102 research outputs found

    SjöÀngen Elementary School

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    Detta projekt har Ă€mnat att bevara de kvalitĂ©er som projektplatsen Henriksdalshamnen har, vilket bland annat Ă€r dess siktlinjer, nĂ€rheten till vatten och dess urbana karaktĂ€r. Platsens problem har varit den lĂ„ngsmala tomten och VĂ€rmdövĂ€gens buller. Vad betrĂ€ffar byggnaden som skola har grundvisionen varit ”en aha-upplevelse för alla” vilket innebĂ€r att alla lĂ€r in pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt och att det dĂ€rför mĂ„ste  finnas utrymme för olika inlĂ€rningsmetoder. SjöÀngsskolan har en form som sluter sig mot VĂ€rmdövĂ€gen och fungerar sĂ„ledes som ett bullerskydd för Henriksdalshamnen. I kontrast till detta öppnar sig byggnaden pĂ„ andra sidan för omrĂ„det. Byggnaden har placerats pĂ„ tomtens nordöstra hörn dels för att maximera som bullerskydd men Ă€ven för att göra skolan synlig frĂ„n sĂ„ mĂ„nga hĂ„ll som möjligt. Innanför vĂ€ggarna Ă€r rörelsen den mest centrala aspekten. Kommunikationen har placerats i fasad och kombineras med andra funktioner sĂ„ som matsal, bibliotek och kapprum. Mer slutna och uppstyrda funktioner sĂ„ som kontor, kök och basrum har placerats lĂ€ngre in i byggnaden. I klassrummet börjar alltid dagen med en samling pĂ„ mattan. LĂ€raren har ingen kateder utan sitter centralt i rummet vid genomgĂ„ngsbordet. Alla har en egen plats vid ett gruppbord, men den som vill arbeta enskilt kan bĂ„de göra det i klassrummet och i ett grupprum i hemvisten. För den som behöver extra stöd har biblioteket  rum för specialpedagogik.  Skolan Ă€r belĂ€gen i Hammarby Sjöstad, en stadsdel dĂ€r hĂ„llbarhet varit i fokus frĂ„n början. Att bygga en skola i massivtrĂ€ kĂ€nns sĂ„ledes som ett givet alternativ för denna plats. Byggnaden har ett bjĂ€lklag i KL-trĂ€ och vĂ€ggarna Ă€r en kombination av KL-trĂ€ och limtrĂ€balkar.The project has aimed to preserve the qualities that the project site Henriksdalshamnen has to offer, such as the views,  the nearby water and its urban character. The challenges have been the elongated site and the noises from VĂ€rmdövĂ€gen. As for the builidng, the vision has been to create an ”aha-experience for everyone” which means that everyone learns in different ways and therefore the a school has to offer different kinds of learning methods. SjöÀngen Elementary School has a shape that protects the playground and Henriksdalshamnen from the noise from VĂ€rmdövĂ€gen. Instead the school opens up for Henriksdalshamnen. It is located in the northeast part of the site to maximize its function as noise protection and also to make the building visible from as many views as possible. The ability to move flawlessly in the building has been important in this project. Therefore the movement has been placed in the front of the building and combined with other functions such as the library, the cafeteria and cloakrooms. Closed functions such as offices, classrooms and the kitchen have been placed in the back of the building.  In the classroom, the school day begins around the carpet. The teacher does not have a lectern but sits in the center of the classroom by the table of meetings. Every pupil has his own seat by a group table and the classroom also offer seats for individual work. There are also group rooms available close to the classrooms. If a pupil is in need of extra help, the library has rooms for special teaching.  The school is located in Hammarby Sjöstad, a district of Stockholm that has focused on sustainability since its beginning. To build a school in solid wood felt like a matter of course for this site. The building has a flooring of cross-laminated timber and the walls are a combination of  cross-laminated timber and cross-laminated beams.  

