83 research outputs found

    Metas académicas, deberes escolares y aprendizaje en estudiantes de secundaria

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Desenvolvemento Psicolóxico, Aprendizaxe e Saúde. 5034V01[Resumen] Metas académicas, deberes escolares y aprendizaje en estudiantes de secundaria. El objetivo general de esta Tesis Doctoral ha sido profundizar en la realización de los deberes escolares atendiendo al concepto multidimensional de compromiso (engagement): compromiso motivacional, cognitivo y conductual. Se trata de aspectos claves que condicionan la calidad del proceso de realización de los deberes, del aprendizaje y del rendimiento académico. Para el abordaje de este objetivo se han diseñado y llevado a cabo varias investigaciones empíricas, que han dado lugar a seis publicaciones en revistas incluidas en el Journal of Citation Reports. El desarrollo de los estudios que componen esta Tesis Doctoral nos ha permitido extraer las siguientes conclusiones: a) entre los diferentes grupos poblacionales inmigrantes y nativos existen diferencias en los deberes y sus resultados; b) la implicación parental decrece a medida que los alumnos asisten a cursos superiores; c) deterioro progresivo en dos pilares importantes para el aprendizaje: la motivación y la implicación; y d) los deberes son vistos como una actividad rutinaria y sus actitudes hacia ellos suelen ser más negativas según los estudiantes van avanzando de curso, llegando a percibirlos más como una imposición de sus profesores que hay que realizar para obtener una buena nota que como una actividad motivadora, útil y favorecedora de aprendizajes profundos y significativos.[Resumo] Metas académicas, deberes escolares e aprendizaxe en estudantes de secundaria. O obxectivo xeral desta Tese Doutoral foi profundar na realización dos deberes escolares atendendo ao concepto multidimensional de compromiso (engagement): compromiso motivacional, cognitivo e condutual. Trátase de aspectos claves que condicionan a calidade do proceso de realización dos deberes, da aprendizaxe e do rendemento académico. Para a abordaxe deste obxectivo deseñáronse e leváronse a cabo varias investigacións empíricas, que deron lugar a seis publicacións en revistas incluídas no Journal of Citation Reports. O desenvolvemento dos estudos que compoñen esta Tese Doutoral permitíronnos extraer as seguintes conclusións: a) entre os diferentes grupos poboacionais existen diferenzas nos deberes e nos seus resultados; b) a implicación parental decrece a medida que os alumnos asisten a cursos superiores; c) deterioro progresivo en dous pilares importantes para a aprendizaxe: a motivación e a implicación; e d) os deberes son vistos como unha actividade rutineira e as súas actitudes cara a eles adoitan ser máis negativas segundo os estudantes van avanzando de curso, chegando a percibilos máis como unha imposición dos seus profesores que hai que realizar para obter unha boa nota que como unha actividade motivadora, útil e favorecedora de aprendizaxes profundas e significativas.[Abstract] Academic goals, homework, and learning in high school students. The aim of this Doctoral Thesis has been to go deeper into homework performance, attending the multidimensional concept of engagement: motivational engagement, cognitive and behavioral. It is about the key aspects that determine the quality of homework performance process, the learning, and the academic achievement. To address the objective of this Doctoral Thesis several empirical studies have been designed and carried out, which have led to six publications on journals included on the Journal of Citation Reports. The development of studies that compose this Doctoral Thesis has allowed us to draw the following conclusions: a) between the different population groups there are differences in homework and its results; b) parental involvement decreases as students attend higher levels; c) there is a progressive deterioration in two important pillars for learning: motivation and involvement; and d) homework is seen as a routine activity and attitudes toward it tends to be more negative as they progress through school, perceiving it more as a teachers’ imposition that must be done to obtain good grades than as a motivating activity, useful and flattering of deep and profound learning

    Gender Differences in Mathematics Motivation: Differential Effects on Performance in Primary Education

