479 research outputs found


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    Resumo O presente trabalho propõe uma reflexão sobre as condições de vida e de trabalho dos catadores de Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ, em especial, daquelas que se dedicaram ao trabalho no lixão da cidade. A análise tem como referência as transformações econômicas que ocorreram no Brasil a partir da década de 1990 e os seus rebatimentos no interior da classe trabalhadora, especialmente no que se refere ao aumento dos trabalhadores informais e precarizados. Também percebendo o catador dentro de uma cadeia produtiva riquíssima, onde este trabalhador é o principal e mais fragilizado ator do processo

    Valorisation strategies and sustainable business opportunities for the sheep production in North Portugal

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    The paper discusses the importance of sheep farming in low-density Mediterranean rural areas, specifically in the northeast of Portugal, where the traditional extensive sheep production system is prevalent. The authors provide examples of valorisation strategies around sheep pyric herbivory practice, which may increase the benefits of sheep farming systems in Portugal. The study employed qualitative research methodology, mainly based on interviews and focus groups involving stakeholders in the sector. The findings target the commercial viability of local breeds' products by creating new food/wool products and developing tourism around the autochthonous breeds and their use, which may promote natural and cultural heritage, foster entrepreneurship and job creation, and reduce the risk of depopulation. The economic feasibility analysis shows that all the strategies under study are economically viable.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identidade narrativa e plasticidade cerebral: algumas propostas pedagógicas

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    Os novos recursos da sociedade da informação, juntamente com os novos conhecimentos sobre o desenvolvimento humano e sobre o funcionamento do cérebro, oferecem uma nova perspectiva sobre os processos de construção da identidade e abrem novas possibilidades ao sujeito no seu processo de autoformação e autodeterminação. A construção narrativa da identidade e a plasticidade neuronal remetem para uma antropologia da complexidade que deve ter em consideração tanto as condições de risco, de incerteza e de racionalidade incompleta através das quais se vai configurando a identidade do sujeito, como as novas possibilidades de realização pessoal que estas representam. Por isso, apresentamos algumas propostas pedagógicas que poderão coadjuvar a realização das promessas da plasticidade e da narratividade.Les nouvelles ressources de la société de l’information et les nouvelles connaissances sur le développement humaine et le fonctionnement du cerveau offrent une nouvelle perspective sur les processus d’autoformation et d’autodétermination du sujet. La construction narrative de l’identité et la plasticité neuronale demandent une anthropologie de la complexité qui doit considérer les conditions de risque, d’incertitude et de rationalité incomplète dans lesquelles l’identité du sujet se configure, aussi que des nouvelles possibilités de réalisation personnelle qu’elles représentent. En suivant ces nouvelles perspectives on présentent quelques proposes pédagogiques qui peut coadjuver la réalisation des promesses de la plasticité et de la narrativité.The information society resources, together with the new knowledge about human development and brain functioning, offer a new overview on identity formation processes. Moreover, they open new possibilities concerning the subject’s autoformation and autodetermination. Narrative identity and neuronal plasticity appeal to anthropology of complexity, which must take into account the risks, uncertainty and incomplete rationality conditions trough which identity is configured, as well as the new possibilities of personal fulfilment they represent. Following this new perspective, we present some pedagogical proposals that we think may contribute to the accomplishment of narrative and plasticity promises

    Twisted conjugacy in soluble arithmetic groups

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    We investigate the ongoing problem of classifying which S-arithmetic groups have the so-called property RR_\infty. While non-amenable S-arithmetic groups tend to have RR_\infty, the soluble case seems more delicate. Here we address Borel subgroups in type A and show how the problem reduces to determining whether a metabelian subgroup of GL2\mathrm{GL}_2 has RR_\infty. For higher solubility class we show how automorphisms of the base ring give RR_\infty. Our results yield many families of soluble S-arithmetic groups with RR_\infty but we also exhibit metabelian families not manifesting it. We formulate a conjecture concerning RR_\infty for the groups in question, addressing their geometric properties and algebraic structure.Comment: 47 page


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    The effect of the low intensity centrifugation (300xg), as well as the breed variation were evaluated. To this, semen of 12 dogs of the Beagle (n = 3), Schnauzer (n = 3), Doberman (n = 3) and Boxer (n = 3) breeds, 3 ejaculates collected per individual, totaling 36 ejaculates were used. The direct microscopic evaluation of the motility parameters and the hypoosmotic and supravital staining tests were used. The individual means of sperm vigor and motility varied from 3.5 to 5.0 and from 63 to 90% respectively, while the breed means ranged from 4.4 to 4.9 and from 80 to 90%, respectively. No significant difference was observed in any of the parameters evaluated in fresh or centrifuged semen of dogs among the different breeds studied. Centrifugation of semen resulted in a reduction of about 13% in sperm vigor and 14% in motility and sperm index. The analysis of the parameters of viability and sperm membrane integrity shows a 38% and 14% reduction in the percentage of reactive cells to the hypoosmotic test and supravital staining respectively. These results allow us to conclude that the centrifugation protocol, even at low intensity, significantly reduces sperm motility, the membrane integrity and sperm viability, this effect being more clearly perceived through the hypoosmotic test. RESUMENEl efecto de la centrifugación a baja intensidad (300xg), así como la variación racial fueron evaluados. Para esto, semen de 12 perros de las razas Beagle (n=3), Schnauzer (n =3), Doberman (n = 3) y Boxer (n = 3), 3 eyaculados colectados por individuo, totalizando 36 eyaculados fueron usados. La medición por microscopia directa de los parámetros de motilidad, así como el test hipoosmótico y la tinción supravital fueron usadas. La media individual del vigor espermático y la motilidad variaron desde 3,5 a 5,0 y desde 63 a 90% respectivamente, mientras que las medias de las razas variaron desde 4,4 a 4,9 y desde 80 a 90%, respectivamente. No se observaron diferencias significativas en los parámetros evaluados el semen fresco y centrifugado entre las razas estudiadas. El análisis de los parámetros de vitalidad y la integridad de la membrana espermática muestra una reducción de 38% y 14% en el porcentaje de células reactivas al test hipoosmótico y a la tinción supravital respectivamente. Estos resultados llevan a la conclusión de que el protocolo de centrifugación, aun a baja intensidad, significativamente reduce la motilidad espermática y la integridad de la membrana y vitalidad espermática, siendo este efecto percibido más claramente a través del test hipoosmótico

