noise model, deSpeckNet generalizes well across SAR acquisitions in a variety of landcover conditions. We evaluated the performance of deSpeckNet on single polarized Sentinel-1 images acquired in Indonesia, The Democratic Republic of Congo and The Netherlands, a single polarized ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 image acquired in Japan and an Iceye X2 image acquired in Germany. In all cases, deSpeckNet was able to effectively reduce speckle and restor

    Characterizing Tropical Forest Cover Loss Using Dense Sentinel-1 Data and Active Fire Alerts

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    Fire use for land management is widespread in natural tropical and plantation forests, causing major environmental and economic damage. Recent studies combining active fire alerts with annual forest-cover loss information identified fire-related forest-cover loss areas well, but do not provide detailed understanding on how fires and forest-cover loss are temporally related. Here, we combine Sentinel-1-based, near real-time forest cover information with Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) active fire alerts, and for the first time, characterize the temporal relationship between fires and tropical forest-cover loss at high temporal detail and medium spatial scale. We quantify fire-related forest-cover loss and separate fires that predate, coincide with, and postdate forest-cover loss. For the Province of Riau, Indonesia, dense Sentinel-1 C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar data with guaranteed observations of at least every 12 days allowed for confident and timely forest-cover-loss detection in natural and plantation forest with user’s and producer’s accuracy above 95%. Forest-cover loss was detected and confirmed within 22 days in natural forest and within 15 days in plantation forest. This difference can primarily be related to different change processes and dynamics in natural and plantation forest. For the period between 1 January 2016 and 30 June 2017, fire-related forest-cover loss accounted for about one third of the natural forest-cover loss, while in plantation forest, less than ten percent of the forest-cover loss was fire-related. We found clear spatial patterns of fires predating, coinciding with, or postdating forest-cover loss. Only the minority of fires in natural and plantation forest temporally coincided with forest-cover loss (13% and 16%) and can thus be confidently attributed as direct cause of forest-cover loss. The majority of the fires predated (64% and 58%) or postdated forest-cover loss (23% and 26%), and should be attributed to other key land management practices. Detailed and timely information on how fires and forest cover loss are temporally related can support tropical forest management, policy development, and law enforcement to reduce unsustainable and illegal fire use in the tropics

    The Role and Need for Space-Based Forest Biomass-Related Measurements in Environmental Management and Policy

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    The achievement of international goals and national commitments related to forest conservation and management, climate change, and sustainable development requires credible, accurate, and reliable monitoring of stocks and changes in forest biomass and carbon. Most prominently, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals in particular require data on biomass to monitor progress. Unprecedented opportunities to provide forest biomass data are created by a series of upcoming space-based missions, many of which provide open data targeted at large areas and better spatial resolution biomass monitoring than has previously been achieved. We assess various policy needs for biomass data and recommend a long-term collaborative effort among forest biomass data producers and users to meet these needs. A gap remains, however, between what can be achieved in the research domain and what is required to support policy making and meet reporting requirements. There is no single biomass dataset that serves all users in terms of definition and type of biomass measurement, geographic area, and uncertainty requirements, and whether there is need for the most recent up-to-date biomass estimate or a long-term biomass trend. The research and user communities should embrace the potential strength of the multitude of upcoming missions in combination to provide for these varying needs and to ensure continuity for long-term data provision which one-off research missions cannot provide. International coordination bodies such as Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI), Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), and Global Observation of Forest Cover and Land Dynamics (GOFC‐GOLD) will be integral in addressing these issues in a way that fulfils these needs in a timely fashion. Further coordination work should particularly look into how space-based data can be better linked with field reference data sources such as forest plot networks, and there is also a need to ensure that reference data cover a range of forest types, management regimes, and disturbance regimes worldwide

    Characterizing Tropical Forest Cover Loss Using Dense Sentinel-1 Data and Active Fire Alerts

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    Fire use for land management is widespread in natural tropical and plantation forests, causing major environmental and economic damage. Recent studies combining active fire alerts with annual forest-cover loss information identified fire-related forest-cover loss areas well, but do not provide detailed understanding on how fires and forest-cover loss are temporally related. Here, we combine Sentinel-1-based, near real-time forest cover information with Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) active fire alerts, and for the first time, characterize the temporal relationship between fires and tropical forest-cover loss at high temporal detail and medium spatial scale. We quantify fire-related forest-cover loss and separate fires that predate, coincide with, and postdate forest-cover loss. For the Province of Riau, Indonesia, dense Sentinel-1 C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar data with guaranteed observations of at least every 12 days allowed for confident and timely forest-cover-loss detection in natural and plantation forest with user’s and producer’s accuracy above 95%. Forest-cover loss was detected and confirmed within 22 days in natural forest and within 15 days in plantation forest. This difference can primarily be related to different change processes and dynamics in natural and plantation forest. For the period between 1 January 2016 and 30 June 2017, fire-related forest-cover loss accounted for about one third of the natural forest-cover loss, while in plantation forest, less than ten percent of the forest-cover loss was fire-related. We found clear spatial patterns of fires predating, coinciding with, or postdating forest-cover loss. Only the minority of fires in natural and plantation forest temporally coincided with forest-cover loss (13% and 16%) and can thus be confidently attributed as direct cause of forest-cover loss. The majority of the fires predated (64% and 58%) or postdated forest-cover loss (23% and 26%), and should be attributed to other key land management practices. Detailed and timely information on how fires and forest cover loss are temporally related can support tropical forest management, policy development, and law enforcement to reduce unsustainable and illegal fire use in the tropics