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    [Abstract] In addition to attempting to verify gender differences, this study aims to examine the explanatory potential of boys’ and girls’ attitudes toward mathematics on their performance. The sample comprised 897 students in the 5th and 6th years of primary education (450 boys and 447 girls). The results confirm what previous research has suggested, that girls tended to exhibit less positive attitudes about mathematics than their male classmates, in particular lower motivation, worse perception of competence, and higher rates of anxiety, although in all cases the effect sizes were small. Even though there no significant gender differences in academic performance, as expected, the explanatory power of attitudes toward mathematics was clearly more significant in boys than in girls (R2 = 0.194 and R2 = 0.103, respectively). The results of the regression analysis for each sample reinforce the well-known positive impact of perceived self-efficacy on mathematics performance and introduce the effect of achievement emotions of academic performance. Test anxiety in mathematics seems to only have a negative effect on boys’ grades, as this variable does not appear in the regression equation when explaining girls’ performance. In the light of control-value theory, we discuss the contingency of perceived competence and its involvement in anxiety and academic performance. Boys’ results could be affected by the levels of anxiety inasmuch as they tend to be confident in their abilities, motivated to stand out, and interested in mathematics. Whereas despite girls reporting high rates of anxiety, what may have a negative impact on their results might have more to do with a higher value placed on mathematics, as their perception of control may be low.This work was carried out with financing from the research projects EDU2013-44062-P (MINECO) and EDU2017-82984-P (MEIC

    Homework motivation and engagement throughout compulsory education

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    The present investigation examines changes in students' homework engagement and motivation as they advance to higher grade levels in Spanish compulsory education. The study takes into account the possible effect of prior academic achievement on students' homework engagement and motivation. Participants included 1257 students (ranging in age from 9 to 16 years) from four regions in northern Spain. Results show that: (a) There are statistically significant differences in students' homework engagement and motivation as they advance to higher grade levels; and (b) Students' prior academic achievement is related to their homework engagement and motivation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perceived Stress and Indicators of Burnout in Teachers at Portuguese Higher Education Institutions (HEI)

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    The aim of this study was to examine the phenomena of burnout and perceived stress in teachers at Higher Education Institutions, as this professional class is one of the most affected by high levels of stress. A sample of 520 university teachers was used, of which 339 (65.2%) were women. The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) was used to measure burnout, and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) was used to measure perceived stress. A sociodemographic data questionnaire produced by the authors was also applied, which consisted of questions about age, sex, experience in the teaching profession and the participants’ teaching areas. The results indicated that university teachers over 60 years old exhibited lower levels of perceived stress, as did teachers with more teaching experience (30 years or more), and those with less experience (less than 10 years). Women exhibited higher levels of perceived stress than men. Women also scored higher levels of Emotional Exhaustion in the burnout dimensions, whereas teachers will less experience (under 10 years) and teachers with more experience (more than 30 years) had the lowest scores in this dimension. Through an examination of the relation between perceived stress and the burnout dimensions, we concluded that perceived stress was directly proportional to emotional exhaustion and depersonalization; and was inversely proportional to personal accomplishment. A total of 31.3% of the variance in burnout was explained by perceived stressS

    The Relationship between Self-Esteem and Achievement Goals in University Students: The Mediating and Moderating Role of Defensive Pessimism

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    Although achievement goals have been the subject of much study about their implications for learning and performance, interest has been less marked in understanding their precursors, particularly those linked to students’ personal characteristics. In this study, we examine the role of a defensive pessimism strategy as a mediator and moderator of the relationships between self-esteem and achievement goals in a sample of 1028 university students. Analysis of mediation and moderation was performed using the PROCESS macro within SPSS. The results showed that defensive pessimism partially mediates and moderates the effect of self-esteem on approach goals (learning and performance). We found no significant mediation or moderation effect for defensive pessimism in the relationship between self-esteem and performance-avoidance goals. These findings suggest that defensive pessimism is an effective strategy to encourage motivational involvement in students with low self-esteem in the academic contextThis work was partially funded by the European Regional Development Funds (European Union and Principality of Asturias) through the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (FC-GRUPIN-IDI/2018/000199)S