    Prediction of Wing Section Lift and Drag from Numerical Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations

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    A Navier-Stokes finite difference method is developed and applied to two-dimensional, incompressible, viscous flow around wing sections at medium to high Reynolds numbers. An important feature of such flows is laminar boundary layers with spatially amplified Tollmien-Schlichting waves initiating transition to turbulence. Often the transition takes place in a laminar separation bubble.<p /> The governing equations in strong conservative form are discretized with second order upwind differences for the convective terms and second order central differences for the other terms. A colocated grid is used and to supress chequerboard oscillations in the pressure, a special form of the Laplace operator is used.<p /> Two temporal integration schemes are tried, a four stage explicit Runge-Kutta formula, and a SIMPLER-like implicit formula. With the need to resolve the thin, laminar boundary layer in the present application, the explicit scheme turned out to be prohibitively computer-time consuming, even when using local time-stepping to accelerate convergence.<p /> Far-field boundary conditions derived from potential flow around a vortex, source and dipole with the same lift, drag and thickness as the actual wing section are tried but in their present form gives no consitent improvement.<p /> Transition is predicted with the e<sup>n</sup>-method. The Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model is used with an empirical formula to model transition.<p /> Three wing sections are studied, NACA 0013, NACA (66<sub>3</sub>-018) and FX 67-K-170/17, at Reynolds numbers around 3*10<sup>6</sup>. The lift coefficients are close to experimental values up to moderate angles of attack except for the NACA (66<sub>3</sub>-018) which has a jog in the lift curve slope. This is due to a turbulent separation bubble that is underprediced by the computations. A maximum lift is predicted, but with varying success regarding its value and at what angle of attack it occurs. The drag coefficient is rather close to experimental values up to moderate angles of attack. The low-drag region of the laminar wing sections is accurately predicted. Transition location is accurately predicted but the transitional bubbles are too small or nonexistent

    The Dream Factory

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    Filmstaden i RĂ„sunda var en av Sveriges största filmstudioanlĂ€ggningar pĂ„ 1900-talet. Denna filmfabrik producerade över 400 filmer och TV-serier under sin livstid och banade vĂ€g för filmstjĂ€rnor och regissörer sĂ„ som Greta Garbo och Ingmar Bergman. Majoriteten av byggnaderna revs Ă„r 1999 för att ge plats Ă„t bostĂ€der. Åtta byggnader bevarades och tilldelades nya funktioner. Detta examensarbete har undersökt spĂ„ren av av Gamla filmstaden samt undersökt möjligheterna till att Ă„terföra filmproduktion till en plats som tilldelats en ny kontext. Examensarbetet resulterade i ett filmcenter, Drömfabriken. Drömfabriken Ă€r inspirerad av sin historiska omgivning och den nya byggnaden Ă€r integrerad i en av de bevarade byggnaderna, ett gammalt filmförrĂ„d vid namn Kasematt. Detta tillĂ€gg till Filmstaden kommer fungera som ett högkvarter för filmskapande i Stockholm och förhoppningsvis uppmuntra filmskapare att producera mer film i regionen. Filmstaden RĂ„sunda was one of Sweden’s most prominent film studios in the 20th century. This film factory produced over 400 films and TV series during its lifetime and paved the way for film stars and directors such as Greta Garbo and Ingmar Bergman. A majority of the buildings in Filmstaden were demolished in 1999 and replaced with housing. Eight buildings were preserved and given new functions. This thesis project has investigated the traces of Filmstaden as well as the possibilities to bring back film making to an area who’s context has been completely changed. The project resulted in a Film center, The Dream Factory. The Dream Factory is inspired by its heritage and the new building is integrated with one of the preserved buildings, an old shed called Kasematt. This addition to Filmstaden will function as a headquarter for film making in Stockholm and hopefully encourage film makers to produce more films in the region

    FrÄn boksidor till bildrutor : En adaptionsstudie av narratologiska förÀndringar i Octavia E. Butlers roman Tidens lÀnkar

