59 research outputs found

    Low reheating temperatures in monomial and binomial inflationary potentials

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    We investigate the allowed range of reheating temperature values in light of the Planck 2015 results and the recent joint analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data from the BICEP2/Keck Array and Planck experiments, using monomial and binomial inflationary potentials. While the well studied ϕ2\phi^2 inflationary potential is no longer favored by current CMB data, as well as ϕp\phi^p with p>2p>2, a ϕ1\phi^1 potential and canonical reheating (wre=0w_{re}=0) provide a good fit to the CMB measurements. In this last case, we find that the Planck 2015 68%68\% confidence limit upper bound on the spectral index, nsn_s, implies an upper bound on the reheating temperature of Tre≲6×1010 GeVT_{re}\lesssim 6\times 10^{10}\,{\rm GeV}, and excludes instantaneous reheating. The low reheating temperatures allowed by this model open the possiblity that dark matter could be produced during the reheating period instead of when the Universe is radiation dominated, which could lead to very different predictions for the relic density and momentum distribution of WIMPs, sterile neutrinos, and axions. We also study binomial inflationary potentials and show the effects of a small departure from a ϕ1\phi^1 potential. We find that as a subdominant ϕ2\phi^2 term in the potential increases, first instantaneous reheating becomes allowed, and then the lowest possible reheating temperature of Tre=4 MeVT_{re}=4\,{\rm MeV} is excluded by the Planck 2015 68%68\% confidence limit.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, v2: some references added and typos correcte

    X-37 Storable Propulsion System Design and Operations

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    In a response to NASA's X-37 TA-10 Cycle-1 contract, Boeing assessed nitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) and monomethyl hydrazine (MMH) Storable Propellant Propulsion Systems to select a low risk X-37 propulsion development approach. Space Shuttle lessons learned, planetary spacecraft, and Boeing Satellite HS-601 systems were reviewed to arrive at a low risk and reliable storable propulsion system. This paper describes the requirements, trade studies, design solutions, flight and ground operational issues which drove X-37 toward the selection of a storable propulsion system. The design of storable propulsion systems offers the leveraging of hardware experience that can accelerate progress toward critical design. It also involves the experience gained from launching systems using MMH and N2O4 propellants. Leveraging of previously flight-qualified hardware may offer economic benefits and may reduce risk in cost and schedule. This paper summarizes recommendations based on experience gained from Space Shuttle and similar propulsion systems utilizing MMH and N2O4 propellants. System design insights gained from flying storable propulsion are presented and addressed in the context of the design approach of the X-37 propulsion system

    Hinweise auf eine saalezeitliche Warmzeit am Niederrhein

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    Eine Kernbohrung im Bereich der nördlichen Niederrheinischen Bucht, etwa 1,5 km östlich der Ortschaft Weeze, erbrachte eine Schichtenfolge, die mit den Rinnenschottern der Elster-Kaltzeit beginnt und über die eemzeitlichen Torfe von Weeze bis hin zu den Kiesen und Sanden der Älteren Niederterrasse reicht. Zwischen holsteinzeitlichen Ablagerungen und eemzeitlichen Torfen wurden mehrere humose Lagen erbohrt. Der größte Teil von ihnen dürfte umgelagert sein. Eine Ausnahme bildet ein aus schluffigen Feinsanden bestehender Abschnitt, die Vorselaer-Schichten, die etwa 0,5 m unter den eemzeitlichen Torfen erbohrt wurden. Bei diesen Schichten handelt es sich um Ablagerungen, die die Pollenflora einer warmzeitlichen Vegetation mit EMW (überwiegend Quercus), Taxus, Corylus und viel Alnus sowie Hedera und Ilex enthalten und nach ihrer Position innerhalb der Schichtenfolge ans Ende der Saale-Kaltzeit zu stellen sein dürften.researc

    Evaluation of McGeer Criteria for UTI Determination in a Nursing Home

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    Problem: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most complex and challenging medical diagnoses to make in the long-term care (LTC) population. The unnecessary treatment of a UTI can increase cost of care and the likelihood of multi-drug resistant organisms. Methods: The McGeer criteria which focuses on UTI in the LTC population was utilized to complete a quality improvement initiative. A descriptive cohort project utilizing retrospective and prospective data was completed to determine if an implemented McGeer criteria protocol improved the avoidable treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB). Results: Before implementation of the protocol, 62.5% of residents were unnecessarily treated for UTI in the presence of asymptomatic bacteriuria. Upon institution of the McGeer criteria protocol, the number of residents inappropriately treated with antibiotics dropped to 6.25%. The results determined that use of a specific protocol increased accuracy of UTI diagnosis. Implications: Antibiotics were prescribed 100% of the time before and after implementation of the McGeer criteria. This indicates that while behaviors changed for nurses in relation to charting, healthcare providers did not change prescribing practices to align with the criteria. These providers need targeted education about the McGeer criteria and appropriate prescribing practices related to treatment of UTI

    400 frames

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    Includes photos by Becca Skinner."After 70 years, the School of Journalism's Missouri Photo Workshop still hews to its founder's dream of making pictures that tell the truth."--Page 43Story by Tony Rehagen (BJ '01)

    Baja California

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    Lifetime tiger

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    "A winner of a 2019 Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence, Botswana Blackburn never forgets what it's like to be a student."--Page 32Story by Tony Rehagen (BA, BJ '01) ; photo by Rob Hill
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