    Propuesta didáctica de Educación Ambiental en Educación Infantil

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    La sociedad de consumo en la que vivimos está dañando el medio ambiente. Por ello, es necesaria una actuación inmediata, y que mejor forma que comenzar desde la escuela. Uno de los mayores problemas ambientales es la generación de residuos, así, se ha llevado a cabo una experiencia de aula con niños/as de Educación Infantil para trabajar los residuos y su problemática. Los resultados indican que existen diferencias entre los conocimientos que tenían los niños/as en un principio y los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de las sesiones, mostrando ahora una actitud más respetuosa con el medio ambiente

    Tiempo y gestión del tiempo dedicado a los deberes en Educación Primaria: un enfoque centrado en la persona

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    Based on a person-centered approach, the aim ofthis study is to identify different profi les of students based on the time they spend on homework and the use they make of that time; as well as analyzing the differences between them in the amount of homework done and academic achievement. Method: With a sample of 968 students of Primary Education analysis of latent profi les (LPA) and ANOVA were carried out. Once the student profi les were identifi ed, a MANOVA was conducted to analyze the differences between the motivational profi les in the amount of homework assignments done and in academic achievement. Results: We differentiated four profi les of students that differentially combine the time they dedicate to their homework and the use they make of that time. Conclusions: Of the profi les identifi ed, two can be considered more effective (those that manage time better), and two can be classifi ed as less effective (those that manage time worse). The two profi les that best manage the time spent on homework are also those that do the most homework, and have higher academic achievement. Likewise, the two profi les of students who manage time worst are those who do the least homework, and who have lower academic achievementAntecedentes: partiendo de un enfoque centrado en la persona, el propósito de este trabajo es identifi car diferentes perfi les de estudiantes en función del tiempo que dedican a los deberes escolares y de la gestión que hacen de ese tiempo; así como también analizar las diferencias entre ellos en la cantidad de deberes realizados y en el rendimiento académico. Método: con una muestra de 968 estudiantes de Educación Primaria, se llevaron a cabo análisis de perfi les latentes (LPA) y ANOVA. Una vez identifi cados los perfi les de estudiantes se realizó un MANOVA para analizar las diferencias entre los perfi les motivacionales en la cantidad de deberes realizados y en el rendimiento. Resultados: se han podido diferenciar cuatro perfi les de estudiantes que combinan de manera distinta el tiempo que dedican a los deberes y la gestión que hacen de ese tiempo. Conclusiones: de los perfi les identifi cados, dos pueden considerarse más efi caces (los que gestionan mejor el tiempo) y otros dos pueden catalogarse como menos efi caces (los que gestionan peor el tiempo). Los dos perfi les que gestionan mejor el tiempo son también los que realizan más cantidad de deberes y tienen un rendimiento académico más alto; y los dos que gestionan peor el tiempo son los que realizan menos cantidad de deberes y tienen un rendimiento académico más bajoThis work was carried out thanks to the funding of the research projects EDU2013-44062-P (MINECO) and EDU2017-82984-P (MEIC)S

    Perceived competence and intrinsic motivation in mathematics: exploring latent profiles

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    This study aims to use a person-centred approach to identify possible student motivational profiles in mathematics. These profiles are made up of various combinations of two motivational variables: perceived competence and intrinsic motivation. Once the profiles are identified, we examine the differences between them in negative emotions and mathematics performance. Our sample comprised 863 students (50.2% boys, 49.8% girls) aged between 9 and 13 years old. The results indicated three motivational profiles. One group of students with moderately high perceived competence and intrinsic motivation who demonstrated the best performance and the lowest levels of negative feelings about themselves. A second group was defined by moderately low levels of perceived competence and intrinsic motivation. The third group was characterized by very low perceived competence and low intrinsic motivation and demonstrated the worst performance in mathematics and the highest levels of anxiety and negative emotions towards mathematicsThis study was performed thanks to financing from research projects EDU2013-44062-P (MINECO) and EDU2017-82984-P (MEIC), and financing received by one of the authors from the FPI program (Ref: PRE2018/084938), granted by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Spain)S