454 research outputs found
On the endogeneity of exchange rate regimes
The literature has identified at least five approaches to the determinants of the choice of exchange rate regimes: i) optimal currency area theory; ii) exchange rate policy and the absortion of real and nominal shocks; iii) exchange rate rules as a policy crutch in credibility-challenged economies; iv) the impossible trinity in light of increasing financial globalization; and v) the balance sheet exposure to exchange rate changes in financially dollarized economies. Using both a de facto and a de jure regime classification, we test the empirical relevance of these approaches simultaneously. We find overall empirical support for all of them, although their relative relevance varies substantially between industrial and non-industrial economies. We show that regime choices, as well as deviations between actual and reported policies, can be accurately predicted by a small number of economic and political characteristics of each country. When regimes are correctly characterized, they display no time trend, suggesting that the trends typically highlighted in the exchange rate regime debate can be traced back to the evolution of their natural determinants.Para cualquier uso del contenido del presente documento debe ponerse en contacto con el autor
Reciclagem primária de resíduos de resina epoxi em encapsulamento de capacitores de filme
Atualmente, a reciclagem de polímeros termofixos tem sido um grande desafio para cientistas no mundo inteiro, devido as inúmeras ligações cruzadas e a impossibilidade de reprocessamento destes materiais. Neste estudo avaliouse a aplicação de resíduo de resina epóxi para complementar o encapsulamento de capacitor de filme. O resíduo proveniente do processo de encapsulamento na fábrica foi cominuído e segregado em três diferentes granulometrias: abaixo de 1 milímetro (Amostra A), entre 1 e 2 milímetros (Amostra B), acima de 2 milímetros (Amostra C) e sem adição de resíduo (Branco), após a cura das amostras de resina epóxi sem e com a carga foram caracterizadas. O desempenho das amostras, de resíduo no capacitor, foi verificado pelo ensaio de confiabilidade de capacitores de filme, em que são avaliados perante aplicação de umidade com tensão, ciclos térmicos e tensão acima do nominal. As amostras foram avaliadas por análise visual (aparecimento de bolhas ou corpos estranhos) e variação de capacitância. Todas as amostras apresentaram desempenho similar na capacitância, porém as Amostra A e amostra Branco não apresentaram incidência de bolhas e corpos estranhos em sua superfície. Portanto, conclui-se que a granulometria ótima do resíduo incorporada na resina epóxi que apresentou melhor desempenho nas propriedades testadas foi a menor de 1 mm
Tanggalwi suda: -
Sumberdayamanusia (SDM)merupakanpekerja industri yangtidak lepasdarimasalahkesehatan
dan keselamatan kerja. Karena pekerja atau Pek erja tidak dapat dipisahkan dari alat dan mesin
produksi dimana faktor-faktor tersebut mempengaruhi proses dan hasil produksi. Hal ini
menyebabkan pekerja tidak memisahkan diri dari risiko kecelakaan kerja. Keselamatan dan
kesehatan kerja adalah suatu bentuk pekerjaan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan dan
memelihara kesehatan fisik, mental, dan sosial yang setinggi -tingginya dalam segala bentuk
pekerjaan. CV. Seminai merupakan salah s atu perusahaan yang kurang memperhatikan
keselamatan Pekerjanya.Sehinggabanyak menyebabkankecelakaanpadasaatkerja.Terdapattiga
kategori tingkat kecelakaan kerja yaitu, tingan, sedang, dan berat, selain itu belum adanya
penerapan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja pada pekerja di CV. Seminai. Selama ini pemilik
hanya memperhatikan keselamatan dan kesehatan pekerja hanyaberdasarkan anjuran yang selalu
diberikan kepada setiap pekerja di CV. Seminai. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini
adalah metode Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Determining control (HIRADC) dan
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat 7 resiko bahaya di CV.
Seminaipada pekerjaanpengetaman kayu, pemindahanbalokkayudanpemotongankayuterdapat
4resiko bahaya yang termasuk kategori medium risk dan high risk, kecelakaan kerja diakibatkan
Kata Kunci: Faul t Tree Analysis, Hazard Identification Risk Asse
Analisis Karakteristik Reksa Dana, Kinerja, dan Persistensi Kinerja Reksa Dana (Survei pada Reksa Dana Saham di Indonesa)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik reksa dana terhadap kinerja reksa dana dan persistensi kinerja dari reksa dana saham di Indonesia dari tahun 2013-2017. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Dalam penelitian ini, terdapat 54 reksa dana yang memenuhi kriteria sebagai sampel. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linear berganda dan Metode Dutta (2002).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa expense ratio memiliki pengaruh signifikan negatif dan fund flow memiliki pengaruh signifikan positif terhadap kinerja reksa dana. Di sisi lain, total net assets tidak pengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja reksa dana. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa terdapat fenomena persistensi dalam jangka pendek pada reksa dana saham di Indonesia, dengan fenomena icy hand lebih banyak ditemukan. Dapat disimpulkan expense ratio dan fund flow memiliki hubungan dengan fenomena persistensi kinerja reksa dana dalam jangka pendek di Indonesia.
