12 research outputs found

    Transport through open quantum dots: making semiclassics quantitative

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    We investigate electron transport through clean open quantum dots (quantum billiards). We present a semiclassical theory that allows to accurately reproduce quantum transport calculations. Quantitative agreement is reached for individual energy and magnetic field dependent elements of the scattering matrix. Two key ingredients are essential: (i) inclusion of pseudo-paths which have the topology of linked classical paths resulting from diffraction in addition to classical paths and (ii) a high-level approximation to diffractive scattering. Within this framework of the pseudo-path semiclassical approximation (PSCA), typical shortcomings of semiclassical theories such as violation of the anti-correlation between reflection and transmission and the overestimation of conductance fluctuations are overcome. Beyond its predictive capabilities the PSCA provides deeper insights into the quantum-to-classical crossover.Comment: 20 pages, 19 figure

    The Coronary Microcirculation in Hamster-to-Rat Cardiac Xenografts

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    BACKGROUND The aim of this study was to establish a new experimental model to directly analyse the coronary microcirculation in cardiac xenografts. METHODS Intravital fluorescence microscopy (IVM) of the subepicardial microcirculation in heterotopically transplanted hamster-to-rat cardiac xenografts was performed at 30 and 90 min of reperfusion. We quantitatively assessed the microcirculatory perfusion characteristics as well as the interactions of leukocytes and platelets with the endothelium of postcapillary coronary venules in non-sensitised as well as sensitised recipients. RESULTS In this first experimental IVM study of cardiac xenografts, we successfully visualised the subepicardial microcirculation, i.e. feeding arterioles, nutritive capillaries and draining postcapillary venules, during reperfusion. Leukocyte-endothelial and platelet-endothelial cell interactions could be quantified. In the non-sensitised group, the myocardial microcirculation remained stable during the observation period of 90 min, whereas in the sensitised group, xenografts were rejected immediately. CONCLUSIONS We established a model for the assessment of the microcirculatory dysfunction and inflammation during ischaemia/reperfusion injury in hamster-to-rat cardiac xenografts

    Experience with short-period, small gap undulators at the SwissFEL aramis beamline

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    The SwissFEL Aramis beamline provides hard X-ray FEL radiation down to 1 Angström with 5.8 GeV and short period, 15mm, in-vacuum undulators (U15). To reach the maximum designed K-value of 1.8 the U15s have to be operated with vacuum gaps down to 3.0 mm. The thirteen-undulator modules are 4m long and each of them is equipped with a pair of permanent magnet quadrupoles at the two ends, aligned magnetically to the undulator axis. Optical systems and dedicated photon diagnostics are used to check the alignment and improve the K-value calibration. In this talk the main steps of the undulator commissioning will be recalled and a systematic comparison between the magnetic results and the electron and photon based measurements will be reported to highlight achievements and open issues.peer-reviewe

    In-Orbit Performance of the GRACE Follow-on Laser Ranging Interferometer

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    The Laser Ranging Interferometer (LRI) instrument on the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Follow-On mission has provided the first laser interferometric range measurements between remote spacecraft, separated by approximately 220 km. Autonomous controls that lock the laser frequency to a cavity reference and establish the 5 degrees of freedom two-way laser link between remote spacecraft succeeded on the first attempt. Active beam pointing based on differential wave front sensing compensates spacecraft attitude fluctuations. The LRI has operated continuously without breaks in phase tracking for more than 50 days, and has shown biased range measurements similar to the primary ranging instrument based on microwaves, but with much less noise at a level of 1 nm/Hz at Fourier frequencies above 100 mHz. © 2019 authors. Published by the American Physical Society