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    The study examines how narrative aspects change when a story is adapted from one medium to another, focusing on Octavia E. Butler's novel "Kindred" and the graphic novel "Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation" by Damian Duffy and John Jennings. The analysis compares these works based on four aspects: plot, time, narrator, and theme. The results show both similarities and differences between the novel and the graphic novel. While most of the central events in the plot were retained during the adaptation, there are significant differences in the handling of time and narrator, likely due to the requirements of the new medium. The theme shows similar patterns, where differences can be attributed to both the medium and the storyline. Furthermore, the study discusses how these adaptations can be used in education. By analyzing both the novel and the graphic novel, teachers can help students understand how different media-specific narrative elements are used to convey the same story in different ways. This can also contribute to including visual literacy in education, which is important for students' reading skills in today's media landscape

    Conformal mapping potential flow around a wingsection used as a test case for the inviscid part of RANS solvers

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    The Theodorsen-Garrick conformal mapping is used to make a grid around a wing section and to compute the potential flow around it. The potential flow is a solution to the incompressible Euler equations and can be used to verify the inviscid part of RANS codes

    SjöÀngen Elementary School

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    Detta projekt har Ă€mnat att bevara de kvalitĂ©er som projektplatsen Henriksdalshamnen har, vilket bland annat Ă€r dess siktlinjer, nĂ€rheten till vatten och dess urbana karaktĂ€r. Platsens problem har varit den lĂ„ngsmala tomten och VĂ€rmdövĂ€gens buller. Vad betrĂ€ffar byggnaden som skola har grundvisionen varit ”en aha-upplevelse för alla” vilket innebĂ€r att alla lĂ€r in pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt och att det dĂ€rför mĂ„ste  finnas utrymme för olika inlĂ€rningsmetoder. SjöÀngsskolan har en form som sluter sig mot VĂ€rmdövĂ€gen och fungerar sĂ„ledes som ett bullerskydd för Henriksdalshamnen. I kontrast till detta öppnar sig byggnaden pĂ„ andra sidan för omrĂ„det. Byggnaden har placerats pĂ„ tomtens nordöstra hörn dels för att maximera som bullerskydd men Ă€ven för att göra skolan synlig frĂ„n sĂ„ mĂ„nga hĂ„ll som möjligt. Innanför vĂ€ggarna Ă€r rörelsen den mest centrala aspekten. Kommunikationen har placerats i fasad och kombineras med andra funktioner sĂ„ som matsal, bibliotek och kapprum. Mer slutna och uppstyrda funktioner sĂ„ som kontor, kök och basrum har placerats lĂ€ngre in i byggnaden. I klassrummet börjar alltid dagen med en samling pĂ„ mattan. LĂ€raren har ingen kateder utan sitter centralt i rummet vid genomgĂ„ngsbordet. Alla har en egen plats vid ett gruppbord, men den som vill arbeta enskilt kan bĂ„de göra det i klassrummet och i ett grupprum i hemvisten. För den som behöver extra stöd har biblioteket  rum för specialpedagogik.  Skolan Ă€r belĂ€gen i Hammarby Sjöstad, en stadsdel dĂ€r hĂ„llbarhet varit i fokus frĂ„n början. Att bygga en skola i massivtrĂ€ kĂ€nns sĂ„ledes som ett givet alternativ för denna plats. Byggnaden har ett bjĂ€lklag i KL-trĂ€ och vĂ€ggarna Ă€r en kombination av KL-trĂ€ och limtrĂ€balkar.The project has aimed to preserve the qualities that the project site Henriksdalshamnen has to offer, such as the views,  the nearby water and its urban character. The challenges have been the elongated site and the noises from VĂ€rmdövĂ€gen. As for the builidng, the vision has been to create an ”aha-experience for everyone” which means that everyone learns in different ways and therefore the a school has to offer different kinds of learning methods. SjöÀngen Elementary School has a shape that protects the playground and Henriksdalshamnen from the noise from VĂ€rmdövĂ€gen. Instead the school opens up for Henriksdalshamnen. It is located in the northeast part of the site to maximize its function as noise protection and also to make the building visible from as many views as possible. The ability to move flawlessly in the building has been important in this project. Therefore the movement has been placed in the front of the building and combined with other functions such as the library, the cafeteria and cloakrooms. Closed functions such as offices, classrooms and the kitchen have been placed in the back of the building.  In the classroom, the school day begins around the carpet. The teacher does not have a lectern but sits in the center of the classroom by the table of meetings. Every pupil has his own seat by a group table and the classroom also offer seats for individual work. There are also group rooms available close to the classrooms. If a pupil is in need of extra help, the library has rooms for special teaching.  The school is located in Hammarby Sjöstad, a district of Stockholm that has focused on sustainability since its beginning. To build a school in solid wood felt like a matter of course for this site. The building has a flooring of cross-laminated timber and the walls are a combination of  cross-laminated timber and cross-laminated beams.  