Kata kunci: Karakteristik Reksa Dana, Kinerja Reksa Dana, dan Persistensi Kinerja Reksa Dan
The Quality of e-Village Budgeting Service : An Empirical Research in Banyuwangi, Indonesia
Electronic Village Budgeting (e-VB) is an information system of village budgeting owned by Banyuwangi District. But at the beginning of the implementation of e-VB, there were several errors and constraints experienced by users so that an evaluation is needed to measure the extent of the quality of e-VB services. To measure the quality of e-VB service, this research used 33 attributes from 6 dimensions of e-GovQual; ease of use, trust, functionality of the interaction environment, reliability, content and performance of information, and citizen support. While the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method is used to map the services performance based on the level of user importance. Respondents in this research were 44 respondents spread across 22 villages in Kabat and Licin subDistricts. Based on the results of e-GovQual analysis was known that the quality of service performance is 3.16. This shows that the performance of the e-VB service is good according to the user's perception. However, based on the assessment of user importance of 3.45, it creates a gap value between performance and importance of -0.29, indicating that the quality of e-VB services is good, but has not fulfilled the user’s importance. Based on the results of the IPA quadrant analysis, it produces several attributes that need a special priority for improvement; providing informed consent, accessibility of site, and loading speed. The results of the research are expected to help the provider of e-VB to be able to provide services that are in accordance with the user’s importance
Guidelines for eBook design
In this paper we intended to propose guidelines for novice designers, i.e., without prior experience with eBook design. The first step was a systematic literature review, which resulted in 1052 guidelines, which were iteratively analysed until reduced to a smaller amount. After that, 15 practicing designers evaluated the utility of these guidelines, and excluded the ones they considered not useful (to novice designers). In an effort to embed expert knowledge, we asked doctoral students to propose guidelines, which went through the same process of analysis and peer evaluation, and were added to the previous set, which resulted in 38 unique design guidelines. Finally, three doctoral students who also are practicing designers with experience in eBook design, commented each guideline and defined the final set. The result is a set of 13 guidelines.Neste artigo pretendemos propor diretrizes para designers iniciantes, ou seja, sem experiência anterior com o design de e-books. O primeiro passo foi uma revisão sistemática da literatura, que resultou em 1052 diretrizes, que foram analisadas iterativamente até serem reduzidas para uma quantidade menor. Depois disso, 15 designers experientes avaliaram a utilidade dessas diretrizes e excluíram as que consideraram não úteis (para designers iniciantes). Em um esforço para incorporar conhecimento especializado, pedimos a estudantes de doutorado para proporem diretrizes, que passaram pelo mesmo processo de análise e avaliação por pares, e foram adicionadas ao conjunto anterior, o que resultou em 38 diretrizes. Finalmente, três estudantes de doutorado que também são designers com experiência em design de eBooks, comentaram cada diretriz e definiram o conjunto final. O resultado é um conjunto de 13 diretrizes
A construção da imagem de marcas pessoais no Instagram: um estudo de caso sobre a cantora Iza
Esta pesquisa incide num estudo sobre a participação da rede social digital Instagram na construção de marcas pessoais. Dentro dessa temática, o foco da pesquisa foi o perfil do Instagram da cantora Iza. O objetivo principal do trabalho foi compreender de que forma a plataforma é utilizada para a edificação da sua marca pessoal. Para tal, considerou-se importante compreender a estratégia de posicionamento da marca Iza na construção da sua imagem no Instagram, bem como conferir junto ao seu público a percepção dessa imagem. Considerando o contexto da pesquisa, aspectos teóricos sobre personal branding, branding e marcas foram aprofundados. Também, para atingir o objetivo da pesquisa, uma abordagem empírica foi realizada através de uma metodologia exploratória. Em suma, como resultado foi identificada elevada importância da plataforma digital Instagram na construção da marca pessoal, o que é potencializado com o uso adequado de narrativas consistentes e coesas para a carreira da figura pública em questão.This research focuses on a study on the participation of the digital social network Instagram in the construction of personal brands. Within this theme, the focus of the research was the Instagram profile of the singer Iza. The main objective of the work was to understand how the platform is used to build your personal brand. To this end, it was considered important to understand the positioning strategy of the Iza brand in the construction of its image on Instagram, as well as to confer with its audience the perception of this image. Considering the context of the research, theoretical aspects about personal branding, branding and brands were deepened. Also, to achieve the objective of the research, an empirical approach was carried out through an exploratory methodology. In short, as a result, the high importance of the digital platform Instagram was identified in the construction of the personal brand, which is enhanced with the proper use of consistent and cohesive narratives for the career of the public figure in question
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