    Higher education, stakeholders and collaborative work for entrepreneurial learning

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    Institutions of Higher Education can provide, in their internal environment, entrepreneurial learning opportunities for students stimulating new attitudes and behaviours towards entrepreneurship. The Portuguese universities have diversified their strategies to promote formal, informal and non formal entrepreneurial learning that can be encouraged in various strategies. The participation of key actors and stakeholders involved in awareness,mentoring and project implementation of the entrepreneurial learning process is crucial for collaborating work in a competitive world. Moreover, obtaining employment is increasingly dependent on not only the potentials of individuals, but also, and even more, the ability to build solid networks of partnerships in science and innovation and employment. Within the scope of the ongoing project "Entrepreneurial Learning, Cooperation and the Labour Market: Good Practice in Higher Education" this paper aims to highlight the importance of non formal and informal learning and to contribute to the reflection regarding added value of inter organizational cooperation and collaborative work

    Loucos uns pelos outros: o desafio do processo de empoderamento no CAPS

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    Esta monografia teve por objetivo refletir criticamente acerca da experiência de estágio profissional da autora, graduanda em psicologia, em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) no Distrito Federal. A intervenção proposta pela estagiária, alinhada aos preceitos da reforma psiquiátrica e da desinstitucionalização, consistiu na realização de um curso de jardinagem e paisagismo para os usuários do CAPS, com duração de três meses, duas vezes por semana, duas horas por dia, perfazendo um total de vinte e quatro encontros, com possibilidade de certificação. Realizou-se busca ativa de um profissional de jardinagem no território para ministrar o curso. Utilizou-se de estratégia de investigação que consistiu em criar um campo de participação observante da autora com uso de diários de campo reflexivos que serviram de base à posterior análise. A proposta pareceu eficaz, uma vez que permitiu aos usuários participar na comunidade como profissionais certificados, o que favoreceu o processo de empoderamento destes.The purpose of this paper is to critically reflec t on the author’s professional internship experience, as an undergraduate student in Psychology, at a Center for Psychosocial Care (CAPS) in the Federal District, Brazil. The intervention proposed by the trainee, in line with the principles of the psychiatric reform and deinstitutionalization, consisted of a three - month gardening and landscaping course for CAPS users, being held twice a week, two hours a day, wit h a total of twenty -four meetings, which includ ed the possibility of certification. An active search was conducted in the territory in order to find a professional gardener to teach the course. A research strategy was designed to create a participant observation field for the author with the use of reflective field journals which served as a database for subsequent analysis. The proposal seemed effective since it allowed users to participate in the community as certified professionals, which avored the ir process of empowerment

    Therapeutic use of VR serious games in the treatment of negative schizophrenia symptoms : a systematic review

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    Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder that affects 1 in every 300 people worldwide. This study intended to perform a systematic review to describe the state-of-the-art of interventions involving patients with negative symptoms of schizophrenia that use Virtual Reality (VR) games as a complement to therapy, and to analyze the key features of such games. Literature research was conducted in three databases, namely, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Scopus, and PubMed, to identify relevant publications dated from 2010 to 2021. Of the initial 74 publications found, only 11 satisfied the eligibility requirements and were included in this study. The results were then organized and displayed in a flow diagram. Overall, the results from the studies suggest that the use of VR in therapies enables an increase in social skills and a decrease in anxiety symptoms. The use of such technology in therapy has proven to be effective, although it still lacks features to provide better long-term results.2411-78B2-7CDB | Pedro Miguel MoreiraN/

    Brand equity: a influência do valor damarca Areal Editores na escolha do Consumidor

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    Nas últimas décadas, um dos construtos que têm atraído a atenção particular entre os estudiosos que lidam com gestão de marcas é o brand equity. Este é um tema fundamental para o Marketing e um ativo valioso para as empresas (Aaker, 1991). O brand equity é composto por uma combinação de associações positivas referentes à marca e à própria empresa e refletem-se em benefícios intangíveis como a assentimento, satisfação e privilégios, por conseguinte, estes resultados transformam-se em resultados tangíveis, onde é possível verificar o retorno sobre os investimentos e os esforços do marketing. Assim, este trabalho procura analisar os fatores explicativos do brand equity, aplicados a um caso de estudo do mercado editorial de manuais escolares, nomeadamente da empresa Areal Editores. Assim, a pesquisa que se pretende executar, de natureza exploratória, permitirá identificar quais os fatores determinantes do brand equity da marca Areal que influenciam a escolha dos consumidores. Para avaliar a importância das dimensões do modelo proposto por Yoo et al. (2000), optou-se por uma metodologia quantitativa, para isso desenvolveu-se um questionário online. Os resultados conseguidos revelam que o brand equity da marca Areal Editores está suportado pela Lealdade à marca que assume valores significativos na formação de valor da marca. Um brand equity elevado acarreta um comportamento favorável na intenção de compra. Neste contexto, a gestão da marca tem, mais do que nunca, uma grande relevância para as empresas em geral e em particular para o mercado editorial