2,769 research outputs found

    Construction of a non-standard quantum field theory through a generalized Heisenberg algebra

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    We construct a Heisenberg-like algebra for the one dimensional quantum free Klein-Gordon equation defined on the interval of the real line of length LL. Using the realization of the ladder operators of this type Heisenberg algebra in terms of physical operators we build a 3+1 dimensional free quantum field theory based on this algebra. We introduce fields written in terms of the ladder operators of this type Heisenberg algebra and a free quantum Hamiltonian in terms of these fields. The mass spectrum of the physical excitations of this quantum field theory are given by n2Ď€2/L2+mq2\sqrt{n^2 \pi^2/L^2+m_q^2}, where n=1,2,...n= 1,2,... denotes the level of the particle with mass mqm_q in an infinite square-well potential of width LL.Comment: Latex, 16 page

    Searching for emission-line galaxies: The UCM survey

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    We are carrying out a long-term project with the main purposes of finding and analyzing low metallicity galaxies. A very small number of very low metallicity galaxies is known up to now. However these ojbects are particularly interesting since they are excellent candidates to 'young galaxies' in evolutionary sense as POX186 (Kunth, Maurogordato & Vigroux, 1988). Since the interstellar matter in these objects is only weakly contaminated by stellar evolution, their study could provide valuable information about the primordial helium abundance and therefore it could place constraints on the different Big-Bang models. The instrumental set up of our survey is an objective-prism used with the Schmidt telescope at Calar Alto Observatory. By using hypersensitized IIIaF emulsion and RG630 filter low resolution spectra in the H alpha region of objects in a wide field is obtained (Rego et al. 1989, Zamorano et al. 1990). Surveys carried out in the past two decades at optical blue wavelengths have also produced large samples of emission-line galaxies (ELGs), for example MacAlpine & Willians 1981 and reference therein, Wasilewski 1983, Salzer and MacAlpine 1988, or Smith et al. 1976. Relying primarily on objective-prism plates taken in the blue, these surveys have found over 3000 blue/emission-line galaxies so far. A significant number of star-forming galaxies are missed by optical surveys in the blue because of their low-excitation spectra (MacAlpine and Willians 1981, Markarian et al. 1981 and references therein) or their low metallicity (Kunth and Sargent, 1986)

    Pengaruh Imbalan, Motivasi dan Kepuasan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Kejaksaan Agung dan Kejaksaan Distrik Dili

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh imbalan, motivasi kerja, dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai. Penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di Kantor Kejaksaan Agung Timor-Leste dan Kejaksaan Distrik Dili, dengan menggunakan seluruh 90 pegawai sebagai responden penelitian. Pengujian hipotesis mengungkapkann bahwa imbalan berpengaruh secara positif dan signfiikan terhadap kinerja pegawai Kejaksaan Agung dan Kejaksaan Distrik Dili. Variabel Motivasi berpengaruh secara positif dan signfiikan terhadap kinerja pegawai Kejaksaan Agung dan Kejaksaan Distrik Dili. Variabel kepuasan Kerja berpenaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai Kejaksaan Agung dan Kejaksaan Distrik Dili

    Some boundary effects in quantum field theory

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    We have constructed a quantum field theory in a finite box, with periodic boundary conditions, using the hypothesis that particles living in a finite box are created and/or annihilated by the creation and/or annihilation operators, respectively, of a quantum harmonic oscillator on a circle. An expression for the effective coupling constant is obtained showing explicitly its dependence on the dimension of the box.Comment: 12 pages, Late

    Generalized quantum field theory: perturbative computation and perspectives

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    We analyze some consequences of two possible interpretations of the action of the ladder operators emerging from generalized Heisenberg algebras in the framework of the second quantized formalism. Within the first interpretation we construct a quantum field theory that creates at any space-time point particles described by a q-deformed Heisenberg algebra and we compute the propagator and a specific first order scattering process. Concerning the second one, we draw attention to the possibility of constructing this theory where each state of a generalized Heisenberg algebra is interpreted as a particle with different mass.Comment: 19 page

    Contribuição da pesquisa florestal para um ecossistema em extinção: floresta atlântica do Nordeste do Brasil.

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    Neste levantameno procurou-se inserir os aspectos naturais e sociais no processo historico do desenvolvimento da ocupacao dessa regiao, principalmente na faixa da Floresta Atlantica. Essa ocupacao desenfreada vem contribuindo para o desaparecimento da mata e trazendo tanto problemas ecologicos como sociais, uma vez que a degradacao das florestas interfere diretamente na qualidade de vida de homem.bitstream/item/54515/1/CPATC-DOCUMENTOS-21-CONTRIBUICAO-DA-PESQUISA-FLORESTAL-PARA-UM-ECOSSISTEMA-EM-EXTINCAO-FLORESTA-A.pd
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