    Laïcité : En persons frihet stannar dÀr de andras frihet börjar

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    Sammanfattning/Abstract I ett demokratiskt samhÀlle Àr yttrandefrihet samt rÀtten att utöva den religion som man tillhör tvÄ viktiga förutsÀttningar. I Frankrike har det uppstÄtt flera debatter gÀllande yttrandefriheten och religionens förhÄllande till varandra. I denna uppsats har jag valt att undersöka hur franska journalister ser pÄ detta förhÄllande. I studien deltog sex yrkessamma journalister; tvÄ kvinnor och fyra mÀn. TvÄ av mÀnnen arbetar som karikatyrtecknare pÄ den kontroversiella satirtidningen Charlie Hebdo. Resterande intervjupersoner arbetar, eller har arbetat, pÄ vÀlkÀnda franska nyhetstidningar; Le Monde, LŽExpress och Le Parisien. Jag genomförde kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer utifrÄn följande huvudteman: Yttrandefrihet och religion, Muhammedkarikatyrer, Islam i Frankrike och laïcité (sekularisering). Jag har haft ett fenomenologiskt förhÄllningssÀtt till min intervjumetod och analys av transkriberingarna. Jag analyserade mina resultat utifrÄn medieetik, i synnerhet Anthony Giddens Struktureringsteori. Jag jÀmförde Àven mina resultat med tidigare forskning kring Àmnet och kom fram till att de Àr i linje med Risto Kunelius, Elisabeth Eide, Oliver Hahn och Roland Schroeders internationella analys av kontroversen kring Jyllands-Postens Muhammedkarikatyrer frÄn Är 2005. Majoriteten av mina informanter anser att yttrandefriheten bör prioriteras och Àr ett pris som man mÄste betala för ett fungerande demokratiskt samhÀlle. De anser Àven att man bör, ur ett etiskt perspektiv, anvÀnda sitt sunda förnuft och sin intelligens, för att inte göra nÄgon annan upprörd i onödan.

    Production flow improvements : a simulation study of the Frame factory at Volvo Trucks

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    In Tuve outside of Gothenburg one of Volvo Trucks’ factories for final assembly is located. In the same plant the Frame factory is located, manufacturing frame sides for the Tuve assembly lines, as well as other foreign plants. Companies in the heavy trucks market have been operating in high capacity utilization for several years and the Frame factory at the Tuve plant is no exception. Customer demand is exceeding current production rate at the Tuve Frame factory and volume increases have been incremental since last major reconstruction in 2005. Shifting bottlenecks are a major issue at the Frame factory and an investigation of the production line and the planning process is requested to detect possibilities for capacity increases without major investments in new machines. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate Volvo Trucks’ frame side production line and give recommendations for controlling order releases and increasing line capacity. The goals are to define the current state of the production line and its’ constraints, develop an order release method, and to build a simulation model for testing of order release methods and examining constraint behavior. The authors examined the production line with first hand observations of the process flow and work methods. Logging statistics, process documents, time studies and interviews with personnel at the Frame factory were used as input for the empirical description, constraint analysis and simulation testing. A tool for analysis and experiments was discrete event process simulation in AutoModℱ. The current state of the Frame factory is a high volume general flow shop with small buffer stocks and closely arranged resources similar to lines described under the Just-in-time ideology. Highest utilization is found in two early stations for punching and plasma cutting. The Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is close to 60 percent in both stations which show high levels of down time and speed losses. Product types with varying operating times in Capacity Constraint Resources (CCR) create shifting bottlenecks unless scheduling of order releases is leveled. Since buffers are small in the Frame factory, unleveled scheduling will risk starving or blocking CCRs which reduces throughput. Recommendations are to focus on the punching machines and the plasma cutter as bottlenecks. According to Theory of Constraints, concentrating on other resources will not increase throughput but could reduce lead time and WIP. A short setup time in the Rollformer is critical to avoid starving the punching machines. Keeping the Punching buffer stocks filled before the setup begins allows setup time variations without decreasing throughput. The largest contributor to differences in lead time, WIP and throughput is high variations in availability in CCRs. The current manual logging of machine losses cannot account for all losses at current rate and recommendations are to install automatic logging in CCRs. The product mix should be monitored to maintain a leveled workload in resources to avoid the shifting bottleneck phenomenon. Releasing orders with consideration of short term loading in CCRs gives small increases in throughput of the production line.Validerat; 20101217 (root

