394 research outputs found

    Terminologia e tradução de textos especializados : da equivalência conceptual às convenções fraseológicas

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    Livro de homenagem à professora Maria Emília Ricardo Marque

    Coupling electrokinetics and iron nanoparticles for the remediation of contaminated soils

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    Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - PTDC/AGR-­AAM/101643/2008 NanoDC ; SFRH/BD/76070/2011 ; FP7-­PEOPLE-­IRSES-­2010-­269289-­ ELECTROACROS

    Uma escola indisciplinada ou um estigma que procura se impor?

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    I Colóquio DCE-UMa, "A Escola sob Suspeita". Funchal, 6 e 7 de Dezembro de 2005 (Comunicação).O presente trabalho é acerca de percepções de professores e de estudantes sobre comportamentos de indisciplina dos alunos. Este tema – a indisciplina – tem levantado muitas suspeitas acerca da escola e do seu papel social. Com efeito, parece generalizar-se a ideia de que toda a escola é indisciplinada, que a escola funciona, cada vez mais, como um local de aprendizagens de comportamentos de ruptura ao invés de funcionar como um local potenciador de novas e interessantes composições para o projecto de vida do aluno. Esta concepção encerra pelo menos dois tipos de perigo (1) a de corresponder a uma profecia auto-realizada, e (2) a de representar uma verdadeira injustiça para professores e alunos, porquanto um caso não faz regra. Dados recolhidos nos Açores parecem contrariar esta ideia da escola indisciplinada e, assim, contribuir para uma tentativa de superação de um estigma que insiste em instalar-se. Face a esses resultados será, então, legítimo continuar a alimentar discursos negativos e de desconfiança perante a Escola na dimensão do comportamento disciplinar? Qual a utilidade social do estigma de uma escola indisciplinada? Que vantagens se entrevêem na adopção de concepções positivas?N/

    Is there a school discipline crisis? : What teachers and students think about?

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    O presente artigo diz respeito às concepções de alunos e professores relativamente à disciplina na escola e visa contribuir para a compreensão deste fenómeno nas escolas portuguesas, particularmente nas escolas da Região Autónoma dos Açores. Hoje em dia, há uma tendência para acreditar que toda a escola é indisciplinada, que a escola é, cada vez mais, um lugar onde os alunos aprendem comportamentos disruptivos, em vez de ser um lugar que gera novas e interessantes contribuições para o projeto de vida dos alunos. Esta concepção compreende, pelo menos, dois tipos de perigos: pode corresponder (1) a uma profecia auto-cumprida e (2) representar uma injustiça para com professores e alunos, sobretudo se são relatados casos singulares que, naturalmente, não são a regra. Os dados recolhidos nos Açores, de acordo com os resultados de outras pesquisas, indicam que a indisciplina parece ser um fenómeno circunscrito. Assim, a noção de desordem generalizada nas escolas parece ser abusiva.ABSTRACT: The present article, concerning teacher and student conceptions of school discipline, aims at contributing to the understanding of this phenomenon in the Portuguese schools, particularly in those of the archipelago of the Azores2. Nowadays there is a tendency to believe that the whole school is undisciplined, that the school is, more and more, a place where students learn disruptive behaviors, instead of being a place which generates new and interesting contributions for students’ life project. This conception comprises, at least, two types of dangers: it can (1) correspond to a self-fulfilled prophecy and (2) represent an injustice to teachers and students, if it is reported to singular cases that are naturally not the rule. Data gathered in the Azores, in line with findings from other research, indicates that indiscipline appears to be a circumscribed phenomenon. Thus, the notion of generalized disorder in schools appears to be abusive

    Práticas de microfinanciamento em regiões de baixa densidade: o caso do programa FAME

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    The development and sustainability of productive activities in regions with low demographic and economic density are among the main challenges faced by these territories. To effectively overcome the so-called “vicious cycle of poverty”, that is, to endogenously promote business initiatives and, consequently, the creation of jobs and wealth, specific financing mechanisms adequate to the investors’ needs are fundamental. This case study aims at reporting the experience of program FAME (Support Fund to Small and Micro Companies), a financing instrument aiming at small business initiatives with a local scope, initiated in the PortugueseAlentejo region and promoted by the Alentejo’s Regional Development Agency (ADRAL). Program FAME began in 2001 and has always been operated in partnerships with local institutions, involving local councils, venture capital and other financial institutions, and ADRAL itself. It aims at supporting investments to develop and consolidate existing businesses. The relevance of this pioneering initiative has been acknowledged a few years later by a central government body, the Institute for Support to Small and Medium Size Enterprises and Investment (IAPMEI) that, accordingly, has developed Axis III of its Program FINICIA (Financial Solutions to Small Businesses) with an identical structure, allowing this investment support instrument to be currently available all over the country

    Da psicologia social com as ciências da natureza: contributos para a Governança ambiental e o Empowerment Comunitário

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    Jornadas de "Ciência nos Açores". Governo Regional do Açores, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, Açores, 7-8 de Junho de 2013

    Places of fear and attachment. How Azoreans perceive seismic and volcanic risk.

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    Copyright © 2012 Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice by GJCPP Editorial Board is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have been regular phenomena in the Azores. In spite of the knowledge already gathered by local historians and earth sciences researchers, there are no scientific data on the socio- cultural dimensions of volcanic and seismic risks. A research project on risk perception of natural hazards (TOPOI METUS) is now being carried out in order to study the social cosmographies of seismic and volcanic hazard. Based on data produced along fourteen in-depth extensive interviews conducted in five of the nine islands of the archipelago, this presentation focuses on preliminary findings of perceptions regarding seismic and volcanic risk profiles, patrimonial and economic vulnerability to those risks, and risk management (i.e. information and actions taken before a crisis, and during the response and recovery phases of a disaster situation). Exploratory results show that people living in the most vulnerable areas insist in staying there, even when they are aware of the dangerousness involved in it. To uncover the apparently irrational reasons beneath these options will allow understanding some of the barriers encountered by risk managers engaged in the minimization of destructive impacts of those natural hazards. Knowing that people both 'put themselves in the Hands of God' and highly identify with the patrimonial history of their living place may help to develop knowledge to more fully inform civil protection/defence policies. Results may also allow reconceptualising the variable "identification with the local" in the scope of risk perception

    Especificidades de um discurso

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    Livro de homenagem à professora Maria Emília Ricardo Marque