    A Bayesian Approach to Combine Landsat and ALOS PALSAR Time Series for Near Real-Time Deforestation Detection

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    To address the need for timely information on newly deforested areas at medium resolution scale, we introduce a Bayesian approach to combine SAR and optical time series for near real-time deforestation detection. Once a new image of either of the input time series is available, the conditional probability of deforestation is computed using Bayesian updating, and deforestation events are indicated. Future observations are used to update the conditional probability of deforestation and, thus, to confirm or reject an indicated deforestation event. A proof of concept was demonstrated using Landsat NDVI and ALOS PALSAR time series acquired at an evergreen forest plantation in Fiji. We emulated a near real-time scenario and assessed the deforestation detection accuracies using three-monthly reference data covering the entire study site. Spatial and temporal accuracies for the fused Landsat-PALSAR case (overall accuracy = 87.4%; mean time lag of detected deforestation = 1.3 months) were consistently higher than those of the Landsat- and PALSAR-only cases. The improvement maintained even for increasing missing data in the Landsat time series

    jreiche/bayts: bayts - New release for zenodo archiving [Data set]

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    Set of tools to apply the probabilistic approach of Reiche et al. (2015, under review) to combine multiple optical and/or Radar satellite time series and to detect deforestation in near real-time. The package includes functions to apply the approach to both, single pixel time series and raster time series. Examples and test data are provided below

    How textural features can improve SAR-based tropical forest disturbance mapping

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    Spatially and timely accurate information about tropical forest disturbances is crucial for tracking critical forest changes, supporting forest management, and enabling law enforcement activities. In recent years, forest disturbance monitoring and alerting using cloud-penetrating Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery has proven effective at national and pan-tropical scales. Related detection approaches mostly rely on detecting post-disturbance altered backscatter values in C or L-band SAR backscatter time series. Some disturbances are characterized by post-disturbance tree remnants or debris. For the time periods where these kinds of remnants remain present at the surface, the SAR backscatter values can be similar to those of stable forest. This can cause omission errors and delayed detection and it is considered a key shortcoming of current backscatter-based approaches. We hypothesized that despite fairly stable backscatter values, different orientation and arrangement of tree remnants leads to an altered heterogeneity of neighboring pixel values and that this can be quantified by textural features. We assessed six uncorrelated Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) textural features using dense Sentinel-1C-band SAR time series. Forest disturbances, based on each GLCM feature using a pixel-based probabilistic change detection algorithm, were compared against results from forest disturbances mapped based only on backscatter data. We studied the impact of speckle-filtering on GLCM features and GLCM kernel sizes. We developed a method to combine backscatter and GLCM features, and we evaluated its robustness for a variety of natural and human-induced forest disturbance types across the Amazon Biome. Out of the six tested GLCM features GLCM Sum Average (SAVG) performed best. GLCM features derived from non-speckle filtered and speckle-filtered backscatter data did not show a noticeable impact on accuracy. A combination of backscatter and GLCM SAVG resulted in a reduced omission error of up to 36% and an improved timeliness of detections by average of to 30 days, with individual detection showing even higher improvements on a pixel level. The method was found to be robust across a variety of forest disturbance types. The largest reduction of omission errors and greatest improvement of timeliness was evident for sites with large unfragmented disturbance patches (e.g., large-scale clearings, fires and mining). For increasing GLCM kernel sizes, we observed a trade-off between reduced omission errors combined with improved timeliness and increasing commission errors. A kernel size of 5 was found to provide the best trade-off for reducing omission errors and improving timeliness while not introducing commission errors. The results emphasize that combining SAR-based textural features and backscatter can overcome omission errors caused by post-disturbance tree remnants or debris. This can help to improve the consistency and timelines of short (C-band) and long wavelength (L-band) based operational SAR disturbance monitoring and alerting. Result maps can be visualized via: https://johannesballing.users.earthengine.app/view/forest-disturbance-texture