    Glider's Plywood House

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    Gröna obligationer

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    The Green Bond market in Sweden is still relatively new and the first companies to issue these new financial products in Sweden were companies on the real estate market. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the characteristic that makes a Green Bond different to other Bonds and to understand why this product is of interest to investors and issuers. Furthermore we try to estimate the future for this financial product. This descriptive study on Green Bonds at the real estate market derives from economic theories on capital structure, Greenwashing, CSR, environmental certification of buildings and interviews with prominent individuals within this field. We have limited our field of study to Swedish real estate companies that have issued Green Bonds to answer the research questions. A Green Bond does not different from an ordinary Bond, so what makes this product unique is the framework that states that the money should be invested in projects that lowers climate impact. The Swedish real estate companies who have issued Green Bonds recognized a great demand for their products. One reason behind this great demand among investors is that they don’t need to give up yield on their investment and at the same time receive positive reactions from the society when investing in these products. To avoid the risks of Greeenwashing the invested money must be traceable to projects within the framework. The Norwegian research institute CICERO plays an important role in assuring that the framework made for the Green Bods clearly states which projects the money are allowed to be spent on.Marknaden för gröna obligationer i Sverige Ă€r fortfarande relativt ny och de företag som har varit i framkant med att emittera gröna obligationer Ă€r företag pĂ„ den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Syftet med vĂ„r uppsats Ă€r att ta reda pĂ„ hur en grön obligation skiljer sig frĂ„n en vanlig obligation, vilka aktörer som har intresserat sig för produkten och hur framtidsutsikterna för denna finansiella produkt ser ut. UtifrĂ„n teorier som beskriver företags kapitalstruktur, Greenwashing, CSR, miljöcertifiering av byggnader och med stöd frĂ„n de tolv intervjuer som genomförts har vi genomfört en deskriptiv studie av marknaden för gröna obligationer, med avgrĂ€nsning mot fastighetsbolag som emitterat denna produkt för att fĂ„ svar pĂ„ vĂ„rt syfte- och frĂ„gestĂ€llning. En grön obligations finansiella aspekt Ă€r direkt kopierad frĂ„n en vanlig obligation, det som skiljer dem Ă„t Ă€r att ett ramverk reglerar vilka projekt likviden fĂ„r gĂ„ till. De svenska fastighetsbolagen som emitterat gröna obligationer har mött en hög efterfrĂ„gan pĂ„ produkten och har inte haft problem med att fĂ„ in kapital för att miljöcertifiera sina fastigheter. En orsak till det stora intresset för produkten Ă€r att investerare inte behöver göra avkall pĂ„ avkastningen pĂ„ investeringen, samtidigt som bĂ„de emittenter och investerare hamnar i ett positivt sammanhang nĂ€r produkten emitteras. För att inte riskera att konceptet urvattnas och att likviden inte gĂ„r till projekt som bidrar till en sĂ€nkt klimatpĂ„verkan stĂ€lls höga krav pĂ„ de inblandade parterna. DĂ€rför spelar det norska forskningsinstitutet CICERO en viktig roll vars uppgift Ă€r att granska det ramverk som reglerar vilka projekt likviden fĂ„r gĂ„ till