    ViennaRNA Package 2.0

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Secondary structure forms an important intermediate level of description of nucleic acids that encapsulates the dominating part of the folding energy, is often well conserved in evolution, and is routinely used as a basis to explain experimental findings. Based on carefully measured thermodynamic parameters, exact dynamic programming algorithms can be used to compute ground states, base pairing probabilities, as well as thermodynamic properties.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The <monospace>ViennaRNA</monospace> Package has been a widely used compilation of RNA secondary structure related computer programs for nearly two decades. Major changes in the structure of the standard energy model, the <it>Turner 2004 </it>parameters, the pervasive use of multi-core CPUs, and an increasing number of algorithmic variants prompted a major technical overhaul of both the underlying <monospace>RNAlib</monospace> and the interactive user programs. New features include an expanded repertoire of tools to assess RNA-RNA interactions and restricted ensembles of structures, additional output information such as <it>centroid </it>structures and <it>maximum expected accuracy </it>structures derived from base pairing probabilities, or <it>z</it>-<it>scores </it>for locally stable secondary structures, and support for input in <monospace>fasta</monospace> format. Updates were implemented without compromising the computational efficiency of the core algorithms and ensuring compatibility with earlier versions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The <monospace>ViennaRNA Package 2.0</monospace>, supporting concurrent computations <monospace>via OpenMP</monospace>, can be downloaded from <url>http://www.tbi.univie.ac.at/RNA</url>.</p

    Stress-induced in vivo recruitment of human cytotoxic natural killer cells favors subsets with distinct receptor profiles and associates with increased epinephrine levels

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    Acute stress drives a 'high-alert' response in the immune system. Psychoactive drugs induce distinct stress hormone profiles, offering a sought-after opportunity to dissect the in vivo immunological effects of acute stress in humans. 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), methylphenidate (MPH), or both, were administered to healthy volunteers in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover-study. Lymphocyte subset frequencies, natural killer (NK) cell immune-phenotypes, and changes in effector function were assessed, and linked to stress hormone levels and expression of CD62L, CX3CR1, CD18, and stress hormone receptors on NK cells. MDMA/MPH > MDMA > MPH robustly induced an epinephrine-dominant stress response. Immunologically, rapid redistribution of peripheral blood lymphocyte-subsets towards phenotypically mature NK cells occurred. NK cytotoxicity was unaltered, but they expressed slightly reduced levels of the activating receptor NKG2D. Preferential circulation of mature NK cells was associated with high epinephrine receptor expression among this subset, as well as expression of integrin ligands previously linked to epinephrine-induced endothelial detachment. The acute epinephrine-induced stress response was characterized by rapid accumulation of mature and functional NK cells in the peripheral circulation. This is in line with studies using other acute stressors and supports the role of the acute stress response in rapidly mobilizing the innate immune system to counteract incoming threats

    The Grand Challenge None of Us Chose: Succeeding (and Failing) Against the Global Pandemic 1

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    The COVID-19 pandemic and its related economic meltdown and social unrest severely challenged most countries, their societies, economies, organizations, and individual citizens. Focusing on both more and less successful country-specific initiatives to fight the pandemic and its multitude of related consequences, this chapter explores implications for leadership and effective action at the individual, organizational, and societal levels. As international management scholars and consultants, the authors document actions taken and their wide-ranging consequences in a diverse set of countries, including countries that have been more or less successful in fighting the pandemic, are geographically larger and smaller, are located in each region of the world, are economically advanced and economically developing, and that chose unique strategies versus strategies more similar to those of their neighbors. Cultural influences on leadership, strategy, and outcomes are described for 19 countries. Informed by a cross-cultural lens, the authors explore such urgent questions as: What is most important for leaders, scholars, and organizations to learn from critical, life-threatening, society-encompassing crises and grand challenges? How do leaders build and maintain trust? What types of communication are most effective at various stages of a crisis? How can we accelerate learning processes globally? How does cultural resilience emerge within rapidly changing environments of fear, shifting cultural norms, and profound challenges to core identity and meaning? This chapter invites readers and authors alike to learn from each other and to begin to discover novel and more successful approaches to tackling grand challenges. It is not definitive; we are all still learning